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<br /> I candarauitlan ar al}rcr t�IcL�ot�ny p�rt of 1he PropeRy�or for canveymco in lieu of condenmation�u�e hmby wd�nod wnd
<br /> YWI bo paW to Lender.
<br /> In the event of a toal taking of�he Property, the proceeds�al� be ApP�ied to d�a sumr securod by 1hi� :3ecurlty
<br /> Irtstn�mpu�whelhcr or not UKn due.wlth�ny eaceu p�id to Bortower. In the event of a paAinl ukin�of 1he Propaty in
<br /> I which the tdr m�rket value of the P�npeAy immediately before the taking is oqu�l w or greAter th�n the wnount of the sums
<br /> ' eocu�+ed by this Secudty Insuumrnt immediotely beforo Iha wldng,unless Bormwer and L.ender otherwlse agrec in writing,
<br /> the ewu�curod by thia 3ocuri�y Inwtument ehalf 6e neducod by Ihe omount of Ihe proceeda multiplied by tha Pollowln�
<br /> fr�ction: (u)1he total amount of Ihe cums rocured immodieiely beforc the taking,divided by(b)the fair market vdue of the
<br /> , P�operty inunediately befurc the taking. Any balunce;hall be paid to Borrower. In thc event ui a putiwl taking of the
<br /> ; Pr�erty in whirh tho fair murkat vulue of tho NupeKy immediately beforc the�eking is ks�than the nmount of the sums
<br /> 6ecured lmmedia�cly beforo the tnking. unloss Barrower end Lender othenviso agree in writing or unless applfcablc luw
<br /> otNcrwise providos.tho proceoda chpll be applied to the sums securcd by this Security losqumcnt whether or not the cwns arc
<br /> � tlten dus.
<br /> ( iF the Propeny ia abtutdoned by Borrower.or if,atte�notice by L.endcr ta Horrower that ihe condemnor offcrx to makc
<br /> an award or settle a claim for damages,Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 day4 after�he date thc�otice is given,
<br /> Lendcr is au�horlxed to collect and npply Ihe proceedx,ut itaz optian.either ta restaration w n:pair of thc Properry or ro thc
<br /> ; cums sesur+ed by this Secur�ty insnumcnt.whether or not t6en due.
<br /> i Unlea.c Lendcr nnd Bomower atherwise ag�ec in writing,any application of praceeds ta principal shell not extend or
<br /> I postpone the due dute of the momhly puyments referned to in pnrngrnpha 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payments.
<br /> 11. Borrower Not Relea�ed; FarbeAmnce By I.ende� Not a Waiver. Extensian of the time for payment or
<br /> madificution af umortizWion of thc sums secured by this Securiry Inst�ument grnnted by Lender to any scuccessor in mteast
<br /> «�"'. , of Borrower shnll�ot aperate a relcage the liubility of the ar�ginal Borrowcr or Borrowe�S�succesisors in intercst. Lender ,
<br /> � ;��=� sl�all not be requircd to commence proceedingK agwnst any surcessor in inte�rw or r�efuse to eatend Ume for payment or
<br /> othenvire modifjr umortization of the sums secured by thi4 Securiry instnimem by reason af eny demand mude by�he origin�l �
<br /> ��' Bomower or Borrowerl�successors in inlerest. Any forbew�nce by l.ender in exereising any right or remedy sh�ll not br a ,
<br /> c'`�� ' � h � ' •' " waiver of or preclude the exercise of ony right or remedy.
<br /> ��`'"�"�`�'�� 12. Successors nnd Assi��Bonnd;Joint and Seveml I.fubility;Co-siguers. The covenants und ugreements of this .
<br /> ° t,,,•� • . Securiry Instn�ment shall bind and benetit Ihe gucce�cecon und assign�of Lender and Barrower,subject lo the provisions of
<br /> ��� �`''"��'fi,��+�'� � parngmph 17. Bomowerk covenums und agr�eemenix shull be joint and w:vera}.Any Borrower who co-rigns this Security
<br /> r -,,f"��.10a"'� Insuument but daes not execute the Note: lu)ix co-signing�his Secu�ity Instn�ment only io mortga$e,g�ant and convey that
<br /> .... . ,i Bomower ti interetit in�he Pro a undcr thc tcrms of thig Security Instrumcn[: (b)is not personally obligated�o pay the sums
<br /> • .�., .�r
<br /> ' r'xw�xu,J.,
<br /> �,t. :.�:.,.,; secured by this Security Insirument;und(c)ogreex that Lender und uny other Borrower mny ugree to extend,modify.forbeur
<br /> r= 'y + - '"'�'`' or make any accommodations with �egard to the �ertnx uf thix Secudly Instrument ar ihe Note without that Bomowerh
<br /> ,fi ����.?','a
<br /> ��i�:�: _".� ;!.,. consent.
<br /> f ' :,w• ,,�-+ 13. l.�an Charges. If the loun .ecu�rd by thiti Security Instrument is xubJect �o u low which se�muximum loan
<br /> , � charges,und that law ix inaiiy inte�rc�ed.o�hut thn inirmi u�uihr� Iw►�i�h�►rsei co{i�:.t�.d or ta bc collcricd its consieciian
<br /> � , , with the laun exceed the permitted limit:�,then: (a)uny xuch laun char�e tihull be reduc�d by the amount necessary to rcduce
<br /> , the churgr lo the permitted limit;and(b)uny sum�uln:udy col�cted from Barrower w•hich exceeded perniitted limits wifl be
<br /> xti. • . . refunded to Borrawer. Lender may chooux�o mukc thix n:fund by reducin�t ihe principal owed under the Note ar by making a
<br /> ;+.• • •• •, dir+ect puym�nt to Borrower. If a refund rcducrs principul.�he reduction will tx treuted us n partiul prepuyment without any
<br /> �. ', � `- . pr�epnymem chargc under the Note.
<br /> ' �.�,��.,;. , • 14. Notkec. Any noiire to Borrowcr pmvided for in �hh Sccurity In.trument .hal1 be given by delivering it or by
<br /> '• � ' �.'f�7f:.'�• , muiling i�by fint clu+s muil unlexti a�licublc luw Ryuire,u���►f'unothcr method.The notire shull be directed to Ihe Propeny
<br /> �t�•� Addresti or any uthcr uJdrrs. Borrowcr drsignutc+by n�►ticr to Lcndcr. Any notire a�Lender shull t►e given b� Prst cluss
<br /> , . ` mnil ta l.cnde�'s uddr�..+mteJ hemin or any uthrr a�klrc.,Lrndcr dc�ignatr.hy notice�o iioROwer. Any no�ice pravided for
<br /> ; • �• in this Security In.uumrnt .hull Ix J�emrJ tu h�rve t+�en �:ivrn tu Burrower or Lrnder when given a.r• provided in this
<br /> ' �,• � : , puragrrph.
<br /> IS. Governing I.aw; tievers►bility. This Srcurity In�.trumcnl .hall tx �!overneJ by federul luw und the law of the
<br /> .��'� jurixdiction in which thc Pn�prny i+kxuteJ, hi thc rvent thut any pruvi.iun ur cluuk of thiti Scrurity Inxtrument or the Note
<br /> ;• .; -. , � ',f cunflic�.with upplicablc Inw.such cunflict,hull not at7ccl a�hcr provi.iun�ol'thi,Scrurity lmtrument or the Note whieh ran ,.
<br /> � ' � . . ., be�iven effect wi�houl �he contlicting provisian. 9ii thi. enJ tlx:pnwi.ion+ol'�hi.Srcurity In�lrument wid Ihe Note wr ?�
<br /> ` , decltucd w bc,averable.
<br /> . .16. Borrower's Copy. Borrowcr.hull Fx given onr cunf��nned copy ul'thr Ni�tc unJ of�hi.Securi�y Ins�rument.
<br /> " -- ` ==°�r�`1-'- ,• i7. Trun�fer of the Propertv or�HeneRriai Inierest in Bnrrow•er. if all or any pan uf ihr Pn��xrny�x uny interc�t in
<br /> �, .,, _..,
<br /> "•�}. it is suld ur tr:ui.frrrcd(or if u hcn�licia) intrrr.t in Borma�cr i.,i►Id ur �run,tcmd and Hnm�w•cr iti not u nawrul pcnoN
<br /> � ..•. .Y.• . . wilhout Lrndrr ti prior written cnn.rm.Lrndcr nu�y.ul it.opliun.rryuirr innnrJiatr p:�ymrnl in full of aU wmti srcurcd by
<br /> �, s • ,.. ,, �hiz Security In+lrument. Huwrvcr.this opliun�hull nut Ix rxercixd hy LcnJrr if rxrni�c i�prahibiled by tcdcrnl law u�of
<br /> ,,� ' � ' � the date of�his Serurity Instromenl.
<br /> 'J-'�f�'� .J � , If l.cndrr rxcrei�cx Ihi�oplinn. LenJrr.hull gi�•r Hi�rruwcr niNicr ut'acrrlrrrtii�n. Thr notir�.hall proviJ�u�xriod of
<br /> , ,�,;•�,��
<br /> � �.. �;::.:�
<br /> .� �';.1., not kss�hun 311 duy�fn�m thc du�c thr nuticc i�drlivcrrJ ur mailyd w ithin whi�h Borru«•cr mu,�pay•rll,um.urured hy thi+
<br /> a� ;; .,. ;, >1;s, . • Securiiy In,trumrm. It'BuROwcr fuilti ti� piiy �hc+c .urn. prior �o �hc rxpiratian ul' thi, �xri�xl. Lrnder may invoke uny
<br /> `�. � ,, remedicx pem�iurd My thi+Securi�v Ins�rumrnt withaut t'unhrr nalira i�r demand on N„�ro��•rr.
<br /> � •� �, �n 18. Borrower's Rip�hf to Reinslute. If Rurco�ver meei. ccnain cunJiliom. B��rro��•cr .hull ha�•c the right to havc
<br /> .l.,t;� •
<br /> enfortiement uf�his S�ruri�y In,�n�nnnt dikuntinurd:�I any lime prior tu th�•�arGcr��t': I:u S da�.���r,uch�»hcr rc:riad a�
<br /> ,;��i� r''.: t.:' "�•4���:'•,.. timpl.tamd}�-Frpnk�fuN.Freddk�tvc('�IhYlN�11VtiTNl'�fF.�'f• l•ud.mn('u�.nant. 9N0 qwiw�l.�/'nryiKC.��
<br /> a,�� ';, '�•
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