<br /> -r . �: !d�"• •..,n.i! �.
<br /> q '' •�n.�. �,-h
<br /> F7�
<br /> rw. . . -. .. . �a�
<br /> i . .
<br /> .,�
<br /> 93- io�.�s
<br /> 11N PropKty I�a t�lan a d�nyp�d�LM�dK�h+�ll haw th�apttron.In Ib�ot�and�b�oluh dl�anlbn�la�pply df wah ProoMd�,
<br /> dMr d�duatlnp N�ntrom�II eab�nd�xP�n�s Inwrnd by It In oom►�etlon wiq►wah ProaMd�.Wion�►Indrbbdn�IS Mound
<br /> I��by�nd In wch atd�r w L�nd�r m�y d�brmirN�a W�P�Y atl wab P►ooMd��a1W wah d�duatlon�,ta 1M n�lor�tlon W tlw
<br /> prpp�ly upon wch conditlom u L:N►dK maY d�brmin�.A�r ePP�IcaHon of ProaMds to Ind�bbdn��h�ll nol�xMnd a poMporw
<br /> 1M dw daq o1 u�y P�Y�b undn th�Not��or cun�ny dNauR sh�r�und�or h�nund�r.Any unsppli�d fund��halt b�paW b
<br /> w� T���b�L�ndK.Upon th�cccur�enC�of�n Ewnt ol QNau�th�nund�r,o�it�ny,�ct i�Wc�n a Np�l proaNd�np
<br /> ;�:- commenc.ed whlah materially affr°cte Lender'e Inbroet in Me P►a�eAy.Lend�r may In ib awn dltarMlnn,but witlwut oWlp�tlon to do
<br /> so,�nd with0ut nWia to a d�n+md upon Trunor and withcut�NYafl��'Ih�nor Irom any obNp�Uon�do�ny ad which T►wlor fw
<br /> �pn�d but t�Ib ta do�n4�y��do�ny other act it dsems neoeasary to p►at�ot tha�scurity Mrso1.Tiustw sh�Il.Imm�dlatNy .
<br /> .-,; uppn dKnand theretat by lender,pay to L�dsraN cwb�nd axpenses inouned and�um�sxp�nd�d b1r L�ndK In conn�ation wi�
<br /> d��x�ls�sy 4ender o11he iorepoln�r�hta,toped�wlth Inters�t Mn�raoh at the deNult rat�providad S�ths Not�,wh�h ahall b�
<br /> �dd�d b iM Indebtedneq �eaur�d h�r�bY.Lend�r�hall not Incur.ahy llabiti�beos�usa of�nyThMp it nMy do w omit to do
<br /> :� �~x�' tl ordirumc�s and repul�tiont
<br /> r � g. H�=�qN�,Truetor�hall ke�p tM PropeAy�In,oqmRllpnR4 witb,all�epp aabls laws,
<br /> a "Environm�ntal laws .Tiu�ta sFwll
<br /> t h reln s
<br /> I rot�ad011 011 OfIM01 fqfpffAA 11 A ")
<br /> to mdwtrlal h I�n�or environm�nt� p tQ d Y
<br /> ��� y� all suWt�nca deemad to M har�rdoue or,tRxlp.unqpr enY Envtronmenbl Lawt(coll�cthrely r�N►►�d W
<br /> kap tlw Propaty has fram p
<br /> .. Lendsr Ihat thers aro no Hua�dou�Mapriab on a
<br /> nd r r n tu
<br /> h�nto�s Hwrdow Maa►leb'�.Tru�tor h�r�by w�rnnb� �p Aaa fa
<br /> a and
<br /> n{ and hold h� ( �I.sndsr.Ils dincron,ofNcen,�nptoyNS and ap�n .
<br /> und�r th�PropKty.Trustor h�nby�OnN to Indsm ty ►nl fl a
<br /> � , , any suCap�ton tu L,�nd�r's Inbr�st,hom�nd�pNn�t�ny and all ol�lmd�demspa,laws�nd II�bHItIM�Hsinp in oonn�ctlon wHA
<br /> �p q�p��nw,uw,a�po�.i or aan�on ot.ny Nu�rdous M�brt�ts on, und�r,irom or�bout tlN Prop�r.THE FOREGOINQ
<br /> •'w' d�r th r nl� IA�u���nd roNb ot th�P�op�Ay:provW�d Ih�t TrWta
<br /> .. nb ��a ns lo L�n e • � P
<br /> . o111�nb.Tru�tor h� y Ip
<br /> • ., ,,`+'' .. �;_ tt : • 10 A���ol�n EvMt of D�iwit 1»r�und�r.hav�Ihq�Iqhf iQ CMl�ot�nd r�hin woh nnb.lWUa�nd proflq u th�y
<br /> �
<br /> unNt h
<br /> =••. . •y� � with or withoul
<br /> � .°�s„r". p�opnN dw�nd pay�W�.Upon IM ocournna of�n Ewnt of,Default,L�nder may.dther in psnon or by ay�nt,
<br /> { ,��� ';:,�' brinpinp aay aadoo or procNdlnp,or by a ncNv�r appointad by a aourt and wlthauf rpard to the�dpway ol ib acurily,enar
<br /> �;,:, ': I` .. . ��• : �ppn and t�pos�M�lon of th�Prap�rty.or any pa�mer�a,.in ita own nnme or In thn aame of th�Tru�,md do�ny acts whkb ft
<br /> � d�n�n�c�wry a d�sl�bt�W pres�rw the vNue,markwtablllry or rentablllry ai Iha Prqperry�or any p�rt thsreof or interost thaeln.
<br /> • ' �,,.•;,.. ,;, � ° t _ Incr�th�lecom�th�elrom or prot�ct the�saurtty�hanot end,,wNh or wlthout•taNlnO poese�ion of th�Property,sue for or
<br /> ' � • otMrwiN colbct the renb,faun end prollta thenof,,lnaiudln8 thoas paet dua end unpetd,and apply the ame,leu coris and
<br /> ' �• � �xpinNS otop�►�don and collection includinp attorney9'fass,uqan eny Indebtadnaae securod hereby all In wch orderas Lsnder
<br /> ".�_ . , ;� m�y dNsrmine.The entering upon and hkin�poeseaelan af fha Property.the caHUallan of such renb,Iseues�nd proflts and ths
<br /> •. . ., appll��qo�th�reot�s afor�id,shall not cun or welue eny►defauN ar notlae otd�f�ult,hereunder or Invelidete any act done In
<br /> � � � rNpones to�uch derault a pu�suent to such nodce of delault:and,�atwitbatanding thq condauencs in posees�lon of the Praperty a
<br /> �• � ....�;, �;.,;. tl�s colloctlpn,ncelpt and appllcsUon ot r�nb,fauea or prqflts,end T+uB�so and Lender ehall bs endded to exercl�e every N�ht
<br /> - pravld�d ior in ony ai the Loan i��btrunanta or by law u�san cccurr�t�e at a.�y�ser.!�t Delsult,MCludinQ with4ul llnNteRlort the rM.lht
<br /> to exercisethe powe�of wde.FuRher,Lender'e riphts end remadias under thia per��raph ahall be cumulative wlth,end In no way a
<br /> . ; „ Ilmltanon on,Lender's rlghta and remedlee under any aselpnment of I�eaea and rents►eco►ded epeinst tha Properly.lAnd�r,Trustee
<br /> �nd th�receiver ahall be Ileble to account only lor thoae renta ectuail�recehred. ;,.,
<br /> � � 1 t.Eanb o10Maulf.The followinp shell conetitute an Event,of Detau�t ur�der this Deed of Truat
<br /> � (s)FAllure to pay any installment of prineipel or interaet ot en�other aum•eecured hereby when due;
<br /> 'c : , (b)A breach of or default under any provlalon containad in,tNa Nota,thla Deed of T�uet any of the loan Inauumonri,or any
<br /> � otlwr IWn or encumbrance upon the Property;
<br /> (o)A wrN of executlon or etfachment or any aimilnr,proaesa shall�be�ntarad apafnst Tru�tor which shdl become a Nen on .
<br /> ��' ' ths Propery or eny pohion thereof or Intereat therQint. ;�;r•
<br /> r� • • (d)The►e ehall be flled by or apainat Truetor oc Bonower en actlon under any present or luture federal,state or other '�,.'
<br /> ,
<br /> ����� • s . sutute,law or reyuledon relntlnq to bankruptcy,Insolvency or otnsr relfef for debtora;or there shall be appointed eny hustee,
<br /> `� �eceiver or Bquldator of Trueto�or Borrower or of ell or any peK of the PropeAy,or the rent�,ie�uea or profiU thereoi,or Trustor
<br /> .��',� :';, : � or Borrower ahall meke eny ye�eral aasipnment br the baneHt oi creditors;
<br /> r� �. `; ;;;,•;<<.,'. •, (e)7he aele,tranater,laaee,aesignment,conveyance or further encumbrance of all or any pe�t of ar any interest In tha
<br /> .,:; � ' .,_i,,;�;" ' ' P�opery,elther voluntarily or Involunfarlly, without the expreas written conaent o1 Lender,provided that Truator ahall be yi
<br /> -;��!g1;;?`(�•, ��L� permitled to exeoute e lease of tha Properly thet does not contein an oplion to purchase and the term of wf�ich does not exceed
<br /> � •' � � � ons ye�r, •:.
<br /> .�.'�:.
<br /> . ,,.;. (1�Abendonment o1 the Property;or
<br /> • ���;t;� (p)If Trustor is not an Individual,the iasuence,sale,tranaler,asal�nment,conveyance or encumb�anco of more then e lol�l ���
<br /> -� ot perCent of(if a corporatlon)Its iasued and outstanding stock or(it e pa►tnership)a totel of percent ot ;�,
<br /> .�,���;;. ' � • pert�erahlp fnteresta durinp the perlod this Deed of Truat►emalns a Ilen on Ihe Property. ;
<br /> •��,,� � , 12 R«nodl�s;Acc�Nratbn Upon DM�ul1.In the event of eny Event ol Default lender may,without notice eMCept as requlred by '�;
<br /> �/' � , lew, declare aN indebtednees secured hereby to be due and payable and the same ehall theroupon become due and peyabte n �.„
<br /> S �. ' 'y , �. without a�y presentment,demend,protest or notke of any kind.Thereafler Lender may: �f �
<br /> ,ti !;'-• ,.�,;..�'� (a)Demand that Truatee exerc►se the POWER OF SALE granted herein, and Truatee ahall thereafte�cauae Truatw's '
<br /> � • '"�'; '• � intere�t in the Property to be sold and the prxeeds to be distributed,aA In the menner provided In the Nobrafka TruBt Deeds I:."
<br /> ;� • ",��� ' AC�
<br /> ' 4•' ��
<br /> �.:'. , ; ' � � (b) Exerclee any end all rlyhts p►ovfded lor In any of the Loan Inatrumenis or by lew upo�occurrence o}any Event ot ,
<br /> > ,` ! . ,��• ,; O�feulk and .,
<br /> 1 ` t (C)COmmence an acti0n to fo►ecloae this Deed o1 Trust as a mortgape,appolnt a recefver,or specilically enforce any of the .
<br /> �.;. . ;• , . covenentnhereof.
<br /> No rem9dy hereln conferred upon or reaerved to Truatee or Lender Is Intended to be excluslve of any other remedy herein,in the
<br /> sf•.�� ' � `" � • - Loan Inatrum�nts or by Ipw provlded or permitted,but each ahall be cumulefive,shall be in eddlllon to every other remedy glven
<br /> � ��••- • • hereunder,In the Loan Inatrumente or now or hereatter exfstinq at lew or In equfry or by atatute,and may be exerciaod concurrently, ,
<br /> `�� fndependenUy or euccessively.
<br /> � :, . 13. TrWtN. The Trustee mey reslyn at any time without cause,and Lender may at eny dme end without cauae appolnt a
<br /> � ' euccesaor ar eubstitute Truatee.Trustee�hall not be Ileble to eny party,Including without HmftaUon Lende►,Borrower.Truator or eny
<br /> � . • purch�Qer ot the Prope►ty,lor eny lose or damope unless due to reckless or wlllful miaconduct,and thell not be requlred to take any •
<br /> � actlon In connection wilh the enlorcoment of this Deed of Trust unleas indemnflled,In wrltlnp,tor all coets, compenseGon or
<br /> �W��..ti...e,........,,�+,�.r��n•raw�th In additlon.Trustae mav become e ourcheaer at eny eale ol the P►operty Uudlclal or
<br /> � - o.:�:�....................------------
<br /> _ .`'t � ; under the power ol ea19 qranted hereln);poetpone the sale of all or any portfon of the Properry,as providod by law;or sol!Ihe :
<br /> � Properry ee a whote,or In aeperate parcels or lote at Truetee's diacretbn.
<br /> ; .. �; � 11. F��nd Erp�n�.In the event Truatee sells the Property by exercise o(power of eale,Truatee she11 be entitled to apply
<br /> '�� �, , . eny sele proaeeds Hrst to payment of ell coats and expenses of exercislnp power of eale,Includlnp all Truatee'a fees,end Lender's
<br /> � ;; 1 f. ' and Truatee's oltorney's 1¢es,actually Incurred to extent permlHed by appllc0ble lew.U the event Borrower o�TruBtor exerclees any
<br /> ;� 1 , . '' •'" ripht provided by lew to cure en Event ot Delault,Lender shall be entltled to recover from Truetor all coats and expenses actually .
<br /> 1 Incuned a�8 reault ot Truator's de(aulf,Includinp without Ilmitetlon all Truitee's and attorney'a 19eY,to the extent permNted by
<br /> �Y� eppHcable law.
<br /> 15. Futun Adv�nea. Upon request of Borrower,Lender may,et ita option,make eddltlanel and tuture advancea and re-
<br /> �f �! � advancea l0 8orrower.3uc�edvancee and reedvences,wlth intereat thereon,shall be secured by Ihis Deed ol Truat At no time shell
<br /> � l, •' •�,,, V' the pHncipal amount of the Indebtedneas seaured by thia Oeed oi Trust,not Includin�sums advanced to protect the eecu►Iry of Mla
<br /> �,� , , � . W�d of Trost exceed 1he oripinal prinolpal amount efeted hereln,or S -•��•�� �-whichever ie�reater�
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> ��,: • c.
<br /> '. � .." ' .` ..
<br /> , ,{ �
<br /> s
<br />