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� ' ,:.a« <br /> . . � . ,... -- . ,�Mtaa <br /> _ • r��` .,.t, ' {. <br /> F�,+ <br /> ,� . <br /> I . I rY� ( ' � - <br /> � i081�?' <br /> i ca�dann�tian or wber akia�ot�►y pet d the R+operty.ot tar convay�uoe in Ueu af coad� h�robS'+wipr�d�ad ,� . <br /> � �hall be p�id ta l.aod�u. . <br /> � In �he evmt ot a totai uklt�of the P��eproaed� clWl be applied w�he wm� recurod by thfo Svcutity <br /> innuumcnt. wbe�her or not tl�due.with�ny e�aar pdd w Bamwu. In the event of R p�Rid uikin4 of t6e prupaty in <br /> which the fAir nwlcet v�lue of�he A�aperty immedi�tel�r 6eforo tho ai�ing 1�eqwf ro or grwoer th�n�onwunt ot the suma <br /> i �ecumd by thi�Sacuriry in�M immedlateiy beforo the taking�unk�a Barrower ond l.ander othcrwire a�eo in wrilin�. <br /> : tho wm��ecural by Ihi�Securltyr Intuummt a1Wl be redueed by tha amount of�ho pracood:muldplied by the tdlowing <br /> � fmcdon: (st)thc tota!amount of thp sums securrA immediately 6efara the taking.divided by(!�)the fni�ma�lcet value of ttee <br /> Pi+npeRy immedlroely 6efam the taking. My b�lAnoe�h�ll be pafd.w 8omower. In�he evrnt of a pe�ti�l�ot tha <br /> Property in which Ihe fiir m�ulcet value oP the PmppRy immediuely beforo the talcing ia lesr�hAn tha aataunt of wm� <br /> � socwed immodiately 6efa�e the talcing. unless Bo�rower and l.ender atherwise ag�e in wdting or unless appliable law <br /> othawjr�e provldes,lhe procroeds�all be applied to tbe sumg�ecwcd by thic Sacurity Insuument whether or not the wm�ane <br /> thai duc. ' <br /> � lf the Praperty is atwndunod by Bomower,or if,aftar natico by Lenckr to Sattawer that Ihe candemnor ot�en to maks <br /> an award or senle a claim for damages,Bmrower fa�ls w nespand to Lender wi�hin 30 days aftu�he date IIK notice is given. <br /> � L.ender is authorized to collect and apply the procads.�t its option.ei�her ta rertorntian or rcpsir of the Pnoperty ar to tho <br /> i wms secured by this Securfty Insmanen�whether or not ihen due. <br /> i Unless l.ender and Bornnwer aherwise pgrce in writing,any application of procads ro principal slwU nat eatend or , <br /> � posipone the due date of the monthlY puYments refe�d w in paragraphs t an�f 2 qr chu�ge Ihe wnount of such pxymaits. <br /> � 11. �orrower Not Rek�tsed; Flarbenrsnae By i.ender Not a Wiiver. Bxtension af the time for p�yment or <br /> modlf�cation of emoRlzadon of the sums socwad by this Security Insuument granted by Lender to any suc�xssor in interest <br /> r~ ��_•�� of Borrower sha11 oot operatc to�lease 1he liabiliry af the original Bamwer or Barmwer'4 successors in inte�sl.Lcnder <br /> °�'•�. ahall nat be requi�cd to cammence procadings against any successor in inte�est or rzfuse�o eatend time for paymeid or � <br /> �, � othnwise madify amartizatfon of the xums secured by thic Security Insaument by r�eason of siny demand made by thooriginal <br /> ��' 'Borrow�r or Borrower's successo►s in intercst. Any forbwranoe by l.endcr in exereising any right or rcmedy shall�1 be a <br /> �4'��-�.�,;�;• '° waiver of or precludo the eaercise of any right ar remedy. <br /> `?���'�. 12. Succersonq And AssiQne Bound=Jolnt and SeverAl Liab111ty:Cas�pgqers. Thc covenunts and agnxmeiqs oilhis <br /> ; '"�` Security Instn�mem shall bind und benefit the succes.cors and assigns of lxnder and Borrower.subject lo the prnvisions of <br /> -:. <br /> r�•,,�;c; ;�r . ::..�. :• <br /> •�i t, parngrc�ph 17. Borrower�covenonts and agreements shall be joint and iscveral. Any Borrowar who co-signa this Security <br /> 1���.. '� �^����' Instiument but dces not executa the Nwe: (a j is ro-signing this Security lnstrument only to marigage,grant and canvey that <br /> :�w•�r� Borrowerh interest in the Property under�he terms of this Secu�ty Instn�ment: (b)is not perr.onally obligated to pay the sums <br /> •:j,;:n�`:,;„ secu�ed by this Security Instnimenl;and(c)ugree+thut Lender und any other Borrower may agree ta extend.modiPy,forbear <br /> •� or make any accommadatians with regard to the�erms of this Security Inswment or the Note withaut lhat Bomower's <br /> x�- . �.'�.}:;:.» con.�cnt. <br /> � "`? 13. Laan Charges. [f the loun secured by thia Secudry Instrument i.nubject to a luw which sets maximum loan <br /> ,� J chwges,and that law is finally interpreted xo that the intereKt or ather loan chorge4 collected or to be collected in caanecdon <br /> •��' �' with the loun exceed the rmitted limi�s,then: (u)un such loun ch e shnU be reduced b �he umount ner to reduc.�e, <br /> ;r, y%��E�:'�,c':'_,:..� PC Y • ar@ Y ��s�ry <br /> .. ,�ii?v:+bl..;,.-- ,,..�-- the charge ta tho permitted limit;und(b)any xums ulm�dy collected imm Borrower which excecded permitted limit�will be <br /> .�.•..... ,���.•.,:':,; , �:. <br /> � ,.'��:,.:�+ .. refunded lo Bomawer. Lender mAy rhoc�se to muke thix refund by�edueing the principal owed under the Note or by making a <br /> :+�... �; •_' direct payment�o Bonower. If u mfund reducex pdncip�l.�he reduction will i►e trented ati a purtiul prepayment without any' <br /> ��` • .. pr+epayment charge under the Note. <br /> • ' �� � ' � �� ' 14. Nottces. Any notice tn Borrower pravided for in this Security Insirumcnt shull be given by delivering it ar by <br /> � �;,. ':��'�. -•�,'��`'�°,'r��'� mailing it by first cluxs mail unle,�y npplicubic law rcyuires utie af enother mcthad.The ndicc shall be directed lo thePraperiy <br /> `� � Address ar uny other uddress Bormtvcr de+ignales by notice to Lande�. Any notice lo Lcnder nhall be given by finu rlass <br /> -• ., ., mAH�o l.ender's udd►rxx stutrd herein ur uny other�ddro«I,ender dezignutes hy notice�o Borrow•cr. Any notice p�avided for <br /> � +• '"' in IhiF Security Inxtrument .hall 1►e dcemed �o huve hcen given to Borrow¢r or Lendcr when given os provided in Ihis <br /> ` �•`� •�� - ' ' parugrnph. <br /> �` � � �" 15. Go�•erning Law; Severabi8ty. Thi. Security Inwtrument .hull bc gov�rned by feJcrul luw und �he law•oi the <br /> t<J�`'' •����.��� `;;��•'1'�; jurisdiclion in which the Propeny is IcxateJ. In�he event that any provirion or clnu+e of thi,Security Inztrument or the Note <br /> i � `� '+'•"�:�"' conflicts with applicable luw,sunc�onilirl.hull n�ri affrcl other provixiim�of lhis Securily In.ln�menl or Ihe Note which cun ;�_" <br /> i "'+�+,�'Y``'' be iven effect without the conflic�in rovi,ion. Tn thi,rnd the rovisiona oC this Securil In�trument nnd�he Nate are <br /> �'•'•��" ,,.^;� � . � F p P Y <br /> �'..� 4t.t��?Qr'Ir����C,jL`•�:`, declared to be uveruble. <br /> I;� ;•� . ` <br /> �, .r.'��±1 .v�i.,$.'+�..;; !6. RM'rower'c('op�: Rnrcnw�•r�hiJl Ix piv.n��nr ronfnrmed rnpy of thr Note:�nJ nt'thi�Securih�Inslrumenl. <br /> -T••+�,...rn .. <br /> ; ^ '" ;�:;�ti;�';1 ' l7. 7lransfer of the PropeMy or a Beneficial Interest ia Borrower. If all��r any pun of Ihc Pmpeny ix any iMerest in <br /> �F. - �,':.,:_" it is sold or trun�fermd(or if u tkneticial intrr�+t in Bormwer is sold or tran,l'errcd und Bomn�•cr iti not u natural penon) <br /> '�� � .7�,','� ,:�l+�" without Lender� pri�►r wriucn cunsrnt.Lcndrr m:i}•.u� it+option,nyuirr immcdiu�c puymrnt in full�►f all�umy �cecured by <br /> • ��'� ' this Scruriry Intitrumcm. H�iwevcr,thi.op�ion.h:dl not i+c rxcrciKJ by Leixier if rtririu ix pruhibit��1 by federal law ax of <br /> 4 ;:': • , �he dnte of this Securit��In�trunKm. <br /> • a°�t'•' •„ ,� ;.�;,: If Lender rxcrcises thi.opliun.L�nJcr.hull give Hurr��wer nutire ul'uccelerutian. Thr n��tirc.hall provide a�riod of <br /> i'�� •���'" ,:� •i•' not Iexti Ih:u�i0d•r r f'rum thc Jatc thc no�irc i�dclivcrrd or mailrJ wilhin which Born���cr mu�� � rll wm��crurrd t+ �hi.r• <br /> „ , }..�.,;t .. y. r.�.. �. <br /> ,' • .'°�t':�i�.' Securit Instrument. If Romnvcr t:�il. lu .� Ihr.c .um. ttiur lu thc rx �r.�lion ol'Ihi, n�xl. Lcnclrr mu m��ol:e un <br /> � � . .xi�;f.ti Y P'Y I P ' P�� Y Y <br /> � �emcdiex perniilled by Ihi,Srcurity In.trumen�w ithout f'unhrr m,tirr�x JrmunJ un Bnrcuw•er. <br /> S �' `` . 18. Borruwer's RiRht to Rein+late. II' Rurn�w�r mce�. c�rlain c�Hxfiii��m. Borruwrr .hall ha�c Iht ri�h�k� huve <br /> � � ��.� � entoreement oi'�hi.Scrurity In.lrumrnt Ji.roniinurJ ut •rn� time pri��r 1��the e:irllrr uf: la 1 5 da},lur .urh n�hir periid a, <br /> �j . <br /> s� ° .. „ Sm�k hamlly..fonnfe�1ne�t'rcddM Nx l V1tY11tM IVti7'Rl'�1E\7'•-l'nd;xn�Cmcnant. 99Y q1t��•�,an pue.•.�� <br /> x'�� ' ' • '":G. <br /> � � i ��; <br /> .' ,�' • - <br /> � ' � 4 . , . .Y-. . -- - -� — . . . , �.;,.,., . - .:tsr.:��a'+�r::x�7�:•-� , •.;:.;:k;-:.;-•.-.... _ : <br /> . + <br /> s- <br /> L� ��a — --=_—. _. � .:_. .-. . ._-- —., "' =- .-.-:— - -. _ - .. .. , .-_- "_-- <br /> �.a° t �, �„ V ' � . � <br /> - r� . .... . , � . <br /> i � . <br /> 1 .�' .. � - . _ . , , <br /> J , ' , <br /> � , ;, � � . „ <br /> .. , : � <br />�_, �� � ' � ••'�•�:7��; � � <br /> � <br /> � , � <br /> � <br />