<br /> ...yn
<br /> 1�, o-��
<br /> .A '��x ,,
<br /> ' • ���� .
<br /> •pplicablo law mty tpecUy fat roin�tatemeat)belacie wie of 1ho P�ope�ty purcwot W my pawu����ned in Ib1E
<br /> Socurity llncwmeat:or(b)eatry of a 1��ot enforcin�W�S�cudty Instwnen� Thore conditioas a�e Uw Bamwc N)
<br /> ' p.y.[.eoaer�Il wnu which �hen Id be due under this Sacu�ity insttument I�td U�e Nota u if no �cceietadon bad '
<br /> acciurodt(b)c�ucs any def�uit of any dtia cova�nts or a�{reat�ena�(c)WY+dl expenxr incuired in enforciuu�this Sa�wity
<br /> Inswmeat, iacludi��� but not 11�Nted ta�roa�tuible uwmeys'fea: wd(d)nice�:ueh�cdon u I.eakr mt�y nea�an�bly
<br /> roguire w awuro�t�ha liea of thic Sacuriry incwmeat,Leader�i righa in�he Pmperty�nd Hatnuwerlr oblig�doa w Qay tbe
<br /> wau sacurod by thl� Secudty Intttumeat �hall oondaue �od. Upoa rela�t by Earowet. thit Security
<br /> Insuument and tlie obliptioas secural hereby ghdl remdn fully effxdve a�it po accslasoioa h�d oxuned. Howeva.d�
<br /> ri�ht to rcinsute thall not Apply in the c�se of acceler�don under p�r�ph 17.
<br /> 19. Siale d Natei�of Lo�w Seevk�er. The Note at s paAial int�ae�t in the 1Vote(w8ett�er with thit Secudty
<br /> Insuutnent)may bo cold oae or more tia�es wlthout prfor notia to Sorrower. A �le mny�esult in o change ia tho eatity
<br /> (known�s the"Lonn Savioer")th�t ooliocm monlhlY WY�ts dt►e under Ihe Noto oad thlt 5ecurity Inswmen� 7hre�Iso
<br /> p�ay be one or more cho�ges of the L.oan Savicer wuelated to a sele of the Nde. If tbem is a clunge of!he Lata Savicer,
<br /> Borrowa wfll be given wdtten aadca of the change in accordance with paragraph 14 above and appUcabk law. Tho notioe
<br /> wiU ctate the name and addmcs of the aew Loan Serviar and tha�ddnesi to wbied p�ymeotc�hould 6e m�da. Tl�a notioe wil)
<br /> alsocontain nnny otha infomoadon roquirod by Applicable law.
<br /> ZO. Naa�dou�S�bdsoces. Borrawer shall�ot cause or pern�it the p�sence.use,disposrl.storage.or rekase of ony
<br /> Hazardous Substances on or ja tho Pcoperty. Bomnwer shAll not do.nar allow aayora else to do,enything afl'xting ihe
<br /> Property ihat is in violadon of any F�vlrnnmeatal Law. The preceding two senteiKxs shall not apply to the presence.use,or
<br /> .,• ,
<br /> storage on the Pmpe�ty of small cry�ndties of HaTardous Subctanoes tiwt ou+c genetally►eco�nizcd w be apprnpriato w aamal
<br /> � , residenti�l uses aad to a�aintenanc�e of the Property.
<br /> � Borrowa siwll prumptlY 8ive l.ender written notice of any imestigation.cla[m,demand,lewsuit or ottrcr actian by any
<br /> '-.. �. ` " '` govanmcntal ar icgu�alorY AS�Y or private party jnvolvfag Ute Property aad any H�.a�dous Sulwtance or Envfmnmcnw!
<br /> .,. j t�-�'-`'�''�.,- Law of which Bomower hes actual knowledge. If Borrower leams, or is noti8ed by any govanmental or rcgulatory
<br /> T�:':�;+-
<br /> r:� r r t.;'..;�� autho�ity,ihat any r+emoval or other remediadon of any Haza�dous Su6swnce afFectiag tbe Propeny is neoeccary.Borrowu
<br /> 'h"'�'- ;•�'��'.�:`�����, o Environmental Law.
<br /> �� . „ • ;'4�,�:E ". shdl PromPilY tAke all nocessary remedial acNons in acc rdance w�th
<br /> � ' As used in Ihis paragwph 20."Hazardous Substances"ar�e lhose subswnces defined as tuxic or haznrdous suM:sat�s by
<br /> Environmental l.aw ar►d the following substances: g�oline. kerosene,other tlemmable or wxic pemoleum produc�s.wxic
<br /> ' - �- """`,-�`" pesticides and herbicides.voladle solvents, meterials containing asbestos or fortnaldehyde.and rndioactive materialx. As
<br /> ,.r.. ��"s���``. . .�:.. used in this paragreph 20."Environmenlal l.aw"means federal lows ond lawa of the jurisdiction whero tLe Prope�ty is lacoted
<br /> '��_ .'.• � ,�.�: F q..'.; that relate to health.safety or envitonmental protectian.
<br /> ,�.:.I ' NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and l.ender funher covenant wid ogr�ee as follows:
<br /> ��. :.:•� ':,. �; �����. ' 2l. AccekrnbioAt Reroedies. I.ender siwU give notice to Borrower prtor to oocelerndon fdlowing Barrower's
<br /> '"� �:� ` br�each ot�a rnvenAnt or wgreement In tWs Securi lastrumeat Ibut not priar to Acceleratbn tmder 17
<br /> ;.; „`s'• 4', I nnless applknble law.provide9 otherwise). The nodce slwll speclf'yt (�)We defpWti(b)t6ee actioa required��� �t6e
<br /> ,� ��� � defaoh;(el a date,not lesa tiwn 38 dnys iran ii�e dwie ihr nu�iicr is girrn tu 8orwi�a�.b3r�vi�ic�i6e dei�wtt must i�
<br /> ± y.�,3�;;� curcd;and(d)tdat fallure to cure the defAUlt on or 6eiare the date speclfied in tde aatioe tne►y result in acaleratioo ot
<br /> c, • ..;; : the sa�secared by ihis Security Instrumenl atid snle ot Ihe Property. Tbe nutics shs�N i�urlher iator�n Borrow�er ot
<br /> • : •'•���,;i�r� � the dgbt to reiastate Aher acceleradoa ned the righf to bring a wurt�etbn w assert t1�e aop�existence of a defsdt or
<br /> � ��`�;�. � ��a�:u�^� ony other defense d'Borrower to pccelerAtbn and saie. Ii the detwilt Ls net cured on or betore the date apedtled lo
<br /> ;:`'':�'-` ° the aoda,I.ender at its option moy require immediate payment in full oP sdl sun�s secured by tdis Secu�ity Instrume�nt
<br /> �;,. ' wiWout furlher demAad and mpy tnvoke the power oi sale and ony other �+emedies permitted by applk�ble Irw
<br /> P�
<br /> � • r. ,;;,,;.,.�.r_ I.ender shall be entltled to rnliect all exper�ses incurred iu pursuing the remedks pirovlded in thi�para�rwph 21,
<br /> '�: � , �:;,,; • including,but not Ibntled to,reasoneble attorneys•fees and costs of UUc evidence.
<br /> �t ' lf the power of sWe is invoked,7Yustee shqll record e notice o[defauU in each cwnty M w6kh Any pArt ot the
<br /> .t�• Property is loc�ted pnd sbWl meil rnpies of such nodce in the mnnner prescrfbed by appllcable low to Borrower And to
<br /> j� . }:. , � � the other pensons prescribed by applicable law ARer the time required by applicable law,'llruslee shall give publk
<br /> nodoe ot sale to the per�ons And in the manner prescribed by appNcable law 7tustee.withoat demw�d on Borrower,
<br /> ;. „ � shAN se11 the Property pt public auclion to the hiRhest bidder pl the lime and place and under We terms desi�netod in
<br /> • the notke of s�le in one or more pArcels s►nd in any order 71�ustce determines. ��c�mwy�Po��ot w or�y
<br /> ' , •°'% � parcel of the Properly by public announccment at tbe time and place ot any previaucly scheduled eale. I.ender ar its
<br /> . � designee may purchs�se the Properly et any s�le.
<br /> l.�pon recelpt of payment of'the p�im biA,'I�ustee ahell delicer to the purch�.cer 7Yustee's deed conveying We '+"
<br /> " Properiy. The recitnls in Ihe'I�uslee's deed Rball be prima facie evtdence of the truth ott6e sWtements made therctn.
<br /> - ' 7lructee chpll wpply lhe pmeeeds oi the x�lr in the following order: la)to all costs apd expenses of exerci�iag l6e power �
<br /> . �
<br /> ' ���� . �F1�
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