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<br /> �pplioablp 1�w.�Y�pecify for�initAtement)befbro sAle of the Property puxwnt to�ny pawer of sale contained in thb
<br /> Sacudty Insorumept;or.(h)anay of�Judg�n t enforclnQ thi�Socudry Instnunant. 'Itwno condlUona ua tlw BcKrowa: (a)
<br /> pAY� li�a�l �rtw whiah �hen would be due under thie Socurity Insuwnant arM �ha Note ns iP no �xelor�tloa twd
<br /> oacumed;(b)cures any 4MfqulLnf.rny wher covcn�nt�ar�greemen�s;(c)payq All expen�ea incurted in cnfor�cing lblo Socuriry
<br /> Instrument, inoludinp,but nm,.�imittx�ta.rr,asanable an�rney$'fas; and (d)lulus euch acdon rs [,ender may�ea:onabty
<br /> requiro to a�suos th�t,tl�►lipn,af,lhi�Sqcutity lnstrument,l.endcr e d�hts in�ho Pruporty ond BoRUwor'r obli�odon to pAy the
<br /> aums securod by thic 3ecut�lp Insuument shull conUnue unchanged. Upan rcfnzlatcmCnt by Borrowor, thin 3ccurity
<br /> Insttumont and!he oblipati�m�secured hercby shull ncrrwin fully eftectfvo ae if no wccelcrsdon hwd accumod. Hawov��thi�
<br /> #�- d�ht.to reinstata�11,nM App{Y in tho casa of Accelcratlon under p��aph l7.
<br /> , '%' 19. Sqlo d 1�pt1�,Gbltu�t ot Lp�n S�rvker. T6a Nota or a partlxl intercrl in 1ho Now(togethcr with IhIA Secu�ity
<br /> :�;� inctrumont)mqy,tia s�a�,pnc�ur�i�poe�dmea�wtthout prfor notice to Bartqwor. A ralo may rexult in a change in�ho entity
<br /> (knawn as th�"Lppn.Senvlr.er"�.�ccu+monthly paymenus duc uader the Nate ond this Security fnatrument. Therc eliso
<br /> may bo ona or•ma�ch�ngoe of Servicer unrelated to e anta of thu Note. If tharc ie u c6anga of tha L,o�ut Sorvicer,
<br /> Botrower.w!!1 bo givon,writtan nadco of.�he change in �ccardance with parag�ph 14�ve and npplicablo Iww. The notice
<br /> •�x--� witl stato tha nama and ndchass af the new Loan Senicer and ihe address to which paymentr+should ba mada. The notice will
<br /> alca cantain any othwr infnm►atian reyuirod by�ppNcable law.
<br /> ' ?A. Hasardnup SUbrfpnpe�. &►mnwer shall not cause or pem�it�he presence,ur�e�dlsposaal,storage.or relaase of nny
<br /> Fluzardnus�Substanoes Qn,or.in•tha Pmperty. Bortower shull nat do� nor allow unyone else to do.anything ai1'ecdng�he
<br /> :.,� - Y �oAe@ on��Q vi41s►tian,af�any Envimnmenwl Law. Ths preceding two sentenceR shall not npply to the p�sence.use. or
<br /> � _ _�_;,�, y 8 perry nf,small quantiUos of Hazardous Sul�.wances t6ut o��enerally reco�nized w ba�PPropriate to nortnal
<br /> , � ;"'�, �sidontial uses and tc►maintsnence of the Propercy.
<br /> _ � ' f.'�'`"'� Bomawa shall�pmmpUy give Lender wdtten aodce of any investigntfon,c1Aim,demaad,lawsuit�r other action by eny
<br /> "� �� - YM:��•�"� •�� �',' govornmental or regulatory agency or privato party involving the Praperty and any Haxar�dous Substance or Environmental
<br /> �,� a: .-,,��.•. Law of which,Borrower hea acwul knowledg�. If Bomawer karns, or is notified by any govemmentel or regulatory
<br /> autharity,that�nny removal or other remediation of uny Hazardoue 5ub�tance oft'ecting the Property is neceswuy,Borrower
<br /> ;"�,'::
<br /> • .� ;;+''.<<,,,,���,: �� , shell promptly take all necessary remediul actions in uccord�nce wl�h Environmenwl Law.
<br /> - 4•:;%�.�.:.:��,:,,.a ��' As used•in�lhif pRmgtaph 20,"Haxwdous Subslances"arc those substanexs defined as toaic or hazardouR substances by
<br /> '''���'�`• "'�+ ����,�.:` Envlronmentel,l.aw and thc following substonces: gasoline,kerosene.other fla�nmabla or toxic petroleum products.toxic
<br /> ', i'.;`, ;y, `,t• ,
<br /> ' �;�r.�-:ic...,.. .:y':�'r�},
<br /> • . �. •nr• •• ��;., pestiaides and he�icides. votatile salvents, mnterials cantninin$usbegtos or formaldehyde,nnd radionctive mataduls. As
<br /> . �: ���� :
<br /> ' '"r ,>;�,;,:��. �:•.�,�,':.?~,' �� uFtd in this parugraph 20."Environmental Ls�w"means federo!laws and laws of tha jurisdiction where tha Property ia located
<br /> "��`',�;:`: ''' "� I rhat refate to beald�,safe or environmental rotecdon.
<br /> �.,r,; :�' �4�':,,','. �:' '.�'`.{ ''' ty P
<br /> �.?"r.�, �r'.,1;•„�,,;•• .:• -�' ,. I NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Burrower and Leader fuither covenant end a gr+ee as follows:
<br /> • ;��';::;;';r+ �,. , , 2 1. Acce l ern t ton; Remedies. I.eader shall ve aoUce to Bormwer
<br /> '��� ' ,�,� bces�c6 of en rnveaont or � P�'to Acceleradon following Borrower's ,
<br /> �:"` .�..;_;;., ; y n agreement tn this Security Inslrument(but not prior to eeceleratlon uader p�ragrnph l7 Y
<br /> ., e�agplfcablr las�grai�ldes alhcrk�sc). Thc ssoi3re sha!!sixcfl�: (a)2!w�aiautt�(b3 tha act3oa set��iied ta cstire ii�
<br /> '��•22, • • defaplt;(c)n date,not less then 30 days irom l6e date the notice Is given ta Borrower,by whicb the detault must be
<br /> ? . � .,,, �•• . cured;and(d)lhot failure to cure tde defAUlt on or betone the dcite spectfkd!n the notice may result in pecelerallon ot
<br /> ' • Ihe sums secured by this Security lastrumenl and sale o[the Properly. The nMice shall further iaform Borrowe�ot
<br /> ; ��:`" " � the Hght to reiastate ARer acceleratbn and the right to brinQ a courl Action to�sse�t tde non�existence ot A detoult or
<br /> ;:::';;�;..:• ,. � - Any otber dePense ot Borrower to AcceleraHon and sak. lt the detault is not cured on or before the dpte apecified in `�
<br /> ��� •':����•�'� • � the notke,I.e�der at ils opUon may requlre immediate payment in full o[aN sums secured by thia Securlty lastrument `''
<br /> '°'��•�� ' �``� • . . wllhout fwMher demand and mey invake lhe power of sale And any other remedies permitted by appltcAble Ww
<br /> �r;�?`" `� I.ende�ahaU be entided !o collect all expense.g incuri+ed in pursutng lhe remedles prnWded in lbls pa�grnph 21,
<br /> ����� � Including,but not Ilmited t0.reasonabte attorneys'fees s�nd cosla ot titie evideace.
<br /> , •.� ' � It the powcr of sale!s lnvoked.7Yustee shall recerd p noUce oP defoult in each county in wbtch aoy part ot the
<br /> � � '.';.�;;.„, .` ' Property Is located and sh�l!mall coptes of such notke in the menner presc�bed by appltc�ble law to Borrower and to
<br /> ��: � the other pensons p�rscrlbed by applic�ble law After the lime required by applicable law.7lrustee shall give public
<br /> z • ''' aodce ot sple to the persona and in Ihe manner prescribed by epplicoble lew 7lrustee.without demand on Borrower, ��,;
<br /> � . • shpU sell the Property at public auction to the hi�hest bidder at the time nnd place and under the terms designated in
<br /> 9 .;� •a the notke of sale in one or more parcefs and in any order 7Fustec deterrnines. 7lrastee may postpone sple otwll or any
<br /> � �!;`>.; parcel ot the Property by puMic announcement at the time and plece of ony previousty scheduled s�le. I..ender or its
<br /> "' desfgnee may purchase the Property at any sale. .�:
<br /> - ` `'�Wv� � ' � Upon receipt of paymen/uP lhe prke bid.Truslce sGafi defiver to Ihe purchaser 7tustee's deed conveyfng ihe
<br /> Property. The recitals in thr 7lruslee's deed shall be prima fecie evidenre oP the truth oPthe slutemenfs made therein. i �
<br /> . , " 71ruetee shpN Apply lhe proaeds of the sale in the following order: lal t�all cosls and expenses otexercicing ihe powe�
<br /> .. � ,
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