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<br /> � 'I�]B71�iBie w17H.0 ub iunp�ovaneau row or b..aRar a+ecMa ao u�e propecty►.�na�I�aaan►ant., umn.noe�,
<br /> aid fixwne�ao�v ar 6w�tler� pR ot�he prcpaty. All�epl�o�a�eiw�od�ddJdaa��ull drv bo covaed.bY�►��S�cur14 .,
<br /> lwtcument. ku orthe ro�e�olo�i��er«roa to in thl.sacuriry w.wmeat..the"i�ropaty."
<br /> 80RROWBR GOVBNAN7'S tbu Barowu i�law(Wlly�ef�ad of tbe ptate deneby ooqveyod�ad h�dla�{�tR��
<br /> md oonvey tbo aad�hat tha Pmpeny i�w�ericumberod,oxceq fix encwnbnnoos of rocmd. Bcxtqwor.w�trnnto and
<br /> wW defead�a�dde a tbe Propaty aadrut vl cWau�nd deia�nda,wbJoct w�ny eacumbranao�of,rooar4.
<br /> TH13 SECURITY WSTRUMSNT oambiner unliam covcnanu for nadond uie �nd eoa�unifomn aoMOa�nts wit6
<br /> IGnited vuiWoo�6y jurl�diction a cautiwte a unifotm�ecudty iwtrumant cmraing ral p�opony.
<br /> � UNIFiORM COV�IAM'S. Bo�rnwor Nnd I.ender rnvednt u�d�roo iu folbws:
<br /> ' 1. Pay�eM ot PrJnclp�l uid I�tee+ati p�y��M���� Bot[ower�II promptlY PPF wlroa due the
<br /> ' priaei of�od interest on t4e debt evidenced by t6o Note aad�nY p�p�yment and late ch�o�due under tha I�4ta.
<br /> � �[a�'ll�za aod Iawraoca Subjoct wappliable bw or to a wriuen wsivor by La�►de�.BomuwAr th�WY�
<br /> L,eader on the day moatiily p�yment��re due under the Nate,undl the Note is�wid in full.a sum("Funda')fqa(a1 yeulY
<br /> wces ead�ssessromts wWc6 mey�ttain priority�ver thi�Ssxurity[nwument as a liea on tha Pmpertyi @1 Yearly•la�ehold
<br /> paymenw or�ound ceats aa ttie Prope�ty. 1f any: (c) Y�Y �� �ProPanY ituwance p�amiunro: (dl:�yosaly�fioad
<br /> insurance p�+emiumc. if any:(e)Yea�dy mo�t�ABe in�w�nco p�miumr. if Any;and(� any sumo payabla.bp•8ortn�wor a
<br /> Lendcr.fn Accadanao with �ba provisions of paragraph B.in lieu of thep�yment of martgaga incumnao p�smiuma 7hese
<br /> items are callad"8wrow Itsms." Lender mwy.pt any Nme.collect and hold P1mds in en amount nat m.exaeed the maximum
<br /> un4unt a lender for a federally rcleted mortgage loan may roquiro for Bo�rowerh escrow aacount�undar�ha foderal Rpl
<br /> : Estate Seplement Pn�codurcs Act of 1974 As Aaunded fran tAno W time. 12 U.S.C.�260t etaeq ("RlESPA'�,unle�s anotlKr
<br /> '� I�w thpt Ypplies lo IhG H111d�sets e lesser amou8t. If so.L.endar mey.at eny time,collect ead hold Fwdo in�pn amount noc w
<br /> �__
<br /> ' , ia eacad the lesser amaun� Lcnder may estimWe U�c amount of Pl�nds due on tho basis of cn�raat,datu and ra�onabla
<br /> �' estimates o(espenditures of future Escrow Itemc or olhecwise in xcordance with applioable law.
<br /> x� ; The Funds sAall 6c held in an inctitudon whose depaits aro insured by a feda�al agenay.i�tctt+umciMallty,or entity
<br /> ��••.13 ��i�?� ' (including Lender,if L.ende�is such on insdtulion)or in ony Federal Home Laan Bank. I.ender ehall appl+�tho Punda to pay
<br /> � '� Iha�c.�r�ow Items. Leader may aot charge Borrower for hoiding and applyjng tha Fbnda,annually en�ly�in�Wo escrow
<br /> ' �• aecounti or vedfying tha Escinw Itema. unless Lendar pays Borcower inlerest on tha Funde and applianbla iaw pernai�s
<br /> ..�, Lender to make such a charge. However,Lender may requins Bo�rowar w pay a ona•tima charge for�an�independeat real
<br /> ,y;�� - '� estata tax repor6ng service used by Lender in connecdon with this loan,unlaes appliaeble law prouido�adleiwlse. Ualess an
<br /> r w • agreemcnt is made or applicuble luw requires interest to 6e p�id.l.ender shall not ba requinsd to p�y Bumowet any iate�rst or
<br /> ^ 't' " "����" eamings on the Flmds. Hamwer ond Lender muy agree In writ�ng,howaver,that intar�st shall be paid•an�tha FLnds. Lender
<br /> ` ��.��'���'?y-. shalbgive to Horrower.wlthaut,charge,an annual accounting of the FLnds,shawjng c�dite and dablt�W tha Fuads and the
<br /> • '�r���'�'',� �. ";:r'+ purpose for which each debk to tha Funds was made. The Fundc a�pladged es addition�l.cecudly for�Il suma cxurcd by
<br /> this 5ocuriry Insaument
<br /> ..:,�•-'�: •. .M If the F'�nds hald by Lender eaceed tNe Amaunu►permittad to be hald b�� appliaabia law: L.ender shail accounc w
<br /> � , �-"'' . Borrower for�he excess Funds in nccadance with•tha requi�emamx af appliaabla law. If tfie amouat oi the hlmds hcld 6y
<br /> . Lender at any Ume ia not suflicient to pay d�n Escrow Itcrmc whan dua,Ixadar may so not�t�y Bwrower in wriUng,and.ln
<br /> '°, , . , such case Borrower sFiall•pay to L..ender the omounl necec�ty to make up•tha defiQieacy. Bomower st�oll mak�e up the
<br /> �`�� • •�'� • detioiency in no more than twelve manthly payments,at•Lendor's sola diacr�atfon�
<br /> '� � ''`� �' �' Upon payment in full of all sums secured by thi�Security In�t�um�nh�-endar sNnll prompdy refund W Borrower any
<br /> � , a
<br /> ' � '� ''"`'�� '�" � FLnds hetd by Lender. If,under puragraph 21,I.endor shbll�acquir�or soll�lha Property.I.ender,prior to the acquisition or
<br /> . .•,��,�:�•. �.;�s .
<br /> �, ;;.,.,•�:.:�,,' „ sale of the Property, shall upply ony Funds held by L.ender at�tha tim� af acqui�ition or sale as a credit against the sums
<br /> •�-• .'� secumd by this Security Instrumen�.
<br /> �`� • � �°.:";�."; 3. AppltenUon ot Paymeafs. Unless �pplicable iuw provid�s otharwirti, ulb paymenis received by I.ender under
<br /> m
<br /> .�- • paragraphs 1 und 2 shall be npplied: firs�,to any prapayme+nl chargus duo under tho Notc;second,to enwunta payable under
<br /> � • • paragraph 2;�hird,to imercs�due;fourth,to principal due:und is�st,to any lota chargos due under the Note,
<br /> ��6-' , �
<br /> 4. Cbarges; Liens. Borrower shall pay ull tuxcs.a�sc:ssmem�:, chorgos, fines and impasidons atuibuWble to the
<br /> ,�;� . .',�' •� '� . Property which may attain prioriry over thi�.Security Insttument,and IeusehoW ps�yments or sround renu, if any. Bortower
<br /> {+ . ?,_;:;-. ,. � shall pay�hesc obligations inthc munncr provided in pa�u�roph 2,o�if not ps�id in that manner.Borrawer shall pay them on
<br /> �� '� ''�.'r����'.�', ' �'.`rf,;t t„�'� time dircctly to the pe�son owed paymem. Burrawer shnll promMly fumish to Lender all notices of:�mounts to be pnid undor
<br /> ' �'..:(.��r��~� `• this parogrnph. If Borrower makes thexe puymentx dimcUy.Bornower shall promplly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing "
<br /> - • ,:;..:,;, �, .
<br /> _ - .:._ -_:�ti.,;".- _� the payments.
<br /> S•� � , Burrower shall pmmptly di,charge uny lien which haz priority over this Security In.r•trument unlnss Burrower.(A)agrees
<br /> in writing to the payment af Ihe obligution xecured by the lien in a monner uccep�blc tu Lender;(b>contests in g«xi faith tha
<br /> ��� "._ , lien by,or defends s�gainst enforcement of the lien in,legul procecding.which in thc Lender's opini�M operute to prevent tho
<br /> ��' � . � ., , ' , enforcement of the lien;or{c)secures from thc holder of tl�e lien an ngreement nuti�factory tn Lender subordinating the lien
<br /> . to this Security Instrument. If Lender determine.thut any pan of Ihe Property i,suAject to u licn which may attuin priorily
<br /> ,� = � � �� over this Security Instrumem,Lender may give Borcnwer a natice idemifying the lien. Bonower shall sutisfy the lien or take
<br /> 1 �.' 't 1��� ' � , ,. � � ' one or more of the actium set fonh a6ovc within 10 duys of ihe giving of nairc. .
<br /> � ;`'' ,. . S. Har��d or Property Inaurance. Burrower xhnll kcrp thc improvrments now rxisting or hereafter erected on the ""
<br /> �; '• Property insurcd ugainst loss by fire,ha�ard�inrlwicJ within thr tcrni"cxtendcd cuvcrage"und•rny other huzards,including
<br /> ��; , flaads or ilnoding, for which Lender requires in+ur,�nce. Thi,ins;urunce shull be muintuincd in the �mounta und for the
<br /> ��`,�, ; '�.�{�i:?- ' Form J028 9A0 I paRt 2 M6 yngtrl ,^
<br /> ,t ,r: , ,/f:
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