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<br /> TOCi�lBR Wl'IH all Ibe improvamasts aow a bae�fter aeated aa the p�+apaty�and�Il w�ea�pnu,�ewaoa. .
<br /> �ad 8apma now ar ber�a�p�rt of tbe qopeity. AU��ad wddidooa W�11�a be oovaed byr�hi�Searlty
<br /> lawuaaa�� All of�he foo.�oin�b Ktmred oo in Qds Se�urity Imtr�unent a U�e"Propaty.`
<br /> � BORROW�t COVENAIV7'3 thu Bonuwer i�IawiWly seised ot�he euate heneby oa�voyed�qd has the d�ht W�ut
<br /> ond couvoy the Propa'ty u�d 16at 1he Property is w�encwnbcrnd.exapt far encumbrmoa of rocad. Bamwer wnr�nw and
<br /> ! will ddand Qene�aliy We htb to Ibe Propeity aQairut tll cWmt�nd denwds�wbJect w any encumbnnca of rocad.
<br /> TNIS SBCI]RITY INS7'tiL1M8Mf oombines uniform covea�au far nuion�l we and non-unitana covaant� wUb
<br /> Wnited varUtian by jtadsdicdoa w constlwlc a uni!'am oecurlty inswment coverin�real properiy.
<br /> UNIPORM COV�NAM'S. Banower aad I.ender oovenant and�groe a follow�:
<br /> l. P�yseut d Pr(�cipd�nd Intere�tt PreP�Ymeat�ad I.�te Cb�r�es. Bamwer�II P�P�Y MY wba�due�he
<br /> priaci of ud intaest ao the debt cvidenoed by Uie Nota and anY P�'�PaY�t and luo chwrgos duc under thc Na1e.
<br /> � Fhodr tor 71�ses aod laair� Subject to caNc law or w a wrlqen waiver by Lender.Bamwer�sll pay to
<br /> Fhod
<br /> l.cnder on the d�y aonthlq•paymcnts arc due w�der�he otc.until tha Note ia�paiA�in fu11�.A sum l"�unda")fm:(n)Y�7
<br /> ' taxes and�ssessmeata w6fah may Wtain priarity over this Serur�ty In�qvntant as u Ifan on tha Prvpaty:(b1 YearlY leasehald
<br /> � paymrnts or ground renta-on tho Piopa�ty, iP any; (c) Ycarly har.u�d or,propptty inwuwnGe p�emiumr: (d) qe�ri,Y flood
<br /> i insurance p�miuma,it�nnyrt(e) Yeurly mortgage insu�ance premiuma If onyt and(�anY suma pay�blo,by B000wec to
<br /> I I.ender. in Accordance wlth�ha provisions of parag�aph 8.in liw af�ha payment of mo�tgage insuiwnx promiumc. '[i�ese
<br /> items are caUed'F.acrow iWme." l.ender may,su any time.coUect and hold Fur►da in an emount not to excoed tha mauimwa
<br /> ;tr+�� .�" i amount a Irnda fa a fedanlly rclated matgage loan may rcquiro for Borrower�escmw occoum undet t4e federal Rcal
<br /> . f'{ " �';� k ' ' � �state Seqletrfent Proced�ues A�ct of l974 As amended from tjme w time.l2 U.S.C.�2601 et seq.("RESPA"),unlass anWher
<br /> • r}' � law�hat appliea to the Wnds sets a lesscr amoun� If so.Lcnder may.at ony drae.collect and hold E�nds in an amount not to
<br /> •'-r:.,�
<br /> _� ° .Y.,.�_ exceed the lesser amowit. I.ender awy estimate the amount of Funds due on tlie basis of cu�rent data�t�d rcawn�bb
<br /> ....��•�',��� . esWnates of expendiwm of futun Escrow ltems or ahenvise ia accu�dance with applicable law.
<br /> r . ..•.u_tfi:�....r.,;�,,,
<br /> :.•;`..-:,;`.,. �• .:r' 71ic P�nds stull be heW in an insdtu6on whose deposits are insurod by a federal agency. lasuumemmlity.or cadty
<br /> ,• � -����T�:`•�f (iocluding I.ender. i(I_ender is such an insdtut�on)or in any Federal Hom�l.oan Banr. L.ender shall apply lhe Punds ta pay
<br /> " '°°� the Escrow Items. I.eader may nc�t charge Borrower for I�olding und applyi�g tha Funcls,annually analydng�he escrow
<br /> ;�. i :� '� .. � .� accoun� or ve�ifying the Escrow Items. unless Lender pays Horrower interest on the Funds and applicable lew pem�iis
<br /> -:�;;���+1? . Lender to make sucA a charge. Hawever.I.ender may require Borrower to pay s+one-dme charge for an independent�eal
<br /> >" , :1,��,s:,�,.,,�• d,.�:'
<br /> t . ;,<a�if ;� eswte tax reponing servke used by Lender in connection with thjs loan,unless applicable law prnvides otherwise. Unless an
<br /> .i�`�•• `� ''� • ag�eement i:made or appliceble Inw requires interest to be paid.Lender shall not 6e required to pay Bomower any interest or
<br /> : �� Y , . � ''k eamings on the Punds. Bormwer and L.ender mAy agree in writing.however,that interest shall be paid on the Funds. l.ender
<br /> • �.,., ;.��;. shall give W Borrower.wilhout charge,en onnual nccounting of the Funds.showfng crcdits and debits w the PWnds and the
<br /> �::;.qt�, . ' pu�pose for whkh each debit to�he Funds was made. The f�unds are pledged as addiUonal security for�II sums secw�ad by
<br /> ' �� `'`� ' � this Securiry losdumen�.
<br /> .. ... ..:...:.,. ,
<br /> ;�•:��-�--� � • • If the wLnds held by Lender eaceed the nrtwunus perntiaed to be iieid by appiic++blc iaw. i.�niar stiaii�.3couoi to
<br /> �<�`'}';:. ' � Borrower for the eacess Funds in ncconlance with the requirements of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by '
<br /> � +�� );!' • I.ender at any ume i� not sufticient to pay the Escrow Items when due,I.ender may so notify Borrower in writing.and,in
<br /> � l '. . such cuse Bomuwer shall pay to I.ender Uie omount necessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the .
<br /> � ,,.• deficiency in no more tlwn twelve monthly payments,at Lender's sole dircration.
<br /> `� � �_ Upon paymem in tulb uf all sums secured by this Secudty Inspument,I.ender shall prompUy refund w Borrower any
<br /> ��� F '""'�' Funds held by Lendor. If,under paragraph 21,Lender shull ucquira or sell tha Property,L.ender. prior to the aoquisi�ion or
<br /> � ' �� ' sale of the Pr�operty,tihall apply�ny Funds Field by Lender at the time of acquisition or s�le as a cr�edit�gainct the sums
<br /> �y� • > , '� � '•":� " r�ecured by this Security Inawment.
<br /> yN�.. • 3. Applkatlon of P+�ymenfs. Unless �pplicnble luw providas otherwise, all puyments neceived by Lender under
<br /> �YY�'.,. . • , ' pumgropbs 1 and 2 shall be applied:fint,to uny prcpayment chargc�r,duo under thc Note:second,to amounts payable under
<br /> �'�; ' '�'�•� putagraph 2:tliird,to i rNCreu due;fourth,to princip�l duc;and last,�o uny late charges due under the Note.
<br /> ''�" ��� � 4. ChArge�:Liens. Borrowcr shall pay all �axex. u.w:.smentti,chargec, fines ond imposiuons atdibulable to the
<br /> � 1:;�,�;.; , Pirope�ty which muy nttoin priority over thi+Seruriry In,wment,and Icasehold puyments or ground rents,if any. Bomower
<br /> '• '�" � P Y 6 P P 8 p P� PaY
<br /> �,. .�,• shall a these oMli utions in the munner ravided in ura ni h 2,or if not id ln that munner,Bomow�er shall ttiem on ',.
<br /> ' ` ���•�_;�?�:,' � time di�rcdy to�he per+an owed p•ryment. Bcxn�wrr+hull promptly fumish to Lendcr all notices of nmounts to be paid under 'ne. .
<br /> �' �� �hiF putag�rph. If Borrower mnkes Ihe.e p•ryment,Jir��cUy,Bcxrower shall prompdy fumish to Lender receiptF evidencing
<br /> . ' r,"::,: ' the puyments. I '�
<br /> ;. . Borrower rhull prompdy dixharge vny licn whirh has priaTity ovcr�his Sccuriry Imtrument unkss Bo�rower.(a)agrees
<br /> ;,, `.f f in writing to the puymem��f Ihr ohligution.ccured by�he lien in u manner arcepwble to Lender;(b)conter,ts in good foi�h the
<br /> � lien by,ardefendr;ags�ia�t enforcement of thc lien in.Iegul pruccrding.which in the Lender'�opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> � ' • enforcement of�he lic n;or Icl�ecure�fn�m thc holdcr of thc licn•rn agrecmcm wti�furwq•ta Lender gubardinAting the licn
<br /> '�,�^' , ' lo this Security Insw�nent. If Lcnder dctermine.thut uny pan of the Propeny i�,ubjec�to a lien which may auain priority
<br /> i;f, over thir;Securily lnstrument,Lender may give B�irrower a nutice ickntifying the lien. Borrower xhall saUsfy the lien ar take
<br /> 1, ' one or more of 1he nctioes,e1 forth uFx��c wiihin!0 J:ry,uf thc Fiving of nutice.
<br /> 5. H�rd or Property Insurance. B��m►wcr.hall krep thc impru�•emcM�nuw exi.ting ur hercAf'ter erected an the
<br /> �����' Prupcny inxuned ug�un�lo.s hy lirc,hsu:uJ.inrludrJ within thr trmi"extrnded ro�•cragc"and on��other h:varcls,includinF
<br /> • .. ;u
<br /> "%;' � ` floods or flooding,for which Lenci�:r rcyuircs imurunce. Thi. insurunce tihall he maimuined in �hc umounts und tor �he
<br /> ,� � .,, ��.
<br /> ; �.� ....;.,,_, .
<br /> r!•{• � FormJ026 9N0 I�rRe2uJ6puResl
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