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. ..... �,:. <br /> ._ fi�,l.�..��e <br /> ,, ., n <br /> . r.: _. ,s,i <br /> •r. ,3 <br /> . �� r . . <br /> � 193- 1oe�2 <br /> pedodx that Lender rsyuirca. Thc insurance carricr pmviding the insuranc�c ahdl be clwsen by Bortower rubjxt to�Gcnderk <br /> approval which rh�ll tat be unr�ASOnobly withhald. If Barower fdls w mAinWn covcra�c d�eRCribod�bove.lxndar mny.�t <br /> . Lenderl opliun.oMain coverago to protect l.a�der's d�hta In Umproperty in Acca�dr�rcc wlth p�r��raph 7. <br /> All incuranco policics end renewal�sha11 beaccept�blc to L.ender wd xhs�Q includc A�w�daM moN�a�o cl�u�o. Lcncic� <br /> sh�ll have the right to hold the palicies and renewala. If Lender iequircs.Bc►mawer shrll promptly give to Let�der�il roceipr <br /> of paid prcmiums and rcnewnl notices. In the event of toss,Borrower shall�ive prompt nalce to the inw�anco currkr wwl <br /> Leeder. 4ender may muke praof of losa iF od m�dc ptomptly by Bamower. <br /> Unkss Lendcr and Borrowcr othcrwice agrcc in wdNng,inrur+�nccprocecds shall be wppUed to reatorwtion�x repoir nf <br /> thc perty dumoged, if thc re.rtorntian or repulr is economirully fcasibtc nnd l.endcr's security is not Ics�cncd. If the <br /> rcsWra�t oi n or repair ie nw economicolly feasible or Lender'x securiry would be les�ened,tix insurmxs proccods shall bo <br /> � applied w the sums secured by this Securily Inslrumen�,whether or nd then due.with any excesx paid ta Bur►awer. If <br /> �." Btxrower Abandons tha Property,or does not answer within 30 days a twtice fmm L.ender Ihat ihe insurunce carrkr has <br /> offered to settle a cloim.lhen L.ender may collect tde inxurance pmceeds. Lender muy ace the procceds lo repair or rcstaro <br /> the Praperty or to puy aums secured by this Securiry Instrument.whether or not�hen due. The 3U-day period will begin when <br /> the notice is given. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrowcr otherwlse ugrce in wrning,Any application of pracccds to principal hhall not extend or <br /> pactpone the due date of the monihly payments referred�o in paragraphs I und 2 or change the amount of Ihe payments. If <br /> under peragraph 21 �he Propeny is ucyuired by Lender.Borrower+right to any lnsurunce policiea und praceedx rcsul�ing <br /> irom damage to the Propeny priar to the acquisition shall pusx�o Lender to the extent of Ihe sums secured by this Security <br /> In.wrument immedintely pdor to the ucyuixition. <br /> .s ��. 6. OccupAncy. PreservAtioa. MAintenaace and Proteclion of Ihe PropeMy; &wrower's I.oan Applicatbn; <br /> "�`.'"�;� ,j�;�jfs'v;��, I.easehoWa Borrow�er ahall occupy,extabli4h.aad uxe the Propeny us Bomnwer's principal residence wi�hin sixty duys aftar <br /> `" ` :��Z'�;�;� the execution of ihis Security lns�niment and shall cantinue to accupy the Property as Borrowerk principal reeidence for ot <br /> 74�jt�,', ��� least one year aftor the dAte of occupuncy, unless Lender otherwlse agr�s in wri�ing, which con�ent shall nw ba <br /> t?:«: �'�j;''�:, <br /> �.4�rF unreu.sanably withhald,or nnless extenuating cir�cumsumces exist which one beyand Bomower�control. Bomower shall not <br /> �,�. •;-.;,�,. y:;� ,Q destroy,dr�muge or impair the PropeRy,allow Ihe Property lo dcleriorute,or commil wax�e cxi the Propeny. Bormwcr+hall <br /> ti�:�::+:� ,i:.�a�;y;;;�, be in default if uny forfeilure uclion or pracecding,whether civil or criminul, ig 6egun tbat in LenderK good fuith judgmenl <br /> , +�"���`��;'�'���)�` could result in forFeiture of�he Pr rn; or ahenvise muteriull im uir the lien creuted b �his Serurit Instrumant or <br /> ;��"�..L'';,r".. � Y P Y Y <br /> ^ ..3_; ,� Lenderk security lnterest. Borrower mAV eure such a delaul�and reinstutc,us provided in par�grnph IR,by cuusing�bs aatian <br /> ;f,h�+�'`�;c�',. or pruceeding to be dismissed wi�h u rulins�ha�.in l.enderk��x�d fuith detennination,prccludes fort'eitun:of thd Bomoweris <br /> - • . < ' inlerest in the Propeny or othar mn�erial impnirnicm of thc lian c�tuted by this Securiry Ins�rument or I.endark securiry <br /> ti� ��='�'''��� t`-� � . interest. Borrower shull ul.u► be in d�fuul� if Borrower, Juring the luun applica�ion p�ocex�, gnve materiully fulive or <br /> a� ,,;�"��' • �� "�'� inaccurnte informution or s�utememr:ta Lcnder(o�fuiled lo providc l.�nder with ony muteriul infortnution)in connnction with, <br /> ,,, . ,��,r.m,.I, the loan evidenced by the Note, including, but nrn IimileJ lu, rcpresentutionc canceming Bam�werx accupanGy oE dw <br /> ��fi:,.��'"'"�'-•'-`�'"` Proparty ax u principul�eaidcnce. If�hiti Securiiy Inxtrument is on u leus.�:hold,Barmwer.hall comply with ull Iha pruvisiany <br /> _ • �'�'�' " � �-�'� of Ihe If BormK�er acqufrrx fee title Io the Propcqy,the IeusehnlJ Und the fee tiile`hull nrn•merge unl�.K Lender pgnse�, <br /> „. �.'• � � ,. • to Ihe merger in writing. <br /> � • ' 7. ProtecUnn of I,ender's ltights in the Properly. If &►m�wer i'ail. to pert'ortn che rovenunlr+ und agniemanrt+ <br /> ' '.. •�`.,. •:;;, contuineJ in this Securi�y Instrumrnt, or then i• a Iegul pnxerding �ha� mny xignilicantly aflect Lenderx ri�htH in.the <br /> . .. . •< '��, Pn►perty(such as u proceeding in bunkruptcy.probute,for condemoation nr Wcfeitu►e nr ta enfnnre lua��ur rogulutinnr:l,then• <br /> ��.. � �" � l.ender mu do und u for whulevrr i�necexsa to rotect the v��ue oi'the Pro rt and Lendcr's ri hIN in d�e Pro n <br /> '.r�.. '..,. . Y p Y *Y P !►� Y 8 pe Y• <br /> ,' �� ; • " ln;nder+uctiun�moy include puying uny zumx krured bp u lien whi�h hus prioriry over thi�.Securily lnrttument.�ppea�inp <br /> • . P �.,•� in coun,puying rcasonuhle uuunky.'fec.a�xl en�ering on Ihc Propcny to muke n:puirr;. AUltough�Lender muy tuke nction <br /> , ,. ., ' � �• �:• under this p•rr.�grrph 7.Lendcr d�xs not huvr�o do.o. <br /> ' .. • Any amnuntx ditibuncd by l.cnJe�undcr this purugr�ph 7 ,hnll IxYOme addi�ianul daM of�Borrower secured by thi. <br /> •,� �,.,,:��,:� =.:•.�•:� Security Ins�rumen�. Unle�x B��rruwcr und L.rndrr ugr��o o�hcr trnn�uf paymeM,thesc umounta�hull Inur intcnn.t fram thc <br /> �� '�.1;."*: � �"• dute of dititwnemem ut the Nute rutr unJ +hall he puyaMc,wilh inlrrt��t,ups.n no�i�ti 1'rom Lender�n Burrower reyuc�ting g <br /> �� ; : .. � pnyment. <br /> 8. MorlRu�e losurance. II'Lender rryuired morlgagc in+urunrc u+u rundition of muking �he loan urun�d by�hir <br /> �� • Sccurity Insuumcn►, &�rruwcr�hnll puy Ihr prrmium.r• nyuind ��i maimuin thc monguge insurance in rffcct. If, ii�r any <br /> � . •.�` : .,�' rcu.on. �hc morlg�ige inxuru�ce co�•eragc rryuirrd by Lrndrr lop.c, or rra.e+ w Ix in ct'fer�. B��nower �hull pvy the <br /> � � • � premiumx reyuind Io ohtuin covrruge .uh,tuntiall�•eyuivulent lu �hr m�xt�!u�:r in,urcmre pmvii� in ri'ferl, ut u cu,t <br /> ' , sub�tuntiully cyuivalent to Ihr co.l tu Borro���rr��f the mongu�c in.uranrc pr�viou�ly in cii'ur�.from im altcmaic mongagr <br /> . . insu�r approved hy l.ender. If�uh,l:mtia!!y cyuiv:dcnt mortgagr imuranrc r«vcra�;r i,nut:!�•:�il.�bk.Borrol!•er,hall pay Ui <br /> , �� Lcndcr ruch month u,um cyuul�o onr-�w•rltih nf Ihr yrarly mungu�r in.urimrr prrmium Ix ing paiJ My Borrow•rr w•hcn Ilk <br /> . ' insurunrc covcr�gr lapud ur tu Ix in cl'fect.�lrr u•iil:�.•rrpl.u,r and rrinin�hr,r p:q�mrnt.u.u I�►.,rc�rrvc in iicu <br /> , , �• oF mon�age insuranrr. Lo„rr.crvr puymcm, may no lon�rr hr rcquircd, in ihr��pii�m ul'l.cndrr. il'mungugc imurancc <br /> � ° rovcra�ee(in thr am��unt und li�r�he�xriixl�hat l.ender�ti�uire.►pr�,�•idrJ hy:m in.umr upproveJ by LrnJer aguin ikcome, <br /> � � �,��� . uvuiluhle und i.oMuinrd.B�iiro�vcr.hnll p:�y Ihe prrmiwn.rcyuireJ u,m�iimnim m�rtgagr in.urunre in cl'f'�rt.or�o pro�•icir a '�»�. <br /> 'p; �,. '�' lo�.rc,ervc.until the rcyuir�nknl tin•murig:�gr in.urance arrord:mrr«�ilh any wrinrn ugrcrnxnt Ixlwcen Rorrower <br /> �1 . �'�'� �t, and Lender ur applic+iblc lu���. _ <br /> ;`•:��•:� <br /> )�'� • , • , 9. lnspectG�n. Lrndcr or il�u�im nu�y m�ike rca.uniihlr ratrie+upun ancl in,�rtian,ai Ihr I'ro�xm•. LrnJrr,hull <br /> ^► � r �';.;.`� � give Eiiim►��•er nolicr cn Ihr tink uf ur pri��r i�i an im�xctiun�prrif�ing reu.unaMe rnu.c li�r ih�in,�xc�iun. `., <br /> { � ,,:� 10. ('opdcmnuNon. '1'hr pnxecJ.ol':u»�a��•ard ur rlaim lirr damagr..dinr�„r run,ryurn� runnrrliun��•iIh uny� <br /> r , <br /> �'� Smg1.I�.uw1�..F'unok�lue�Fn�ddic�lwl\IFIIR\II\11Rl�lh.\I lmlamil'u�rnrm. 4,�N1 ��r,���;?,��n��,re�'�� <br /> , V.' ��n•nl�in 6us;�F�mx.Im � <br /> '�t�, i Y <br /> Tn Ilnlrt GYI I�BIM1RIp41K14�.1-P\X h1�.Tll•11:11 <br /> .i;7, ' j • <br /> . � <br /> • � �«"_ ._._.-._..�-."" ';•'.,'_ " ..... ... . .._r . .q,� . <br /> •� � •• • - . . ' . - " ' . r�f��• ���Nwi�.Yl:Ai' ..__•l�. n`7,�4" .... ..�.Y./t`.;" . <br /> �. ' � <br /> ; � ' t.. . <br /> !L�'1._� ., .. . - .. _ .. . . . ._ ..._ . . <br /> �.� , . ___ _ " __ _ _ . . . . . ..."'.__-.___'_' "". .- -.. '. . <br /> �,F •' ' b o� � ' ,. .. . ... - ' . .. <br /> � 'v ' 1 ., . . _ . � <br /> .�� . <br /> ��F •, ' i� . ., .. .. , - ' . <br /> _'� t�. . . ` .,y�.:.�';'�.�e-: <br /> .- � • vr•--�, .. . .. � - ,--�--'- -_- -- - - - <br /> , . � � <br />