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•, � ,.:. � .� . <br /> ,;�-4r'.'� .. . 1�^r r �:�i <br /> 93- � <br /> candemnuian or wher uikinQ of a�y p�rt of the Propeny�ar for canvey�noo io lieu ot cnodemruUon.are��d <br /> �h�ll be pdd to Lender. <br /> In �he event of w tcKwl takin�of Itw Prapeny.�he �h�ll bo �ppliod w tho �umi �ocurcd by �his Socurity <br /> �'- Ins�niment,wl�ciher or not tha�due,with�ny eace�w pai to Barrowcr. In the event oP p pwrtlwl uking of�ho Property in <br /> ��` which the fi�r marret v�lue oi�hr Property Imme�iatcly bci'ore the taking la eyuul to or grc�ter thun the omount of tho eum� <br /> securcd by thia Secu�lty InR�n�ment fmme�iiwnly before the Iuking.unless Burtawor and lRnder otherwlre e�ree in writing, <br /> �� the sums socurcd by IhiK Securi�y lnstrurnent �holl be reduced by 1ho wnount of the praceedK muUipiied by the followln� <br /> �' frxtion: (u)U�:twwl aimwnt uf Ilw wnu�s�ccured immedlately bcTo�thc taking,dlvlded by(b)�he fnir madcet velue oP�he <br /> �c <br /> d`�`� Property immediotcly befurc thc tukin�. Any bolonce�hall 6e paid to Borrower. In Ihc event of a partial ��lcin of the <br /> �= <br /> " Property in which tho Pei�marke� valuc af ihr. Propeny immediately bafore tiw taking is lasa�han the umcwnt of t sum� <br /> ,�"' � "`` xecurcd imm¢dialely beforc Ihe luking, un1eF� Bormwer and Lender othcrwir,e ogree in writing or unleas upplicable law <br /> , ,r,�`t"•°,� � ahenvisse providen.lhe praerds rlwll 6c applied ro�he suma securcd by�hiY Security leslrument whether ar not ihe wm�are <br /> � tlun due. <br /> ;�rs�;�r��,�,�..ri�a§ If the Propeny is obandoned by Horrower.or if.aRer riotice by Lender to Borrower U�ut the candemnor offers to make <br /> � �-�' o damu es. Rortawer fails to res nd to Lender within�0 du a ofter the dnte the notice is given, <br /> r �• "' an award ar setAe u cluim f r g , {w Y <br /> Lender is au�harized to collect und apply the proceedv,at itx aptian,either to restoraiion or repai�of the Property or to the <br /> '��:%`.'•,:,�!'-jjt:;r aumx secured by�his Security Insln�ment,whetheror not then due. <br /> ' :•:� �';S: Unles�Lender and Borrower atherwise ugree in writing.any upplicntian of proceedx to pr�ncipul xhall nat extend ur <br /> v _� :,� '° powpone ihe due dute of the momhly ppyments referned ta in purugrnpha 1 and 2 or change�he umaunt of such paytnenta. <br /> ` , , Il. Qorrower Not Rele�used; Forbewrwnce By Lender Not a Wdver. Bxtension of the time far payment or <br /> �' ;�:,��„ �-.:��', madificalion of amoAixntion of the sums secur+ed by tbis Secudty Instmment granted by Lender to ony auccessor in intercst <br /> z•,.. _ . of Borrower shell not opemte to reles�se the linbility of tha orlginal Borrower ar Borrower5► successore in intereat.Lender <br /> � �u� . ' � � �� shnll not be required to cammence proceedingx aguinst any succe�u►r in interest or refuse t�eatend lime ior payment ur <br /> ��:�''t�,:� otherwi�sc modify umortiza�ion of d�e s�um�secured by IhiF Security Inxtrument by reason of any demand mndc by the original <br /> . �. .. • : ,�yi'<<.'r �c <br /> •� ,. ,,�. Bomower or Borrowert xuccessors in intereu. Any forbeu�nce by Lender in exercising any ngh[or remedy shall nat be A <br /> � ' wuiver of or pteclude the exercise of uny right or remedy. <br /> • t � . :^- +��, • � 12. Succeswr�And AsslgnA Bound;Joint and Severnl Lipbllity:Co-signera. The covenants and agreements of this <br /> �''; � •• Securily Insmiment shull bind und 6ene�t Ihe successor,and nsxigna of I.ender nnd Bomawer,subject to the provisions of <br /> :�.�� �� "' .t parugrnph 17. Borroweri�cuvenancs and ngrcemeMs shall be jc►in�+u�d several. Any Borrower who casigns this Secu�ty <br /> f-'�' � ' � � ` Instrument hut docs not exccute the Nae: (ul is co-signing Ihis Securily Insuument only ta moAgQge,gmnt and canvey that <br /> • � ' . �, . Borrowerk intcrewt in Iha Pn�peny under the terms of thi�Security Inatrument; (b)is not personWly obligated to pay the suma <br /> ��. secu�ed by this Securi�y Inxtrument;and(c)agrees tha�Lender nnd uny other Borrower muy agree ta ex�end,modify,forbear <br /> e <br /> � ' ' ar muke uny uccommodations with regurd to the tem�x uf this Security Instrument ar the Note wlthout that Borrower� <br /> ;'�',.:' consent. <br /> _— ''�'" !3. l,aan Cherges, If thr I.•�n aecured hy thiti Security Intiwment is subJect to a luw which sets maximum loan , <br /> �t�s�,.});�;• churge�:,und lhut luw is tinully interpmted sa thnt the intere�t�r rnher loan churges collected or to be collected in connection <br /> , •';:�.•-� wi�h�hc lunn rxceed the permiued limiiti,then: (ul uny such loun churge shu11 be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce , <br /> � ��.' �>' '•'���. •.�••��' Ihe churge to the permitted limit:und(b)uny�umx ulreudy collected from Borrawer which exceeded pennitted limits will be <br /> ,. '� "�'.'��. ��'i i;��'1�;•� refunded to Sormwcr. L.ender moy chaise�n mul�r�hix rcfund by rcducing the pr�ncipul awed under the Note or by making a <br /> ' . ,;l ;:y�i,� dircct puyment tu Borrower. li'u refund redures principul.�hc reduction will 6e treated us u partiul prepuymem withou�Any <br /> � �'�•:�:��� prepuymcnt churgc unJcr tl�c Nutc. . <br /> `��' ��'`�� 14. Nutices. Any ncHicc�o Born�wer pro��ided fur in thi,Securiry In��rument shall be given by delivering it or by <br /> � muilinF i�by lir.�rlu„mail unl��s applicuhk luµrequir�x u�r ot'anuther methad.The naice�hall be direcled to the Property . ' <br /> ' Addre��or uny mhcr aJJrcx. Burcowrr draiEnat�.h�•notice �o Lendrr. Any notice to Lender shull be given by fint cla�s <br /> - mail to�emicr;uddn.ti,tu�rd hen:in�x am other+iddm,�Lender drsignutex by nrnice to Bormwer. Any notice provided fnr <br /> �;� „ ; . - in�hi+ Sccuriry Intitrumrnt �ball tx dremed to havc Ixcn�ivrn tu Bonrwer or Lendcr whcn given u� provided in this <br /> � t ' ., purugruph. <br /> I5. Go�•erninq I.�w: tie�•erubililv. Thi,Srrurily In.trument .hall Ik govcrned by federul luw und the law of the <br /> ,,' ` ' juriuliction in ahirh Ihc F'�o�xny is I�xa�eJ. In ihe evcnt thut any provi,iun ur rluuur of thi.Security Instrument or the Note <br /> � conllicts with u�licuMe low,wch cun0irt+hi�ll n�►t nl'fer�oth�r pr�wisiom of thiti Security In�trument or the Note which can <br /> ' ' tx given rl'f�ci without the cimtlic�ing pruvi+ion. Tii thi.end Ihe�xovi.ion.of this Srcurity Instrument und Ihe Note are <br /> ,�,,. ; decl•rr�d tu t►c.r�•rraMc. <br /> � ,� Ib. IN�rruNrr'�Cup�. Bu��uN.•�,h.�ll hr�i��n unc runi��rnhd ropy of thc Nut�and ut'thi�Sccurity Imtrumcnt. <br /> �" 17. '1}untiPer of the Property�or s 13eneficiul Interesl in Borrow•er. If all ur any pan ot'the Pmprny or any intere+t in <br /> it i� suW or trun.lrrrrd 1or il'a Ixrnclirial imrrc,� in Burruucr i.,uld or�run,fcrr�J and Born�w•cr is not a naturul penon) <br /> . , willx�ut Lcndrr:prior wriucn ron�cn�.Lrixlrr mny. ai it.uptiim,reyuirc immcJin�r paynnn� in I'ull of ull+ums srcured by <br /> thi.Seruri�y In.m�mrnt. Hu�r�vcr,thi,o��i��n.hidl n�x Ix�xrrri.rJ hy Lender if rrrrni.e ix prohiMNed by fedcrnl luw a�of <br /> ` 1hc Jut�uf thi,�ruri�y In,trument. <br /> �' . � .,. If LcnJcr rxrrcix+Ihi�opii��n.Lcndrr.hull gi�r iiunu��er n�Nicr uf acccl�r:niun. Thc ncnir�+hull providc n period of <br /> ',"• not Irr,�han 311 Juy,I'rnm Ihr duly dir ni�tirc i�Jclivend ur n�ailed�►•ithin whi�h liurro���cr miut p:�y all�um.�ecurcd by this <br /> . Scrurily In�tnmxm. It' Burru��rr f:�il� 1��p:�� thr,r,um,(►rii�r In Ilx r�pira�ian ut Ihi.�xrNxt. Lrndcr muy invoke any <br /> � � rrmrJir.�xmiiaed hy thi.ticruri�y In.innncm ��iihuui t'unhcr nuiir�ur drmnnd un I�„ir„��cr. <br /> � ' 18. Borroe•cr's Riuht to Rclnslatc. If Nurr����rr mr�l� �rrlain rundiiian.. HuRO��er�hall havc thr right io huve <br /> �;}� cntiircc:men�ol'�hi.ticcurity In.irum�m�Ii,ruiuinurJ ai :ui� �im.•�riur lo ihr eurlirr��f� �:u 5 da�•,lor.urh olhcr perial u� <br /> ,(:^,,. i "' i��;. Sm�Ir L�uuh Funnk�1�K F'nrNllr�1�u l\IF't1R111\ti 1 R1\II•:\'I'� l minrm t mr� 9 W1 y���¢r 1.�/n pi��•.i ,' <br /> t�'� <br /> �.� .. ... , ' .— '{�„ <br /> "r' , <br /> ^ .1 , <br /> ' ,�,, � �� . ,; . „ i;'. .. •:�..�.�.�1..4tti�:i:+*.:� � .�. .. ,q.•t„'{""���'tiL5�4<<;�}�Si�1�;;a <br /> P,'. � . , <br /> i�_ _. � . •� . .. <br /> _� �.__. _ . . . <br /> �� � . • � , <br /> p� .. <br /> � <br /> �. <br /> � • � .. . <br /> ' f <br /> , <br /> , . � <br /> � <br />