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� r�-4 ! <br /> — .. �:f.• � ' .5�. <br /> .. � . ( . .;� <br /> .���~j ' r� 1 <br /> h. � . <br /> o.�. <br /> 93�' �o�s <br /> periods thu Lender�oquina+. 7�e in�u�catri�r provfdin�the inouranoe xhdf ba choxen by 8amower wbject to Lendsrti <br /> pppiovd which�II na bo un�raca�ably wi�hheW. IF BOfnOWC�fAII!(0 fllAJtI1NIl1 COVOfY�O dQlC�Illpl�Nbl1VQ�l.a�der m� <br /> ' t.enderia oplion,obtain covernge to protxt l.enderk riQhts i�1he Propeny in�.�cardwnco with p�r+�gn�ph.7. <br /> All insu�an�x policies md renawalx xhdl be wccepta6le�0 4ender�nd eiwll include r�uandard m�xl�mse cl�uRe. L.etwier <br /> ' �h�ll hAVe the�ight ta hatd the policiea�nd rcnewals. If Lcndcr roguircs.Borrower shpll promplly�ivo w Lcnder all neceipn <br /> ' of paid premiums and renew�l naices. In the cvent af loss.&imnwer shall�ive prampt nd�co W tha insu�wxx c�rtkr rnd <br /> L.eader. Lender mpy make ptoaPof lass if nat mwie promptly by B�mwer. <br /> Unleag L.endcr and&xrower dhenvisc agrce in wddng,in�urancc pmcecds shufi bc applied to rc�to�tiun or rcpafr nf <br /> r tho Propeny damaged, if tlta rcatorAtion or rcpair ir ecw�amicully feaFible and Ixnderk�u�ity ix nw lassened, !Y the <br /> restorotion or repuir is not econamically fea.vi6le or I.enderk security wauld be Iesxened,�he insunuice proceedx shall be <br /> applied to the sumv secu�d by�hia Security lnatrument, whether or na then duc,wf�h uny exces.�c paid tu Borrower. If <br /> Borrower abandons thc Property,or dae.r not Answer wi�hin 30 days u notice from Lender that the In�urnnco carrler has <br /> ofierrd to seule a cluim,then Lender may collect the insumnce pr+a�eeds. Lender may use�he procced.s to repafr ot restor+e <br /> the Property or to puy aums socured by thix Sticudty InxtameM,whelher or noi lhcn due. The i(Way pe�iad w111 begin when <br /> the nodce is given. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrawer othenvire ugree in writing,ony application ot proceecls to prinaipul xhall not extend or <br /> postpone�he due date of the manthly payments mferred ta in pamgraphs I and 2 or change Ihu omaunt of 1ha payments. If <br /> under pumg►uph 21 the Property ia s►cyui�rd by Lende�,Bomowerk right ta anp inFUrance policies und proceedx resulling <br /> fc+om dnmoge to the Propeny prior to the acquisition shall pusy lo L.ender�o the extent of the sums secunad by thia Secudry <br /> � Instrument immediutely prior to the acquisition. <br /> • - ��"';t �` 6. Oecupaacy. PreservAtion. Maintennnce �nd Protection ot Ihe PropeMyi Borrower'x L.oan Applks�don: <br /> •��! LeasehoWs Botrower shall accupy.estnblish,and use�he Property as Burrower R ptincipal recidence within si�ty days aRer <br /> - ,= "�°``' ,�r� � � ti�e eaeculion of thix Securiry Instrument und tihall cun�inue►u u;cupy ti�e Property as Burrowerk principal residence for et <br /> -�%i:�,� :q-<•. <br /> :„;��r., ���:�1 ;� • least one year after the dute of accupnncy, unless Lender othenvitie agrces in writing, which consent sholl not be <br /> ,•� ' �"S'r ,.�,��,.taY ,,,;�; unreuwnably wi�hheld.or unMss ex�enuuting circumstuncex rxist which are 6eyond Borrower i canlrol. Bomuwer shall not <br /> �'�`�u' ' � destro dmm� e ar im uir the rt allow the Pro n �o deteriorate,or rnmmit waste on the Pr rt Borrower shull <br /> ;� .,�a:': ���,, • ,, ,: . .: " Y• 8 P �►l� Y• Pp Y M� Y• <br /> ,.`�,.,,,.. " � ' ����'� bc in defuult if uny forfeiturc uction or proceeding, whether civil or criminol,is begun�hA�In L.endcr�gaod fai�h judgment <br /> •i,� .�{�`�"re�is.l;'�7' <br /> ,:,s�,�ps ,, . ,. ' could resul� in forfeitum of the Propeny or otherwi.r•e muterially impair Ihe lien created by thiK Secu�i�y Instrument or <br /> S'r� �c, �� � •a ''' Lenderis securily interest. BoROwer mav curo such a detaul�nnd rein�tato,u,provided in puragraph 18,by cuusing tha action <br /> •� :1�'+r;���,:';'�;�.���:��;� <br /> ���• '�� �-;;��,,.t., .• or proceeding to hc ditimistied wi�h u raling thAt,in Lenderti gaad fuilb delerminution,preclude�fort'aiwre of tl�Botrower� <br /> a� '•.'•� , ", <br /> (�',;',.!;.: �t??s`.�y'!j":•'' �' � interesl in the Prope�ty or mhet materiul impuirment of�ha licn creoted by �hir:Security Inr:trument or I.endert sewrity <br /> .;�.� t,�. ;� . ., . _ ,; intcretit. Borrower shall �Iso be in d�:fuult if Borruwcr, du�ing the loan upplica�ion process, gave moterially fulisc cx <br /> ,, ;, ; � inuccu��e informution or statements to Lender(or failed to provide Lender with nny mu�eriul infomiation)in connection with <br /> ';�` lys%r �'fi: '• x°�r..', the loAn evidenced by �he Note, including, hut not limited to, n:prcsenm�inn� conceming Bomower's accupancy of Ihe <br /> �`f�'� ,:. 'k� ,Pmpeny as a principul.rcsidence. IF thi+Scrurity Inslniment i+on a lea.e:hold,Borrower shall comply with uU the provision+ <br /> ,;.�sf,,N� • of 1he leuxe. If Borruwer urquire�fee dUe tn thc Pmperty,�he lea�ehold and the fee tiUe shnll nnt merge unless l.endcr pgrees <br /> . . to the merger in writin�t. <br /> ,,' , , 7. Protection oP Lender's Rishts in the Property. If Bortower i'uils to pert'orm �he cuvenunt+ nnd Acreements <br /> ��,,��. • ' ��'� c�Muined in this Securi�y M.�rument,ar there i+ n Mgul pnxeeding thut muy significanUy aftect Lendar's dghts in the <br /> ��;,>: <br /> . ti`: Property lsuch us u proceedinF in bunkruptcy,prohu�e,tiir condemnu�ion ur forfeiture or to enforce laws or reRulutions),�hen <br /> Lender may do vnJ pvy Pix whatevcr is nccr,sary tu pmtrci the vuluc of thc Pruperty nnd Lende�'s rights in�he Propeny. <br /> .� Lender�uction+muy inrlude paying uny xumx tiecurcd b�•i� licn which hati priority over�hiti Securiry Inrtrument,s+ppe+uing <br /> in cnun, n �n reau►nuble�nnrne ti fer.und enwrin� i+n the Prci n tu muke re a�n Al�hou h Lender ma take uction '�� <br /> � ' PY� F Y�� b Ix Y P '.. 8 Y <br /> �- ` � � under Ihix parug�nph 7,Lendcr d�ks nui have tu iki,o. <br /> �i;. • • � '. Any umc�umti Ji,bun�d by l.rndcr undcr�hi. paru�!ruph 7.hull tx�omc additional drbt of Bormwcr secun:d by�hi. <br /> �:. : • • . Sc��uriry In.trumrn�. Unlc..Borrnwer und l.cndrr ugrec lu i�thrr Icrni�oi'puymem,the.e:�mount+,hall I+e�r interctt from�h� <br /> . � . ����.• ' dule of dixhurumcM al ihr Nntc ratc und+hall hc puyable, wiih imcrc��,u�xm notirr I'mm Lrnder to Bonower requesting <br /> �i., � '• .� ,. paymcnt. <br /> '' S. Mort�age Insuran�r. If Lendrr myuirc�l monEagc in.urunrr +i+a ronditi�m ot'mukinF the losm.rcured by�hi, <br /> ��„ Srcuriry M+�rumrm. B��rrower ,hull puy �hr rremium. reyuirrJ tu muintuin Uie nx�ng�iFr insuruncc in et'fec�. N'.for uny <br /> ;,.• ,��;�': rrnxm. the m�►nguge inxuruncr rnverage r�quircd h�� LrnJer IupM. or ce:�+e, t�� tx in rftccl. Borrower +hull pay the <br /> r . . ,:�:� ; premium� nyuind u► �ibta�in rurerage .ub,�untiully eyui��alen� �a the martgugr invurance p�eviou,ly in M'f'rct. at a co.t <br /> .'r:,•,::.. ,�",";.;; rul►Mumtially cyuivalcnt lo tltr�u��1��Bnrruwer nf�he mortgagc inwruncr pr�viuu,ly in cf'fect. from nn ahernaie mon�;a�:e <br /> . :'i�;,,` ' ' imurer uppmvrd by Lrndr�. U'+uh.�an�iull�•equivalcnt m�,n�ugc in.umrne ru�erage i.nut a�•uilable.Born►we�,hall�+uy to <br /> � � ;i=. Lender each month a wm cyuul �u�►nr-t�vrlf�h of�hc ycarly man�u�c in,umnre pnmium I+cing paid by Barcawrr when thc <br /> •;�"K,,„_ ' ,. �`_ , imuruncr cuvrrugr lap,rd ur ceu+ed ai Ix in rftcr�. Lender«ill urcrpl.u,e anJ rriain thrti�payment.a,a 1�►ti.reserve in licu <br /> ',..;;::;-�.. ' • . nt'mon�a�c inxuruncr.•r purmrnt,muy n�i lan�rn c� rcyuirrJ. at �hc uptiun af L.�'mnngagc in.u�unrr <br /> ^i:�;:' ','� � , ' ra�•rrugr iin the�im��um and li►r ihc�xriuJ Ihul Lrndcr nquire.l��r���•idrd hy:�n in.urrr appr�►vrJ by LenJr�ug•rin Ixramr� <br /> r ,;.�.. � .:.��,�ti�'. . ' avuilublc und i�nhtaincd.Hom���cr,h:dl pay the prrmium.rryuiird la nwimuin mongnEc in.ur:mcc in cFfrct,or lo providr a ' <br /> '4� •:,;.,"�., lo„re�crvc.until�hr nyuir.mrnt lirr nu►ngaEr in.urunrc urrunlunrr with nm•w•riucn ugrermcm t+rtw�en H�,rrowrr .�:?, <br /> � ,���; and LrnJcr ur applicuhlc laa. <br /> ..:,,�c. <br /> :" • ' 9. Inspection. Lrnder ur i�+u�:cn1 nui� m;�l�e rr:i,unaMc enlric. upun:ind in,�xrliun.ul'Ihr I'ru�xny. Lrnder,hall <br /> �''��� � ' � givc B��rn�wcr nutirr at�hr timr ol��r pri��r 1a an in.�xrtiun��kril'�ing rea.onahk rau.r I��r thr m,�r�i„n. <br /> I.'' . 10. Cundemnuliun. 'Ihr puk•c�d+ut:m� :i��:ud�x rluim lix Janta�.r,.Jircrl��r cun�eyurnti; c�mn«IKm�cilh an�� " ^' <br /> � ,_: ' � � ..:,:.�: ��. <br /> ,y,� ;y � tiwgk 1 amil� -Funnk�tuc FY�rldic H��c 1\IFI)N�I I\�l Nl�1F:NI'-•l'ron�rni�'u�cu.�w. 4;411 r��,�Yr?n�n��i�,•.� �+� <br /> i�: � ,- . • r,n�.�i 1.�•,..F�miu.Inc� .;�� <br /> Sr �:. <br /> : ' r � d�unkr c.�li I+nnh'N►'klv'J:'8,1\61N791�11:11 ,• ' <br /> .E ,�', .(�'' � ��;k <br /> ;i�it; � _ _ <br /> !��i;jq�� T y,f.- �. �ti?L:.'r"__""'..":"`"�..... •-� . . - - •i.;-. - . . " . , ._. .;YJb11���r �9tii��{,�rj� �� .:1.�.'.. +'�+: <br /> , . 'tv �1r� •.S`.�':..*'K�. t•:v • <br /> ' � ,. ^ , <br /> {L .• . _ � ..�. <br /> "'_'_.' _ . . . _ . _ _'_ ._"___'_ ' ' __'____' <br /> ' '_'___.... _ ... . .... ....... . _ ' ."' . _ ' "" ' <br /> .r,-i . ... _ . �.....� . <br /> . . � + <br /> 4 <br /> � . <br /> 1� � - - ' . . � -. <br /> k• .. <br /> 1 ', - ' . . � � ., . . <br /> S � <br /> I <br /> t <br /> �t � ' . � , <br /> `�, i .. . -.� � - <br /> _. F . . ._ .�_z_� _. , ..-^- <br /> • � <br /> 4 . .. <br />