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<br /> ble law rtw � if fi,r rcfnrtatcmrenp bePorc aale of thc Propeny purauAnt to any power o��in this
<br /> appli� Y P� Y
<br /> 3ecurity iostruument�c�r(b)en of�Jud�tlRnR�to�accing this Sxurity Inswment. 7'ha�e condltions tro Ih�t Bormwcr: (�)
<br /> me
<br /> p�Ya L,ender dl wmr whlch n would.bs dps,u�der dd� Securlty Ine�nt uwl the Noto nx if no �cxele�don had
<br /> occurted;(b)curee ony defalt of any attKr cova�wn�tt:qc.r�eement�t(�)PaYe all oxpenses incumed in enforcin�lhle Stocurlty
<br /> Inswment, IncludinQ,but not limited w. re+so.nlb►k+att�rYC3re'f�:� (d) �a such pction� Lendeit may �a�onably
<br /> require w uasune that Ihe licn oP�his Security lnsGrumcM,l-e►�¢c's riBnts�n the Property and Bamwer'r obNgalian W pay thn
<br /> sums secw+ed by this Secwity Inauumeat�shaal��cond�+�cb�in�ed. Upon roinsatement by Bamwer. Ihis Socurlry
<br /> ;L.,, Instrument and the obli�ationa securod i�eroby shdl romvLn fuilr et�extive as if m►acceleratiw�had accurrcd. Howover.�his
<br /> �.,,;� rf�ht to Rinstate shall nut apply in the e�a of�cceler�tian wydex Pxct�taph 17.
<br /> 19. Sale ot Nob=AMn�e ot 1.o�n,aetviaer� 'Iris.Nc�t�a�.a.P�lal interest in�ha Nwe(toge�her wlth thic Security
<br /> �� � Instrument)may he sold o�ar mo�t�e ti�withpu.t p�iar.nao�tp porrowcr. A salc rtwy result in u changc in Ihe cntlty
<br /> (known as the"l.oan Servictr")U�atcolkcta m�o�Nhly payerie�ts•du�s�wader the Note and lhis Secudty Mcwment. 7liere also
<br /> may be one or more changes of�ht 4aan Servioer unrol�Ltd ta a su�4�of,�he Notc. If thero is a change of�ha Lo�n Servicer,
<br /> 8orrower will be given written noticc of Ute ch�nge ia accord�ncx�v�ich paraBraPh 14 above and appUcable+IAw. The natice
<br /> will etate the name and addre.gs of the new l.uan Servic�cr and tt��dn+sa to which paymenta shauld be mwde. Tha nalicc will
<br /> ��� .., alco conwin any other iniamw�ian re9qirad bY r�pplicabk�law�; .
<br /> �20. Nurrdaw SuWta�. Bam►wer ah�ll oat causc or p�nnit the presence,use, disposal,storage,or release of any
<br /> Hazandou.q Subswnces on,ar.in ihe•Ponpe�ty. Hurmwer sh�l:txK,do, nor allow onyone else to do,any�hing aff'ecNng tho
<br /> '�' • ='��- `�- ' Property d�at is in�YIo18It�Pp Of,aay 8nvlronmental l.aw. Ths.p�+ceding�wo sentenccs sha11 not npply to�he pn�sence.use.or
<br /> _ , µ=; .. stAruge on the Proparty of smtill quus►nnddes of HazaMow Suhstar.w���hat u+e generally recognized to be appmpriate to nom�al
<br /> , :� ' {� residendal uscs and to ma�nkt�of Ihe PropertY.
<br /> t`:�_'�r`?' Borrower shall prompAly give Lender xfitten natia=of aqy investigation,clalm,demand,lawsuit ar other oction by any
<br /> �_� =� -+'z • govemmenlal or reg�dw�ny a�ency or privato p�tty in��lving tha PropertY and any Haaardous Substance or Environmenlal
<br /> : .�'..•. . -:��
<br /> � Low of which Bomower has actual knawle�dga !f.Bcumwcr leams.or is notified by ony govemmenlal or r�agulatory
<br /> ° authoriry,thet any removal or oUwtr remedfuian of an,Hazardous Substance aff'eding the Property is necessuy,Borrower
<br /> . . � '�',. •::_;.�;%:.� shall rom I take ull necBSSary oamedf�aictioms in acacxctance with Environmenta!Law.
<br /> �' ,. "� . ��;,; As u�in ihis pa�20."Ha►zardouq Subeiuwces"nre those substances defined as toaic or hazardous substances by
<br /> r': �• �`�''' • EnvironmeMa! Law nnd•iht.folla�wirig xut�aurrcas: g�soiine,kerosene.other flammable or toxic peuoleum products.wxic
<br /> • _; pesticides and herbicides.v�Luila�soh+en4s,m���s c�otainmg usbestas or formaldehyde,and rndioactive materials. As '`
<br /> . ., • _, �.} used in this paragraph 20,"8nvtmrtt»snt�l l,�w•••means fedtral laws and laws of the jurisdiction whera the Property is loceted `�
<br /> ';:;;��; � ' :� , that relate to health.safety ar envimwmer�w!9►rotection. `}�
<br /> � � NON-UN[F(1RM COV�NANT6. Borrower and Lender furttcer covenant and agme as follows:
<br /> ' �,,�;.... „ . .. . ,
<br /> �.< •_���:�' ' 21. Acceterndoa; Remedfex. Lender slwU give notice to Borrower prior te wccelerAdon tollowin�Borrower s
<br /> � • �;��� �,y;�^"•',ti breach of any coveapnt or,agreemenl In U�is Secwily ImstrumeM(but not prlor to pcceleraQoa uader ps�aqrApb 17
<br /> ,�;:,�,��'.;,,."•rl •. �.,� unless applkabk low provkles otherwtse).The nodm shall epecUys (w)tde detAUlt;(bl the action required to cure the
<br /> . . .�.;;� def�ulti tc)a ds�ie�r,oi lesc thaa 30 d�ys ts�n!!sr daLe!!te nMice[s glve�Io Rorr�►wPr,by whtch the detaup muvt he
<br /> � ' '" ��'�'` cured;pnd(d)tiwt tallure W cure tLe deluult on or before the dAle specifled in the notice moy resull in acceleraqon oi
<br /> . . •�����-
<br /> � I�w;•; :�;y«:,' Ihe sums secered by thi�3ecurity Instrument and swle oP the Property. The nottce shwU Pu�ther inform Barrower ot
<br /> ���'�;�;,;i; the right to reinstnte ntYer acceleradon and the right to bring a courl acUon to assert the non•existence ot a detaWt or
<br /> .� ��'•'!;;�'• �•"•%�.';• any oWet detease ot Bor�uwer to occeleraqon and safe. If the dePault Is not cut�ed on or before the dete specified in
<br /> �'�� � . . . the aoUce,l.ender nt its option may requlre immediate payment in tUll of all sums secured by Ibls Security Inslru�aeq/
<br /> �•'��''',�" ,..;�,.: without turlher demand and may invoke the power of sale and nny other remedies permitted by wppflcable IAw
<br /> �: � •';�;�., I.ender siwll be endtled to collecl WI expenses Mcurred in pursuin�the remedles provided in this pwrAgraph 21.
<br /> '"������� including,but nat Iimited to,reasonable attorneys'fees pnd costs ot title evldence.
<br /> ,,;,. • It the power of sale is invoked,7lrustee shAll record e notice aP defAUll in each coun/y In w6ich any parl ot the .
<br /> �°:"'� � � • Property is located and shall mall rnpies otsuch noqce in the menner prescribed by appllcable law to Bon�ower and to
<br /> �'>'�� � lhe other persons prescdbed by applicrable law ARer the time required by applkable low,7lrustee shnll glve public
<br /> ��• ��"� notke ot sale to the personss ond in the manner prescribed by applicable Is►w 1lrustce,wilhoul demAnd on Barrower, �
<br /> � � . 1 �;,��: shall sell the Properly at public Audlo�to the hiRhe.ct bidder at Ihe dme and place and under the terms desigrwted in
<br /> �', the aotke of sale in one or morc parcels and in any order 7�ustce determines. 'IYustee may postponc sale ot all or any
<br /> � �� � ' - parcel of the Praperty by public annoumement at the time and place of wny prevbusly scheduled sak. I.ender or ifs
<br /> � designce may purcMose the Property at any sale.
<br /> ' ' ,. ,, �� ',�. Upon recetpt of p�yment of the p�ice bid.7Yustee slwll deliver to the purcha�er 1Yustee's deed canveying the ;,;`':
<br /> , - �;�� property, The recitalc in Ihe 7Yuslee's deed shall be primn iacte evidence of the t�uth of lhe stwtemenls rtwde therein.
<br /> �;�.'r 1�ustce edaU Apply the procceds oT the�k in the tollowin�order: la1 to all cavls aad expenses of ezercising the power
<br /> :�
<br /> �' , ,
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