. ,�,.,r
<br /> ,�. . ��,;�.
<br /> �./�• ' '�.. .,•' s....' '� ...
<br /> � 830 1o�t��
<br /> perioda tlut Lender rcquirca. The ina�urence carrier providiog tlk inaurance shdl be clwFen by 8anawer cubject to Lenderh
<br /> �pprova!whkh shall not be unrcacon�bly withheld. If Borrower falls ta m�inWn cove��e dexcribcd alwve.l.ender m�y.w
<br /> Le�de�h option.obt�in coveruge to protecl Lender's�ighla in�he Prop�tty in acrnrdam,ro with paragnph 7.
<br /> All in�uranco pc►licieu and rcoewnla shull be s�cceptoblc to Lender wd xholl include a atonJard mortgage clouse. Lender
<br /> shrll have Ifte�igh1 to hold Ihe policios and renewal�. U Lendcr reyufres,&►rrower Khall promptly gfvo ta Lendcr all rrceipix
<br /> of paid prcrniums and rcnewul nakes. In the event af lar�,Bar+nwer xhall �ive prompt notice to the inrut�ce car�ier wid
<br /> Lenckr. Leadcr may make pnx►f of Ic►�if nat mude prompdy by Bomnwcr.
<br /> Unle�.ti l.cnder+�nd Borrowcr atherwisc ngrcc in wdting.insurnrtcc proceeds+hall he ep�+licYi lo mtilmatinn or r�epni�of
<br /> � the PtopeKy damaged, if�he rertorutian or rcpair is econamicully fea.cible and Lendert securi�y ia rux leacened. If the
<br /> ttslcxation ar repuir ia nat economicully feuvible ar l.ender�se�u�i�y wauld be lewsened,the insurwnce proceedv xhull be
<br /> upplied w thc sum�hecuRd by Ihfs Securi�y I�huumenl. wheihcr��r nat Ihen due, wUh tuty excezti paid to Borrowcr. If
<br /> '� Borrower ut�andorw the fhuperty,or does not anxwer wlthin i0 duys A n�►tice from l.ender tbu��he insurunce currier hati
<br /> offered�o senle a claim.�hon l.enckr muy coll�rt the innuronce pmccedx. Lender may use�he proceeds ta rcpair or rcstore
<br /> the Propeny or to pay suma secured by�hi�Security InM►umenl,whether w na�hen due. The 30-duy perlad wlll begin when
<br /> the�rotice i�given.
<br /> Unles�l.ender and Borrower atherwire agree in writing,uny opplkulion ai praceed+a�priiu:ipul shull nut extend or
<br /> p�lpone the due dnte of tha mnnlhly puyments rePemed lo in parugmphs I und 2 or change the umauo�of the puymente. If
<br /> '`�,", ��- "-'�f� under paro��aph 21 the P�uperty is acquired by Lender, Borrower�right lo any inwurunce pnlicies und proceeds resulting
<br /> "="�'� from damage to tha PtapeAy prior�o�he nequinidan t:hnl!puss ta Leoder to the extent af the sum�secured by 11tiR Security
<br /> :�;= Insuument immediut�ly prior tu the acquisition.
<br /> ��:; .�,:.;;:�', �� 6. O�.wv Pe y: ' PP
<br /> ,. • , ��..;,,y puncy, Prr�sservatlon. Mainlenpnce and Protection d'the Pro h Borrowe�R lawn A lic�tion;
<br /> '`'�� I.easehold.g. Botrower sholl occupy,e,tabli�h,und u.r•e�he Property uK Borrower's principal residence wi�hln xizty days ufte�
<br />-- :�,.,_. - -
<br /> +�.�;.,. �°-�--. �- the eaecution of Ihis Seeurity Inxuumeot und shull continue to uccupy the Property�.ti BoROwer's principal residence for at
<br /> ,�„��� � least one year after �he dute of�xcupancy, unles�, 4ender otherwixe agmes in writing, which conxent xhull not be
<br /> �� '' �� ��''' '';_ uoreASOnably withheld,or unless eatenuuting circumti�unceti exist which urc txyond Barrower:s control. Borrower shull not `��
<br /> � " �:. •:.z destroy,damage or impuir�he Pmpeny,vllow the Pmpeny to de�eriorute,or commil wu,te an Ihc Property. Borrowe�tihall
<br /> .. � . . .,�';i+�a1'; be in default if uny fo�'eilure aclii►n or proceeding,whether civil or criminal,is hegun thn�in Lendar's goacl iuith judgmcnt �
<br /> `� 't`;�{L�, could result in forfeilune of thc Pro�xrty or othenvi�c malcriully impair thc lien crcuted by thix Securily In�uun�ent or �
<br /> ,, ...: ; .y�, y,.,,.,
<br /> �';��1;�: , .;�:;:�ki';���' Lender's security intcretit. Bormwer moy cure such a defuult und reinswte,us provided in parugrnph I ti,by cuusin�Ihe actiun .;�{,
<br /> �l.'�..1�5_I
<br /> �. , ;:-h ' or prnceeding to be dixmi+�d wi�h u ruling�hut,in Lrnder's g�1 fuith delenninution,prcclude,furf'eilum af tha Borrowerti :.
<br /> �,: � .� � "t� ,� intetest in the Propeny ��r uther muterinl impuirment i�f the lien cRUtcJ by ihi, Srrurity Ins�rument or lxnde�. �ecurity .�i;,
<br /> ���;� ° inter�ext. Bormwer shull al+o hc in defaul� if Bomowrr, Juring �hc luan upplicu�ion pnxes,, guve mu��riully t'alr�: or
<br /> :, u
<br /> -�.��;+!•1• ;��. ° �'> inaccurate infonnution or x�otementr:ta I.end�r lor i'uiled w provide LrnJer with uny mu�rriul informo�ionl in conn�rtian with
<br /> 'r':�!�::'��' � the loan evidenced by the Nwe, includin�t, but not limi�cd w. repm+entution, concerning Bomc►wer:arupuncy af the
<br /> _ Pmperty aa n principul re�idenu. If thi�.Seruritv Instrumem i�on a Icuu:hnld.Biirrower�haU comply wilh ul)the provisiom
<br /> . . • of the Ieuse. If Borrower acyuint�fee tiUr w thc Pm�xrty.thc IcusrholJ:uid thr fcr tiNe.hull not merge unleti�Lender nFRCS .
<br /> :�
<br /> , •. to tl�mergcr in wriling.
<br /> � ;, 7. Protectton of I.eader's Righlg in lhe Prupertv It'Borrow•er tail� to �xrf'ortn �he rrnenunt+und ugreen�rne
<br /> �' � . .�;� rornoined in thiti Securiry In.�rument.or tharc i. u Irgal pnx«din� that muy .ignitic�n�l�� uffect Lrn�kr; rightti in the �
<br /> !:;';,':`'; .�.; , F'ro n , p g in h:u�kruptcy.����n:���.fur rondemnation ur ti�rfci�uR ur to enti�rc2 luw.�K regulutionsl.Ihen
<br /> ; i';:: : '. .''',�`;:;;:�;` pe Y 1.uch u.,u mrcrdin
<br /> ' �'�° , . �F�,:�:s,�� L.rnder may du und pay 1'or whutevcr i+n�rr+wry to pn�trc� Ux valu�of ihr Pru�xny und l.rnder� ri�htr.in thu Pnrprny.
<br /> 5.��•;i � , •; ,�y,..:.r�• .
<br /> ;;t.i��s ��i�k, L.ende�zuctian,muy inrlude paying uny+um..ecumd hy a lirn w•hich ha+prinri��•over thi�Secu�iry In.trumen4 appearing ,
<br /> �,;'`• �, � yr g��•,•.��'� � in coun,paying rcuumablc atlornuy�'fcr.and rntcring on �he Nm�xny io mukc repuir.. Allhaugh l.�nder muy Iuke uction
<br /> �.. ;r . • .�� � r� ' under this paruFruph 7.Lcndrr J�x.nin have��i du,o. �''
<br /> �n; ', t;•�t'Yi.6;�'-� . . . .
<br /> 'k!�'•• � . .�"��� Any umnums Ji�hunrd hy Lcndcr undrr�hi.paru�ruph 7.hull lu:r��mc udditional drM of Bi�rn►x•er K�ureJ My Ihir
<br /> ��:�;'�� • . .: � Security In�tmo�enl. Unle++Bom��,a:r und Lrndrr uErre io other�cmi,o!'paymcnt.lhe.r amaunh.hull Ixar inlen,t f'nMi thr
<br /> �� " , � dulc ol�Ji�hunenkm at tlx Nu1c r,itr un�l shull tx puyaM�,wilh inlcR+t,u�xm n�Nirc I'mm Lrnder t�i linrmwer rcyue�ting
<br /> � . . u merH,
<br /> !:• �;���f"�;e � P y S. Morf a c Insurance. If Lrndcr rr uircJ mnn�r�� imurrncc u�a r�mJiti�m ��I'makin�the loun�..wured h 1hi+
<br /> `a'�1ir � Securiry In.tnmi nt. Borrawcr,hall pu�� the premium.r.yu r�d tu muinluin Ihe mun�agr inwr•�icr in cffcct. II'. ti r nny ,:
<br /> �''' . . ��" ' , f.'.�''',.`- rea.on. Ihe mortgu�tc in,urunrr rovera�r reyuir�d My Lcnder lup�r, ur r�a.e. lu he in rffcct. B�,m�wer tihull puy thr ;''�
<br /> . �. �. .
<br /> ,.,
<br /> • �•
<br /> • ..r;: � . .�•'�i � • •u�
<br /> • premiwtis required �o uhtain cov�r.��.� ,uh,lamiully ryui�alrnt ti� ilie IIHI�Il..J�l m ur.�nce pn � u h in ct'tcrt. ut u� .t U.:�
<br /> ' _ _ --�`'.f�,+�;'��� rubstattiiall}•cyui��alcnt to thr ra�t tc�l3ur:o�crr ot�Ihe mungu�;c imurancc prr��inu�ly in cftcct. tiom an ahcrnalc mongagr
<br /> • • "'�''�1• imurer appruvcJ hy Lender. It xuh.tamitdly�yuiv:drnt mungagc inwr:mrc�u�rrarc i.nut u�ailuhle. Rnm�w•er.hull pa�• to
<br /> ±s `��1�'��� LrnJer rarh munlh a,um cqual lo u�x�•1w�111h ut'Ihc�•rarl} nwrtgage inwranre prcn►ium ikin�paid hy Borrux•er��•hen thc ,,f.
<br /> . ,�la.'.1h� �-
<br /> . . , ;r,aw• - , insur:�ncecc�veruge lapsed or rra,eJ u�Ik in eltcr�. Lrnder aill arr.pt.u..and relain thr,r p��mrnl�u�a In+.resern in li�u ''�;,•'
<br /> .. ; .•- i�f mix�t�a � intiurunce. Lo�. re.rrvc �}•mrrn�m:i•ni�lun�cr I+c m�►eind. u�Ihr a ti�m ul Lender. il'm�►rt�u�• in,urunrc
<br /> . ��� r� > � � r � �-�
<br /> �R�,. .. „ rnvcrage lia lhr amount unJ tiir�hc�xriaJ Ihat L�nJrr n�yuirc.l�rn�•ided hy :ui in.urcr appm��rd hy Lendcr i�gain t+eromc,
<br /> � . uvuiluhlc and i.ohtaincd.Botr�u�cr�h;ill pa� Ihr premium.myuirc�l tu mainl:�in marigagc in,uranr�•in rtTc�L or t��pruvidr u '
<br /> � � �� .. �:;'•. lo.r�rc.crvr.until�he mquinmenl li►r mnntia�r inwr:�ncc�nd.in iur„rd:�nrr N ith am ��riurn agrcemrnt I+e�wern Hormu►•er �'i
<br /> .��• �:
<br /> „ and Lcndcr orupplicuhlr lau•. f'•,•'�
<br /> �i' " 9. In�spectinn. Lrndrr�,r i�.agcm nw�•mal,c rr:�.�mahl:cntric,u�x�n anJ iu,�xrtiun,uf thc F'r�►rerty. Lrndrr�hull �Y`.:;.
<br /> ±. , .
<br /> ; •';, givc Bormwcr�rnicr at thc Iiinc uf ur prior lo:m in��xrtiun,�xrii}•in_rea.nnahlr cauu f��r�hr in,�xrlion. i`.,'-
<br /> �'�• � .,...:. �j�,,:,
<br /> ,;: 10. Condemnatbn. 'I�h�pnk�rd.ui:ui� a��ard ur rla�im I��r Jam:ic�•. dirrrt��r con.ryurnti:d.i�i cannr�tion wi�h um �f)�.;f
<br /> � ��i� liqtl.l•amd�. —FynnkNw�FYcddk\Iycl\IF'11RqIVS'1'Rt'11E:11 - lnN��m,l'u�en.uu. YYO i��.�er. 1 I���.�v ��l,l:.�,�
<br /> 1�. . � i
<br /> �• , ,• . ",.14,•,�t„ r, „
<br /> '°;�'•.;'-,.y�,' p `'.
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