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<br /> perioda 1hu Lender iequlnw. Tha in�u�nnco caRier providln�tho lnsunnco rhW)bo chosen by Bo�wer wbJect to L.onderY
<br /> x �pp�ovd wh�h�hall not be unro�conAMy wi�lthold. If Bomuwcr fwlir to mRint�it�cove�e descdbed�bmo.Letidet mq.at
<br /> La�der�aplion,abtdn covcrng��lu ptqtacl Lender s dahta in lhep�operty ln nccoMana wi�h par�gr�ph 7.
<br /> . All insuraice paliciea w�d rcnawale ahall be AcceptAblo to I,ender And shull includo a aanclwM martga�o clauco. Lender
<br /> shall havc the rfght lo hold the poNaics and�ncwols. IF Lender rei�uires.Barrower shall pmrttptly givt la Lcnder All roceipta
<br /> of paid prcmiums and renewrl notice�. In tho event of loag,Harowcr shull Qive prompt no�ice ta�hc ln�urwu�e cartier w�d
<br /> L.ender. Lender may mnice ptoaf nf losx if nw mnda promptly by Bonower.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borruwer athenvise agerc in wri�ing,insumnce pmceed;shnll be op�+Heci io iresa+mNon or repni�of
<br /> ` Iha Property damaged. if tho reatpration ar mpair is ecanamically feAgible und Lenderk,cecu�i�y is nw leasened. If Ute
<br /> �. rest0(W�on or rcpuir is: not economieally feusihlo or l.ender4�xe�:udty would be lessened the Insurance praceedv shall be
<br /> q�pliad ta the sumg secured by this 5ecurity Inx�rument,whether ar nat then due, wi�h uny excexs puid�o &►ttower. If
<br /> Narmwer abundons tl►e Propeny.or does not wtawer within 30 doyx u notire from I.�nder�hat the incumnce carrier has
<br /> affared[o settle A clairn,ihan L.ends�mny callei:t tha inxurnocc pmceed�. L.�nder muy u�e the praeedx ta rcpui�or restons
<br /> Iho Property or to�wy�um»cecurcd by thix Security Inslrumsnl.whalher w not Ihan due. 'Ihe 3U-day pedad will be�in when
<br /> thA natice is given.
<br /> Unleas Lxnder and Borrower otherwir:e ugnec: in wriiing,uny upplicalion of pmce�dx to principnl xhall nnt externt or
<br /> pastpone the dua dutc of th�monthly puymeMs mferred to in pAmgmphs I und 2 or changc the amount of the puyments. If
<br /> under pwugrnph 21 U►e PropeAy ia�cyuired by Lcnder. Borrowcr�right to any inrumnce palicies und proceeds r+esuUing
<br /> " � � fmm dumuge m tha Propeny prior to�he acquisition shall pa.s to I.endcr ro the extent of�he sum�secured by this Secudty
<br /> Ins�Nment immediaroly priar to thr acquisition.
<br /> 6. Occupnncy, PreservWion. Meintenance and Protection ot the Property; Borrower•s L�n Application;
<br /> ' i,�,;;�6; - I.easehold�, Borrower shall accupy.eatublish, t►nd use th�P�operty a�Hormwer4;pr�ncipal ne�idence within sixty days aRer
<br /> " q�^`�"'"""'"•' Ihtt CxeCUl�o11 of lhis SeCU1'!l In.r•trument and�hull cantinue to accu tha Pro n As Buiroweri; rinci al nasidence f'or at
<br /> ,:`::-_ - .•�.r;•�::+:: r,- . Y PY P� Y P P
<br /> � I�ast one yeur ufter the dute of occupancy, unless Lender othervvi+e Agrees in writins, wltich cansem shall nal be
<br /> -''S���i" '• • �� unraa�anubly wi�bheld,ar unley�extenuu�ing cinumstances exist which ure beyand Bnrrowerk camrol. Barrower shnll not
<br /> .t ; � �'•`•" destm duma e or im ir the Pm n allow thr Pra rt to deterforntc,or commlt wa+�e on the I'ro rt Borrower shall
<br /> ,; �;•�,;;a.;':. . . Y• � � !� Y• P� Y Pe Y•
<br /> '�'�,� .'s .�.. be in,d@fuuU ii'ony torfeiture ucdon or proceeciing,whether civil or criminal,ix begun thul in Lende�'s goad fuilh judgment
<br /> y`�" '� ' � cauld resull in Porfciture of the Properly or otherwi�e muturially impuir thc lien created by this Securi�y Instrument or
<br /> . Lenctnr a securiiy imerr,�. Horrowrr muy cure such A defuuU und rrin�tute,u�provided in parugruph 18,by causing the action
<br /> '� • or pn,reeding mhc dismix.ed with u rulinfi thut,in l.ender�gacxl fuilh determinatiun,precludes farFciluns uf the Borrower's
<br /> �'�' ' inlaru�t in the Propeny or olher mu��riul impHirment of the Ben c�uted by thiti Security Inx�rument or l.enderk security
<br /> �'�� �� intantst. gorrnwer xhull ul,o ba ia dafuuU if Borrower, du�inF Ihe loun upplicutian process, guve maturiully fulk or
<br /> �;' � � � inuacumte ioformution or stutemenln Io l.endar(ar 1'uilod to pmvide Lend�r wi�h any rnute�iul informution)in cannection with
<br /> . �ha Inun eviJenced hy �ha Nota, includinu, bw not limited to, represrnlutions conceming BoROwerk acupuncy of the
<br /> Prnperiy oti n principal residcix:e. If this Security Inhtrument is on u Ieusehold.Borrower tihall ci�mply with ull the provi�innx
<br /> , ' �F Ihe lea�e, lf Borrowcr acyuire�fee dNe to�he Proprny.�ha leuxehold und thc fae title.hull not me�e unlesc Lendc�a��ces
<br /> � tu Iha mergcr in writing.
<br /> i�• ,, 7. Protection oP Lender's Rights in the Properly. If Bnrn►wrr fails ta perform the covenunt+ und ugrenmeM�
<br /> ;;:' . r cuntuin�d in this Security InstrumUm, or tlx:�c is u Ir�al pr�xerding thut mny ,i�tniticamly uffert Lender� ri�hls in Ihe
<br /> ;;,;,;;- z., Pr�{�rt��(,uch u�u proreeding in Munkru�lcy,pmhute,for cimd�mnu�ion ar f�rtcituR or ai enforce law�or regulutions),then
<br /> ' . ' l.ender may Jci und puy fur whnlcv�r i.nece�s.�ry to pr.�tect thc vuluo�it'�he Ropeny nnJ Lendrr; rightx in the Prapeny. �+�,�
<br /> � . ' l.rndera uclian�muy ouludc puying vny xumti sucurcd by a lirn which bn.priarity ovcr thfr�Securily ln.trumenl,uppcarin�t ��� ;
<br /> .,�� . in roun,paying rcaamublr auumcy.'fers und emc�ing on the Pru�xny �n mukc repLinr. Although Lender muy wke ac�ion
<br /> undc�r thix nru ru h 7. Lcndcr d�ks nul huvr to di��o. .`�
<br /> P S P � 3
<br /> Any um�wn�. di.bur.ed by L.endcr un�kr thiti purugruph 7 xhull 1x.�:omr uddi�ionul Jebt of B��rmv►•er.ecureJ by �hix � t�•'
<br /> ' ?. . Securi�a In.�niment. U nlcxti BaRUwrr and Lendrr ugrec tu other�rrni.�►I'pirymrnt.thr+r umouniti.hull ixrar interext 1'mm Ihe
<br /> ' dulv o�di�.hurKmerN nt Ihe Note rulc and�hull hc puy+iblr.with in�rm,t.u�xm no�ire from Lender to Bormwer rcyuesting '
<br /> �'; �� puynivm, •
<br /> � ' S, N1oM u e Insurance. II'Lcndcr n uimd nx+rt�u � intiurunrr a.:�cundiliun iil'mukin�the loun sccured h thix ' �
<br /> �,i . � � R R N b t�' b Y
<br /> � Securilg Interunxnt.Burtn��•cr �hall pay thr prrmiunu nyuired �i► nwinlnin tlx mon�u�c in.unmcr in cfl'ect. If. for uny . =
<br /> ;,..:� -' n�n.�m, �hr. monguge insuraixr ri►vcrag� rryuimd hy Lcndrr lap�c. ur rrc��e. lu F►r in cl'fcrt. Hiim�wcr �hull puy the .•'{,
<br /> i:•
<br /> ; premium� n:yqin:d Io ohlnin co��crugc suh�lantinlly �yuivalrnl lu Ihr m�►ngugr in,urnncc rreviou�ly in rfl'rrt. at u ���xt
<br /> �QllAti111�1U{{y�yaividcnt �o�hc ru.���►6orn�wcr ul'the mongu�c in�uruncr prcvinu.ly m �Ilrrl.tr�nn un uhcrnu�c mongugr -
<br /> in+uror appn►ved hy Lrnder. It'wh,tnmi:dlv eyuivulcnt mongugc in.urancr cuerr.�gr i.n�n uvailuMc. l3nrn�wer shull puy lu
<br /> ,,, Lrnder rarh mnndt,u nam equul�o une-iu�llih uf�hr yc;�rl� m�ir�guge in.ui:�ncr��r�mium Ixing pa�iJ hy Burcuwer when Ihc
<br /> �: ,
<br /> in�urnn�Y cu►�enig�Iupr�J��r cru,ed ta Ix in rffec�. L�ikler�vill arrrp�.u,r and retuin�he.e puymrm.a.•r lu+ti reservr in lieu
<br /> ot'nturtguge in►unnur. Lu�.r��ervc paymrnlr. mny na I�mgrr Ik reyuirrd. u�iho oplion uf Lrnder. il'murlguge imur.�nrc
<br /> cuvem�:c lin tllr amuunt und li�r Ihr�xri�xl Ihul L�ndrr reyuir�,�pro��idcJ hy un in.umr a�r�ivrd h��Lcnder uFain Ixcomr.
<br /> , uvailablu and i�uhlaiiu d.B�itru��•cr.h��ll p��y ihc prcmium.nyuimd lo m�iiniuin m�m�ugr in,urunrr in rfl'rrt.or to pruvide u ,�.;�
<br /> j � i � � � li►.y rc.ervc.unlil�tlir n�yuirc�ncnl for mnrtgu�c inxura�xc endti in sirrurdunrc with nny a•riitrn ngncmrnt hctwcrn BormN•rr '
<br /> �� und Lcnder or upp{ie�hl��lu�v. •�`''
<br /> ��' 9. Inr{leclinn. I.rndrr ur it�u�:r�il mu�• mak. rca.uni�hlr rnU•ic,upon mid in.�xrtiixi.af thc Pro�xr���. Lrndcr.hall �'�
<br /> "l L•..
<br /> , .., ' give B�mr►�vcr nu�ire at Ihe tinu ol'or priur tu an in.�xr�i�►n.rn cif�inE rru.on��Me ram.e li►r Ihr in,�xctiun. •
<br /> ' �•,, 10. Candumnation. The pnv:crJ.ul'an}• au•ard�rr rlaim li�r dunwgr..Jimr�ar run+.yurnli�d.in c�mnrction�viU�uny �
<br /> � c::. � � �,,.
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