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. . , ,.�c.;• <br /> �, .. <br /> y,..� �•�;, �� ... . '. � >� <br /> ���r <br /> ul. . � . <br /> ;: . <br /> I , . <br /> ���erio�(����uirca. Tho inxura�kro catrjcr providin�Iha Insurance chpll bc cha�cn by B�xrower Rubject tu Lcnderk <br /> appmval w k I not be unrcasonably wi�hhald. if Barawer fwile to mointrfn covero�e dc�c�ibcd�bnva.Leiwler <br /> t.enderk opdon,abtuin cmemge to protect Lender R�i�hta in�he Propeny in acccNdwrce wi�h�ar•aQraph 7. <br /> AQ insu►uncc pc►licics an�1 rcnawulx xhall bo�rreplable to L.cndcr�nd shall inctude a tilwndard murt�u�e clawe. l.andcr <br /> slwll huve tho�ighl to hald the policios and rcnew�ls. If L.ender rcquire�,Borrower xhall promptly Yivc ta Lendcr oll recc{p1� <br /> of paid premiuma��d rcnewal noticcx. In�ho event af lass.Bcxrower Kholl Qive pmmp�niNic�to the inru�wu:o c�urier ind <br /> = l,ende�, l.ender may mnke pr�nf of 1�a if nnt mada promply by Bonowcr. <br /> �.,' Unless Lender and Borrower athenvir,c agrec in wnUn�,inxuronce pra;eed�xhull he applied ta mr�tora�ion or�pnir of <br /> '%' the Propeny domoged, if�he reatoratinn or rc{wir is economirally fr�.tiible und Lenderk zc�urf�y le not lertiened. If�ho <br /> rcstoration or repair is nat ccananicully fea�iblc or I.cnJerk,ecu�ity would be lexxened.ihe inxurwW:e pracecdv shall bc <br /> applied ta�he sumx xecurcd by this Security bstrument,whether�x na �he�due,wilh uny eacexx paid to Bomawer. li <br /> Borrower ubandone the P�uperty,or daeg no�anwwer wi�hin i0 days a notice from L.cnikr that the in�u�e currier hoa <br /> offered to seida a claim,then Lendar muy callect the insura�ce prareeds. l.ender may use ihe pmceeda to rrpair ar re+torc <br /> thc Property ar to pay sum.g sccured by thi»Security Ins�rument,whelher or not lhen due. Ti�e 3(Woy periud will be�in whcn <br /> (W <br /> the noticc ia givon. <br /> Unlesc Lender und Borrower otherwise ngrce in wriling.Any upplicu�ion af proceed+w principal shuil not extcnd or <br /> postpone tha dua du�of the momhly�yments rePerred to in parugraphs 1 nnd 2 or chunge ihe wncwnt af Ihe puymema. If <br /> �; _ under parag�ph 21 �he Propeny ia ucyuired by l.ender. Barmwerk right to uny inrurunre policies und proceedx rexulling <br /> . . from damage tu tha Pmpeny prior to th� ucyuiyi�ion shall pu�x to Lendcr to the extent of the 4uma ssecurcd by Ihix Security <br /> . �, i'�n � Ingtnimem immedintely prior to the Acqu�siiion. <br /> �',. � u :,,�;�r 6. Occuppncy, PreservANon. Maintenance aod Proteclton of the Propertys Borrower's l.oan Appllcatfaa; <br /> • �='�`- � - l.easeholda Borrower shull accupy,exwbli«h,unJ u,r tlx Pr�ny us liarrower's prinripal rexidence within sixty duys at�er <br /> r�+�'"� <br /> �4:''r ..„b .. <br /> , . ' �•"• ,��:-; �. .' ' the esecution of'this Security Instn�mrnt and xhall continuc tu occupy the Property us BoROwerb principul rexidence far ut <br /> . .. �,;,,.e•^����.�. .-•�:;�.-�1 Ieast one yeur aCter the du�e of cxcupuncy, unlexti Lender wh�rwise ugrecs m wriiing, whic6 contient shall not bc <br /> �� s.. • .�• _••• unmutionably withh�ld,ar unless ex�rnuntin�t cinum,tuncex eaist whirh ure heyond Bi�rmwer's cont�ol. Barrawer shull not <br /> . .,,„�. <br /> , ,,;,� ., �. �•, deslmy,dumAge or impair thc{'roparty,sillow the Propeny[o deterioratc,ar commit wu,tc on the Propeny. Burcower zhnll <br /> - �~ '� ' '� 6a in defauU if any fort'eimre actiun or praceeding,w6ether civil or criminal, ix begun thAt in Lenderh gaxt faith judgment <br /> '""�����;�-:,:. could rcsult in forfeiture of the Pro n ar othenvise materiall im ir Ihe lien c�sated b this Securit Inatn�ment or <br /> o, ,. :�r.', 7 . Pc y r Pu Y Y <br /> � �f l,enderk securiry inteicst. Bormwrr may cure xuch u default und reinxtute,a+provided in parngraph 18,hy causing�he uc�ion <br /> �_ �',1_'.:.�..:.":.ri� <br /> r • :. �' ' ••:,r,,, ., .. ur procecdlnR ta be dismi+sed wi�h u nding thu�,io L.encier:good faiih determinatian,preclude�forfeiture af the Borrowerc <br /> ' •�t'� � ��� :�� interex� in ihe Property or other mu�eriul impairment af�h� lien cmu�ed by �his Security Instnimem or l.ender's securlty <br /> � , ,r ,,• �'����,��ti� ,.� ,;�� interest. Bartvwer shall alu� lx� in detault if Borrower. during thU Icu►n upplicuti�m proces., �uve muteriully false or <br /> inaccurate infortnu�ion cN titatements to Lender(or fuiled to provide Lender wi�h uny muteriul infortnatwn)in connection wilh <br /> �::'�':;.�%`��'"' ..:,, the loan evidenced by the Note, includin�, Mut not limited to,rcpresen�utidns canceming Borrower's orcupancy of the <br /> � �;� �� � ��• Pmpeny a.a principal�eaidence. If thi4 Security In��n�ment is�n u MASChoid,Borrower shuil campiy witb oii Ihe pnrvi.iuu. <br /> ,, r;1�,;� ` :, � ,��; of the Icu�e. IE Sorrower acyuimti fee lide la thc Pro�xny.Ihc leuxhi►Id und�hc Pec IiUc�hull ni.t rt�e�e unless Lendcr agrce. <br /> . r ;. . . �� ` ta�he merger in writing. <br /> ', '"��'�',; �,��;�, 7. Protectfnn of l.ender's RiRhts in Ihe Praperty. li Bi�rc�wrr fuil. to Ex:rf'onn thr co�•enant+ vnd ugrecmcnt� ' <br /> � � ��•'� ' contained in this Securi�y Inxtrumcm,ur Ihere i. a l�enl pnx:eedinF thnt muy .igniticuntly uffrcl L�nder z ri�Zhtx in the <br /> • _:,;,.�:;,; . ,. <br /> "�' Praperty(such a.�pnxecding in h:mkn�ptcy.probutr,tix ce�n�lrmnu�inn ur fo�feiturc or tu enfiirre rcgulatic►n,).then <br /> �• � ;'�,��:�' � • l.ender muy do und puy for whmevrr is nccr..ury to prnteci�ha vuluc oi'Ihc PruFxn��und Lendcr;right+ in thc Pro�xny. <br /> � , ' L.ender's uc�ion.muy incluJa payinK uny +um..ecunJ h�•u licn whirh hus priority ovrr�his S�rurit}•Imlrument,uppeurinF <br /> � . � ". in court, p•rying rcuwnublc auorneys'fer�anJ rntcring on thc PmEurty lo mukr rcpuin. AUhough Lendrr muy tuke uction <br /> ,* . .�� . - . under�hi�purugruph 7.l.cndur dcx+not havc to Ju,o. ,u,, <br /> �f � ,`,', Any •rmount.Ji�huncd by l.rndcr undcr�hi. prragraph 7 +hnll ixcom�adJitiunal Jebt ul'B�xrowcr�rcurcJ by Ihi, <br /> � i: ,,,,'��:,,: ` . . <br /> Security Imlrumcnl. Unlc�.,Borrowrr und L�ndcr ugr�e la iiihrr tcrni,uf puyment,the,c amnunh,hLll Ixar imrrc,t fram thc <br /> �J� � dutu M'�nt ut thc Notc ratc and shall lxr payuMr.with imcrc�l. upun n�nirr fmm Lrixlrr to Nom�wrr rcyur,�inF <br /> ' puymrnt. <br /> � � .. . , . 8. 1lurtgag�e Inswronce. It'Lendcr rrNuircd m��n�:��!c in.ur:mre u.:i rundilion uf mul�ing �hc lo�n .crurrJ b�• thi, <br /> . , : ' ... Scrurity In�lrumcot. Borrowcr,hall pay Ihc prcmiwm reNuirrd in m;iintain ihr mang��gr in.uruncr in ei�rrt. If. ti�r un�. <br /> �' .�: reawn. tha mongugr intiurancr covcr.igc rryuimd h� Lrn�kr lap+r, ur cruu, t�� tx in eflcc�. &irru��•rr .hull pa�• tlk '.'• <br /> - - f-'.`. nmiumr. rci uiRd a� uht.�in �u�ria � ,uh.u�ntiidl� e ui�:dcnt to �he mon�u � m.u�ance ���vi��u,l in clT�wi. aI a iu,i -;.i <br /> �, ' .,;�',: P ' 1 F' N � F' 1 5' '�,r <br /> , � , .ubntuntiully rquividcnt a��hc rm� u►H�xrourr ul'thr�nrn�tgu�r in,ur:uur pre�• in effcrt.fn,ni an ul�rmatr mortgvge :. <br /> .• . ...-• � III�UfC�:1�1rfOVtII Ily LrnJcr. 11',uh,tantiall} ryuiv,drnl nH,n�:igr in•ur:mrr�•uver:�pc i,nui avail.�hlc,l3urcu��rr,hull puy to �. <br /> . Lcndcr rurh month• ryual�o unc-tw�N�th of Ihr��arl� mnngagr in,ur.mcc�xcmium IMing paid hy Borrowrr�vhrn thc <br /> �•�`l:�; _ imumnrr covrra�c lup.rd ur r�a,rd to Ix in a�ficc�. l.rnalcr��ill arrepl.u,�:uid retain�hr,�pay mrm.a.u lu„�c in liru ; <br /> ' ,:.,,•:f. " � of mongage in,urancc. Lu..rr.rr�r parn►enl,mu} n�� longrr Ix rryuired. a1 ih.�� l.�'m�,rtgage in,urance {�?.:'. <br /> :„';�i:,';� ru�•era�:�lin the amounl unJ tiir du�xri�xl lhal Lruder nywre,l pro�idrd h� au in,urrr appra�cJ hc Lender aguin Fxronxti ,�• _ <br /> ; ', � urriluMr and i.uht:�inrJ.N��rro��cr,hall pa} Ihr prrmium.rcyuinJ la mnimi�in m�,n�:igr en:ur:m:r in rttcrl.i�r to pru�•idc a ',�ti'7�; <br /> `' � ' los�rc�rnr.uniil Ihr reyuiremrnl tbr muqg:�gc in,ur:incc rnd, in:irr��rdanre Nnh an}� ariocn :�g�crmmm t+rt�ccrn Karrowrr � : <br /> :1 ' '��. und Lrndcr�,r appliraM�la��. � <br /> �� • " • 9. Ins tion. I.�nJ�r ur n.a �ni ma� male n auaiablr rmnr.u�un:md in, ��iva,id'Ihr Pn� �m•. Lender�hall � <br /> � . :ti,�.h,. .�. t,�c �.• � �,,� � r. <br /> �,•��.,�• . uive Burn,H•rr nutire:u�h�timr ul�x priur tu an in.pccnon,�xcihin�rr.�.unaM�.au�e ti,r the�n.�xriiun. y '),�t <br /> I : :,,��;,;..;; . . <br /> � � 10. Cundemnution. Thr priw•rrd.ul.ut� :n�.�rd.+r;�auu I�rc d.unaLr..du«���r amn�ti�ti��n uith an) •�� <br /> �;.�::.:;ii ' v. <br /> � -'':`!ir, �.....�;<;'•:,.� . <br /> ;�•. .. .`'i�a ;.-,. SinEl.Iannh Fanoir�IyeFrrddic�lutt\IHIR1!{\�'CRI11!\7 1nd��mi('mrn.�m, 9411 y�,�crr�,►���a�c�•, <br /> .; �� ' ,;�4,,� an�rc 4YK Bu+ima tuu�.In� ■ � <br /> : '.', ' 1'`r1",> '. .,;:•4; r��iwa.r�;+�i �aa«.inxrn�v�a nuan��n:n i. <br /> �� ,rt • .. , � <br /> ' � . , ' <br /> • . ,..--• ----� -- � - -•-- --�� , � .� . :rai�►rw�..rnr':. ,.-�t. � � � . <br /> i =.� �_...—_-----'� -., � .. , . . _. .. <br /> �•-- <br /> �' <br /> <' <br /> � .. <br /> �1 '„ <br /> ..�.� � � .. • <br /> ' �� � .' � , <br /> 1 ti �� ,� <br /> • f' � <br /> (�. � • • <br /> �, .y � .. <br /> r�• �-'----_ -� . .., ' <br /> f <br />