.. �/
<br /> Ir. ' . ..`.f���:,�
<br /> 4a�� �'• � "� ^ •\✓
<br /> �r
<br /> ' 93- so�so
<br /> �pplia�blo bw may speoify for roin�tement)Ifeforo �le of tho Pro}terty punwpat.to my power of'We cant�laed in W�
<br /> . Scaudty ln�p�ument;a(b)entrY of�Jud�e m enfa+cin�this Seaud�y InWunlA�t� 71�a�e wnditiom�u�e th+�t Bo�mwor: (�)
<br /> p�Y� Lmn�ler �II sunu whkh tl�on wauld be due under thia 5acudty �aWiumtntl�and tho Note u iP no aocnlaatian h�d
<br /> oacunred:(b)curca�ny dofiult of any otha oovemnu or�t+�empnts;(c)p�Y4�Il�axpem�er incwt�ad la rnfa+cin�thlr Secw9ty
<br /> in�trumrnM,includin�.6ut not Nmited ca,resron�ble attarnoys'fvos; ond(d)tAke�auch acQon as Lender m�y rcACOnably
<br /> roq�iro a wwuno U�c�do Ikn of�hi.Socuriry Uuw,ncnb l.endarl�dghca in�dlq Property u��ormwer'�obliQwion w p�y the
<br /> .t, iuma socuiod bp thi� Security Inspumrnt rlwll continua unah�oB�' uq� �in�l�ament by Bortowct, thh 3acurily
<br /> fnstrwncnt und tha obligutlon��ccun,d hereby chull remuin fi�lly ef�ecdvo tt&!f.n�acceleradan had oecuned. Hawe�r,thl�
<br /> d�hc to reinKaw shull not apply in tho crso of acccle�ation unda�paraaraph�7.�
<br /> 19. Sde d Note{CWiaQa ot Lo�n Servicer. Tltp NOtp of Ap�rtlp)intpraW!n,U�e Note (togethu with thin 3ecurlry
<br /> Instium�nq mwy ba cold ona w mae times withaut prk►r natice to Barrowoc A�al�mny rccult in a changc in the endry
<br /> (known os Iha"LoAn Servicer")that collec[s mnnthly poymoata dua undor tFia Nqta and thia Securiry Inswmont. Thete alaa
<br /> may be ona ar.mane chunges of�he l.uAn Servlcer unrolatad w a sala of�ho Nota. If the►e is a chun�e of tha L.aan Serviar.
<br /> Bamower w1U be given wdltan nutica oP tha chtutgo in accordunca with ppragraph�lA abovc and applisablc law. The motice
<br /> will�tuto Uie name and edJ�s of tha new LoAn Serviaar and�he eddnacs w,whlafi�paymcnts slwuld be m�da. The notkc wUl
<br /> �Iqo cantain nny athcr informatian rcqufnd by eppliaubla law.
<br /> 20. 1la�ardous Substancew Borrower shall nat cau�es or.potmit thd p�mance,usc.disposal.sWu�ge.or t+elease of any
<br /> Hazardaus SubwanGea on or in�he Property. B4rrowo�sha1) nnt dn.ncn allnw unyonc elsc to do. wtivthing affecdng ti►c
<br /> ���� Pr�operty that•ie in.vialation of eny Envimnmeniul4aw. Thn preoaling two r,tmtanccs s6a11 not apply to Uie presencc,us�.or
<br /> �,�,, storagc on,the P►vpa�ty of smull�quandtiea of MuT.audaup Subwanaoo that�aas•gonnrally recognized w bc apPivpriacc to nor�na!
<br /> •�� �'�• raeidantia!u�es And w maintanpnaa of the Proparty
<br /> S.�;.
<br /> ,'�:_,_:a. ,.;:�.,},4��;,���:°•� Borrower shall promptly give Lendar written nntiva of an��Investi8u�tan,claim�dBmend,lawsult or other acdon by�ny
<br /> . �F:'fiif;.'r':-,,.��ry.�, govemmental or regulntory agenay or priveta party inuplujng tha Arqpaty ond any Flc�ardous Substance or Envlronmental
<br /> '" •��1�,f'_•,,�,f��� Lew of which Bomower has amual•knnw►Qd@e. !f.&►mow�ar laams. or is notitied by any govemmente) or regulutory
<br /> ;:, �, •� p
<br /> � �--.F, %�7":������ authority,ihat any temovul or o�her�medisdon of ang•HazoM��uE Subuance affecHng�he Property is neceswuy,Bwrower
<br /> •���*;?°� sha1L rom take all nececsary remodiul acaon�in accordance wi�h�nvironmental Law.
<br /> •,.. • ''�.,. �. , P Pu3'
<br /> � ��';��'� �r P �,i�:e�'�,; As used in t1�iR rq h 1A. "Hazardous SubRlancas"a�e those substances dBfined as toxic or hazerd�us subslances by
<br /> ��5�.�,...
<br /> '44�� E'���� - 4� Environmentc�l Law and�lta foQuwing subswnces: gosuline,kerosene.other flammable ar toaic petmleum pnoducts,toxic
<br /> ���`;_,;� r' ��.:�y��j:,-,•�';.� pesticidas ond�hsrbicides.�voladla solventa, moterials containing asbestos or fam�ldehyde.and redioactivu materials. As
<br /> '.#.-.!,.i::;: �'•� . v����� u�e d i n t h i K p a m g r r p h 2 Q, Environ m e n t u l L aw muans federnl IuwA and laws of the ju�isdiction whsre the P+�o p c r t y is located
<br /> �'�'y� ��� a� �_;��`'�" that relute w health,safety orenvironmantul�protec�ion.
<br /> y Ar,,,._.
<br /> �r,.•;'`r �-:.,r�`{� 8
<br /> �� " } f,,�`.' , � NON•U MFORM COVElVANTS. Borrower and I.ender further covenant and e ree us folluws:
<br /> � ' �:�: 21. Accelerndoa;�wedies. l.ender shsdl give aotke to Borrower prior to accelerAdoa [dbwipg Borrower's
<br /> � ' • breach ot any oo�enaat or aqneement in thtv Security I�trument(but aot prior to acceleratbn uader pomqraph 17
<br /> - .,.,... " � unles9 egp!lr�Me!aw pro,�aes otl�er+�se?. The not�ce ghal!s�erlry ce?ttw apr��dt,(b)u�e acuon requtrea w cure u�e
<br /> .. ' . � ' d twult;(c)�date,nM less than 39 days trom the dpte the noUce is given to Borrower,by w6ich tthe deipult mnat be
<br /> ' , . '. '�'.��ir cured;�ud(d1 that faUure to cure ihe default on o�befo�e the date specifled In the notice tnay re9ult in acceleralfon of
<br /> " ` � �� the aums secured by Ihis 5ecu�ity Instrument s�nd eale of the Property. The notice shall fbrlher in(orm Barrower o!
<br /> . ;, , ,:.
<br /> j�� � �''�'��':"'� !he right to reiasWte atter acceleradon and the right to bring a court petion to assert the non�existence ot a de�ault or
<br /> ���; � ! �� wn other detense ot Borrower to AcceleraUon aad sale. lf the defauk is not cured on or betore Ihe dpte s cifled in
<br /> , . ...., .R,� •:�.,�
<br /> ' 'ii,,;;?::,,�':,;.�, y �
<br /> the notice,I.eader at Ifs opdon may requlre imwediate payment in fuU of all sums secured by thts Security I�wtrument
<br /> ' '�•`.'� wiWout turther demond and may invake Ihe power oP swle and any other rcmedtes permitted by applkable Inw
<br /> �. � ' " • """�'�' I.ender sAall be entided to colled all expenses Incurred in purouing the remediec provided In ldis parAg�ph 21. . . �
<br /> � "" ,';,�,,.;" '' Induding,lwt dot Iimited to,reasonable attorneys'fees and costs of title evidence. '
<br /> �:+��.:;`�: •��' lt tl�e power of sale is invoked, 7tustee s6a11 record o nodce ot default in each county in whkh�ny{p+M ot the �''Y`�
<br /> �!�'' � '`�� "' "''"�''�^�` Property Is IocAted and shall m�il copies of such notice in the mnnner prescrlbed by Appikable law to Borrower and to
<br /> . �.:;:��,;�:,,,;;.., , , .','
<br /> �� ,�.�;:
<br /> ���'�;,,;,r„�;.,�„r the other persona prescribed by applicaWe law After li�c timc required by applkable law,'ll�ustec shall give publk ;i
<br /> � d•" ";���4• notice of sale to the petsons and in the msmaer prescribed by applicable low. 7tustee,without demand on Borrower. 5���
<br /> J : .,•' ``"? s6p11 selt the Property ot public auMion to the highest bidder at tAe Ume end place ond under the terms destgrwled tn .�;;
<br /> '' � '�f�,:°� the nottce of sale in one or more parcels and In any order 7Yustee determines. 7�ustee mpy poslpone sale of all or any
<br /> '��.��. � parcel oP the PropeMy by public announcement at the Ume and place ot any previously scheduled eole. I.ender or its
<br /> •'�; : , ,� deaiQnce may purchrsc the Properly at any sWe.
<br /> _� � - -. . .._. Upon receipt ot pnymPnt of 1he price bid.7tustee sfiall deliver to the purchaser'lYustee's deed conveyins the _
<br /> ' ••� . , •;`�;' Properly. Tl�e recitals in tbe 7Yuslee's deed shgN be prima facie evidence of the Iru1h of the slatements made Werein.
<br /> ,� �,.-, :t+: ' 7Fustee sholl opply the prooeeds oi the sale ia the Following order: ta)to wll cosfs wnd expe�ses oY exercir�We power
<br /> . ,��� .�..,:;,; ,
<br /> � t. ,;;,��,';
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