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<br /> pedada IhAt l.ender rcqaina. The inruranco curiar providino t6e inauron4�e r+hdl be choc�n by Hon+c�wer RubJati to Ler�dair
<br /> wpprovd whkh�hail nd bo unra�bly wllhheld. If Bortower fpila to maialAin covera�e dcscdbai abovo.L.etder m�y,�t
<br /> Lender�s optian,ublain cove�go�a protect I.enderk dQhts in Iho Property in accordance wlth pwra�ph 7.
<br /> All insur�nce po�icics and renewalu r�he11 be ac�e�ble to l.ender and Rhall include a s�widxN mat�a�o clww�e. L.endor
<br /> shall havo Ihe dght lo hald�hn pnliciev wxl rcnowwlx. f Lender rcquircs,Barrower shull promptly give to Lender all rcceiq�
<br /> of ppid prcmiumw aul renewal not ices. In the event oi logs,Bomawar ahall Qive prompt notice w tho inxurw�ce csurier�nd
<br /> Lender. Lendc�may mnkc proof of lo�s if n�t made promptly by Bortower.
<br /> Ualcsu Lcndcr und Borr�wcr Mhenvise ngnx in w�iting,insuranre pmreeds xMnll he w�licd Ic�rcsk�rwtion or ropairaf
<br /> tho propcny damagat. if Ihe rc�turntion or nepuir ia eronomically fcasible and Lcndcrk sccu�ily is not lexscned. If iho
<br /> rcstor+uion ar repuir is nw ec�namicolly feusible or Lxnder's s�ecurUy would be Iesrened,ihe insuranca p�da ehal�be
<br /> , �• applbed 10 IIw surtu+xecurcd by IhiR Secu�ity Ins�n�ment, whether ar nd �hen due,with any ex��e�w paid to Borrc�wer. If
<br /> BoROwer abundons�hc PropenY� or ducs nat unswer within 30 duys a noticc fmm Lcnder thw the ins�uruncc ccurfer has
<br /> offered ta seulc u cluim,then Lender muy collre�the insurance pmceeda. Lender muy use�he proceeJa to repuir or resia�e
<br /> Uie propeNy or to pAy sumx�vred by�hia Securlty In�lrument.whe�her or not then due. The 3l�duy period wfll be�in when
<br /> the notier ia given.
<br /> Unless Lender und&►rmwer atherwi�c ugree in wri�ing. any applicution of pmcceds ta prhicipal �:hull not eatendar
<br /> pas�pone the due dutc of the monthly payman4y rrfentd tu in puragrophx I und:or changr the wn�unl af�he paymenls. If
<br /> under purwgraph 21 the Propeny ix acyuired by Lender. Botrower's�ight to any inxumnce�x►licle� wal praceeds resulling
<br /> from dumage to�he Fh�operty pnor lo tha ucyuixition xhall pnss w Lender�a the ex�ent of Ihe suma r,ecured by Ihis Securhy
<br /> ,...,�,, �:� Inshument immediutely prior to�he acqui�itian.
<br /> • �• 6. Occups�ncy. PreservNion, Malntenance and Protection of the Propertys Borcower'e l.uan AppllcAtbn;
<br /> I,epseholde. Borrower�halt occupy,estublixh,und uhe the Propeny ns Borrowerk principal regidence within xixty days afler
<br />— '►%.�� the execution of this Securiiy Instrument und rhnll cominue tu accupy the Propeny ns Borrowerk principnl rexidence fw al
<br /> � '+R;t�r:ti...,;;,
<br /> •'?;.., �'i.-��'•f��'.•�:' lea4t one es+r att�� �he dute of' cuccu unc , unless Lender othenvi�e u rees in wrilin , which consent xhull nat be
<br /> ,7��.;,;.; Y p Y 8 8 e
<br /> ��'•��• unreasonably withheld,or unlex�cx�enuuting circumx�unceti exizt which arc beyond Borrowers control. Bwrower xhctll not
<br /> �^ � ' �� "�'��� �;:; destroy,dumu�e or imp•rir�he Pn�perty,ullow thc Praperty�o deteriorutc,or cammit wutite an tlu Propeny. BoROwer shall
<br /> •,�,'.,...
<br /> �, `• -"'�-' ,;r�. . . .
<br /> �;�., ..,,;�, •. _ be in defuult if any forf'eitu�artion or proce:ding.whether civil or criminnl,i�begun ihnt in L.ender?�goal faith judgment
<br /> •;:��:�;.� .°• • � - couid rcsult in Porteilure o1' the Praperty or athorwil,e muteriully impuir the lien cruated by thfs Secu�ity IostnimeM or
<br /> "'`�� 'L'�''-�1�;;?�����-° Lenderk,ecurity ince�u. Borrowcr muy cure such u defuult und reinstAte,ux provided in paragrs�ph 18,hy cuusing the action �
<br /> � • _r:�+:�c;«Y•;
<br /> . ;. , ��� or pmceeding to be dirmixscd wi�h u niling thut,in LendarE gcxd fui�h Jeterminuiion.precludes fnrf'ehurc af the Borrowcr'.+
<br /> �•' • ��"� ��"�� �' inlemxt in the Propeny or atiier rnaterial impuirtnent ��i'the lien rreuted by �his Security Insaumeni or Lender'.s security
<br /> �;:�'.�'� � «►_:.
<br /> {.; '•,;t �� interest. Borrower nhull uls�►he in defuult if Hurrowcr, during thc loan applicution pracess,�ave mutcrially fulsc ar
<br /> :�>t'�;';'�':'�� � ,� ^�: '` � o inarcumte informution or r��atement�io Lender lor Puiled w provide l.ende�wiih any mu�eriul inf�nna�ion)in ranneclian with
<br /> '"�-.��`'!`. the loan evideneed hy the NWe. including, bu� nw limited to, repre,entutiam canreming Bartower w �cupancy of�he
<br /> �'' �•:':� ''" �•�'�" �n�#y a pri�c����r.idence. If�hi�Srcurity Inrtrument i`un a leusehold.Borrower�hall compty with ull Ihe provisions
<br /> �(".'•;';;;;: .;.�� . - • � ..,:; ' of thc leu.tie. If B�xrower acyuin.� tec tiUc to the Pm�nv,the ler�hold und the fce litle+hull nut merge unless Lender agmes
<br /> ; .;; �";° . . �o�he mcrgcr in writing.
<br /> �� ���• , 7. Protection of I.cnder'ti RiRhts in Ihe Property. If B��rrowcr f'uil. a►pertbrni �hc covenuntr und ugreement�
<br /> ��`��"���-• c�mtuined in Ihis Sccurity In.ttumm�t, ur theR i, :� kgul pr�ceding ihat may signiticantly :�ffect Lcnder's rights in Ihe
<br /> 1� �.:.a, �
<br /> • ';i..:�...: propeny lsuch u�u pr�xecdine in hunkruptry,probatr,fnr randcmnulion nr forfeiture or�u enforce I�ws or reguluti�nx),thcn
<br /> �' �;7�;:;'�'.�"'ti��`.;;�� Lcnder muy do und puy ii�r whatrvcr i.n�cc�+ary ��►proler� thc vulur of thc Propeny anJ Lendcr:righn in the Prcipeny.
<br /> '��`t�:��,:,•'•", . Lenderi.uc�i�m�muy iiK•lude pay�ing uny xum��erurcd by a lien which ha.priarity over Ihi�Security Inxtroment,uppearin€
<br /> .�t� �• '•���"�'���'' ''� in coun.puying rcu.onnMe altom�y�'ices and en�rrin�on thr Pr��peny to mi�ke npuin.Ahhuugh LenJer may�Wca uciiun
<br /> ,� :�I.f.':,�
<br /> �'•�• , �;�.:.,�, . undcr�hiti puru�sr.�ph 7.Lrndcr d�x.n�►�huv�tc►do�o.
<br /> ��Y, ; ���.'•;' ' Any umowur� Jitibun�d hy L��ndrr undcr thi�pt�ragruph 7�hull Ixwo�m uddilianul dcht uf Bi�m�wcr s�cured hy thiti
<br /> �i;;;�'+�'•. � Security In�trumrM. Unlr..BaR��u•cr and t_rndcr a�rre tu ulhrr�urni.uf paynxm.�hr.e umuun�uhidl ik ur intcrc.t irom Ihe
<br /> �". ,S';.'° du�e nf ditilwnenum a��he N�xe rale unJ�hull Ix puyuMr.wiih in�en.l.u�x�n noticr I'mm Lcnder m Borcower reyuesting
<br /> ,�� . ,..
<br /> +. � • puymcnt.
<br /> : , S. Mo�t�aRc Inr�urunce. It'1.4ndrr rcyuircJ nuxlgu�:� iiuuranrr u. :�r�mdi�i�►n ol'mnking �hc I��un uruRd hy�hi,
<br /> f; . ,.°J�.��, . Serutily In.lrumrnt. Burn►wcr shall pa� th��premi�nns rcyuireJ �o mainlain thr m��ng�iEr in�ur.incc in efi'ect. N'.ti�r any .•��
<br /> ,�F;,y;, �'�,:;� rc;i.�m. Ihc mortEugc in.ura�c cuv�ragr requircd h} I.rndar I:�p��� nr cr�,c, ia lx in cftic�. Born�w�c� shall p:�y ihr .�.
<br /> � ,..'>,'t�.;;, .__, . pmmium. reyuircJ to �►htain nn•er:i�i •ub,iantially rquiv;iknl lu thr motlgag� in.unwrr prc�•K�u�ly in el'fcct, ut u cotit
<br /> r.;' - -�'F;�r.;�, .ubstuntiully cyuivulcm w the n»�a� liarra�►rr ul Ihe moh�agr in,orancr pic�iuu,l� in��ffr�t.fr��m an altrroatr mortgagc ",y
<br /> • ' inzurcr uppr���:d by Len�kr. If+uhvanti:dh-eyuiv:drnl nu,rlgugr imur;mrc r�wcrage i,n�►1;n•:�ilahle.BaROwer�hull pay tu .,.
<br /> b�r.. , Lcndrr e+irh momh u +um cyual tu�n�r-1��.•Ilih ot'�hr yrarly mang:�gr insurancr prrmiam hrin�,p:►id hy g��rraa�rr u�hrn ihe ���'•
<br /> '`i`;i "� ,1+;,! : insuriu►rr rovrru�e lup>ed��r rea��d la Ix in�1'Iccl. I.rnder�sill iucrpl.uu:md rrt:�nt thr,r p.��nxnh a�u lu+�rc+rrve in lieu ,�'
<br /> ':';t�%:•r.,.'�'; of mangu�!c in�umnrc. L��.,n.en�r ra�•m.nt,m��� no lang�r Ix nyuircd. u��he i,ruun ul l.�ikl�r.il'm��rtgiigr in�uranc� t',..
<br /> �..�5;::.�.�'l., .. ..
<br /> . ;ti;,•,.,, rnvcru�.� lin Ihr unx�uni und Gx thc�xri�Kl Iha� Lrnder re��uirc,►pru�'iJed h� iut in,urcr appruvrd hv LrnJcr again trcunx. 7ti;E.
<br /> , "S';��" •• iivuilahle anJ i���htuined.B��rrm�cr.h:ill p:q•ihr�,remium,re��uir�d I„m:iint�iiu m��n�::i�;r in.ur:ukr in�t�tcrl.or lo pr�iviJe :i ��1'�.
<br /> ���:• .
<br /> ., � ' �• . � lu..rr.crve,until Ihr nyuirr�mnt IiN mi�nga�r in�urancr rixh in acrurdancr��ith am•�vrinrn ugrcenknt Ixt�+ccn Surn�wcr
<br /> • und l.rndcr ur applicuMc la��•. •
<br /> . ': , ', 9. InxpertNm. Lrndor�K i�•a�rm may roul,r nuwn;�hlc cn�rie�u�wm;uid intirxr�iun,��I'th�!'rarert}•. l.e�xler+hall
<br /> � •:�:�;�'r;r, givc BurruN•�r no�irr ai�he tint���I'ur��nnr lu:m in.�krliun.prcil��ing nu.un;�hl�•c.iu.r li�r th� in.�x riiun.
<br /> � �� `; � � ."ri, 10. Cundemnuli�m. 1'Ix pt��k•c.•d�ul :m� :���:ird��r rl.iim fur d:�ma�r..dirrr�nr r�►n.�yu�roial.in runn�cNnn wi�hany
<br /> (.' , fi..;;.
<br /> (� . ti�n�k l.�uul� - Funnlr�1ue�Frcddli�1uc l\IFt1NN 1\�'1'Rl�lE\'1'..Lnu��rm t'���cnann Y 911 ��wcr?��l��/wcr.�
<br /> �,ry ' . - �na� I.irn Hu+�oe+���a�.Ir ■
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