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- .' ;act� <br /> ,. •� s+ <br /> . c.° <br /> � � �.�. <br /> � :A <br /> � . • ..•«WN.•�rn.w:R\�., l�i�+�r���l�l� <br /> d , - . .. _ �:7.,lrir <br /> � � <br /> ' TOOBTHER WITH dl the improveaiaas now or t�ftet croctad on tlla p1�+Rti'.And dl��t��aa��aad <br /> j flstu�es now or hero�fkr w p�ut of tho pnoperty. AI! ropl�oemaMs +ufd �s1�Al1�MA �hl�l � be oovarod bY tW+ 9ea�tY <br /> Itapummt.All of the farc�ain�is rofmrad w in Ihi�9acuriry lnurumant�Ihet'Pro�;t+' <br /> ' BORROW6R G'OV8NAN78 th�t Borrowar ia l�wfblly�oiicad Qf 1hQ eHala hrtr4b8.aMl�'eYed and hiu the ri�ht w sr�nt�d <br /> � oonvry the Propeety and il�t�he Proparty ia una�xumNorod. except far cnaumbrnnaa�of,,roeond. Borrower w�rr�at� aed wiU <br /> defad Qen�r�lly thc title�o the Pr+npertY�gdnw dl cl�ima u�d dema�dw,auhJqa w�ut�r enpumbra�oes aP rocad. <br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT mmbir�unif�xm cavcnwntA fur nwtLnnal wfa+atld�a�runiforn�ooveruntr witb Ila�ited <br /> vuiatiore by Ju�i�dkNon w conuitute�unitorm�acurity inurumant cavoring rewl pr��paRy� <br /> � UNIFORM COYENANTS. Hormwer and l.emlcr rnvcnvnt Ancl aBrea e�f�liowe: <br /> 1. Pryiaeot ot Pri�cipl And lnlecrRi �p�yu�� �nd I�te Clu�r�e�. sh�ll P��Y PaY wbct� due the <br /> .� ` principal of�nd intercat on thc debt cvidencod by the Nota and wny propugmant And luta cfiurRe�due unda thc Nac. <br /> �'�' � 2. F�unds far Taxa�nd Insuranoe. Subject t�applic�ble law or W a wdt�sn weivor by Lendcr,Bamc►wer stwll poy ta. <br /> Lender an the day monthly p�ymame are duc under thc Nota.untjl Wo Nwa ip paid in fi�ll:A.sum('Fund9")far:(A)yCariy taxa <br /> and acsessmenta which rny anain prioriry over thiA Secu�ity Inst�ument as a li�n at t�A Property: (b)yeuly Icasclwld paymerus <br /> or gmund ren�.g on the Property. if any:(c)Yenrly ha�.ard or E►ro�orty inaunn�ptiemium�:(d)Yearly flood ir�surona prcmlua�. <br /> if any: (e)Yarly mortgage insurnnce premiums,if any; and (0 s�ny sums payebla by B+nnroM+er ta l�ender� in accotd�ttoe wilh <br /> the provision�of p�ar�graph S,in licu of the paymet►t of moRgoga inaurrncB Emmiuma.Thase itemc are callod"Fsctaw itarus•' <br /> l.ender any time,collect qnd hold Fund.g fn an amount not to exceed tha maximum amount A lender for�a feden�lly <br /> rclatod mortg�ge laan may require for Borrowo�'a�escrow account under the fe�Wrrl Rcul.�state Settlement ProcedureR Act of, <br /> . . .t ' 1974 as amended fmm time to time. 12 U.S.C. Section 26p1 e!seq. ("R�SPA"1, unloea anMher law tl�t applies ta the FuMs <br /> � �f, sets a leaser unouat. If w, l.endcr may, at any time,collcct and hold F1md.a in an am�unt not to exoeod the lesser amwm, <br /> ' �'',, ; ,;��. . Lender may estimate the wnaunt af Funda due on thc busix ui�urnenl duw a�d�tublu estln�tes of eupendituccs of Wtwo <br /> � Fscrow Items or atherwise in xcordunce wlth applicabla lew. <br /> ° ,�.;�:�:�=��`, '�c'� . The Funds shall 6e held in an lnstitution whosc deposits arc ine;ured by a fedaral� agency. instrumentaliry. or entity <br /> ' �%''f•�"`�'�" ' (including I,ender, if Le�der is such un insti�ulion)or in any Feda�al Homo Loan B:uik. l.,ender shall apply tha Funds to pay the <br /> � �' Escrow Items. Lendar may not chArge Borrower for holding and applying the F1md�+,annunlly w�alyzing 1he escrow accou�u. or <br /> • �'�• � '� •,-"';;,�:�; verifying the Escrow items, unleas Lender puys Bnnnwer intan�t an the Fund4 and appliaable law permits l.eoder to make such <br /> .' ���{�'''h'"'':� a charge. However,Lender may require Bomciwer�o puy a ana-time charge for en �ndapand�snt real estate tau reporting scrvice <br /> -�• • '�'� p" �f�`-' used by l.end�r in rnru�ectian wi�h thia lonn. unlusa s�pplicabla luw provides atharwir,c. Unless an agreement is mods or <br /> . '��;,�����',��:,.;;�•x applicable law requires interesl to be paid. Lender shull nnt bo required to pay Bwrower any interesl or earnings on the Funds. � <br /> �r;t�:'�,. s,. ....... <br /> " ,• ',,r,�,,�,,,,-;, � Borrower and Lender may ugrc� in writing, howcver.that inla�aest shal! bB paid on�ths Fbnds. L.ender shall give to Borrower, <br /> � .,' ' � wilhaut charge, an annual accouming of tl� Fundx, shnwing cneditea and dahi�y ta dw•�nds and the purpose for which each <br /> • . .''`' debii iu ilw Fumin wa. u1�1d.Thcr i'unds are pl�iged as addistcfna!�,.curksy fos:a0'�sss��currd by this Sensrity lnsssument. <br /> �s��'��'� ` If the Funds held by Lender exceed thn amnunlK pc:rmitted u�bv IwW hy uppiiqabla luw, I.ender shall account to Borrower <br /> ;� ,•;;��...,: :.;..,.�-�:. <br /> ' � � �������'�`+'��"`����� "' for the excess �unds in occonlunce wi�h thn requiremante af appliaublu luw: it'tha um�unt of lhe Funds held by[.ender at Any <br /> : '"'Si°:I�°;�i <br /> r� .�:,�+; � ~ti�`'' � � , •�� time is not sufficient w pay [ho Eu:n�w Itcmµwhon due. Lenda�may so nmilS+ &►rnuwer in writing,und,in such cuse Bomnwer <br /> "�;•��;.� ,� shall pay to lxnder the�noum nece�sary tu make up tha doPutianuy,Fk�+rower shall meke up the deficiency in no more ttwn <br /> •��.�':;'� ' � ,. o , twelve monthly paymentx,ut Lende�s uile dikn:�iun. <br /> , Upon payment fn full of:�11 sum�secured by thiK Sacurity In�trument. I.ender shall promptl�� refund la Aornnwer any ,:�` <br /> � Funds hald by Lender. if,under paragraph?1. l.endor sfinil ucqui�t ur sell the Property. Lender, prior to the ucquisition or sale ?'' <br /> � <i:; � �,,,;;,� ;,:�,','r:,;:' of tha Propertv.sfiull:tpply uny �unds hald by l.endor at tho tim�of acquisition or sale as a credit againgt the sumc secured by <br /> �'�' � � " �- �his 3ccurity Instrument. .aM. <br /> '{�'��;,s;�, �•�` ^' ' 3,Appliration of Wyinantx.Unluss applicuhlu low pmvides othcnvise,all payments received 6y l.ender under paragraphs �;,�, <br /> �5.�y,'� ,� ,.. ..,: ...,,-: <br /> .�� -rov��•.... 1 and 2 shu11 be appli��i;Grxt,t��nny p�nhaymeni chnqgas Jue under the N�xe;second,to umounts payable unde�pangraph 2: '��: <br /> .�;.y. "�:; <br /> /� r�r;; • � ;..� third,to intcrest duo;fnurth. �„�����G�nui�dua;and lu�t,t�i uny lutr churgcs duc undcr the Nixe. :�� <br /> � E .,.,_. 1�``��' ;;�:y�?s, 4.Chat�es: l.icnr�.&�m��vcr�hull puy all�taxes,u�acssmem+, churgcs, fincs and impnsitions attributable ro the Pmperly <br /> �� '"� whiuh may attain prioriiy uvcr thix Se;curi�N lnrtrument. ;�nd leuuhnld puymem. �ir gr�wnd rents, if uny. &�rrower shall pay <br /> '� , ' i�; <br /> ' _ _. ._, _ th�sc+ohliguti��ns in thu munncr prr.���iilad hi�puragraph 2,or if n�it puid in thut rnunner,&�rmwer shall pay them on time dircrtly <br /> � � ° ta dia pe�n rnvcd p►iynkm. &�rro►vcr.hull promptly furnish tu lxndcr all noticc.of amnunt,to l►e paid under this par�graph. <br /> =. If Hotm�vCl'IIIAIICf�IhC�C p0y fI1C111N I�IttIC1Iy.&irruwcr.hull prompU�� f'urni,h tc+l.enJer receiptti cvidenrin�e the payments. <br /> `. •" &►rrowcr shull pn�mpl ly dit�hnrge any lirn whirh hu+priority over this Srrurit� Instrument unle��&irn�wcr: lu)ugrce� in <br /> . . � . � • �� .:f!, writfng U►tha paymcnt o(tUc abligu�iun M:cureJ by�hr lirn in u munner arrcptublc tn l.endcr;(b)��ntc+�+in g�xd faith thn lien <br /> ��* •�'' by, or Jofundti aguinfe enliin:emciu ��f�hc licn in. IcgAI pr�xccJings whirh in thr l,endrr'. opininn uperute to pnevent the <br /> � �'� �..�'��. ' enfarcemem of�he Illns ar tul,eruR�1'nmi thc Ix�ldcr of thc lien an ugrccmrnt Wui.G�ctoq• t�i lxndcr�uboniinating the lien to <br /> :�r ,, this Security lnstnimrnt,11' l.ender dctermin�ti thu�;my p:m uf the Pra�n� i��uhject �„a licn �vhich muy attain priority over <br /> '�<< � this Securiry ln�tn�ment,Lendcr nwy givc Ikirruwer a n��tirc idrntit'}•in;� �hc t icn. &�rrowcr�hull wtixt'q thc licn�x takr un�s ur <br /> �� r . ,_ <br /> �`�� t' �•.'� more of U�e actions set t'urth nbnve within 10 day�aF thc gi��ing��t'n��ticc. ; <br /> f j;, � ' " '',*, Form 30Z8 Y/90 <br /> F'�'��r,�.;� <br /> �14 " . • Pnge Y o�6 '. <br /> � {f�.f. �� ���:��.: <br /> (���' 4 3. . , ��;1i <br /> t:.��ii:' i. : _ _ i'::i <br /> `,•,r{, +� .'��'J <br /> " `1 �.� �.j;1 � .. ,t ��CFTi�=if%:.:C+"°._e_ '._ _ '_ ' _'_.� .. , . ,. . �P:�ii:Ji�1�N-,3�+SR@'.�'�1R/j,i�s!,',4-a��•�..:.Nh,• .:r�.r,x�a'-('� <br /> ..' � �. . � , �' ' �'L ��,-. y�.� _....__. . �i .. . . ... 1\. <br /> - ,:nc•,... <br /> ♦� f � •i`:�� 1 . � � . <br /> � F� �� .• ' :�. _. :.�—_--.-. - . _._ _ . .. ..-... ._ .....�. ..._. _. ..�__._____ . . ' .� _ �. _..__'..____ _..�_____�___ <br /> —` 't ti -' , .f!;;��1, '1 " , .. . ' <br /> � " �„�J' , - - . <br /> ��,� ' U . <br /> � . � <br /> ' .. . . . � '• ' � . �-` N .. <br /> � Ls�'.. � _ .. _ .. . . 'v-�`1��.I•�4���} '1 <br /> '_.. ' —� _ , __. . --_- " . . _ . _ . _ .._.'__ _ . .`tiiitlf�^��';'. '. ' .. <br /> � � � , '' .. ' I , � <br /> � <br />