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<br /> '�- s t �, .. .. Rw�. '�,�y
<br /> ' i�� w.. .1 ..'T
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<br /> - � 93- ioex��
<br /> p►Yme�Na m�y na lon�er bo roqulnd��M�thi�.pWion oP Lerder.if mcxty�a in�urwioa cavor�e(in tho amount�nd fw the puiad
<br /> tb�e Lendat nquinr)Pnuvided by�a,ic�l�A�t,!�pD�'��ed by I.e�ler�lo bocome��vdinblo�nd ia obalned. 8omowa�4w11�y
<br /> tbe pnamfum��aNired w m�iat�ta mptlp�,u:�i�iuranoe in offeq.or u►pmvido A lac�raervo.uail tbe tequinan�nl far�ye .
<br /> inwrinoe endti in�oacd�nce w11h utyt�x7�tit�qat8a',a�t betwaat�umwor and l.endet or aRplipble I�M.
<br /> !.Ie�p�dlo�.Lender or itt�t�aM�nwp[��n�ice re�ronsbltl aurie�upnn md in�pectirnw oi the PropeAy.Irnder a4d1 aive
<br /> Borwwet ixNice�t�ho dme of or p�ictr.to.+�u11�(�tspe�lan cpocit�rin�rcman�bla cw�se fcx tha inipaction,
<br /> 1!, Capde�nn�tloe. 1'he pm�.'cadt�oi,qlty�ward or clalm for dar�e�.dlnxt or canroqucnti�l, in c�orubc�fon wlth �ay
<br /> oondettuuuba a othcr talcia�oP�uUt p4�t at�tho Propaty. or far conveymue in Neu of ca�dem�ution.�ro hercby wi�nad�ad
<br /> �h�ll be pAW w t.endor.
<br /> !n ttw avotit of a toW tAking of thA P►rrperty.eha proceeda ahall be appliod to the wmv socurod by Ihir Secudty InanumeM,
<br /> whalhcr or nat ihan due, with wqy eiae�r►p�id to Horrower. In�he event of a pvti�l�akh�p of ttw F'ro�erty in which the f�ir
<br /> markal vuiuo of the Pmperty inwticdil�i before tho talcing is oqual to ar Qrc,�ter than the�unaunl of tha wms savrod by thi�
<br /> Security InRtrument imrtiodi�taly be#'anr tib laking.unlesa Borrower u�d Lender otherwise aQroe in writlnQ,tho sumc�acu�+ed by
<br /> thiR Securlty lnxtrument ahall be rr,dtil�od by the amount of the proceeda muldplied by tlie fnUowing iraction: (a) tha total
<br /> amaunt af�ha sumx socurod inutx�ti�t�ly bePom tho taking.divided by(b) the f�ir mulut valuo of Iha Pnope�ty immedlntely
<br /> baf'orc tha�aking. Any bal�c sl►fi91�bo paid to&►rrower. 1�the event of A partial taking of tho P�uperty in which the f�lr
<br /> markc�vWue of the Property i�Wely beforo the taking is lesa Uwn the amount of the wms securod immodlately befora tho
<br /> taking�unlass Borrowcr and L.ec�Mheiwfce Agra in w�il�ng or unless wpplicable low othenvisa p�vides.lho pr0000d��lud)
<br /> . N f �aPP�iod w�ha sums securad by�thiR Secudly Instrument whdAer or not�he wms nne then due.
<br /> i8 the Praperty is�6�u►dcmKJ,by Borrower.or if,af�er notia by L.endcr to Bomnwer Uwt the oondannar offera to make w
<br /> �'--- � award or settle e cla�m Fa�dwa►t�es, Horrower fails to rcs�wx�d[o Lende� within �0 days aAu 11�e date the mtloe is givm,
<br /> ' ;','. •,�;;;;��::�,. I,ende�is authndzal to rnll�c��t�d apply the prncoeds,at ita option.either to ra�toration or repai�of the Pia�erty or w tue sum�
<br /> .. .�,,,�w.�,t.�?��, sxur+ed by tbia Socu�ity Instn�rnint. whdher or not then due.
<br /> ''���' " Unless l.cnder end Bornmver othervr•Ise agree In wriUng.any application of prnoeeds to principal shall nat extend or
<br /> . e�r:.,., � ,.��;•.:s,:t:;
<br /> ` ' '' �""' '' pu�tpana the due dale of the mcmtldy payments referrcd to in pangraphs 1 and 2 or clwnge the anwunt of such ppyments.
<br /> �• �� �""�'''� � ''y''�� 11.Bornuwer Not Retera�edi Forbearnnce By Lender NW a Waiver. Eatension of thc time for pay+nant or modification
<br /> n .:� . '^ •y rt..
<br /> ` ` t�i��'i'�'�.'� of umoRizutlon of the sums scr.unad by ihis Secudty Instrument grantod by Le�der to any successor in interest oP Borrower sfwll
<br /> �A�; ' � `_
<br /> ; . ,�;.�• ,,;'..�,:, .;.`�it: nat oporsue�o release the liat.illity oi'thc original Borrowcr or Bomower's successors in inter�est.Lender sha11 nat be m.quirod W
<br /> ��:`,: '�;,p,.�ti7.�.;�x;��'�h.'Y� comm�nce procoedings agaimt any suooessor in Intercst or refase to extend time for payment or othcnvise modify wnoKizatlon
<br /> ;,,�f ;�;:,. •;;rl�,�.�',, of[ha sums cecurcd by th1s� Secu�ity Instnimcnt by reason of any demand made by the origi�wl Bomowor or Bomower a
<br /> � ' � :4'.%'�";�� ,• � �� �'� suc�xssars in intercs�. Any fntbearence by LeMer in exercfsing any �gM or remody shall not be�wxiver of or precluda the
<br /> � � ' ' ' .�',, txtrei�e�i nny riglu or►emerJy.
<br /> ��+��r;:t,::,.'•.�:r'i�•''.�'i,'�f.
<br /> !2. Succrosors and An91�as Bound=Joipt and Seveml Liability; Co�sigaers. The covenants and agreemenis of this
<br /> ''"' .., '`��'•�.�;>' �'` Securiry Instrument shall blexi tuxl benefit the successors and assigns oP Lender and Borrowe�. subject to the provisions oi
<br /> �`• �.,
<br /> ,:�,;� '.: :• ,+�,•;�, ra h 17. Bormwer's a�venants und u reemema shall be 'oint c�nd several. An Borrower wf�o m•si ns this Securit
<br /> : ,,.�;�4,�5"�'�,�:r,�,.:i : ir P�B P 6 J Y B Y
<br /> ; .,�;;�;1ty-«�� t��,•� 1{�.� Instrument but dces nM e�a:tiste the Nae: (a► is co-si nin this Securit Insuumem onl to mort e. t and rnnve that
<br /> �:ti:�r'7�k�1`:'?'';.�'1�1:',;� B � Y Y Sa8 8� Y
<br /> d :'�i�di`k�� `� �:��;�'' Borrower's intarest in th�Pcopeny under the terms of this Security Instrumem; (b) is not personally abligated to pay the sums
<br /> ,f �.. ,,,;',�'y�s,, .,
<br /> � d. , . F,;��:;f�;::�;t� secut+ed hy Ihis Security Insm�ment: und lc)agrees thut l.ender and any other Borrower tns►y agree to extend.madify.forbe�r or
<br /> �" • . �f¢'�{j�h, make any uccommodations waib regani ro the terms nf thi�Securiry Instrumem or the N�te wi�hout thst Borcower's rnnsent.
<br /> . ,�,„r_�,,:��;
<br /> • � '�'. � 13. I�oan Chu�es. If the lonn recured by this Security Inxtrument is subject to a law whirh sets maximum loan charges,
<br /> "G.+;.r,;;�
<br /> � �,, �� ' ' " ., and thal law is finally intemm;ed so thut the intercst or��ther loan charge� rnll��cted or ro t+e collected in connection with the
<br /> �"�;''� loan exceeal the perniittod limitf,.�hen:la)uny such loan charge tihall b�rcduceJ by�he umaunt necessiury to reduce the charge
<br /> � a
<br /> ]`'�!` " �•'i'•; :�� �o ihe permitted limi�:and Ibl any sum�alreixfy co1le�KCJ ftum&�n��wer whirh exceeded perntitted limits will be refunded ta ���'
<br /> ,.,... . . ,;�L,i�.'';.
<br /> 1 '„'�,�,�..,,; ,. Borrower. I.ender may nc�M»e h� muke this refund by rr�lucing �hr principal �iwed under the N�u or by making u direct
<br /> �, ,• :. a::'�si...•; .. ��:"��
<br /> �i,. �,,•.. paymem to Borrower. !f a rntund raiurc+ prinripal, the r��luctic►n will be IresileJ a. a purtial prepayment withou� any
<br /> � '�:��•:�ti',i°..�� , prepaymem rhurge uncier ttv:1�'ri�o.
<br /> ti;.�,�...., .��_.... •
<br /> ;..,.� °• 14. Nolkac. Any nc�tin:iu&�n��wcr pruviJed tix ia thi.Security Instrum�:nt shall t►e given by delivering it or by rn�ling
<br /> �„�+�'"„' . , °.; ° il by finl ciu»muil unie+�uppli�rtbl�luw reyuire+uu��f unother nxthixl.'i'he noiirr+haii ix Ji���tca1 to tltc Pc<tiperty Address
<br /> .,, :•,�;U;�:'� . ' � or any other adJrc.s Bnru►w�r dcsigtwtc+ hy noticc tc� L.enJcr. Am• natirc ta l.rnJcr .hull be given by first clu�s mail to ;,•
<br /> .lf�ll. _
<br /> l.ender's uJclre+s .tuted hcrein nT any�nhrr•rJJrc.s I.cnJrr dc.i�n»tc� hy nrnire t�� &�rroN•er. Any rnxi�r pruvided far in this
<br /> � �If`�tt,'�•••- Securiry In9lrunxnl tihall hc d.�.ynn!1�►huve txxn givcn to&►rn►wrr or I.enJcr whcn given u+proviJcJ in�hi:.p�rogruph.
<br /> f^,,:'t: . �' •'�,
<br /> •::..,�v� ��i IS. GoverninR I.au•; Se�r,�mbility. Thi. Srcurity Irntrumen� shull Ix gnvrrn�til by IcJcral Inw ;�nJ the law of the .
<br /> ,t� � ��%;''��.• � �• juriscficlion in whirh the Pro}+�:n�� �•I�xvtrJ. In thc r�•ent thut uny pr��ri.iim or elau�c��f thi.Srrurity In�trument or�he Note ;�.�f
<br /> '�,�`.J, �..";• ',:.;•�,;;� canflicl�wilh applirnble I�w�. .u�lr.s?ntlirt.hall nul al'tccl uther pr���•i,ium ol'thi,Srcuriry In:�trununt ur the N�ue which can be
<br /> ���i;• ; :';`;,•�' given ciPer�wi�h�w�dk runllictinw pn,�•i,i�m. To thi+enJ thc pnwi�ion�of thi,Srcurity In�trumem und thc Nute are declored '.
<br /> ;' ` ;'! }? ' tu be�cvcruMc. �y:.r
<br /> ' � �'_ 16. Rorrower's Cop�. 6nrmw�r�hall Ik givcn onc cunliirnuKi c��py ol'thc Natr and i�f thi.S�YUrity In+trument.
<br /> te'.+�� ''`• �� Fam30T8 91�0
<br /> °��^`'�, � � , `,��- .,:�� VrX�o�K .'�
<br /> �!Q'�5 '.�'. �.�'� .
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