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<br /> a. H�r�rd or pnopoity lpwrance. 8orrower stwll keep �he improvana�v now eaistin� or hera�Ra en�t�f on the
<br /> Prope►ty imurod a�tnst loas by Am, h�vard� includod wi�hin the term "exte�dod aaver+�e' �nd�ny ottkr Iwanla. includlnj
<br /> flood�or floodin�.for whlch[.eaider roquiaa i�uranoo.Thir inw�noe�luil bo m�lntained in the unounli and Por�he paiad�
<br /> thu [.a�der roquiro. '11rc inwrance caRio�providiog the insurwnce clwll be clwcen by Borrower wbject to landu'�nppmvd
<br /> which dull not be unt+as►�mbly withheld. If&►rrower fiils to maint�in rnveragc described obove. l.eridar tmy.�t Ler�dar'�
<br /> option,obtpin oaver�o ta p►otect LendePs rl�hts in the Propeny in acwrd�u�ce wlth pnraQraph 7.
<br /> All insurxna policles�nd rcnowtle shall 6c acceptable to Lendcr�nd sfwll include a w�rd mor��a�e clrws�. Ler�dar
<br /> - hiwll iwvc�thc dght tu h�id titic policiai and renewals.If l.endcr requims.Barrowe�shull PromptlY Qlve to l.endcr all receipta of
<br /> puid premiums and�xnewal�atioes.In tho event of bss.Barrower riWl�ive pront�t notke w ti�o insurance carrler wd I.endor.
<br /> L�er�dnr may make pra�cif of loss If nat nwde promptly by Borrower.
<br /> Unless I�ler wid Bornower otherwise agroe in wrl[ing.insurance proceeds shall be appliod to�estoruion or re�wir of the
<br /> Propeny danwged.if the rcstoratlon or repair ia economically feasible ond Leader's socuriry is n�x lersened.if tbe restoratlon or
<br /> rqutir is not aconomically fwsible or Lender's socurity would be lescenai.the insurartee pmeaxl�shull be app8od to the sums
<br /> sacured by this Seruriry lnstrument. whether or not then due. wlth any ezce.cs paid to Borrower. If Borrawer abandons tue
<br /> propehy. or doea not anawer within 30 days a notice from L�ender that tha incurance carrier Iws offeted to adtle a claim. then
<br /> • � ��,��;t:;;,:�::',,;��. Lender may callxt tt�e insurance prooeeds. L.e�der may use the proceeda to nepair or r�esto� the i4operty ar to pay wme
<br /> ��'��'<a'��� �ocu�pl by thie 5ecudty Instrumcmt.whether or not then due.The 30�day period will begin when thc notkc is given.
<br /> ���: '•. °,r� Uolars I.ender s�nd Bomower otherwise agree in writing, any applicatfon of pnxeed9 to p�incip�l shall not oatend or
<br /> � „�r(��:.� . � postpona the dua dWe oi the monthlY paYments referred to in paragro�phs t and 2 or chonge thc amount of the p�yments.If
<br /> • .?i.-.��'M.'"" }t�t.:u� uMer pangcaph 21 the Prope�ty is acquired by Lendcr.Borrower's right to any inaurancc policies and praceeds r+esulting fcnm
<br /> . �:_;.
<br /> ��:;�' :•.::r,{''",;;;�, damage to tha 1'roperty Prior to the acquiaitio�siu►11 pass to Lender to the extent of the sumg socurod by this Saurity Insuument
<br /> � �' ' :�i�:i;4��";.a,,;� i�m�edi�tely prior to the acquisition.
<br /> a�'"';��;;_..`•:��'�+ . 6.Oecupwr�cy,PreservAtbn,lNpintenAnce und Protectiw�of t!ce Property: Borrnwer's I.onn ApplkAtion;l.easeholdo.
<br /> � ';•'�",�:,•'.�''1'.�'��` ._ . Bormwer shall accupy,establish,and use the Propeny as Borro�ver's pdncipa)residence within sixty days after the eaocution of
<br /> `:%•'�'��'`�'•`•'���'�" this Security Instrument and shall continue lo accupy the Property as Borrower's principnl residence for at least one year after
<br /> • .� � y the date of accupancy,unleas lxnder othenvise u�rees in wri�ing,which consent ahall not 6e unreasonably withheld. or unleu
<br /> .. , ;�.:r,,b�cr:= r:iti{.
<br /> ,y.:p.�.; , ealenuuting circumAtance.g e�ist which are 6eyond Borrawer's control. Borrower shall not destroy, d�mage or impwir the
<br /> � �� � �%"'zt;}t, Property. allow the Ptoperty to deteriorate. or cornmit wASte on thc Property. Borrower shall be in default if any forfeiture
<br /> ..��'.te.;�,. '
<br /> r' �;.. '��• :'.i action or proceeding, whetB�r civil or criminal,is begun that in Lender's good faith judgment could msult in forfeituro of tha '���'
<br /> ���'�`"' '`±'"' Propeny or otherwise materially impair the lien created by this Security Instrument or L.ender's secu�ity interest.Bomnw�er mwy
<br /> � ,�. ;;, � . cure�uch a default and reinstate,o.g provided in paragtaph I$,by causing the action or proceeding ro be dismissed wilh a ruling .
<br /> �..� �.,. ,''
<br /> [hat. in Lender'a good fainh de[ermination, preciudes forfeiture of the Borrower's interest in [i�e Property or othar mwt6riAi,�
<br /> impuirment of the lien created by this Security Instrument ar l..ender's isecurity interest. BaROwer shsill alw be in dafuult•if.
<br /> ; ' ' � Borrower,during the loan application pracess,gave materfally fal�e or inaccurate infornwtion or stetementa to Lende�lor failad
<br /> � �'"'.,"�' :: ��' � to pravlde I.ender wlth any material information)in monectian with the Ic�un evidenced by thc Note, including,bui not limitad ,
<br /> i,;:• . � to, representations concerreing Borrower's cecupanry of�he Property as u principal re.cidence. If this Securlty Instrument is on o.•
<br /> % � , leasehold. Borrower shell comply with all the provisionx of the leace. If Borrawer acquires fee tille to tha Property, tha�
<br /> � ..;i.�' leaaehold nnd the fee titk�h�ll not mergc unlcss l.endcr agree�to the merger in writing.
<br /> "." 7.Protectbn oF Lender'�Rightq In the Piroperty.lf Honawcr Pails to perform thc covennnts end ogreementF oontuinod in�
<br /> • . " ` thia Security Inslrumem,or�hcrc is a IeFal pmcceding �hut may significunUy affect L.cndcr'�right� in the Property(such as a. ;,��,,
<br /> ��'� '� ,. procceding in bankruptcy, pmb•rte, fur wndumnati�m o�forfeiium�r to enforre luws o�regulations).then l.endar may do and � ��ta'
<br /> �P , ° ��,�� , pny for.whatever is n��ceswry t�protect the vuluc of the Propeny und Lender's rights in thr. Prapeny. Lender'�uctianc mpy ��'�
<br /> ; •��i,��r' ' include paying any sums c:ecureJ by a lien which has prinrity over thix Se�:uri�y Instrument, appra�dng in court, pt�ying y�M�
<br /> ' , ___.;•__.. — reASOnahle uuorneys' fcec :�nd entering on the Pmpeny ta make repuirs. Although I.cnder muy tukc ucdon under thlF parugmph 1
<br /> { :� �.� —T-- — � 7,Lender docs ncit huvc ta dn so. :r
<br /> , � Any umount�dislwrticd ny l.endcr under Ihis paregraph 7 ,hall Fkcomc udditiunul debt ol' Borrower x�urud h�� this
<br /> -�'- : • . . . Security Instrument, Unlc�y&.rrower and !ender cgree to ��iher term,��I'pnyment,thr�c am�anu<<hidl hrar intemst fium tha
<br /> ° Jate of disbunement at thc Note nur anJ shall lx puyuhle, with interest, upm nntice fmm L.�:nder to Bormwrr ruquesting '
<br /> , puyn�ent.
<br /> 8.INortRAqe IaSUrance. It'l.cnJer rcyuir��d mortg•rge inwranrc a.r r�►rxliti�in of nwking tlk loun s��vre�1 by Ihix Securily
<br /> • � InstrumenG &�rmwer .hull puy the prcmium. reyuir��) tn nwinlain Ihc morlEa�!c insuranre in rffect. If, far any t�uum, the
<br /> �. � mortgage in+urnnce awcrugc rryuireJ hy I.cnJcr lap�c�or rcasc,tu Ix: in eff��.t. &�rrowrr�hall puy the prcmiums reyuired to
<br /> � � + 5, obtuin rnvcr�gc�ubstamially cyuivalrnt to thr mungagr insuranrc prcviuu�ly in rfl'cr�,a� u cuxt .ubtitumiully oyuivalent t�i�he
<br /> E , , ca.t to &iROwcr of the nwnguge in+uranrc previiwtily in c1Tc�:t. t'rum an aUrrna�c monga�!r intiun:r uppnn•ai by l.endee If
<br /> sub.tantiully eyuivalern me,nga�te in+urancr ra��cragc i.nnt u��ailahle.&�rcuwcr,hall pay a�Lrnder cach nx,rnh u sum eyuul to `•'�
<br /> 1�'r ' .,/ � one-twclflh iif thr ye�rly mangage imuranre prcmium txing prid by &�rrow�r whcn th�in�urance curerugc lapa4�or reux�l to '�-.
<br /> i ;; .; bet in effect. I.ender will ar�rpt. u.e atxl rctuin thcsr p•rymen�s•r� u los, rcKn•c in liru of m��rlgage insurun.1. Loa�: nscrve
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