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<br /> �ppUcsble I�w m�y ipec{fy for reinnt�tement)bcfom e�la of�he PropertY purauant�to rny powcr o ule contaipa�t fa Ibi�
<br /> Secuti�y lastnunent;or(b)cn of a jud�pnent enforcing thi4 3acurily In�hument. '11u�e cwididons ue tluu Ba�rawor. (�)
<br /> �
<br /> p�y�l.eader dl cumr which n wouid bo duc und�thic Securlt� Incerumeet wd the Noto a� iP no�ccolaradon h�d
<br /> accurted;(b)curca Any default of any otha cavenanu or a�nsemeDtc:(p)ppys all expensen incwred in entorclnQ this Socurlly
<br /> Inatrur�nt.fncluding. but not limited to,n�w►nablo Aaamoys'fees: and(dl uilces such actia�as Lcnder mwy reaRanAbly
<br /> roquiro to acsure that Iho lien of�hi�3ecuriry Inctrum�mt,L.cndor�right�fn,�ha Property And Bamoweta obli�tfoa w pay Ihe
<br /> eum� securrd by this Secud�y Instrunxnt shall cantinuu unchpnged. Upnn,nsias�menl,by Bamwa, thix Secudty
<br /> Inswmenl and�lie obtigwionati wcurcd he�by shull rc�naln•fully cffc�:tive as iC nn s�l�rqsinn,bad•accurt+ed. Howcver.thls
<br /> v� riQl►t w reincUUe ahall nat Apply in thc case of accelcratlon under pamgrnph l7.
<br /> :, 19. S�k ot NWe;Clun�e ot La�a�&rvker. The Note or a ppitlal intmast fn,tha Nnta(ungathct wiU�thir Securi[y
<br /> Instnuncnq may be eold ono or maro timas withaut p�ior naNae[a BoROwor. A sale map rosult in a chonge in the entfty
<br /> (Icnown as the"L.oan Servicer")thal callects monthly puymnnta due under the Nat�and Qds�Secudty Instntment. Thene also
<br /> may be ono or more changea of the L�oan Servicer unr�latad ta p sala of U�a Nata. IP thare iA a chang�of tha I,awaServlcer.
<br /> Borrower wlll,be given writtan nodce of�ha changa in wxaManae wjth pamgmph 14 abc�vq and applicsibla lp►v, Tha notice
<br /> will statc tha name and address uf the new L.oan 5ervicer und�ha suidnscs to whiah paymanta shauld b�mwda. T4a aaticc wiii
<br /> �Ico rnntain any othcr informatian rrqui�+ed by applicable law.
<br /> 20. Hnswrda�e Snb�tAUCaa. Bomowa�shall nat causc or pertnit tho procencB,us�e,dicpacal,stcrcsi�e,or ralaasc of any
<br /> �! Hazardous Subswnces on or in th@ Property. Bomowcr shall not do.IIOf ilIII1W 811y411d 8I8L l0 dp.Al1�lIlIOa A�OCt�l1$(IIB
<br /> PropeRy that is in violada�af any Envimnmenwl I.aw. Tha preceding two sentsncec shall nm apply to the prasenca.use,or
<br /> slorage on the Pmperty oE smwlhquundtios of Haznrdouc Substancec that are gen�rnily m�coenized ta.be eppro{niata to notmW•
<br /> � ' ! residentiel uses and�o mAintanance oC�ho Property.
<br /> ` Borrower shall promptly giva I.ender wriqen natice of any invcstigation,clAim.damand.lawsuit ar athar ucdon by an��
<br /> �� � -� �� �:=._�3==.���� !'� govemmental ar regulatary oganay or pdvata purty involving�he Propeny and any Naxardous Substunce or Enviranmeatal•
<br /> �..;;�;;;�,�,Y'�c�,,x�;;' 4uw of which Borrower hus actuol knowledge. If Borrower leams. or is notifiad by any govemmamal or.tggulutary
<br /> � o� • `•'�.f- �.� l authority,that any remaval or other remecliation of any Hazardous Subsu►nce affecting 1ha Property is nocessary.Bormwer
<br /> ; � `.•.c;..,..•�•.. : shsdl�promptiy tnke ol)nocessary�medial actions in accoidance with Environmentul Luw.
<br /> � ;','.���;�, �� " - As uFCd�in,thia paragraph 20,"Huzu�dous Subctonces"a�those subsu►nces dafined as toxio o�haxordauF sabctanaes by
<br /> ` `����` � � Environmentul�Law and the following gubstances: gosoline,kemaene,othar 8ammable or toxia petrolwm products,W�cia,
<br /> p�°,1_r:., .. : .o.,,
<br /> �°''��'•:.• :�. �:� .:�,�•'-•"'' � sticides and herbicides, volntile solvents.matedals contuining asbestos or i'om�aldeh da,and rAdioactivc material� As
<br /> �"�.'; . •• • .��:' � "Environmentul l,aw"msans fedarnl laws and laws of tha urisdlmion where the Pr is located
<br /> !' ' • �.•'�•��� used in this paragrnph 20. .1 �Y
<br /> �r't . :-�'t(t�yA�v.'.A'r��.
<br /> r};_ : �r,lr1�1..�i ` ' t1�at t�elate to health.sefery or environmental protection.
<br /> g', .;:�1�F•^,, , . NON•UNIFORM COVENAIV'fS. Bomower and Lendar futther covenant and ngrce ns follows:
<br /> ',i,;��r
<br /> �;�:� ;�, ti .. ..,,.<-���.::��•' 21. AcccleraUon; Ramedies. I.ender ahall give noNce to Bo�ower prior to acaleradon Pollowing Borrower's
<br /> ,±:.;�;`;', ."�""°"''�' •`�'� breacd ol on rnvenant or reement la tWs Secu�ity Insirument(but aot rior to occelerstfan under h 17
<br /> . `,` �''•,`:.;•` . ,' unlrs�a y larr_ r�►+�l�Ml:erwls�?. The nottce sha!! s (a�the delsultt lb?!he eeHon �B�aP
<br /> :,,..„.-� „ , . , Fi�n�le � specll�' t�t�lulrn!to r��r+�the
<br /> i ' . . '+ defoult;(c)a date,aot less I�an 30 days from tde dnt�tUe aodce is givea lo Borrower�by wbtcb Ibe defaul4 must be
<br /> ... •'" n � cured;w�d(d)that[ailure W cure ihe default on or befone the detR speciQed In tl�e nodce may resul�la,wucelenndon ot
<br /> ! � We sums secured by this Secu�ity lastrument And ssda ot ttw Pro¢erty. 7'he notfce sball�further infora�•Born+ower ot
<br /> `� " � the right to relnstete eRer Acceleration and the right to bring a courA actbn to asseM the noa•oxlatoaoe of a detUult�or
<br /> �� ��� �' ; nnny other defenae ot Borrower to AcceleraUon and ss�la. Itthe dei�dt is not curnd on or before the deta speciii�d•tn,
<br /> • . �• the noNae�I.ender at iis opdon may reQui�r immediato puymopt fa ffall otall same secured by this Security Incirumont�
<br /> '+�� ' without furlher demand and mey Inaoke the power o�sale ond any other remedias pennitted by Appiirnble Iaw
<br /> � I.ender shWl 6e endtled W collecl s►Il expenses incurred In pursuing tha remedies provided In this paragnph 21.
<br /> , Including,but not Bmited to.reasonable attorncys'tees and costa of dqe evldence.
<br /> • If Ihe power ot sale Is invoked,'ilrustee shell rernrd a nottee of dofault In each county im whtch Any part ot the
<br /> , '`; Property Ls located And ohnll mall copies of such notice in the munne�ptrscribed by applit�bl�1t�w to Borrower and to
<br /> � ' �;' the ot6er persons prescribed by applicab9e law ARer the time required by applit�ble lua•,1Yustoe shol!qive publlc
<br /> '�a' . �`��, n o t i c e o t e n l e t o t h e p e r s o n s e n d i n t h e m a n n e r p r e s c�i b e d b y p p p l t r�b l e I n w; 7 Y u s l a e,w i t h a u t�d e m a n d o n B o r r ow er, s.�
<br /> �-• , ' � shwU sell the PropeMy at public auctlon to the hi�hest bidder at ihe time nnd pluoc and undor the termc designoted In
<br /> j ;, : � ,t.,,�� the notke ot sale In one or more parcels and in ynv order 7Yustce dMermines. 7Yust�re mny postpone salv of pll or pny -
<br /> � r, , ,~ ,:, pAroel ot the Properly by public announrement wt the time and plswe ot any previnusly acbeduldd sWe. Lender or its '::;.
<br /> 4.;. 1.� .. �,'•° de�ignee mAy purchase the Property at aa��swle. ,.•
<br /> ° °! � , . � ''�° Upon receipt ot paymnnt of the price bid.7Ya�te�shall drslver to tho puirhusrr 71rus9ee's deed conveyin�the
<br /> � ' • '%` Propecty. 7'hc rccitAls in tlie 7Yustee's deed shall be p�3mu Pacle evidcnce oi'the iruth�uf the sintcments made therein. .;:, .
<br /> ';'�'��,
<br /> .;�, , ��t;';''�: '' , ' 7Fustee s6oN apply the praeecds of the sale in the fblluwing order. lal to 911�cost�and expenses of exercisin�the power '�%'
<br /> ',��,`, s:
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