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<br /> 17.Trsoder ot t1� or�BeaofkW Wtero�t in Borro�v�.If all or an �wt oP the Prnperty or rny inteneet in it
<br /> �v y
<br /> i�ald or tnu�sferred(or ii a bene ci�l interoat in Borrower i�iold or tcancferrod and Bor►owa ic not a rutural penon)wltMwt
<br /> l,ade�'s prior wrltten cauiciu, L,aider mvy. u it� option, rcquiro irrut�odlAte payment in full of�11 aums �ecurad by thla
<br /> Saurity Inrwment.Howeva,lhic optiou rl�Il not be exercicd by Looda if exenci�e ir prohf�ited by fode�al law u oi Ua dtle
<br /> of�hla Security I�trumertt.
<br /> !f l.endt�txcrcices thia option,Lender slwil�ive Bonowa notice of qcoelerrrtiun, Tho natice shAll pmvlde a period ot not
<br /> � la� tlw� 30 duya ftam the d+�te the noticc is delrverod or m�lled within which Bunawer must pny all wm�securod by this
<br /> Savrlty Instroment.If Barrower fails w pay thesc sums prior w�he expia►tion oP thlr pedod,L.ander awy invoko uny�tmedid
<br /> penained by this Security Inatrument wilhout Porther notice ar demand on Borrower.
<br /> 18. Borrower'� Rlght to Reiastate. If Horcower mats cenaio condiilans. Borrower sha11 have the riQhl to have
<br /> �,; enfarcemrnt of thia Secu�ity Insttument discontim►od u any time p�io�w tho eulie�of: (a)S days(or xuch uther periud tu�
<br /> appltcable IQw may speciFy for refn�tNemeM) before eale of the Property pumuant to any power of salo conwined in this
<br /> Saurlty In�tnimnt;or(b)enlry of a Judgment enforcing this Security Iricuvment. 7'hase conditions arc that Bonawer:(a)prya
<br /> l.endet afl sutn9 which then would be due under t4is Socurity Instrument and Ihe Nate as if no uaxleration hsd occurned: (b)
<br /> cures a►y default of any ather oovenants or agroemems; (c) pays all exponses incurred in enfarcing�hia Security Inctrument,
<br /> including.but nat limited to,rcasonable attomeya' fees; and (d)takes such acdon ns L.ender may m.asonably roquirc to as.curo
<br /> ' tluu tho lir.t�of this Secudty Instrument,l.ender's r�ghts in the Property and B�xrawer's obligation to pny the sums serured by
<br /> � :'• �" � this Secudty Instrument shall continua unchangod. Upon rcinstatement by Butrawer, th�s Security instrument wd Um
<br /> + ��1r�. obligations secured hereby shall rcmain fully effcetive as if na acceletation hsid occurred. Hawaver, this ri�ht to rcinwate shall
<br /> ,�_•:��`'�ni����- not apply in Ihe cuse of acceleration under paragreph 17.
<br /> ' ,r_ l9. S�le of Notei Chan�e ot I.oan Servicer. The Note or a partiul interest in the Nata(together with this 5ecurity
<br /> . Instrumenq may be sold onc or more times wlWou�prior natice to Borrower. A suls may nesult in a chnnge in the entity(kiawn
<br /> • '�`'`� •c` ��;�",.�' ' ns the'Loan Serviccr")that collects manthly pa,vcnents due under the Nato and this Secu�ity Instrument. There also may be one
<br /> ;• ��,,. ��,,,� or mare changes of the Loan 5ervicer unrelatod m a sale of the Nota.lf the.e i��clwnge of tha l.oan Servicer.Borrower wUl be
<br /> ° _.,... .�_,.���iTu:. ,_. ,� given w�itten notice of tha changr in accordanc�e with paragraph 14 pbave and applicabl6 luw.The natice will state the name ard
<br /> ti � � address of the new L.aan Servicer and ihe address to which paymenta should bo mada. Ths notice will olso rnowin ony other
<br /> �'�""°�•'�" ""''~�•: inforniation required b applicable law.
<br /> rna
<br /> �• 20. Hs�ardaus ubct�nce�. Borrower shall not cause or permit die prosence, use, disposul, scar,�ge, or release of uny
<br /> � 1 Hazsudous Substances on or ih the Property. BoROwer shall not da. m�r alloa� anyone el�e to do, utiythi�g pffocting the
<br /> � � ` • `� P�aperty that ic in violatfnn of Any Environmentul Law. The preceding two rentences shall not apply to the pres�tix�c. use. or
<br /> " � . etorage on the Property of smAU quantities of Hazardous Subslances that are generally nrognized to be appropriat�to norst�al
<br /> . . residemial uses and to mufntenance of the Property.
<br /> Barrower shall promptly give Lender written notice of Any investigatinn,cinim, demand, Inwsuit or other action by any
<br /> � " governmentol or regulatory agency or private paAy involving the Pmperty and any Haz�rdous Substanc�e or Environmental Law
<br /> � ..�� ,; of whlch Burrawer has actual knowledge. If&�nower learnt.or is natified by uny gavernmental or regulutory authority, th3t
<br /> '•..;{,<.,,. '�`� �ny removul or other r+emediatian oi'any Hs�zardaus Substance affecting the Pnoperty i�nooe.xwry,Borrawer sholl promptly take
<br /> �����:� �II nece4wry remedial actions in acrnr+dance with Environment�l Law.
<br /> ��''�"'+-••= Ac used in thic�aragraph ?0. "Ho�ardous Substances" are those sub�tances dafinod as tuaic or ht�zzardou4 substnrxes by
<br /> , �• � � Envinmmemal Luw and the following subuunces: ga�oline, kerorene, other flummable or toxic petraleum �roducts, toxic
<br /> { � � • pesticides and hert►icides,��olutile solvents, matcrials containing usbesto�or formaldehyde,c+nd radic�actir•e m:itenuls. As u�ed in
<br /> . �. .• this paragraph 20, "Environmemul l.aw�" mcanx fedeml law•s and laws o`Ihe jurisdiction where the Properey is lawted ttwt.
<br /> �;:��,,!' . relat�to hcAlth,sufety or environmentul protection.
<br /> •;.�"����� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.B��rrower und Lcrnler funher covenunt and agrec:as folli�ws:
<br /> ,;,:�.,,.,, .
<br /> ``i;�;;;;;�� 21. Accelerntion; Remedi�.�s.Lender shell give notice to Sorrower prlor lu acceleratton follawing Borrow•er's brnticb
<br /> � of any covenpnt or agreement In thls Serurity Instrument (but aot priar to accelerAUon under pa�rnph 17 unl�xv
<br /> �4 ' • appllcable I�w provldes atherw•ise).The natire shall specify: (a)th�dePuull; (b)the acUon reqe�ircd to cure tt�e defs�ultt
<br /> (c)a dote.not les.g than 30 d�ys fn�m the dute!he notice i�Riven to &�rruµer,by which thr dePAUlt must be cur�ed;t�nd
<br /> �i' •� • . (d) that fwilure tu cure the default un ur befbre the dwte specitied in the nntice may re�ult in pccelemtion of the sums
<br /> serumd by thls Serurity Ingtrumcnt and.ralc oP thc Pniperty. The notice+�haU furthrr inform Bormwcr of the rlp.ht ta
<br /> n• ' reittstute uiter accelerallon and Ihe rlaht to brinR a court�cliun to assert the oomexistence ot a defAUlt or any othK
<br /> ' • defense of Borrow•cr to ucmlcnation and sale. If the default is not cu�ed on or beiore the tWle specifled in the ootlra�
<br /> r ,,�. � I.ender. ot its opNm�, may reyuire imm�diate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Inst�vment wfthoul
<br /> • iwrthcr demand and may invoke thc pc►w•cr uP sulc and any othcr rcrn4di�w prrmitted by applicable law. l.ender ahall be
<br /> � � „ enlitkd tn collect all expens�incurnd in pu�uinR the remedi4�v provided in thi+c paru��ph 21.includiaR.but iwt Nmited
<br /> to.reasanable attorneyx'fetx and cosls oi title eridence.
<br /> - .-• � 1P thP�wrr of .Ale ic im�oked, Trustee shall rc�cord a notk�oF defLult in es�cfi county in whlch am• part of the
<br /> Property is locutcd and tihall mail rnpicw of kuch notire in the manne� prexcriBed b� upplirable law to Iforrow�er and M
<br /> � Ihe othcr persnm prer•c�ilK�d by�upplic�blc laK•.Aiter thc timc rcyuired by vppli��ablc IuN,Trati2ee shall�ive publk notice
<br /> oisale to Ihe penons �nd in the manncr pre.xrlbed b�applicaMc lau. Tru+tec,��ithoul demand an Borrower.shall scll
<br /> � ,, lbe Roperty at puBlir auclion to thc hi�hcst hiddc�ut the time and plarr and under the term.desfy�nsited in tht noticQ ot
<br /> sale in one or more ps�rcclz and in an�• order Trua�� determin��. 7'ruu�r mu�•po,lqrne utc oP all or am• parcel nP tht
<br /> � �: ��., Property b�• public aanauncemcnt at tlu time and plam uf vny prevfou�N•xhedukd rale. Lendet or its d�oee msU•
<br /> purch�ue the Properl�•at an�•s►ulc.
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