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<br /> qppUca�blo I�w may�pecify fa rein�tatement)befon�le of tlw Propaty pwsurot w ony powor o/ �wlo conWnad W thl�
<br /> 3ecurity Inctrumeat;or(b)enay of q jud�a�ent enforci��thir Secutity laawmw�t, 7'hok condi��ana�rc tlu�t Horrower. fA)
<br /> paY� L,ender dl aums wf�ich tlr.m would be due under thi� Sa.�uiity Initrwnent �nd the IYote u if no�ccekradaa h�d
<br /> arcumed:(b)cw�es wny defiult of Any dhcr covenanta or eWamant�;(c)p�ys�I expen�n incwred ip enforeinQ Ibi�3ecurlry
<br /> lnsaumea� including.but not limited to,reswruible attomeya'fcc�; and(d)tWmi wr•h acUon iu Lender msy�awruibly
<br /> �oqui�a assurc Uwt the Nen of thia Security Inswmem.Lcnderk ri�hte in the ProNetty uul Barowerl�abHQRtlon to p�y the
<br /> ±.; sutn4 secue�edby thia Securiry Inawment �II canNnue uncban�ed. Upon rcinata�ement by 8ortowa. Ibir Security
<br /> - toeuument ar�d the obNgaUons cxurc�hemby�hall nemain fully effxtivc as it no occelor�don fud accurroA. Howevor.Ihb
<br /> , �: daht to r�lnetate shall not apply in the cwio af uceleriuion undcr peragc�ph t 7.
<br /> 19. Snk o[Note;Cb�w�e ot L�a�n Servictr. 7'i�e Note or apa�i�I intercst in tho Note(to�ether with lhi� Secudqr
<br /> instrumenq ma y bc sold oac or mora timec wi�hout�rfor noticc to Barower. A rale may rcsult in a chenge ia the entlty
<br /> (known es the"Loan Serviccr")thr►t coUala montdlY PaYments due under tha Note and thia Socurity Insuumen4 'fhere also
<br /> mpy be one or more chonges of the L,oan Servicer unrelete�to a sale oi tho Note. If Ihere ia t►chengo of tho Lan Savicer.
<br /> Barrower will be given written notice of the change in accordunce wltli parag�aph IA a6ove and appNcable law. The notice
<br /> will state the name and addtess af the ncw Loan Serviccr and tho address to wNch payments cfwuW bo n�do. The notice will
<br /> also coa�ain any other informat�on requjred by eppflcable law.
<br /> , � ?A. Ha�rdous 3nb�tanear. Borrower rhall not cause or permit�he pr�esence.use,dlsposol.storage.or nlease of nny
<br /> Hazardous Substancea on or in the Property. Borrower shell not do.nor allow anyone else to do,anything affe�ting thc
<br /> ►�::^�k��..
<br /> •,. :3,;.�,.,*.. �,v,,. Pmpeny Niat is in violedon of eny Envlmnmenta!Law. The preceding two sentences ehall not apply to t6e pnesence,use,or
<br /> ,. w •. ��,Yx;,.,,:;.;,;',��'. storage on the Property of sm�U quantides of Hozerdous Subswnccs Uwt arc$enerally recognized w be appmpriate to noem�l
<br /> "` ' �At•�r�R , cesidendal uses and W maintenance of the Pro
<br /> ;•�� . >`�::�",et%rf . Barower sball P�P�Y Bive Lender wrinen notice of eny investigaUon,claim.demand.lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> .. r... . �•Y�`'•�� 8 8 �Y � Y P P� 8 PertY Y .
<br /> r.� � + overumeniu!ur re ula�o a enc or dvAte involvin the Pro and an Haza�dous Substa�tcc w Environmenta!
<br /> ' � ° ` � � l.aw of which Borrowcr hes actual I:nowledge. If Borrowe� teams,or is nodfied by any govemmental or regulatary
<br /> },•
<br /> �uthority,U�at any removel or other remediation of any Hatasdous Su6stance affecting the P�vperty is nececszery.Barowar
<br /> ery
<br /> ". • . �'. � � shall prompdy teke all neeessary remedial actions in accordance with Envlronmentall.aw.
<br /> , , `� �r`.;;, As used in this paragraph 20."Hezardoua Substances"are those substar�ces defined as wxic or hazardous substanves by
<br /> ` � ;%';'- Environme�tal Law and the following substances: gasoline,kerosene,other flammable or toaic petroleum products,toxlc
<br /> ��._ , ����'� pesticides and herb�cides. voletlle solvents, rnaterials containing osbes�os or formaldehyde,and radiaactive materials. As
<br /> : . . :;,;;�F� used in this pwagruph 20, "Environmental Law"mear►s fedcral laws and laws of the jurisdictioo where the PropeAy is located
<br /> � that rclata to healU�,safety or emironmantal prWe�:tion.
<br /> � NON-UNIFORM COVENANT5. Botrowcr und L,ender further covcnant and agree as foUows:
<br /> � '� � 2l. Accelerndon;Remedfes. i.ender ehall give nodoe to Borrower prlor to accekraHau fallowbtg Borrower's
<br /> ' � ` breACh ot smy rnvenoat or Agreement W thls Securlty Iradvmeat (but not pdor to AccelerAtlop under pora�ap617
<br /> .,��,<�i uNess appiicAble Iww.provldes otherwlse). The notice sh�ll speciiy: (a)the default;(b)tLe s�cNop requlred to cun t6e
<br /> -- , defAWt;(c)a date,not less than 30 days tirom the dAte the notice is Qlven W lbrrowen�y which the de�aalt must be
<br /> � . cared;wnd(d)tlwt fwllure to care the defa�lt on or before the date specitled in the notic@ nwy result in acoeleratlon ot
<br /> ' the sumg secured by tbis Security I�trument�nd sale uf the Property. The notke shall Nrlher Intorai Borrower ot
<br /> ' ��':�,:�;.� the rlght to relasWte after accelera!!oa and the rfght to bring p coud Actfep to nsaert the aon-ex(steace oi o default or
<br /> ' , nny otLer deteqse af Borrower to wecelerAtbn nnd sale. If the dePault is not cured on or betore the drte�pecilkd In
<br /> . ��' the notice�Lender at its option may requlre immediwte payment ia f�ufl of all sums secured by thls Secudty lastrwaent
<br /> N ' � • wlthout�rther demaad and mpy invoke the power ot sale and any other t�emedies permltted by�ppW�abk low
<br /> �;. • I.ender shall 6e entiUed to collect n!I expenses incurred in pursutng tbe remedle9 provlded b thi�parwQraph 21�
<br /> `,. including�but not Ilmked to.rensonoble attorneys'Pees and costs oe qHe evidence.
<br /> ,� � ,;; lf U�e power of sale Is invoked�7lrustec siudl record a notice ot default In each county in whkh nny part ot the
<br /> �� . . _��. Property is located and sh�ll mail copies of sucb notice In the mAnner prescribed by appllcoble low to Borrower and to
<br /> �� :�,;�, the other persons prescrlbed by applicable low ARer the time required by appltcAble law�7lrustee sdall give publk
<br /> - nodce of sak to the personc and in the mo�cr prescrlbed by uppllcable law. 7�ustec.without demxnd on Borrower,
<br /> �_ ' . shell seM the Property at publ(c ouction to the highest btdder at the time and place and under the term4 desl�wted ia �
<br /> the notke of salc in one or more parcels end In ony order 7lvstee determines. 7lrustee mwy postpone xale ot Wl or�ny
<br /> � parcel of the Property by publtc announcement At the time ond plece of any previously sc6edukd sale. Lcader or Itr '�;h�
<br /> • , deslQnee may purchese the Property at any sale.
<br /> • Upon receipt of puymenl of Ihe prlce Aid,7Fustee shaN dcltver to the purchuser 7lrustec's deed conveyiag ttte
<br /> ' • Properly. Ti�e recitnls in the 7lrustce's deed shall be primu Pucie evidence of the truth o[the statements mode thereln. '
<br /> ' � "�` ,,l� 7lrustee aheN apply tice proceeds oP the sele in the Pallowing orders (a)Io aN costs and expenses ot exerclsieg t6e power �'
<br /> ,., .
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