. �•� �'ft• ^ ��y'.i,f�.
<br /> _ _ .r..�.:�a��
<br /> i ' • `
<br /> 183-lo�ss
<br /> condemnMlae�ot aher{�Icins of�aY P�tt otlhe Pro�perty,or tor convaywoe in Ik.0 of andeaanotian.�re baeb9+�in��
<br /> ' �WI be pdd to Ladet.
<br /> In Ihe avent of� total Wdn� oP�he Proper'ty.the +thal�be wpP�ied to the �unw sec�'r'°d bY�his Secudty •
<br /> Inruwnem,whe�hcr ar�ot then due. wl�h�ny oxce� to Bonowar, In the avent nf a paMid nkin�of U�Pmperty In
<br /> which tho f�ir mWket vduo ut�he Property immediuely bePoro the ukin`is eqwl to ar greater�han tho unount uf�he wmn
<br /> rocurod by thir Socudty Inwrumeat immedi�tely bePoro�he tpkin�,uoks� Aom�wer and Lemkr otherwi`e apoo in wrfting.
<br /> the wms�xurod by Ihir Security Iru�uurnent �Iwll l+e rcduced by the amount of U�e Qroceai9 mulUplkd by�he followia�
<br /> fracdon: (a) ihc tatnl amount of the sums en urnl immedistely l�rforo the�aking,divided by(b)the falr merket vAlue of�he
<br /> Prapeny Imrnedlarely Gcfae tho Wcin�. Any balwwe �hall bc paid to Borrower. In the event of r pv�tial uking of thc
<br /> Property{n whkh tho id�mprket vAluo ot�he Property immodiptely betore the uking is kss th�n the anoum of the wma
<br /> secured immodiately beforc the taking,unlos+s Bomower nnd Lendor ahcrwise Agra in writfng ar unlcss opplicabla uw
<br /> dhenvitio providen,the p���11 be�+ppliad to 1ha swns��d by�his Security Inspument whether or�wt�he cunw u�e
<br /> then due.
<br /> iF thc P�openy ie abwndoned by Borrowe�,at ii,afler naticc by Lemleer to Bomawe��hat the condemnor offers w make
<br /> nn award o�ncidc o claim fi►r damagca,Botmwer Puils to respand ro Lender within 3(1 days ofter thc dvte the notice is given.
<br /> Lender is authoriud to collect rnd npply Ihe praceed4,ot its optian.oi�her to restarAtlan ar�pair af the.PropeRy or to tha
<br /> aumr xecuRd by thia Security In�tiumcnt. whcther ar not then due.
<br /> U�Ics.� Lender and Bixrower dhen�vise ogree in writing.unyupplicution of proceeds to principal shnll nat extend or
<br /> po.wpone U�e due dure of the monthly puyrncnts mferred to in p�raphs I und 2 or change�he amount af such payments.
<br /> Il. Borrower Not Rekasedi For6eArance By l.ender Not a Wniver. Extensian of the time for payment or
<br /> . modificAlion af wnariization nf the xums secured by this Secur�ty Instcument granted by Lender to any succe::sor in inteRSt
<br /> ';" of Bomower xhall nat operute to rcleuse �he liability of the nriginal Bortower or Borrowers succes.wrs in interest. L.ender
<br /> '�7'� , shall nol be rcyuired to commence prnceedingg against uny xuccessor Mi interest or refuse to oxtend time Par payment or
<br /> ' othenvi�e madify amoAizctlion of Ihe sums secured by this Seeuriry Inacnxnent by rea�wn af any demand made by[he origina!
<br /> �%. dorrower or 8ormwer�C successor:r in intercst. Any forbearunce by Lender In exenci�in�any right ur remedy shall t►ol be a
<br /> ° t'�;;,� `, ��''',,::, wuiver of or preclude the exenisc of uny�igh�or remedy.
<br /> ":,' 12. Successorr nod Assi�ns Boundt Jaint and Several I.iability;Casigaers. 7?�e covenunta and ugreements oi�his
<br /> � • •,;•== Security Instn�mem shull bind and t�enefii�he nuccessor�urid a�signs of Lender and Bomower,subject to the provisions of
<br /> r�t.,
<br /> •� - purugtaph 17.B�►mawer ti covenwn� ond ugneemems s:hull be joint und seveml.Any Bo�rower who co-signs�his Security
<br /> .��i�r� ..: °
<br /> • Ins�rumem bw doex nat exccute the Nae: (n)i+�cc►.�igning this Security Inst�ument c�nly to martgage,grant ond convey�ha[
<br /> , ��y�.t3�;'"'�'�+"�� Bortowerk intetext in Ihe Pmperty under thc tenn�af ihis Security Ins�rum�nt; (b)i�aat petsonully obliguted to pay the sums
<br /> ..• ,:;.�;,��r:��d-�,ut•Y� : necured by thi�Security InxlromeM:and(c►ugreey thAt l.ender and uny aber Borrower may ugrce to extend,modify,forboar
<br /> "' ° � ��` � • or make any arcommoduNunx wiib regu�d to tho terma af�his Secu�y Inslrument or Ihe No1e without that Bortower's
<br /> � ° �. � � 'Y;�. :.:�. �.;
<br /> .i�� '�:�.: . _ ccx��ent.
<br /> • `•� � 13. I.i�an Cbargex. If�he luun rerured by Ihir: Security Ins�rument i� wBject to a luw which sets maximum ban
<br /> • ��r. ;;� ',�'��.s. ^ , ch�r�ex,mid Ihat luw i+�nally inte�pre�ed so thet the imerasl or other I.un chnrges collected or to be coiiec�ed in cannec�ion
<br /> � -. ._�,, ,•: .�., �•2 with the loan exceed�he pem�incd limit�,then: la)uny xuch IoAn chArRe.hull be reduced by the amount necessnry tn reduce
<br /> � � �•'^ ^: °j�.,� , , • �he chuqte la the permined IimN: und Ih► any wm�nlrrady collec�ed Gom Bamowe�which exceeded permitted limitr wlll be
<br /> � ��ti�r%,�'�+�:`•:�'_��%��< ��` mfunded►o Bumc�wcr. Lender may chcw�e�o muke�his refund by rcducinF the pdncipul awed under the Note or by making v
<br /> �"•'�'� ''F�,.rr'•�`` direc�puym�nt lo Bnmuwcr. If u mfunJ reJu«:r principal,the�ducUon will be meated as a pnrtiul prepayment without uny
<br /> +-��r+�w;•Y;.�
<br /> , ! E "�..:.;•, ,,
<br /> :+'t, ��,s;2.�4{c;•. . ,. ;� prepayment chavg�under the Nntr
<br /> ��,•4�'�„i-::�:+:',':�'�• � 14. Noticeiv. Any nn�icc to Borro�+•er pmvided fnr in�hi.Securiiy lnwtrument shall he given by delivering it or by
<br /> ,���„�����,;,;��Nri_�� �•� mailing i�hy fin�clus�m:�il unleti+upplicaMc luw rcyuires uxe of nnahermethocl.The notice shull be directed to the PropeAy
<br /> � �� �ir��,�� �r •,. Addrcss or uny r�ther uddre., Burmwer aiesignutc.by nutice ta I.ender Any txiticc N� l.ender�hvll be given by tint clasx
<br /> hr ••����a �r ° � • • mail to Lender's addro.ti titatrJ hcrein or a+ny uther��idre.s Lendcr Jc.i�n�tes hy notire�o Bormwrr. Any nu�icc provided for
<br /> "M" • � �• � ''' in thi� Secu�ily In.Irumenl .hull Ik dermed to huvc heen Fiven a► 6nrmwer a Lender when given uti provided in this
<br /> ' �`;'•:• ,. ' �•'��':; s�ra ra h
<br /> �,�,' ' . ?•},:;��, ;r p B p • •ovrrncd b
<br /> >•` ' l5. (:overnin� t.aw; tieverabillty. Thi+. Security In+trumcnt .hall Ix�, y fcdernl luvv and thc luw of the
<br /> . :_•t,,'.�Yi:. � r
<br /> ,� •� �;•��1 jurisdiction in which thc Pro�xny is I�xueeJ. In thc evrnt thut any provi.ion or�lau+r of thiti Scrurity Imtnimem or�hc Note
<br /> r'% ` ' ron(lirt,with uppliruMr luw..urh ronfli ci shi+ll not affrct nther provi.i��n.ol'thic Sccurity In.trumem or the Note which cun �;�
<br /> � �' �:'?•'`�""''`' . Iw: given cff'ec� wi�hout�Ix ronllic�inE�mvi�ion. 'It� Ihix end the prc�vi�ionx of thix Scrurity la�trument and�hc Note ure
<br /> `+ • �' declnrrd to be uvcrublr.
<br /> - . . - --- - ,h 16. Borrow•er's Cupy. Hurrov►�cr.hall hr�iv�a.mc c��nt'unncd ca�py of Ihc Wou and af lhi�:Security lnstrument.
<br /> ;; , 17. 71�onsPer oP thc Property or a Ikneficial InlereRt i�Borro�ver. If al l��r any pan�.f thc Pm�xrty or any inlcrest in
<br /> ,'�_ ..;G' it i�.o1J or Irun.l'�rred li�r if u Ixnetirial imrretit in Borrowcr i.+old nr trim.terrrd�ind Burrowrr i� n�H u nulurul person)
<br /> `.';; �'`-" withuut Lcnderz prior wriurn r�imcnt.l.rndrr may.at i1�i�ption.rcquirc immrJiute puyment in full nf all sums ,ecurLd by
<br /> ,•.•� , • ' thix 5ccurily Mxtrumem. Howevcr, �hi����iim.hull ncu he czerci�ced hy Lrndrr il'cxrrciu is prc►hibi�ecl by frderul luw ax of
<br /> • ;.;�,`,. �;,., ,�.., .. ;:. �he dutc nf this Srrurity In.trunK m.
<br /> - ."'••,.�. 11'Lencler rxcrci��,�hi.�ipti�Ni.Lenikr�hull givr B��rrowrr notic�nf ucccicratiun. Thr nwirr.hall provide a period ot'
<br /> �' y;.�..��,,z..' .
<br /> € ��" not Icxx Ihun 111 day�f'rom Ihe Jute thc niiii�r i.Jclive�id nr muiled H�ithin ��•hirh H��rn���er mu.�pay al)�um�+ccurcd by Ihi� �'.
<br /> .t�,��... ,,;�;.:'�:. _. .
<br /> :��; .� •,t':•�'�;'�,� Scrurity Inti�nm�ent. II' Bom�wrr tiiil� tn puy d�r.c ,um, priix �u th�rKpir:uinn u(ihi� �xricxl. Lrndcr may invoke uny ��y
<br /> �, .�'�'•'' rrmedi«�rn�iurJ My thi�Srcurily In,tn�m�nt N•ilhnul fiirthrr n�dirr ar Je�nand an tiorni��rr. =��
<br /> t���.. ;.•, �' •;' • ; IS. Rorrower'x RiAht lo Reintilote. If Burn►u�cr mcnc�rnain runditian.. Bnrm�v�r.hall h:ivr thr ri�!ht tc�huve
<br /> � � � � �,.. cnfarcrmcnt ut'�hi.Srrurity In.trum�m diu�,niinurd at any timr priur In 1hc c•rrli�r ul: lul S da�•�lor wch iNhcr perial as
<br /> �.�': ' ,:; ' .^' '
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<br /> tr'- •;a;i• , "
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