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<br /> TO[i87'HBR WITH all the Mpmveataat�tktw.or beraiftex exected an t6e propa�iy��nd all e�emoat�.�w rto��
<br /> �nd flawra now or benatter�put of tha pl�wqr: All,nepl�cema�►u nri ddidvn��hal1 tl�a be caverod bY�IS Secu�y
<br /> Impuma�� All of the foro�oing ir rofened u►In thlN�aautity Inwument u�de"Prapaty."
<br /> BORROWBEt COVENAiV7'S th�t Bon�owar Jn lAw�illly scised oP�ho esute hereby convayed wd hap ttw d�ht W�nt
<br /> ond convey U�a Pro wnd Ihwt�he ProExirty iw unanaumtletad�eaccept for encumbranaes of�cord. Banuwer wort��ad
<br /> xi
<br /> wW defa�d� y d�e dUe w dia Pm�cy�gdmt�II cl�imR aad demwds.wbJecc a any encwnb�anoar of record
<br /> � TH13 S6CURITY INSTRIJMFT�T comhinaa uniform coveaant�for antional usc aad tan�unftoim covarumut with
<br /> ,� WNted v�rl�tiom by Juricdicdon w cancUtuta p uniPArm aeoudty inravnxnt covedaQ real p�opeAy.
<br /> UNIPp(tM COVENANTS. Bc�mnwor and Loadar cauaaard and ugroe as folbws:
<br /> 1. 1'�ymeut ot Pelndp�l�t luterest:PrelN�i�ulaa�ud I.ote C6�rge�. Borrower shall P�►�PUY P++Y when due die
<br /> pcipci of�nd interest on tho dobt ovidsnaod 6y tha Nota and��nY pt�apaymaat eud late charges due undar tMe Nate.
<br /> � I�bqde tor'i�Yes aad In�ursnce. 3ubjaot w app�iaabla law.ar to a w�itten waivor by Lendo�.Barrower sh�ll�y w
<br /> Lender on tha day manthly paymante an=duo undar 1ha Nnta,until�!ha Nou is p�id in fuA.a sum("l�nda")for.(a)yo�vly
<br /> t�ces and assesaments whiah may attain pdoriry ovor thfa Scou�itg Incarumant s�s a lian on tha Hvperty:(b)yeazly lessehold
<br /> paya�enta or ground �+ents on the Pmpsrty. if anyi (c) Y�Y.haxand or praperty iawuranae p�emlurast (d)Y@er�y Oood
<br /> inaur�rue prcmiums. ff anyt(es)Yeazly mahgago incumnne pt�amiums,if aay: and(� pny suma puyablc by Borrowcr w
<br /> Lender,in Acco�dance wlth tha provisions of parngrsiph S.in,liau,of the pnyment af mortgage insurance prrmiwna. Tbese
<br /> r
<br /> ` ~`' ,,r�y;r'. items aro called"Qscrow Items." Lendor may.at aBi�p dma,aallaet and hold Wnds in an anwunt not w aaceed the mAximum
<br /> =.n •� �.�.• amount a Irnder for a fcderally related matgega loan may.�quioe for Bortower's escrow accouat undor tlw fedeml Real
<br /> "'J • Esute Settkment Pmcedurcs Act of 1974 as amsndacl from�dme to dme,12 U.S.C.�2b01 et seq.("RFSPA").untess anotl►er
<br /> •� � - ' law�hat applies to 1he Phnd�sets a lassar amaunt. If so,Lendar may.at any dme,coUxt and hold Wnda in an amount not to
<br /> - � �k:�"'����-�`��:�'��"'�. excad thc lesser amount. i.emlar may esUmata tha amaunt of Hundv due on tha bnsis of currrne daw and reaconabie
<br /> �v •,:,..;�,,�;��.�"�'� esdmates of expendiau�es of futu�e Eserow Itamc ar otharwi�a in�corcf�ance with epplieuble law.
<br /> �•,•.�.: .,at�.,,.��; nc
<br /> t Tiie Punds shall bo hald in an institution wh�se depptits nre insured by a federal agency, inatrumentality.or endry
<br /> t:, ' , .�,.,��,, (including Lcnder.if Lender is such an institulion)or in ony Federal Homa Loun Banlc. Lcndar shall apply the Funds to puy
<br /> 1he Escrow Items. Lendar may not chargo Borrowier for holding and epplying the Fbnd.g,annually analyzing the escrow
<br /> • . accoun�, or verifying tha Escrow Itoms. unlass I.,et�der �Ays Bormwer interest an th� PUndis ond applicabk law permita
<br /> J '. � Lender to makc such a charge. Huwevpr.l.ender,may reyuine Bo�rower to pay a one-timc churge for an independent real
<br /> esmte�a�c reporting service usad by Leader in.connect�on with this loan,unless applicablo Ivw provides othnrwise. Unless an
<br /> � ' agreement ls mede or applicable law t,eyuire�intentvi to be paid,Lender shall not be reyuired to puy Borrower eny interesl or
<br /> ,: . esimings on the hbnds. Borrower and Lendor may a��.=ree!n wdting,however,lhat lntcrest shall bo pnid on tha FLnds. Lendar
<br /> sholl give to Bomower.without charge,an annual aceount�ng of the Funds.showing crrditK nnd dabius to the Funds and the
<br /> . . purpose for which eac6 debit to the ELnde was mtatr. The Ft�nds ure pledged as odditional secu�ity tor all sums secwed by
<br /> Ihi+�S!'�.'!�rily Incirument.
<br /> , • .'_.; •�'�; If the hlmds hald by Ixnder exceed tha amounl.c pertnittad to be held by s�pplicable law. l.ender shWl account to
<br /> ' .�, �,; ��' Barower for the eacess�undv in acccxdpnce wi�h�the requirementa of appikubl�law. !f U�amount af Iha Flinds hald by
<br /> Lender ut any time is not sufficient to puy tho Iiscrow ltems when due,Lender may so notlfy Borrower in wridng,and,in
<br /> � ;�?;,�;;�� ,• such rASe Borrower shall puy tu L.endar tha amuunt necesssiry to make up tha deficisncy. Borrower shall make up the
<br /> ;.,�t�;;t(�.�•�,�.i;:�.: �.. deficlency in no mor��han twelve monthly puyment�,at Lender's sole di�cr�tion.
<br /> , `•�4�"�''���' � Upon puyment in full af all sum�securuJ by this Security Instrument,Lende�shull promptly refund to Borrower any •
<br /> ,` � '4r"'`'�: , �', Funds held by Lender. If,under paragraph 21,Lender xhall ucquire or sell�he Property,Lender,prlor to the acyuici�ion or ,,'��
<br /> � ,�..,.',�. .,
<br /> � � � ��.�,.ti;,.; snle of the Property,shall apply ony Fundy hald by Lendcr at the time of ucquisition or sulB as u credit ageinst tho suma
<br /> �• �.��� :' . , secured by lhis Security Insuumont.
<br /> ' � 3. Appllentbn of Pl�ymentx. Unlaxx upplicable luw provides othervvixe, nll poyments received by l.ender under
<br /> �� ' .. . ' puragruphs I and 2 shull bc uppliad:fint,a�un���+n:payment chargc,due undcr ilx Notc:second,to umounts payublo under
<br /> �'��;;� ' ' . , psvagmph 2;third.�o imc�M duu;fuurth,tn pnocipul duc;und lust,to uny lute chnrges duc undcr the Nuta.
<br /> ,,. • . • 4. Charges; Liene. Barrower .r•hull puy all luxcr�, A�sc�smcntw,charge�, �nes ond imposiuons attributablo to Ihc
<br /> �' , Property which muy uttuin priori�y ovcr thiw Sarumy Instrument,and I�a+ehuld paymcnts or ground mnta,if any. Borrower
<br /> ��"'.;: • - :� -, shall pay these obligutions in tha mnnncr pru��idcJ in purugraph 2,or if not paid in thut manner,Borrower xhall puy them on
<br /> ± "' time direcUy to�ho persan oweJ puymunt. liom�a�ar,hnll prompUy furnizh lo Lender all nntices af umoums lo be paid under
<br /> this pruagrnph. If Burrower ntnkc�U�cµ:puyntunit�dintrUy,Borrower shall prc�mptly fumish to I.emler mceip�+ cvidencing �
<br /> • . the paymentx. _C
<br /> " � . •� Borrowcr shull pn�mptly diM:hur�e anp Ifun which hur priuriry ovcr this Scwrity Intilrumem unless Borrower:(ul agreex
<br /> , . in writing w thc puym►:nl of U�v ahli�ulian xccureJ by 1hc licn in u manncr uccepGibl�to l..c:�dcr:lb)contestx in good faith thc
<br /> � .. � , licn by,or defumis oguinn�cnf�m:emcm uf�hc licn in.Icgul pnxccdingx which in thc LenJcr�opinion operate to prevent the ;: �
<br /> , � i'.;`',.'• ,. � , enforcemenl of tho lion;ur(cl txcurer from�he Imlder of�hc lien vn ugmenunt x;�isfact�xy to l.cnder sulK�rdinating the lien
<br /> " � '�:%,;. �� � to�his Security Inntru�mnt. If i.cndcr dctcrminrs Ihui uny part of thc Pru�xny iti subjuct w u li�n which m+iy altuin priority
<br /> { ��. , � '�.`;��~ . ; .'��,•,,.•�.,;, ovcr thix Securi�y Instrumen�,Lcndar may�ivc Bon�owcr u natirr idrn�ifying�hc livn. Burruwer.hall.atixFy the liun or tuke j.,.
<br /> , . ��.� ,,. ' � � one ar more of thc actiun+set forth vhm r wi�hin 10 duyti�►f thc giving af n�itic�. .��
<br /> l, ,,,.'�•' . . ..
<br /> •t•��.� _ .•� ' � � ' , S. Havard or Properly Ineutvmce. Bom►wcr�hull kecp thc improvemrn�s now existing ur herrattrr crected on the
<br /> `. � ,�` .` , >� �'"• Property in�ured uguinst losx bp tinr.hn�ard.inrludrJ wiU�in the tcrn�"extendcd co�•crugc"and uny uthcr hazunls.inrluding
<br /> �� �;:�.�.:..'�',, ,,:. floods or fluading,tur which Lcndor requiRx inr�ur:ince. Thi, in.rur:mcr .hull lxr muintuineJ in thr umounls �nd for thc
<br /> � � `'«,;; �'��
<br /> t " t ' ''
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