l ={:`r'9 .ws+.sr
<br /> �' f���1� .. ; �.Y
<br /> ,y ..
<br /> I��� ��
<br /> condemnwtion or Mhar��kina.oi sia�y psut of�ho Propeny,or Par caovcy�nco In Iku of co�demwlun.ao heteby rusi�iod+uid
<br /> .hdt be p�id w I.�andur..
<br /> In iba ovont�.ui a.tq1Al��lpNing uf�ho Praprrty. Ihepn x�ceds ehul! be applicd ta�hc Kum� �cecured by thix Sccudty
<br /> Inyuuntani� whatt►qr.w�,ntq dlqn.!�urt,wi�h wny cxccwx pald t�i Bornower. In the even�of a parlial taking uf the Pn►pertY i�
<br /> wbi4b,�ha fiifr mwket voh�a ur ihW.i�n,�tKy immedia�cly t►cPora�hp tuking is eyual�o ar greatcr tiwn�he umount of thc xums
<br /> n�,
<br /> recurrs�bx�4►Id 3ec'uri�y Inntrulnsni,itq�rlqcliAtclY 1x:foro�he wkiag, unlesx Bnm�wcr wnl l.cnder otherwlce ugrcc in wri�ing.
<br /> ,_,.` �ba sumA�acursd by �hin Secur�t�r•Inr�rvmanl,�hull he rcduced by the umoum oF�he pn�ceedw multiplied by the fdlawing
<br /> frwrttqn:� laf�taul wnount ol'il�q nunnt�:un,�J imm�xliutcly lx:fur�the tAking.dfvided by�bl the fair markct vAlue�f�hc
<br /> Prq�xtr�y imtnadiu�aly befbm tha luking� AfiF•bniqnua rhall 6e puid w Bormwer. In the event of a panlnl tuking of the
<br /> Au�rty in,.w,�iub,!hQ fair mnrket vuluc oC Iha Br�ercy immediately hefare Ihe taking ix Ichx thun 1he umaunt of the aums
<br /> recu�d immRd"f�i�t1Y•bal'�re ihe laking,unla�x Burniwer und l.ender Whcrwirc agrce in writing or wil�mx applicuble luw
<br /> ,t, OIAQrWIHQ Pi�PYW4N�Ibu pr�ead++shnlh be u�►licd to ihe suma recured by thiY Secu�iiy lnvin�meM wheiher or not the sums u�e
<br /> : r
<br /> :' s^`.�� than dua.
<br /> „ ,,,, � If 111�.PtivqFtlY•i»obund�►+tad by&xrowcr,or ii,after notice by Lender�o Bortower that the cw�Jemnor affen lo moke
<br /> �. :���" an uword.or�a�da o alulm�fur dumngea,Bormwer fuils tu rexpunJ tu Lender within 30 duy�uftcr�he datc the nwice ix given,
<br /> '�'•`•az� lxndcr in authnrixod�u�c�lluat and Ahply the praccedx.ut Itx ap�ion.ci�her ta re�:torutian or rep•rir af the Pmperty or to�hc
<br /> � �� sumR rccunad by�hie 5�rucUpr•lne►trumant,whather or no�then due.
<br /> ,i��%�t'`► llnluK4 L.endar and &�r+vwpr txbarwine agree in writinb,any applicatian of prcx:��dz�u princlpal shall nat extend or
<br /> •`r,. ,•`�'� �;�� t u.lhu due dnte of Ihe mixtlhl • n P � ph- k P�Y
<br /> ., L ..� .,.� p�p c�n v n ymnnte►rcPerred lo in ura ro 4 I und 2 or chun c the umount of tiuch mems.
<br /> '�-�: � �2��� ll. 1{orrower NuR.Rslea.ged0 PwbcAramee By Len der N o t A Wq iver. Ex tens inn u f t h c t i m e f o r p a y m e m o r
<br /> .t..ti'` • ^ .. �
<br /> ''�'� ��" moditicution of amnt�ti:ta�Iun of the�uma,ecured by this Securiry In��rumeM gmnled by Lender ta uny�uccessor in imerest
<br /> . r �... _
<br /> ��•..�.`•,!:"`�.`+�'` ot Borrowe�xhall na,open►tR t�releu.tie the li:�biliry uf Ihe origi�al Borrower or Bormwer4 tiucce�wn m interext.l.ender
<br /> �•'" "' �' • `� shpll•nnt b�rcyuired to cummence pmreedings ugain,t any sucrex.r•or in interest ur rcfux tu extenJ time for puyment or
<br /> ' °• ' athcrwi:sc m�dify amonita�ian af Ihe sums sccurcd by thix Security Instrument by reawn of uny demand�n�de by 1he ari�inal
<br /> ' ' � •�" .:^:� .~�' � Borrower or Borrowcr�sucresson in intems�. Any forbes�roncc by Lendcr in exeni�ing uny�ight cx remedy shall nat t�e u
<br /> ' • . �. waivrr of ur pr�rluJ�r�hr eaercise of uny riRht or remcdy.
<br /> •�' �• '" "�::.r; 12. Succes.vaw�d Assl�ns Bound;Joinl�od SeverAl l.iability;Co-signers. The covenurns and agrc�mentx of this
<br /> �,� ;.`�, � „' Secu�iry Instrument shul!bind und benefit th�:+urcesson�xi acsigns of I.ender anJ Borcowrr.+ubject to the provisions of
<br /> �• �;;�,�.;r:%' paragrnph 17. Bormweri covennntg and ugrcemrnl.r• shull be joint unJ�evrrul. Any Borrawer whuco-tiign�Ihis Securfly
<br /> ',;;� , • ; Instrument but doex not execute thc Nae: lal is co-.igning thi.Security Imlrument only ti�murtgugr,grant and convey thut
<br /> �:'• . ���. �, Borrower�interest in thc Propeny under the�rrms of thix Securily In,lrumc�u: Ib)is not�xrumally ohligateJ to pay�he xums
<br /> ,� hecurcd by Ihix S��curi�y Instrum.nt;nnd(c1 u�ercer�hut Lrnder und uny othcr Borrnwer muy Agrre ta cxtend,modify,fartxar
<br /> � ��'�=�'�.; ° ' or ms�ke nny accommodalic►ns wilh r+egurd to�he wmis ut�his Security In�tniment ar the Nwr wi�hou� that Borrower's ��r
<br /> , � .. cangent.
<br /> � ��..•.�.�: .;i �r
<br /> t�=-'— !3. l.aass L:l�rge�. !f tt:e l:r,s.^.::ecared by lhi� S��cetity lnMn�mrn� ic�uhjec� to u ILw which sels mrximum loun
<br /> ;;:: ' ' ;`i';�:;�':�', charges,and that law is finally interprcted x.��ha�the in�erc�.t orc�ther Ic�nn rhurges cullrcted c,r�o Ix rullerted in conneclion
<br /> •.�;'••� wilh Ihe lo:m cx:xed�he pem�itted limi�+.then: lu)uny such loan rharge xhull lx�reduced hy Ihe umuunl necc.sury ta reduce
<br /> , , `ri•.j�,�:�'
<br /> , d, �he rharge to the�rmltted hmit:und(h1 any�umti ulrcaJy collrcteJ from Burtower which exc�cdeJ�xnnilted limits will be
<br /> � ' ' refunded lo Borrc�wee Lender muy ch�w�.a t�i makr thi�nfunJ hy rrducing thr principal owed under Ihe Niite or by muhinp u
<br /> . � direct payment�o B��rmK•er. If u rel'unJ reducr+principal.�hr rcduclion will Ix tnu�rJ•rs a panial pn�yment wilhout uny
<br /> �a:/• prepryment churgc under ihe Notc.
<br /> .� ��" �, 14. Notlees. Any nutice to BoROwer proviJed ti�r in thi� Securiry Intitrument ,hall tx Fivrn by delivrring it ��r by �
<br /> �±'=�• ' � � � . mailing il by fint clusx m•ril unlrns applicuble law require�u.r nf arn�thrr methcKl.The nntice shall ix diRCted to Ihe Pni�ny ,
<br /> �� �, � Addresw or ony��thr�udJre..BoROw�r dr+ignates by nntirc t��L.enJrr. Any n��tirc u�Lrndcr�hull I+e givrn by tint rlu�� {':"Y
<br /> ,'�, ,. .. . mail to Lender++iddre�s,laled hercin ur any othcr:nldreti.L.rn�kr de.i�enuleti by n�i�icr u�B�,rr��wer. Any nMice provideJ far l
<br /> '� , r . , in �hi.Securi��• Instrumcnt nh�dl Ix� decnkJ ti� h:rvc tuc� giv�n to Harn�wer nr L�nckr whrn given us provided in Ihiti
<br /> ,�, • ' par��traph.
<br /> ;;�i�:�� ;` '`, I5. (:overninR Law; tieverability. Thi+ Sccuri��• In.lrumenl .hall tx g�wemcJ M f'rdrral luw und �he luw oY�he �-�
<br /> - juriuiiction in which tl�:Pn,�xny i.I�xuted. hi th�c�•rnt�h:n am provi.i�m ur rluu,c of thi.Securiry Intit�umcm or Ihe Notc
<br /> �•, . :;,�,-. conflict,with upplirable law.,unc�untlict�hidl n�x at'icrl ulher pra�•i.ion,��i'ihi.Serurii�•In,lrument i�r the Nnte which r;m _
<br /> `�� ���• be given effect withow ihc c�xNlirling priwi+inn. Ti► 1hi.end Ihc pmvi�i�m�of'thi.r Sccurin• In.trumem imd Ihc Note am -
<br /> ,:.�,..� '�i�. .,.
<br /> . ��;+:;:�.ii, declurcd to Ik.rvrrablc. •
<br /> � , ' � ' 16. Borrnwer's('opy. fl��rrow-cr�hull ix gioru unc cuiU�xntcd cupy�u!'th� :��nr�nJ�,1'thi,Srcurity In�tn�mro� ':
<br /> � .• „ 17. 7lranrfer of Ihe Properl}�nr a 13eneficiul Interr+t in Borrower. If ull ur uny part of thr Pru�xny or uny intcrr.t in �,^,'
<br /> •�.' , . ,; .. ii is sald or Iranslcrred lor il'a txnef'irinl intcR,t in Ri�rcu���r i� �old ur tran,l'rmJ und H�►rruwc�i.ix�t u nuwral(►�r.nnl .
<br /> ' :,o wilhou�Lendcr�prior wriurn cununt.LrnJcr mar.al ilr�ipliun.r�yuirc inmxdiat�p•r�•nunl in 1'uU uf ul)�ums.ecureJ by
<br /> '"�•� = ..,., •
<br /> .. . .. •• Ihi.Sccuriry Im�rument. Hi�wrver.[his o�i�m,hall not Ix excrci�rJ hy I.�nder i!et�rci+e iti prohini��d by federul luw u�of ��.`,_
<br /> . . � �.�,:...�. Ihe dalc of thix Sccurity In+lrum�nl.
<br /> { � -�:`� .. ...��•�r�:. If Lendcr rxcrriuti thi.option.l.cnJrr,hall giv� Narro�vrt nutirr uf+�cccicra�iun. Thc na�kr.hull providc s+�xri�xl of
<br /> d r;�:°.,
<br /> y r ' ;!�" , nM lexs Ihan�0 dny�ftom Ihr Jale thr n�nhr i,dclivenJ or mailed w•ithin��hich lioni���rr mu.�pay ull.wn�.rrured hy Ihi�
<br /> '�; ' Security In.trument. If Born,�vrr tail. ti►pay Ihe�r .um+ priu� tn the r�piratii,n of�hiti�xri�kl. Lcndcr m:►�• invo6e �my
<br /> ;, •:+' � �rmedir.�xrmittcd hy thi�S��urii�•In,lrum.n�w�ithuut 1'unhrr nutir.ur dcm:md un liunu��cr. '
<br /> � 18. Borrower's RiRht to Reinstufe. 11 R�,rru���er mc��� rcn•rin rundi�iun.. Fiarru��rr ,hull h:rvr thr ri�ht ��, h:ivr
<br /> ! ' enforcement M'thi.Securi��• In.�runum diu�,minucd al an)•�ime pri�x 1„IIh�arlKr��f: I:i�5 da�•�ur.urh �►Ih.r�ri�xl a� �•'
<br /> f�f ' �
<br /> {; tim}k l•.xml�- F�nale�fur Fnddk�t�l\Ih'a1R�11�tiTRf11F:\'f I nd�mu('�n.nam. 4,411 ��v��r a,�►n�p���•.�
<br /> �'�i.
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