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<br /> conckmnalon or oiher lakla�oPiuty patt of 1he Pruperiy.or for coevey�nce In lieu oie ian,w+e hereby�ui�ned�nd
<br /> �ludl be p�id to I..endcr.
<br /> In Iho eveot of�taul W�ing of the Property, the proceods ahdl be applied to Ihe ruma iecurod by Ihis Secu�ty
<br /> Instrument,whether or nd than due.with pny exccss paid to Barrower. In thc event oi p prAi�l lakin�of tho Property in
<br /> which tho fair market vnluc ot'tha Propcny immediutely beforo thc taking is oqunl to or grcater ttwn tho amount of the sum9
<br /> securcd by thig Secu�iry Inruument lmmediutaly bcfore the tuking,unless Bormwer wid l.ender whenvise agree in writing,
<br /> i �he sum�Rocurcd by Ihis Socud�y In9uument shull be reduced by the amount oi the proceedx multiplicd by the fallawing
<br /> froction: (a)thc total am�wnt of�he sums securcd immedintely before the twking,divided by(b)the fair madcet valuc of tha
<br /> � P�Ay imn�ediet�ly 6ePore tha wking. Any bulw�u: Lholl be puid to Barrower. ln the cvent of a panial taking of the
<br /> � PropeAy in which�ha fujr muhet vuluo of the Propeny immediately before Ihe taking ia less�hnn the amount af the sums
<br /> I icecurcd immedia�ely beforc the taking, unless Borrower and Lender aherwlxe ugrcc in wriling o� unle.c.c upplicable law
<br /> ahanvi+se pravides.thn proceeda shall be wpplfed to�he sumx secured by thia Secu�iey Inwn�ment whether or not the�ums w�a
<br /> then due.
<br /> If the P�+openy is ubvdoned by Borrower,or if,afler natice by Lender to eorrower�hat the candemna�offen�ta malce
<br /> an award or settk u cluim for damages,Borrower fs�il�to respond to Lender whhin 30 daya ufier the dute the notice Is gfven,
<br /> Lender ia authorized to collect and upply the pr+ucc�dx,nt itn optlon.either to restamtion or repair af�he PrapeRy or ta the
<br /> xumx necured by this SccurNy In.gtnunent,whether or not then due.
<br /> Unles.e Lender wid Barower aherwir;e agrce in wriling,uny application of praceeds ta principul shall nat extend or
<br /> por�tpune�he due date of the monthly puyments refertrd to in purogmphs I ond 2 ar change the amaunt af huch payments.
<br /> I1. Borrowe� Not Rele�sed; Forbeamnce By Lender Not p WAiver. Extenxion of the time for pnyment or
<br /> `,•'° madiflcation of omohization of ihe sumg xecurod by thia Security Insuument grnnted by Lender ta any succecwr In inte�st
<br /> �� af Barower sholl nw opemtc lo releose Ihe liubilicy of Ihe ariginul Borrower or Borrower's successors in interesl, Lender
<br /> _ :��'���;�`S''"'? :.- shall not be rcyuired �a camrnence praceedingx uguins� any suceexwr in interes� or refuse �o ex�end�ime for puyment or
<br /> • �:-�s�ss•.•�:. .v:� � othenvltse modify umaAizwion af the sums securcd by this Secu�iry Insuument hy rcur�on af'uny demund made by the origfnal �'•.
<br /> ����; t��.r;;".•t' � Barrower or Borrnwerk xuccea�orx in interest. Any for6earunc�by Lender in exercicing ony dght ar reme�y sha{I nat be a
<br /> ",�4�':••. ��'� ' wuiver of ar preclude!he eRercisc of+u�y right or mmedy.
<br /> r»�:;,�..-�.-.. .. 12. Successors and Assigns&�und;Joiot and Several l.iAbUUyt�o-xigners. The ravensmis und pgreements af this
<br /> t: < t-s_.:�,,
<br /> :�• '�'� .�a�:�,a►.;.!.:'�1 Securiry Instrument yhalt Nnd und benefit�he succesxors und astiigns af Le�der and BcHmwer, subjec�ta the provisions of
<br /> • " pnragraph 17.Batn�wer's covenunl+und ugreements shall be joint and xvcrul. Any Borruwer wha co-sicns this Securi�y �
<br /> ,;^,:�.�t'.:':,::;� ;'= � Insuument hu�doe�nw execute the Nate: lul i+co-signing this Seruri�y Instnimen�anly�o mongage,grant und cvnvey thut � ':,,
<br /> �;' �`'"� Borrower's intereel in the Pmpeny under�hr�rrn��of�his Security Intiwmcnr, (h�i.ncit pcnonolly ahliguted to p�y the�ums ?-2���
<br /> ',�,,..�,..,.:�,.. � -. , '
<br /> ':,, � "`','. '. ' securcd by this Security lnstrumem;and(rl ugrer.thul Lender und uny��thrr Bomnwer may agrce to extend,madify,forl�enr
<br /> f- '�,+'"c'.' � or muke any uccommal�llons wi�h regurd ro dx tertn�of this Security Imtniment or the Nrne withaut that Bomnwer's
<br /> .. ..:;..:. _... conhent. •
<br /> ':.r;�;;, .•; •
<br /> 13. I.oan Chorg�. If �I� loan serund by thir Scwuriiy Imtrumrnt i+ subject to u Inw w•hich seti�muximum IaAn .�...
<br /> '."M'` ' chnr�es.und lhat!u�':s tsna!!y interp►ete�!��,lhnt�Ix�ntQre.��N n�her I�mn ch:ugec col lec�ed or to be rollected in canneclian,.
<br /> ' •;..,���_ , � wi�h th�loun exceeJ the pem�iaed limit.,lhen: lul un�•surh Icun churgc+hull l�r reduced hy the umnunt nec�..arv ro niduce
<br /> � , . , •' the churge to the�xnnittcd limir,uiui Ibl any.um.ulRUdy ci�IlecteJ trom Bom►wer which exceeded prrmitled limits wlll he
<br /> ' '"';' �� � refunded to Borrower. L�nder muy choo,r to make thi.n�funJ by rcducing the principul awed under the Nato or by making a
<br /> � �'•.'' ' ' � . . � ' dirccl payment to Bnrmwcr. If u n�tund r�ducr+priixipal,thc nrdurtion will hc In:•rtecl a+u purtiul pn�puymrnt.withoul any
<br /> � , ' � ' , prepuymem churg�unJc��h�Nmc.
<br /> ' 14. Notkes. Any nMicc lu Bomiwcr proviJeJ t��r in Ihi� Securily Imtrum�nt .hull tx givcn hy deli�•�:ring it ar by •�
<br /> �' •° mailin u b fin�clu,�mail unlc�ti u h�.�hle I:w�rr u�n.u.c oi'uno�l�er meth�xl.'Rie nuti�r+hall he dir��c�e.d tu the Propeny `�`
<br /> f • Addres or un��other addn+x Borrorcr Je.ignulr.b�• rnHirc Io Lender. Any nutice tu Lendrr shall he�i��en b�• fint cluss
<br /> "' • muil to Lend�r's uddrr++.t�xed h�rrin i►r uny uihrr aJJm�.LrnJrr de.ignute.b�•n���ic� �o Burn�w•.:c Any naice providrd for
<br /> , � �:' '!"'^" in this Security In.trum�nl�hall hc J�timrd to huvc heen givcn w Born►wer or Lemlcr when.given�uc provided in Ihix
<br /> '. r, � . . paragruph.
<br /> ; • 15. Governin� La�;SeserubHilp. Thi. Srcuri[y In.trumcnt +I�all he guvem4J by fi.�Jer+d lu��• unci th�: la�v of�he
<br /> •�. , ' jurisdiction in whirh �he Pr�c:ny i.l�xated. In thc rvent�h:�t uny pru�•i.i�m ur rlau,e of�hi, Serurilp Inrtn�ment or Ihe Notc
<br /> .� canflict�with applicahM I:ix•. �u�•h canllict�hall ni,t afPcrl othcr p�uri�iom ul'Ihi.Scrurily In,�n�mcm i�r ihe N�NC which can
<br /> �,:i% '.,�' - ,,.� '`� bc Rivcn rfPe�r withoul thc r•mllicting pco�•i.ion. Tii thi.rnd thr r�o�•i,iim.ut�thi� Scrurily Inrtmnxm und thc N�te ure
<br /> ;'%;:' . . , ' declared lo tx:,evrruhlc
<br /> :r,.,.,
<br /> �.._ 16. Borruwer's Copc B��rroN•cr.h:dl Ix gi�•cti�attk r��lltnnfled ror)ul�Uk���le+and��l'ihi�S►�:uri�y In.trumem.
<br /> =:•,�, --�;;}::r�: :. • 17. 71�ansfcr of tbc Propert}�ur a Ncneficial lntcrtxt in Borro�scr. If a!I ar uny p:�n of 1hr Pro�xny��r am•intcnrt in ;�
<br /> .,i,; ,•.�•. ' . , :�� it i� sold�x IrrmfcrrcJ lor it' u h�neticial imcrr.t in Tiurn►��rr i,,uld ur irun.trrrrJ un�l Nurn►��•�r i�nut u nuturul�ruml . ••�'
<br /> ��.;:�.,.;: , . , . ,�..,t,.:.
<br /> . i,,,.'y, • ;.'� w1ltx�ul Lentl�r;pri��r w•ritten cnmcnt.1_r�tci.s may.u� i�.arliun.r�yuirr imni�Jia�c��a�roent in full ol'all �um.,ccur�J by
<br /> .�r;:�,.."�F . ... ' �;� lhiti Securily� In.lrumrm, Fk�v►ever.Ihi+<�ption.hall n��t he excrri.eJ i►�• l.ender if crcrci�c i�prohibitc�i b�•federal luw ux of
<br /> ,•;��;:,, � . �,• ., ,,.'`,ti,• the date of Ihiti S��urily hian�nK��l.
<br /> �,;�F" . ,�,,r� . If LcnJcrcxcrcixcs thi�up�i„n.Lcnder sh�11�Fi«:Hurruv�cr natic�ul'urcrlerati�x�. 11�c mNicc�hall pro�idr a�xri�xl of
<br /> not Icss Ihan�U duyx fmm�h� dato dk n�,�i�v i.defi��n�A rn maileJ wiihin��hi�•h N�,rn���er mu.t�,a�•all,um.,rrur�d hy Ihi� .',.,�
<br /> ;,'.,Sti��: � ' °.
<br /> ,�.^.�,, . , Securiry In.trumem. If Burr�HLr 1'uil� tu pay Ilk.c ,um. prii,r ta th� cxpirnti�m uf �hi. �xriixi.Lrnder muy invuke uny
<br /> � '' ' ' rcmedie,pcnniuccl by ihi,Securit��IminmMtnt��ith�wt i'unikrnatice��rdcmund un Hurrw�rr.
<br /> ���,:;`.�• ' ' , � IS. Burrower'K RiRhl to Reinctnte. If Rurcu��er mcr�. rcn:iin r�mdi�ion,. F3urnx�rr.hall h;rvc thr right tu havr �
<br /> ' �, enl'orcement of thir Savriq•ln+tnimrm Ji.cuntinurd ut un� limr priur lo Ihr earlirr of` �al 5 Juy,��x.urh olhrr�xri�xl uti
<br /> {.!; � ' �+
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