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<br /> pedods�Iw Lender requires. Ti�c insurar�ce carrier providinQ 1he fnsunuK�c atull be chncen by Bortower subject to l.enderl
<br /> �ppraval which tJw�ll nat be un�w�My withhcld. iP 8o�rowar f�ll�to mwinUin rnvcn�e deccrlbed�bove,L.ender nwy,at
<br /> l.endery optian.obl�ln cavernge to protect Lentkri�dQh�9 in Ihop�p�hy in xcardwrce wlth pus��ph?.
<br /> Ail insurance palicies end anewalx xhal!ba�ccep�ble to Lender and Khull include r stand�rd m�xtga�e cl�use. Lender
<br /> � stwll have tho right ta hald the palicles�nd rcnewals. IP Lender requircc,Bc�rmwcr shall promMly give to L.cnder all rocelptr
<br /> of paid pr�miums�nd ronewAl notice�. In thc cvent of loss,Bo�mwer xhnll�ivo prompl nwke w Ihe inxut�u�e cwrk��nd
<br /> l.eader. Leode�m�y mAke proc►f af losa if nat made�ompily by Bamwer.
<br /> ;�. Unl�sa l.ender�nd Borrawer olherwi.x ugn;c in writ ing,inbur+uKC�macc�vix shall be ppplicd to�ta�+tiwi ur rcp�ir uf
<br /> .�„ tho Ay damaged,if�he �+estoration or ncpair is ecanamically fcasiblc and I.enderk security is no1 lessened. If tha
<br /> astarat an or repair is nat economically feasible or L.,encier's securi�y woulA be Iessened, the insur•urce praceed.�shall ba
<br /> appiiod to�he Fums socurcd by �is Secudty Ins�rument. whether or not thcn duc,wi�h uny cxcers pAid �o Borrower. !i
<br /> Borrower abandons the Praperty.or daes not answer within :i0 dnya o nc�lice fram Lender thu��he inaurance carrler huv
<br /> offered ta seplo v claim,lhen Lender muy collect the insu�ance pmceeds. Lender muy use the procecdw to relwir�r rextore
<br /> tho Propeny or to pay sums sxurcd by thi�Security InxwQnem.whether or not ihen dua. The 3Q-duy per�od will bogin when
<br /> the natice is given.
<br /> Unless I.ender and Borrower c�iherwise agnee in writing, Any opplicotion of praceeds a princjpal siuill not ex�end or
<br /> postpone the due dat�of Ihe mamhly paymen��refemed to in psuag�aphs 1 and 2 or chonge Ihe sunount of the puymente. If
<br /> urnier puragrnph 21 the Propeny is acquired by Lender, Bortower�right to any insurance policies and praceeds resulting
<br /> from damage to ihe Pmperty prio�to the ucquisition sholl pass to Lender to Ihe eatent of the suma secured by this SeCUr�cy
<br /> ,,,., ,� lnstrument immediately prior lo the ucquisition.
<br /> � ��'� 6. Oowpsu�cy, Preserval[on, Malotea�n��e and Protection ot tUe Property; Borrawer's I.ovo Applieatbn;
<br /> K���;{"„�'-�;..; '..
<br /> ;,�.,_. �, Leaseholds. Bomower shall occupy,eswblish,and ure�he PropeAy ag Horrower�pnincipnl reaidence within sixty dnys after
<br /> r.:-.u.-.._ ,.,,....;:.
<br /> . � , ,-. the ezecutian of this Securiry lnsuument and shall caminue to accupy the i�noperty ati Borrower's principal residence for ut
<br /> ; 1t`'1r.t-��:�•;'� ,� � least one year after Ute date af accupwicy, unless Lender ahenvise agrees in wciting, which consent shull not be
<br /> . '�i����(':�f;;,?�.;�'� ;`��,�' unreasonably wuhheld,or unless extenunting circumstoncer esis�which�re beyond&xrvwer's control. Borrower shnll not
<br /> i � '' �ti•,��� �� destroy,damage or impair�he Hoperty,allow�he Rnpeny to deteriorate.or commit W�uxte an�ha Pruperty. Horrower shall
<br /> �::��i'.•�-<�:I::7�::,.�,::+ir
<br /> r•;��., .�, be in default if any forfcilure uction or proceeding,wheiher civil or criminal,i�begun thnt in L.ender's�a�d fuith judgment
<br /> �:����;` could result in forfeiture of the Property ar othenvitie muleriully imp:►ir thr lien created by thia Securi�y Inntrument or
<br /> �,�'� , �K `n '� Leoder's security inleresl. Bortower may curr su¢h u default und reinwate,a:+provided in puragr�ph 18,by cuusing tk�e action
<br /> c�'�,,.' ,Yt�i � �. or proceeding to be dismissed with a rulin�thAl.in I.ende���ood faith��temiinutfon,pmcludes fbrfeiturc:of�h� Ecxxower's
<br /> �, � �'•� intere.rt io the PropeAy or aher muteriul impnirment oP the lien creoted by this Securily Inntniment or I.endre§securfty
<br /> ' interest. Batrawer shull also be in dafauh if Bamwer, during the loan applicu�i�n proces�, guve muierially fatse or
<br /> ,,� ;,:�::��. � � inaccurate information or stntements�o Lender(or foiled�o pmvide lxnder�►ith any muterial information)in connection with
<br /> ... i,`}, ,
<br /> �. , .,-:�•,.:�'��a9:',�� the loun evidencecf by the Note, including, lwt not limited to, reprc•r�tations concerning Bortuwerz occupancy of the
<br /> . ...�u. ProFxrty as n principa!residence. lf thiy Secur':ty lnstr.�ment!s ot���Me,•�ho��+. Bc+rr�u+et shell com�+ly with��ll Ihp srnv�c�opc
<br /> ,.,,,��;;,.�;��.•; `�„� of ttie lea,e. If Bormwer ncyuir�x fee tide�o thr Pn�erly,the kaschold und Ihr fee ti�lu�ull nut mergc unlcs.l.ender ugree,
<br /> r..�. .
<br /> . :�,.,,,,, , ..: to�he merger in writing.
<br /> �, • .' ;;:r:;�:',�;�1`';'.:,:••,�' 7, protectlon oP Lender's Ri�bts in the P►opert}. lf Burrowcr fails to pertorm ihc covenunts and agreemcntx
<br /> , ; �;' f�,i:�}�� ` -r comained in �his Serurity lnxlrument,or therr i� a I�gul prucecdin� dw� may �ignifirumly uffect Lendrrti ri�ht� in �he
<br /> •�:,,.;!+���,�:r:,`,;;t,} Praperty(such ux u p�oereding in hankru�cy,pm»ute,for c��ndemnutian�v forl�itum or�o enforee low�or regulu�ions),then
<br /> ; �,�•;_,c�,+y:;;;_,•:; L.ender muy do und puy for w�hakver is nerr.cury to{xc►u:rt�he vuluu of the Property and Lender+ rights in Ihe Propeny.
<br /> y;:;•, ,�"� Lender z artionw muy include paying any ,umx�ecur�d by a lkn which huti prinrity over thiti Scrurity Instniment,uppe•rring
<br /> ,�, ` , •• � ' in court,puying reusonuMe anrrney�'fer�anJ enluring cv��hr Pn�pcny k� ms�ke repain.Although Lendcr may take action
<br /> ` , under thix puragraph 7,LcnJcr ducti nu�havc ro da�n.
<br /> � �� � � ° ' _ Any vmount.disbuned hy Len�kr unJer ihir�poragr�ph 7 shuN�h��unx�additianal dcbt oi'B�rmwer�ecured by�hi,
<br /> • . . Sccurity In+tn�mcnt. Unl�h.Bcrrowrr and I.rnJ�r:�gn:c lu�Nhcr Irrnir�ol'puymcn�,thc�c umount..hall t+c•rr intere�l from[hc
<br /> , �;. ; � dute of'di,hur.a�ment at thr Vut�ratc•rnd.hell t+c p��yuhlct,with inlrn:�t,upim nuli�e frnm LenJcr to Bormu�cr reyuexling
<br /> ; payment.
<br /> �'�. � 8. MortRagc l�sura�ce. 1�: l.¢ndcr requin:J mm�guur in+uranrr a, a condi�iun ol'mrking the M•rn ,ecured by thiti
<br /> �, � , Scrurity Imtrunkm. B�xrt>urr .hal1 p:iy tNc pntmiwi�a r�yuired t��maimain thc murlgu�c in+uranrc in rifert. If,for an��
<br /> � �` re•rson, thr m�ngagr innur�nc4 c��vcra�c ntquin:J My LrnJcr lap+r+ or �•ruu. �o Ix in r(fccl. Borrowcr �hall pay the "`W'
<br /> premium, rcyuircd to oMuin cuticragc�uh+;tunti��lly cyuivulen� lo Ihc mortgugc in,urancc prcviou�l�• in rffect. ut u rosl
<br /> - --- . tiub�tansi�►fly�1;U1�LItl11I lU IIIU G�ItiI IU(S�y1�JllCf lii�thc n�urtga�:c in�uruncc pr.tiiau.lr in�ftcct. tluiii an altrrn,�te mort@agc '.:
<br /> intiuror vpprovcJ by Iundar. h'.uNr,tunlic�llv cyui�ulunt m�vtgugr in,ur�nrr r���crag�i,not a�ailaMc,Bnrniw�r shall pay t�i
<br /> .q... • . l.cnder e:Kh mcmth u+um ryunl ur,ii�c•I�•cUlti��f�he�eart�mnngu�:c in,urance��remium I+rin� paiJ hy Bormµrr w•hen the ;ti�
<br /> y;;: . '. ' insura�uc ciwcrage I.�pxd�urrri�kJ u►In in cf'fc�t. LcnJrr will iurrp�.ux:mJ rct•rin�hr.r pa�mrm.u�u lo,s m.cr�c in licu �' �s
<br /> �..:,,. of mortguge in�urance. lai�.rr.erve paymcniti mu��no Ic�ngrn c� rcyuired.at ihr�,plion nf LenJer. il'mortgagr in.ur•rnce _�s�
<br /> covrr.�F�lin ihe arn�rml und fii�1hr �kri�nl�h�u LrnJer r:a�uire.l pra�idrJ h�an�n,ur�r appro�rd h� l.ender uguin tkcome�
<br /> � :�-.. • . ' u��uiluhle und f���btuined. B��m��vcr,h�dl rn} Ihr pr¢mium.�Yyuind w maint�in mungugr in,ur•rnce in effctit.�,r t�,pravide u
<br /> ,� a' `: losti r�scrvc.wuil thc nyuirum�nt.li�r mungugr insuruncc cnJ,in ara�rdanrc��uh anu ��rillen aKntimrnt Iklw�rn Borri�wcr �F•,T:.
<br /> � �i. ond Lender ar applicuhlu lu��, ,
<br /> ��� 9. Inspecliun. LcoJcr ur dy a�tent mm mc�lc rea>unabk entric, u�xm and m.�xrli�aiti ut'Ihe I�mExn�. LenJrr.hull �.
<br /> � .
<br /> give Biim��vrr nMicr al lhc lim�•uf nr pn��r in.�n in.�xr�ion,�xril'�ing rr;i.n�iahle r:m,r ti,r Ihr in,�x�:ti„n. �
<br /> �� , '�. 10. CuodumnutEun. Thc prure�d,ul um awarJ nr�•laim fur damaLe�.�fucc���r run.ryurnti�l. in r�,nn�ctian�vi1h uny �. .
<br /> Sm,:klwn�l�••F't�onfe�l�e•FrtddkN�xl\I!'11RN1\ti1RlUF:11'• 1'nd�mnl'�,acn.mt. 440 ,p,��,•?.q���vc,�.i
<br /> �,a. : . .
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