�.�- • ,elr�
<br /> r' � � . ' '��rlc}�h.'-
<br /> 7 4 .�� .
<br /> ' � ,93- ,�
<br /> condamn�tian or alxr aldn;of�u►y p�rt ot the Pmpeny.or for convayance in lieu of candemn�tjaa u��e��y�r1ad N1d
<br /> �II ba p�id ta l.ender.
<br /> In �he ovant of A tdal Wcln� of Iho Ptope�ty.thop�oceede shall be applied to tho aumx securcd by thiF Secudty,
<br /> lnstrument. whathar ar not tha�due,wllh+u�y exasa pai td a Borrower. In tho cvent of a partixl talcing of tha Pro�aty it1
<br /> wbich the fi�ir market value of the Prope�ty imm�diately 6cfore the tAking is equal to or gaater than tho amaunt of tha sumv
<br /> accwrd by this Socurily InstrumeM immedirtely befor�e thc taking,unkxx Borrower wid l.ender otherwice pgroe iq wrltMS,
<br /> thc�um�secured by Ihis Security Incwment sholl be rrduced by thc anwuM of the proaeds muUfplied by tho folMwittg
<br /> lrtullun: (a)�he total amount of thc sums securcd immedintely befa�the taking.divided 6y (b)the t'air marke[ value of�the
<br /> Pr�eRy immedi�lely befbre Iho taking. Any Iwlwxe shall be pAid to BoROwer. In thc ovent af u putinl tnking oP the
<br /> Propeny in which cho fair morket vulue oi the P�opehy immediaaly befare the taking is lexs than tha umaunt of th�suma
<br /> secwed immadiatcly before the taking, unle.as Borrowcr ancl Lcndcr dherwise agra in wri�ing or unl�xs appliauble luw
<br /> otlxrwiso pmvides.�he proceedK sbpll be applied 10 the sum�securcd by Ihic Security In��rument whatho�or nat the cuma w�e
<br /> thcn due.
<br /> If the Propeny is Abondaned by Borrowe�.or ii',a4er natice by Lender to Barcower Ihas�he condamnar offar�tq maka
<br /> on uward or seqle a claim for damages,Borrowcr fnils to respand to L.ender within 3Q days afler tha date tha natiee is giv@n,
<br /> Lendcr is awharized�o collect und upply the proceed4,nt i�s aption.ef�her to rcetoradan or repair of Ihe Prapurty or.to tha
<br /> wms secu�ed by Ihis Secutily Instnimenl.whether or no1 then due.
<br /> Unless Lender ond Bormwer aherwise ugree in w�iting.any upplicu�ian of proceeds to principul shall nat extand•or
<br /> paslpana�ha due dnte of the manthly puyments►efemed to in puruRrophs I nnd 2 or change�he amount of suoh pa�mantn.
<br /> 11. Borrower Nat Iteleased: �orbearance By I.ender NW A WAiver. Extensian of �ha tima far payment ar
<br /> �,;,.�t,:. madificudon of umanizs�tion af the xums securcd by lhiw Secu�ity Insuument gmnted by Lendar to uny suacessor in interc�xt
<br /> of Bomnwer shall na operote ta releur�r the lia6ility of the originul Borrower or Bortnwer�s succe�.corn in intaresl. Lender
<br /> " �" � �:�." ;:,�""' °' shall nai be requi�+ed to commence prareedinga ugr�inst any surcex�or in interest or refur� ro extend tima fo� puyment or
<br /> ' �!:�,N�.�'�� ,,.; othonvise modify umonization of'the.rums ser.ured by Ihi�Securiry Intitniment by reu.tion of eny domund muda by tlw rniginal
<br /> �2�,�_'.�S M1 �.r.:
<br /> �;, , • ., N . . Ba�rowe�ar Bomower's• successon in interest. Any farbeurunce by Lender in exe�ising uny dght or remedy�:hall not be n
<br /> �;,,t,.,����:. ��+,..�;� waivor of or preclude the exerci�e of uny right or mmedy.
<br /> 7�,��,,+�,,, :a � l2. Suci.�essor9 and Assigoa Bound;Joint and SeverAl�iabflityi Casigners. The covenanle and ng�ceman�s of�his
<br /> �.�. �';�-}> Security Instrument shull bind nnd benefi�Ihc succrssors And u,xign.of Lendcr und Burrower, subjcct ro the provisions of
<br /> "���.'�•�=w"' "� " ura h 17. BorrowerK cavenunla wHl u trement�:yhull be 'oim und revernl. An Bomower who co-.i s thiR Securit
<br /> � k;',� „�: . p B�P R J Y � Y
<br /> ��� ��-= �- • Instrumenl bul does not execuln tha Note: lu) is co-signing�his Securi�y U�trumen�only to rnortgage.�ant and convey�hut
<br /> � {� � � Burtowerk Interesl in�ha Pmpcny under d�e termti of this 5ecurity Imtrumenl; I b)is na�r�mally obligated to pny th�sumx
<br /> � • • secureci by thiw Securny Inn�rumunt:and(n)ugrecs�hut Lendcr und uny other Banower moiy agree�o entend,modify, torbea�
<br /> '.�, � , or muke uny uccammodutinnx wiih Rgurd �a thc tem» of�hi+ Security Instrumcrn or the Note without that Burrowrr+
<br /> ` •� ' conscnt.
<br /> 13. lawn Chargea If thc loan ticcureJ by thi. 5erurity Insirumcnt i� yubiecl tu a low which sets muximum lorn
<br /> '� � �•�" charger.and tbat luw ih finul�y interpr+eted so tha��he imerest or��thcr laun churgex callecKed or to I►e callertad in,conn�etion
<br /> ;��� ' ��'' �- �� � wi�h.thn luun exceed the pennitted limits,1hea: lu!uny�uch loun churgc�hull lx:reduced bp the umount neces�:+ry�n roduce
<br /> +'��j'' � ' tha churge lo tha permitted limi�;und(b)uny tium�ulreudy calkrteJ t�rom Sortuwer which exceedeJ pennitl�d limitti will be
<br /> �'�'•�, '��'� •:'•w� ••� � � mfundod t�sutr+.�w�. Lender muy ch�x►xc�o muke thi�:refund hy reducing the principul oweJ unclur Ihe�ute or by m�lcing a
<br /> }�`;'"' �.•`'""'' �� � diruct puyment tu�xruwer. If u rcfund�duc��principul.�hc rcduction witl b�treuted u�u purtitd prcpayment wi�hout uny
<br /> J' ' ,
<br /> .,; pnspuymnnt chu�e an�r�he Note.
<br /> , , 14. Notices. Any notice�o Som�wcr proviJed ti�r in thi� Seruriiy In�truman�zhull be given bp delivering it �ir by
<br /> �'�, . � • m�ilfng i�by fini class mail unl��.a�licuhle IuN�rcquire.u+�of cmo�her m��hal.7'hc�M�ti�.r�hull�br dimcled to the Pn�eny
<br /> . -• Addres�or uny other uddres.B�irrowrr dr�ignutu�by nutirc�o Lendur. Any noticr ui Lrncler�hall.be given by fint�luss
<br /> � •;"': • mail to L.ender's uddre►s stuled hercin or any olhi:r uddm+.Lender J�.ignul�r hy nuticr Io Bornn+�e�. Any nMice proviclyd fnr
<br /> . �"g�, �t.`,�"�; ^.. ` "_, in Ihix 5ecuriry In.aumcnt ,hall h►� d�rn�i lu huve txtin givrn Iu BoRO�ver��r l_�ndar v►�hen,aiven u. pmvided in Ihi.r•
<br /> a,:''�.,.• � ul9 1�1 h.
<br /> �C S',.`.:'�' :: •y.. �.
<br /> >t f� 4��. •� .••.:•,i';�, , ; P 815. UaverninR(.s�w: Srve�ubllNy. Thi.Scrurity In>tnimcnl �hull Ix gin�entcd by taJ�rul�lu���unJ the I•rw of thc
<br /> � "'':''�: Juri�clfation in which the Pn��ny i,hxutcJ. In ihr r�•rni ihu�uny pn»�i�inn ur cluuw ul'�hi�.Sc.urily Inslrumcnt ur thc Nac
<br /> `rr : t•;..`,:...,. •,�.,. c
<br /> : �• ' _. b�n� ..
<br /> .�� , . f.;;�".`�. . • Ar cun0iots with upplicuhle luw.,unc�ontlict,hull not afl'rc�othrr pro��i�iuns i�f lhlr.S�•curily In>�rumem ur�he Nntc which cun
<br /> ti � ;,�:,:•�: be given effoct withow �he c�Hitlictin�!pmvi.ion. 'Ii�thi.end Ihe pn�oi�ion�ot'thi�.Security I��xttumenl unJ the Nwe ure
<br /> �'•� iA .�;`?;."��. dcclureJ to 1�srvcrafilc.
<br /> -- -. _ . ,i.:,,; . 16. Bvrrower 5 Copy. lioRO�+�rr+hall Fx girc��i,nr cunt'unn►�!t•upp of Ihe!�!�tr and i�f'Ihi�Secarily Imtninxnt.
<br /> ° r•:`,,c, � 17. 71�ansfer of the Prupertv ur a Beneficiul Inlcre�l in•Horv�v���er. It'ull�ur nny pun��(�he Pn�Fxny or uny int�nw�in
<br /> ,�. � , '. .,;_' it is,old or�run.fernd lur il'a lhnelirii�l imrrr+t in Horru�v.:r i�•uld ur trnn>tu,�v�i und B�►rn�wer i.not u nutur.�l Exnunl �,.,�
<br /> � ,�:;,,•• ;.;�:`�;;,;�ti;� withaut Lender:prior written cument.Lrndrr may.al il�apti�m,n�yuiru immrJim�• p��>-m�m in i'ull ul'all ,um�.erurcd hy
<br /> . . • • ,- �;� ,,',�,}..,, . thix Seruriry Innwmm�t. Howevrr.�hi����xN�n�hall�n�u tn exonri�d by Lcnder it�c�:cM1�x i.prohibited by f'edcr.�l luw u�of
<br /> ' ' � ' ' th�dutr uf this Securiw In.trumrm.
<br /> �, � •�s!�',�r'�';�. ' If l.endrr exerci+e.�hi.�,ptiun.Lender shull give Rornia•cr nu�icc ni'ac..lrrmiun. The noticr,hull pruvide a�x riod of
<br /> �. . i�::•: ._. ' ._
<br /> � :"E�;�., . n��t less�han 30 duyti Gum th�dsue�hr notic�i.deliv�red ar mailyd within which H��rro�rcr mu,i pay all.um.Krund hy ihi,
<br /> ,i�'^ �..�, • .•„r �.'..
<br /> • �, �., ' ' `;'Jt; : Security lnstrumcnt. If B��rrowrr li�il.tu pay thr.� .mn. pri��r li� the�xpirution a,f�hi�prriod. LvnJrr mu�• invuke •rny
<br /> �'S rrnxdies pertniucd by thi.Security In�trument wilhuut further n�Nice or demanJ an Bum���rr. •
<br /> '��' � ' ' 18. Burrower's Right lo Rei�slvte. U' surcu��rr mcrt� ccnain c�mdition.. Burrineer�hull h:rvc thr right tu hu���
<br /> 1:s ti
<br /> 1.' , enforeement of thi. Security Imtrumem Ji.cuntinued a�any�imc pricu tu Ihr curlier uf: I:u S�Itn•,1ur,urh�Nl�er�ri��l u�
<br /> �l.f' ' ' • �---..
<br /> t � Sinplc fumik-•Funnfe\1�r.4�eddic\1wc 1�XIFOR�f 1��9'Rl�lE\1'-l�utonn Cu��nam. 9N11 qa«r J,�/��ti�ir.i �
<br /> .��; , >.. . ;, r
<br /> ., , , � .
<br /> .��;� ',�. ;:,;�;,,;.
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<br /> r.l < ' . .� .. ' . , "+a .af:Y.���•��7NN"::'�;�:" )h . . . -
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