<br /> . ' c_�I"�a,
<br /> � �liw� � a,:"'}' •
<br /> n�j,
<br /> __ �
<br /> 93p' �oe�l9s
<br /> candemnatlan or othcr takin�of any p�ut uf�he Propeny.a fa canvoyana In Iku of cadr.�uutlon,rra hereby�aui�aed and
<br /> �h�ll bo paW to Lender.
<br /> � In�hc event of a toul W�in�of the P�opeAy�1he praea�a shall be opplial to the suma securcd by thiti Sxudry
<br /> :i Insttumrnt,wFkther ar not then due,wi�h u►y eacesr{wid to Botrowcr. In tha event oP a partial lakin�af�he Property in
<br /> I which�hc frir murkct vWue oi thc Praperty immedlmely bcforc the telcing is equul to or g�ter than�he amuunt of the aums
<br /> � Recurcd by�his Socudty lnsaumcnt immediatety befim thc taking,unlcss Barrowcr wid Lendcr othcnvise��neo in writinp.
<br /> � tha xumr secuRd by thi� Security Inatrument sholl be rcduced by thc amount of the praceedx multiplied b Iho following
<br /> �� �I fr�ction: (a)the total umcwnt of tMc sums cecured immediately bcforc�he taking,divided by lb)Ihe fair mur�et v�lue of'the
<br /> Property immediatcly befa+e the tAking. Any bulence shull be paid to Borrowcr. In the cvcnt oP a partial wking of tha
<br /> ;� Pro�erty in whkh�he fair market value of the Propeny irnmediately before�hc wking ia leas thun thc amount of the suaw
<br /> •I secured immcdiately befara the tnking.unless Borrower aMl Lendar aherwise agree in w�iting or unleav applicable law
<br /> . ' dhcrwlse pmvidcs.�praceeds xiwll bo applied to�hc surns cecured by this Security Inauument whether or not the sums ane
<br /> F � o �� �hen duc.
<br /> i !f the PrnpeAy is abandaied by Borrower,or if,after ndice by L.ender to Borrower Ihut Ihe condemnor affenr to make
<br /> k � en uward or retde p cla�m for damugoa.Barmwer fails to respond io Lender within 3U duys nRer�he dute the notice is given.
<br /> '•`'{� . �'�� ' Lender is outhorized la collect and uPpiY the proceedx.ut its option.eithcr to restomtion or repuir of Ihe Proper�y or to thc
<br /> �� y� ��' sumu recured by this Secu�tty Instnimenl,whether or not�hen due.
<br /> � '�.{�.' '� Unless Lender und Bamwer othcnvir,c agrce in writing,any upplication of proceedx�o principal shall not ext�end ar
<br /> � ,`.; pastpone the due date af the monthly pAym�nin rafemad ta in paragrnphx I and 2 or change the amount of such payments.
<br /> , +�s��Ys ���,r��s����"' 11. Borrower Nat Reka4ed; Farbeprnnce By Leader Not a Waiver. Extenxion of thc time for payment or
<br /> � ' 'l� .''����+`%�'��;;;�." madifiaation of amonization of tt�e sumc Secured by 1hiK Security Instrument granted by Lender to nny successo�in interest '
<br /> ,'�- �t� r.7,� �.;+, .
<br /> .1•.=.'.f=.-�•='. � w r or BorrowerR successors in interes� I.emles
<br /> • �'`��,` ,;;,'..•:�•--;,;tr��;:•;;�; of Borrowcr shall na apemte to releuse the liability of t)te ariglnal Borro e
<br /> . ��:�`•S;;�•si•�',':''•;'�... :�.�, shalt not be rcyuired to commence pmceedings aguinst any sucees,or in interest or refuxe to exiend�ime for paymen!or
<br /> ,., ' ,;.t.,.,, ,. ,,;,.�.{.
<br /> .
<br /> , `;�•,,•,L,,,:,;,,�b��, . dhenvise modify umnAizntion of�he sum�securrd by thir:Secunty)nstrument by rrawn oP uny demand madc by the original
<br /> ��! ��`�,•: ' - •'� Borrower or Borrowerk tiuccesson in interes�. Any forbenrance by Lxnder in exercixing uny righ�or remedy shull nott be a
<br /> ��i � ?��;�' .:.��;�;�, �ti;� i
<br /> `; �r��:'.;`;,:�.t',.°,,,'.•,c;,;� waiver of or precludo the eaereise of any rlght ar rcmedy.
<br /> ,� " `����_�'���r"'.��;>>�s: 1�. Successors and Assigoa Bound;Joint and Several Liabilitv3 Caglgners. The covenuntn und agreements af this
<br /> ; �. . •�.�,:.;,.;��..
<br /> ,, '. .�,;�„,ti��.� Security Invtrument �hull bind und bencfit!he ruccesson and assigns ot'Lender und 6orrower,xubjec�ta the provisionx af
<br /> •..•:•r ' purugrnph 17. Borrower�cuvenpn�e and agr�eements shul l be joint und severrl. Any SoROwer who co-zigns thia Security
<br /> � ,.•���•':��':•0G. � Instrument bul dceg not execWa�h�Note: Ia)ix ca-signing�his Security Instromem only to mortguge,grant and convey that
<br /> � • � �"���� � Burrowcr's interest in the Propeny undce�he terms of thix Security Inx�rumenr, (b>is not pcnnnully obli�tuted lo pay the sum+
<br /> � � ••% Bo wcr mu o rce lo eatend,modif ,Porbear
<br /> c d d an other �
<br /> '�Securlt inst�umeni:and Ic)a rces�hat L n er s�n y � Y
<br /> • c red b �h�
<br /> h y
<br /> , �c u y Y R
<br /> , � ;�i'� or muke siny uccommodationx with �unl to tho termti ot'�hi.Security lnr�n�man� or �he Note wichuut thut BaYOwer�s
<br /> ' .,,..�::'...•. ;� ') con►�ant�, .
<br /> ': • � � I i3. Loan��hnrAe.w if�h� ivan .ecurcJ by �iii�. Sc�uuty �+�.trument iti subjcrt to a !au w•hich :xr: mszimum loan
<br /> �;��,'.�';, , � ��',;•;:I; rhur�Ce�,and thul luw iti finully inurpm�eJ n��thut the interey�nr �Hher luun churgex collecteJ or tu Ix cullerted in conneclion
<br /> �t�;''_��o . : .� ; . I with the loun rxreed Ihe perniiited limitx,�hrn: 1a)any�uch luun churge,hull br reduced hy�he um��unt necenwry�o rcduce y,.
<br /> ' � �,t•.:�,�,,• � � �
<br /> , . ,,';';�•,:�.i;;��•,;{ thc churge to the pern�itteJ limic and�61 uny.umx•rlmaJy r�dlcrted from Bc�rrower which rxceeded permitted limits will he ,�
<br /> .,,, .• ., :,.,,,,..,. �
<br /> ;, ' � �� • �• • '�•�� rcfunded to Bcxmwer. l.ender muy ch���r�o mukr this rcl'unJ by rcduring�he prirxipul o�+•ed under the Nac or by m:�kiog u
<br /> � ,.;;����;;:i':i;';.:;;y' ' dircct paymem tu Bi►rrower. If a miu�►A mdurc,principul,lhe reduction will!ie trca�eJ a�a puttinl prcpuyment without:u��.
<br /> �. ;.•;�. ��',� .r•�':.''4� i�� ; prepaymem churgc under the Not�.
<br /> ,'., � ... � ,,. � l4. Notices. Any no�ice ici Borrower prnvidrJ ii►r in ihi.Srcurity Instrumen� ,hull txr �!iven by delivrrin�e it or by
<br /> ��^ � ' � ,�•, • „ mailing it hy tint clu.s muil unleti,upplicc�Mc luw�reyuirc,uM ut'am�Uirr mcth�xl.Thc rNnicc�hull Ix directed t��Ihe Pru�xny
<br /> �' ' � � I Addresr or uny ather addresti Burtuwrr de�ignutr�by noti�r tu Lender. Any n��ti�c to L�nd�r,hull i►� giv�n by fint cla.��
<br /> ��� �� '�I -. I muil�o L�nd�r:uddrc...�u�rJ hercin ur any uihrr addrr„l_rnd�r dc.ignsuc.h}ninirc�u Borr��wrr. Any no�ice provided for
<br /> � .. •
<br /> i;f r.. • - 1 in thi�Security In,trumrnt +hnll hc J�rnuJ to hnvr txcn Eiv.n tu NuROwcr �,r Lrndcr H•hrn Eivcn us prnvidc�i in Ihi�
<br /> t t� � ,. , „ .. .. : pura�raph.
<br /> ,;'.,,,• ;.,,:. ..��%.� 15. Guverninp l.aw: tiev�rubilih. Thi. Scruri�� In,�rumrni ,hull I+r g�n•rmrd by fcdcra) law and the I•r�v ul'�he
<br /> �. �,,��i�=,F•�'.�� :.. juricdirliun in whirh�he Prc��ny i�kxuted. In ihc c�•rnt �hai a�iy p�uvi+iun ur rluu,r uf Ihi,tirruri�y In�lrument�►r thr Notr
<br /> i .:� f�,l�ti'�. .•',; �} :�I ritnfllCh wilh upplicahk law.,ucn runtlicl tihull n�H aflrrl u11kr pru�•i�ian�uf�hi+ticrurity lo��rumrnt or thc Nu�c whirh ran
<br /> ' Ix�given rfl'rrt w•ithou� �hr c��ntlir�ing pru�•i.ion. 1ii th�,rn�l th� pnr��i.uNi.ul thi�Srruri��• In,trument and the Niite uR
<br /> . , ; , -.��.," � Jeclutcd tohc ti��crablc.
<br /> ,,;..L, .. . . 16. Borroxc�'z('op�. Burruu•cr�hull Ik�:ivrn onr ranli►nncJ cop}•ul'�hr Nul�;md ul thi.Sccurity Imlrument.
<br /> ',�,.':: 17. 7n�agPer uf the Propert,r or u Bencfirial Intera�l In linr�ow�cr, li;dl ar,my p��rt of thr 1'n��xny or uny inlcre,l in
<br /> � ;�;�:'i{, : .� il iti .o1J ur Iran+fcrnd lor il a txiktiri:d intrrc,t in Burru��cr n,o1J ur tr.m�lrrrcd anJ Buiruucr i.r nut a nulurrl �xn�ntl
<br /> . '•''.�,- , wilhuul L�ndcr�priur wriucn c�►nknt.I.rnder m:�v.;u il���pii��n.rryuirc immr�li:nc pa�•mrnt in 1'ull uf all+um+.ecurrJ by
<br /> , • ^ ,•,;;;. thix Serurity Instrument. H�►�cev�r.lh�.option.holl no�i+r r�eravd h�•L�nder il'e�rrci.r i�pmhih�trJ hy frdrrul luw a+oi
<br /> . ' . , � �he date��f Ihiti Securiry In.truwrn�.
<br /> 1 ..f �'�'.f rn��� ., I If LrnJcr�x�rci�e.lhis�ry�liun.LroJrr.hall givr HuIY'uu�r nulic�ul'a�'�•rl�r:uiun. 1 hc nulicC�hall pru�•iJr u�xri�al of
<br /> ,}:::�rt nut Ic�+Ihun 30 du"from 1he date Ihr iw�ir�i�drlivrrc�l ur mni I�d.�iihio��hirh liurru��rr tnu.�pay all.unn.�rurrJ B� thi� ;
<br /> �r "` •• Srcurity In+trument. If Burtower 1;►il�1�� pu�• ihc•e ,um, pri�a�u thc r�pu:iu�,u ul ihi. �xnuJ. LrnJrr n►u�• involr an�• 6
<br /> .�' rcmedic�ExmiiucJ b� thi,S�yurit�In,tnimrn���ith�w�furthrrnuiirr ur drmanJ un Rnrru��cr.
<br /> (�; t• '� :.:,,�; 18. Barrov►•ert Ri�th1 to Reinslute. If Rorro��cr mr�t�rrr�ain rundilian,. H��no��er ,hall havr ihc righl tu havc C•
<br /> t ; ,'.� ..,. : �nfurcem�m�,f thi.Securit�•In.trum�m Ji.r�munucd:u :u�� lii»�pnur tu Ihr��arl�rr�d: �.n 5.I:��.��rr,u�•h olhcr�xn�wi a> ;
<br /> �t. � 5m}Irl-.mul� --F'ynnk\fucFnddk�Iuc1�IF11R�11\S1NIN6:\7' Imlo�m('u�anam. 4911 ip��¢rd..�nl�.i,u �. -
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