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<br /> applic�bb Inw may Rpocify fa reitutatement) before wlo of thc PropertY pun�u�nt w�ny povNOr aP�ale contd�e+d!n Wi� ,
<br /> Security instrumrnt�or(b)enq�y of.jud�nt eaforcing thir Secuclty GuWmait. 7Uc�re oondiaont�+e tiut aamwa: c�)
<br /> • pys l.ander dl wau whlch thea would 6e dua unda thi� 3ecudty In�pumant.aad �he Nole +��if ao aaoela�tiqn hNA��
<br /> occunod:(b)curoa u►y def�ult of any othe:mven�nt�ar agneemenl�:(c)p�Ya�11 ospences incurrcd ia enfaiciny�tbic Sacurily
<br /> Inarumeo� includlnQ. but not limited w. racon�blo attomoys'fees:and(d)tako9 ruch acUon iu Lendor mwy ma�on�bly ,
<br /> • crquire w�suro lhat Iho lien of'ttiia Suurlty InsaurtKnt,Lendor�r dghts In�he Property and Bc►mnwerl�abligatiaa tA pAy the
<br /> sums �ecwod by �hi� Security Imtrurncnl clwll condnue w�cben�od. Upan roinctatament by Bnrrower. thia Sccudty
<br /> Inruun�ent�pd ihe�bli�ations�ocured heneby sh�ll remain fully efFocdvo�s if na accelorntion h�d oacwred. Howweva.thi�
<br /> �,.. ri�+t to reinctata ciw11 not�pply fn tho ww of uccclotadon undcr pv�agruph 17.
<br /> 19. Sde ot Note;C6�o�e ot Lan Sa�vloer. The Note or a pwUal inten,wt io the Noto(togotf�or with thi�i4ecurfty
<br /> ,M'; lastrument)may be eold oae•or mom dme�without pdor notico ta�iorrowe�. A salo mwy�ult in�cMange in tho cntiry
<br /> (known ae�hc"La�n Selvicer")thut coltxu montl►IY Pc►Ymenta duo undor Ux+Nata and Ihir Securi�y Inswmont, 'iliero alca
<br /> rnwy be one or nwne chnngea of the L.uan Sav[cer unrelatad w a sale of tha Nate. If�hene is a chwn�e af tha Lan Serviaer,
<br /> Bo�mwer will 6a given.w�ipea audce of the ch�nge in accordancx wilh pwoBraph 14 abovo and upplicablo Ipw. Tlw nMiue
<br /> wfll state Ihe aamc wid address of Iho new l.ovn Secvicer and tho addoe�s W whlah paymenl�cltauld 6e mwfe. TAe natioe wUl��
<br /> alw comain any ather jnfortnation rcquirai by applicable law.
<br /> 20. il�rdoas Sub�ces. Bortower shall nat cause or petmit the pnacet►oe,uce.dicposal.storego,or rela�sa oC any
<br /> Hwza�dous Substances on or le the Pmpetty. Bomnwer sholl not do.nar allaw anyona elsa to do,anyU�ing affacting the
<br /> - Prcipee�ty thet is in violedon of any Envimnmental Law. The precoding two sentancos shall not apply ta tha p�exnoe,uco.or
<br /> storage on the Property of smsilll quanNdes of Hazandous Substanoe�that ere Benerally rccoanized ta be appropdwe to normW
<br /> , '�-. asidendal uses and to�wintermnce of the Property.
<br /> � ,K,, ._:�,,.;; Bamwar shall promptly give I.endar w�ltten nottce of any Investigadon,claim,demand. lawsult or othor acNon by any
<br /> ` �^���".� . governmeatal or rcgulaWry agercy or privata pwty involvfng th6 Property and any Hazallous Substunoe or Snrironmontel
<br /> - '_ "".=��' -�•�-�
<br /> �' ,�4,,.:•„�: ;.t;, I.aw of which Borrower has actual knawledge. If Hortuwer laerns, or is noNfiOd by any govemmontal or tegulatary
<br /> ��� authoriry.t6at any removal or other remodiaion of eny Hazardous Substanoe affecting the Property is necesseay,Brnrowar,
<br /> ;:";„�,�•�. . �- :. ,., sl�ll prompdy take all necessary remedial actions in accondance with Environmantal Law.
<br /> " •. ����.�"� As used in this paragwph 20,"Hazardous Subs-tances"are lhose subsu►noes dafined as toxic or hazarrtauc substanoes by
<br /> `���i«A��4;;;r�3�+, �nvironmental Law and the following subswnces: gasoline,kcroseno,other flammwble ar toaic petroleum,praducts,toxic
<br /> k• ':' ��" pesticides and herbicides. volat�le salvents,mc►terials containing asbestos or fdtmaldehyde,and radioactive mWarfWs. As
<br /> • ' ' .F��� ";��'`'�` used in this paragraph 20."Environmemal Luw"means federal laws and lawg of tha juri�dicdan wheme the Ptoppty is located
<br /> � -°.- ��+-�•�;�'� thwt relate to health,safery or environmentsl protection.
<br /> `° �`"""`��' " ;� '� NON-UMFORM COVENANTS. Bwrower and l.endar furthar cavenant and agnee as follows:
<br /> ti.: ° :;` `• ,°. . � . 21. AccekrAtion;Reiaalles. Lender shaU give noHce to Borrower p�ion to�eler�don tolbwing Borrower'a
<br /> 0
<br /> �' .,��.:; ''`},.'.c ������ ' brerch ot nuy cove��nt or wgr�ement In tbis Security Uutrumeat Ibut aot•priur to waelerat[on under pAragraph 17
<br /> �.;.�`4'`�' "�' :� � ualess applkaWe Ww.pravides oWerwice). Tha noNoe shall specity: (p)tde defaultt(b)the wctton required�to curo We
<br /> , ,n;•,.
<br /> °: .`�.'•,•'. : `_� iletaa!!;(c?a daie.aM less ffiaa 3Q�n!�trom the date!he nMlce!�g[vea to Ba�awe�by whkh thE dt�Seult��nu�t Iw+
<br /> �..>�� •� '` cured;sud(d)Uwt(bllure to cure t6e detault on or betone the date sp�citted la tha noNce map rtsWt tq t�caltratton ot
<br /> , �� • •'' �'{� t�e sums secured by this 3ecurity I�Irument pnd sAle ot the Property. The notice sheU fhrther iatorm&►rrower of
<br /> "•'��:':-;, ' the right to reinstate afler Accclemtion aad tl�a rigdt to bring A court pction to assert We non�dvtcnce of o detaWt or
<br /> �� , � aay ather detense ot Borrower to occeterntion and sa9e. If Ihe default ta not cut+ed on or betore the date speclfled in
<br /> «' • � . !�e notice�l,ender At ils optiun may require immediate payment in 1'ull otnll sums secured by thls Security Instrument
<br /> wllhout further demand and may invoke the power of sWo�nd any other remedies permitted by appltcable law
<br /> I.ender slwll be entiqed to rnll�ct �II expenses incurred in purs�ing the remedies provided in thl�paragrnp6 21,
<br /> �' " .. � Inciuding,bu�not limited to,masonable attorneys'fees and costs of title evtdence.
<br /> m
<br /> � It the power of sale Is invoked,7Fustee shall record e notice of deiault in eACh caunty in whkb aay pact ot!he
<br /> �r�..� � • Property Is located and s�all ma)1 copies of such notjce in the manner prescribed by applicable low to Borrower and to
<br /> '�� the other person.s prescribed by applics�ble law A�ter lhe time required by appflcable law�'IYustee shaq give publk
<br /> :�t't:.•• � � noticr of eale to the persons And In the manner prnscribed by applirrble low. 7�ustee�without demAnd oa Borrower, .�,.,
<br /> '' • shWl sell the Property at public auctian te tho htph�st bidder at the dme And ploce nnd under We lerms designated in `•
<br /> ����,:`;
<br /> ,, ��,.: the notke ot sale in one or more parcels and in any o�dor Trus�ee dctermines. 7lrustee may postpone snle ot all or any �-'
<br /> � , parcel of the Property by public announcement nl t6e tima and pince of any previously scheduled sole. l,ender or ifs
<br /> . desfgnce nwy purchase the Property At any sale.
<br /> , Upon receipt of payment oi the price bid. 71ru�tee aha1P deliver to lhe pu�char;er 7�u.stee's deed convey(ng the ,, �
<br /> , � Property. The rcclWs fn thc 7Yusie�'s deed shell be prims fucio etildence of'the truth oP the statcments�esude thcecln. ��•`'�
<br /> .,,����, ' 7tustee et6o11 apply the prooccds oP•the sak in�the Po1luNinp andur: (al la all casus and expeASes ot exerclsing Ihe power
<br /> �;.:
<br /> .. . . . .,;.
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