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<br /> atr�e,.r�d t6e.a1��IndudloQ We P�yment de6e 7�o�tee'�tea�ly Incuend.aa a exaeed 3 p Sfi d .
<br /> tIM pei�dpd�sem�t d We oote�t tM Wme af tbe�da�tlon d drd�Wt,�nd�ona6N�ttorn�ay�;fea r tted
<br /> b�'lawl(b)M dl��r�d by tib S�qvity In�tram�ak�od(c)�uW exoeN b Ihe penoo ar�penow lept�edl�iid
<br /> ta If.
<br /> Z�. lteoonvpranoe. Upa� payrtunt of all sums securcd by this Seturlty lnetrumcnt, Lender shall nequeat'Itustee w
<br /> ceooavay the P�+npeiry and �h�ll rumendcr thiw Seourity IasWment and all notes evidencing debt�ecurcd by this Security
<br /> Inrt�ument to'ltuctee. 7tusta shell rcconvoy tho P�opeRy withouc wurenty and wiU►o�t clurQo W tht peraon or pet:om
<br /> le�.uy entidea w i� sucn penon or persona ehal�p�y any�ocond.tion Lrosts.
<br /> T3. Sabrtttate 7tiutee. Laade�.at its opNon.mry fmm time lo dme rcmovc 7tuctee and appoint a wccocsor truntee w
<br /> +�ny 7tustee appointed heaunder by an instrument rocorded in the county in which this Security inspument is recurded.
<br /> Without conveyance of the Prq�erty� the succcr�wr austeu shsill succad to all �ho dQe. power and dudes conferrod upon
<br /> 'lhutee hercin arM by ap�licable taw.
<br /> 24. ft�quest tor NNl�xa. Borrowar rcqueals that coptes of the noticas of default and sale be sent to Borrower'c addrcss
<br /> wdich la the Prapetty Acklress.
<br /> 2S. Riders to thb Seeurlly lasttumeat, !f one or more dders are executed by Bocrower and recorded together with
<br /> this Secucity Inswment,the wvenants and agreements of each such rider shnll 6e incorporated into and ehall amend and
<br /> supplement the covenants end a�aemen�of�his Securily[nadiunen�as if�ha ridoc(s)wera a part of lhie Seeuriry last�umen�
<br /> [Check applicable boa(e9))
<br /> �AdJuslable Rate Rider �Condominlum Wder �1-4 Family Rider
<br /> �anduated Payment Rider �Plenned Unit Devetopment Itider �Biweekly Payment Rider
<br /> n., ., �Balloon Rider �Rate Improvement Rider �Second Home Rider
<br /> .w.,.,
<br /> ��' BY SI(iNIN(i BELOW,Borrow�r aecep�c and agrcca to the terms and covenents contaiaal in thia Seeudty Instrument
<br /> and in any dder(s)executed by Bomower and recarded wi�h it.
<br /> �' Vl�d�: Wimeas:
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<br /> r'�': • ���{�i{•���. •eonowcr STEP�IEN 7. THIIERNAGLE -eaoower
<br /> V �"+'..fy�yf
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<br /> 5 '��rs��+�G�ai',;��):�';•��;�', •Bdtrowtt •BonOwtt
<br /> �`�p,,,;;.R,rt;:�;;.•:,,e�•. : � STA'f�OFNEBRASKA. HALI County ss:
<br /> ? �.. - < ,v.:.v<�i..�•r,kr�,
<br /> � 9t::'_',:�,+,
<br /> �> On thia 23R0 day of SEPTEP'BER 1993 before me,the undcrsigned,n Notary Public
<br /> .�_� .���S I'....`�,'.1{yk
<br /> � 4��y` ..{. dulycomrnissionedandquulifiedPorsaidcounty,personallycume STEPHEN J. THUERNAGLE, A SINGLE PERSON
<br /> � ���: :�. ,, .
<br /> .:,�,�,.�,:,:;�,;-�,,... . , : .to me known to be the
<br /> ��.
<br /> �-�. ;;;��;,,�i,�.�:�r,,, iden8cel parsons(s)whose nwne(s)are subscribed to the foregoing instrument ond acknuwledged the execwion thereof to �°
<br /> � °��"^�,'��� �• '�'�"' be HIS volunwry nct und deed. �=s
<br /> �'t' � �"�•-'�` "� Wi y hand ond noteriul seel at GRAND ISLA , N RA ) /f in swid counry,the
<br /> '�� ��, ��� date afo sei , �
<br /> � � •.-.,.�."" . . My Co n J � �� �
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<br /> �Y �: ���• - �t.�'�, ��•.' R�A�� REQUF.ST FOR RECONV�YANCE
<br /> �` � �" " TO TRUSTEE:
<br /> j� ' � � 7'he undcrsigned is�he hol e note or notc+secured by�his Dccd of'Ihist. Said nMc or notch,togethcr with all
<br /> � �� �;., :���:��"' other indebtedness secured by Ihis Deed of 7ivst,huve been puid in full. Yuu uR hercby din:cted to cancel said note or nntes
<br /> � ���;�'.:• �•: :�;:?,�.,,; and this Deed of 7i�ust,which suc delivcrcd hcreby,and to rcconvcy,without wurcwuy,AO the e�tate now held by you under .•r,t
<br /> t`� ,:: r;^:.,,;.;! this Deed of'Ih�st to ihe petson or persons legally entided theretu.
<br /> ,. �.:,:.�: •:�r>
<br /> �, . . ��,,,���i.
<br /> �'.4ty;;•_,"' Date:
<br /> .,:, . .�.
<br /> : F�� � 1►p8t Anj6 pagesl
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