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<br /> TooeTH81e t�V17'H.0 Ibe InprovMa.au now ar b�wtt�r eroctea m�.popa+y.Nna�u...anena�,appurtaw�ca.
<br /> �ad A�tura aow ot i���rt ot tbopropetty. NI�ptaoeaaeab�ad�litiod ah�ll alw b cav�nd by tl�S�curity
<br /> inWumenl, �ui or�e ro�e��ror�ea c.�ia thi�Securiry lwaument u 1l�e"Prope�Y'
<br /> BORROWHR COVBNANTS�hu Homnwer l�I�wfWly�eirad ot the esute hereby aonveyed�od luu�be ri�ht w�aoot
<br /> and convey thepro�t ud that ihe Froprrty i�uancumbaed.exapt far eacua�M�nc�of rocoid. Bamwer wam�au wd
<br /> wUl detead�a�aaliy t6o tide w the Ptopaty �tinet�A1 cidau+►od denuod�.wblRCi to aiy encumb�noe�d recard.
<br /> THIS 96CURITY IIVS7RUM�M'oo�ubi�oa+� ualtam coveamts for a�ticvwl we and nan-uaifam ooven�nt� with
<br /> 1lmjad vuiacioax by jwisdictbn a car�sCU��c�naida�a►�uity i�uNrun�e�u coveei�r�l pr�pe�ty.
<br /> UNIPORM COVBNAN7'S. Nor:rower oad L.aidar covaiaat�nd�groe aa followr.
<br /> 1. Payaieot at Petndp�l�1 IMten+stt Pr�f�y�t�ad Iate(.'h�rta. Bomower�II Pro�Y WY when due�de
<br /> priacipal of�nd intaest an the debt evidenced by We Notc�od anY propayu�eat and I�te ch�rge�duo under tbe Ndo.
<br /> f. I+Y�ndr[or 7�xa�od�nurauca Subject ta�pplicxblo law or to A wriuen waiver by I.eader.Bamwer sb�ll pay to
<br /> I.ander on the day moathlY PaYrnents u�e due undar tl�e Note.undl the Note is psid in fuU.a sum("Punda")for.(A)Y�Y
<br /> twces and�ssesama►te which may�ttaia prfo�ity over thfs Secudry la�t�rument as a Uen on the Pr�npe�ty:(h)Yearly kaseJab
<br /> ps�yments a ground rents on th Propaiy. i�any: (c) Yw�iy Aazud or p�operty iiuurtu�ce premiwas: (d) ya�rly flood
<br /> jnsuriu�ce premiums. if aay:(e)Yearly morty�ge iasu�na prerdum$.if aqy: aed(��nY�PAYable by Bomower to
<br /> l.ender.la xao�danx with the povisione of paragro�ph 8.i� liw of thepayayent of moitgage in:ur�ncx p+emlums. Thcse
<br /> itema ane called"Escrow Iornas." Ler�der may�at aqy time.coUect and hold Amds ia aa wnount nat w exceed the awaimum
<br /> araount a leader for a fad�tcally rtlatad mertgnge loen may require for Bamwer'�esc�ow axount under the foderal Real
<br /> Fstate Settlemeat�rocedures ActoB.1974u amended from dme to dme.12 U.3.C.�2601 er a�q.('RESPA").unless snW1Ka
<br /> _���- � lAw that applia ta 1he ii�od9 scts al�s�ta annuot. It so,L.euder may,at any dme.cdlat aad hol,d Fluids io s�n amouat nat ta
<br /> .:,,,;�- excecd the lesser amouat. I,cadec.nQa,y estimaua Q►e umount of Flunds due on tLe basia oP cur�M d�ta oad reasooabk
<br /> euirtwtes of expendiwrea of futu�Esc�ow Itcros cx atderwise in�ccadance wi�h applicable law.
<br /> ,�,;,; � The Rmds shell be held in nn iasQw�ion whpsc deposits are insured by a federAl agency.instnwt�liry.or entity
<br /> � �'�•.. :y � � (inclwling Lender.if Lender is such an i�itudon)or io any fted�etal Home I.oan Hank. Lender slwll�pply tbe Puads to paY
<br /> ;.,,.�;�� tho F.scrow Items. l.ender may mt charge Borrower for holdia�aod applying the Funds.aaausJly w�alyaaag the escmw
<br /> :�f4'� 6 k. ,-. .,a�T� aocount,a verifying the Escr�w Itams.unless Lender pays Bcrn�wer intercst on the Phnds aod applicable law pcanits
<br /> � �� ;� Lender to m�si{ce such a charge. However,Lender may re�uue Bmrower ta pny A one•tlrt�e charge [or an iudeper�tient real
<br /> ^,� estate tax reporting service used by f_ender in connectioo v►n�h this la�n.unless applicable law provldes od�iwtse. Unkss an
<br /> +p F "A,��'� agreeroent is made or applicable low re�uhes interesl to be paid.Lender shall cat be�+equined to puy Bamwer aay interest or
<br /> ��..J � �*�' ' ��q�• • @eIIlI0g8 OII lllC AilIId3. Bomnwerw�d Lender may agree In writing.however.thu interest shall be paid on the Funds. L.uider
<br /> � ;���n��';`�;?��`,�` shell gfve to Bomower.without chazge.an amual accounting of tM Rmds,showing c�edits and d�bits to the i�nds and tha
<br /> .� ;?�...�, "•''t%.;,A, P►uPose for which each debit to the Fwida was made. The Fund»are pledged ac addit�onal socwiry for all sums secund by
<br /> . .- : . • , � this Security Insdument.
<br /> • �.:..;.; ,:',��,, .,�,�. If the I�nds hekl ny 1.ender exceed �he amounts permitted io be i�eld� appiicable law,Lxnckr sh�U accoua6 to•
<br /> + ���s;,..����.,t-��`�:wy��;; Harmwer far the excess Funds in accordance with the requirements af app�isa'b4:Lw. If the anwunt d.tb�E�ndg held by
<br /> �y,;;�r,-, , ' . Lender at any time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow ltems wheri due.l.encler may so notify Bomower ia wsidng,aod,in
<br /> = t� , .. • such case Botrower shall puy to Lender Ihe emount necesss�ry to make up the dePiciency. Bomower sh�ll mal�e up tMa
<br /> -tr..�_: ,�
<br /> .���".'; .',,�'.r'��•��• �<<`'�i, deficiency in no more lhan twelve monthly paymen�s.at l.ender�sole discretion.
<br /> � . � . " �" '� '�''�+':�•t. Upon payment in iufl of all sums secured by lhis Security Inswment.L.ender shall prompQy refund ta Borrower an�^
<br /> � '�'�'�f Fands held b Lender. If,under rn 21,Lender shall ac uirc or scll the Pra Lender. nor tu the x uisition a
<br /> , .. .f•• .:'� Y P�8 Ph 9 PeitY� P � 9
<br /> , ,,,.,. snle of 1he Pmperty,shall apply any Funds held by I.ender at the time of acquisition or sale as a ciedit against�he sum.g
<br /> '; }�;` secured by this Security Inswmem.
<br /> �":•.�� � �� ;�''` 3. ApplleAtion of P�ymeatc. Ude�s applicuble luw pro�•ides otherwise, all paymeaits received by txnder under
<br /> �'`� hs 1 and 2 shall be lied: first,t� un re a ment char es due under the Note;secaral,ta amounts able under
<br /> ' j �: �;" :,''�Rt", P�S�P aPP Y P P Y B � P�Y
<br /> j ,,a,.._ , �� .. • ; pw�agraph 2;thind,to intemst due:founh,ro principul due;and lust,to nny late charg�s d��e under the Note.
<br /> '�' ' >t�'' s��, Y:t .�`a 4. Char�es; Llens. Bormwer shall pay all tuxes.ossessments,chsuges. fines und imposiaonx anrilwtable to the
<br /> - •. �'U.r:".�..
<br /> '�� �:,`.`•.�•..;."��`` PropeAy whiCh may attain priority over ihis Securily lnstrument,and leasehold payments or ground rents,if any. Borrower
<br /> ,����,�„ .
<br /> ;�'i��:': ,;. . shall pay these obligationx in�he munner provided in paragraph 2,or if nat paid in�ha[munner,Borrower shr.11 pay them an
<br /> ,�ti���fi„ � •. ,;�•�+ � time direcdy to the person owed payment. Bom�wer shal!promptly fumish to Lender all notices of amounts to be paid under
<br /> „�,`f 1 •..,i.ir:T;' ��s p�ragruph. If Borrower makes these paymentx direcNy,Horrower shull promptly fumish io Lender receipts evldencing
<br /> k. _ _�._:'%,��'. the paymen4c.
<br /> '�' ` ° �-`..;;`;���"� Borrower shall promptly dischArgc any lien which has pnonry over this Security Instrument unless Bortower:(a)agrces
<br /> ,� - �. ��'•• in writing to ttie p:�yment of the obligation secured hy the lien in u munner•rcceptable to Lender,(b►contests in good fai�h the
<br /> °� � � •o`� :.�{�`:'�:• lien by,or defends ag�nst enfor�-eme�t of iF�e Uen in,Icgxl pn�ceedins.whirh in the Lender+opinion opernte to prcvent the
<br /> � •1j�`���,�!� enforcement of the lien;or(c1 secures from thc holder of the lien an ogreement satisfnctory to Lender subordinating ttre lien '
<br /> , �. . ,�1,,i;:,��Jj; �Y Y P' P� Y� ) Y P Y
<br /> • R ;; Y •,�,ti,�a)• to this Secud Instrument. If Lender deterrnines that on an of the Pro rt i++uti'ect to p lien which ma uttnin riorit
<br /> { '� +•.�� over this Security Insuument,Lender may give Borrower u notice identifying the lien. Barrower shall xaticiy the lien or take
<br /> � F�� ��c?"u,.,� ,.. �-.°� one or more of U�e actions set forthabove witbin 10 days ot the giving of notice.
<br /> .�' fs�iti;,;:t�': - .�. S. Nazord or Prnperty Insurnnce, Horrower shall keep the impro�•emcnh now exititing or hereafter erected on the '
<br /> ,�i �c.,., .
<br /> �''°' Pro rl mcured a amst loss b fire. huznrd�included within the tem�"rxtcnded cavera �'and an olher hazards,includin •�-�
<br /> � :�1�!'�..: Pe Y� • R � • Y B'� ' Y E
<br /> ';.: ' <<Y flaods or flooding.Por which l.cmder reyuires imur�nce. This incurunce shnll 6e muintained in the amounls und for the �
<br /> � .Y }y.•J• -
<br /> �, ;f �'�1.,
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