<br /> , �' , "� , • ..�:�
<br /> �, _ I(�`'�� 't. �,'.,,.. 1 � ` k
<br /> �?
<br /> �" . ;,k
<br /> 1:..y ...
<br /> � � ACKNOWLBDQ�AAENT OF 068D OF YqU�T ,
<br /> �������: 93- �.o�s�s
<br /> T►w�or unduwnd�thtl th�docummt thtl Trwtor�.about ro�x�oun I�.Dad a Tnut and no1.R.oAp�p�and th�t th�poww
<br /> x ol�at�p lor In tlN M�d oY Tn�t pravidw wb�ao�tWy dilhnnt�hb and�11p�tiom eo Truata qfan�morq�p�In IM ww►t
<br /> �� d a d�PaaH�bnrch of obllpaUOn und�r th�OMd ol T►usf.Inaludlnp,but not Ilmlt�d to,ths L�nd�r'�►Ipht to haw tlw ProMrty�otd
<br /> by tM Tru�without�ny�udl�lal DrooNdlnp.T►wtor�rprasnb�nd w�rraM�fluit fhl�aoknowUdp«n�nt wp�aoubd by
<br /> ;' Truaa b�lor�tM�x�outlon ol qw OMd o1 Tiuq. /�'y�'1 �
<br /> ;r- , �,�L�L� .
<br /> R D Robert�oa nator Sir►pl� Prr�on
<br /> a... Tnata�
<br /> _{;,�:�-,.. . : ,�� ,
<br /> *'.�::,'`-" ". .� ��: � DEED O�TRUST WITH FUTURE ADVANCES
<br /> . .,.,�:
<br />- , >t f,,''. �,{��i't"��:rvr. so 93
<br /> tr.'.••,�• .
<br /> a: , ` � +�4�$,,;,n ;,,.,�}�,,,ti�.. 'THI3 OEED OF TRU8T,Is made as of Ihe�0th—day o1 p. ,10_�by and amonp
<br /> i.K rr- „ if 't� �a�„ p.
<br />�+� t:1 e � t j�. '� ��,i�
<br /> j' "''`' rs�t �'/,�l�j;r��'��!.�ti;.17'��;..,.
<br /> , L':�:�'Ya,.,,, ;:nk�?�,r���e;.,�„;•_��;.. fh�Tru�tor._R � Rnh�t�la�n � ■inal� osr�on �
<br /> t. • !'�v.>;��:.�•--�-:,•�+.:�:, w����������� 323g 3. LOCUST IiRAND ISLAND NE 68801
<br /> �' ��r ti�,.,�.,.
<br /> (herNn"Tn�qor;wh�tha on�a mor��
<br /> :�'`_ _-=� - - -� q�Try�, Riv Pnie a Bank. a Nobrask� Coroor�tion ,
<br /> ; whoM n�iunp addr�u I� P.0. Box 1�67 Lirand I�i�ed. NE 68802 (�n'��"1.�d
<br /> ��N�py�y� Five Pnie • B�nle ,
<br /> .. wl�ntrlllnp�ddr�u I� A1�L ll_ ilre�dr�11 ar�nd I�l�nd. ME. 6�D�-1307 (hqNn"L�d�"►. �'
<br /> FOR VALUABLE CON8IDERATION,Inaludlnp L�nd�r'��xqn�ion ol ondlt Idmtill�d hn�in to
<br /> Q p Dnh�r*�nn (MrNn"8orrow�r",wMther one or more)�nd Ihs truW Mreln craatrd,
<br /> th�ncdpt of whlch i�h�r�by acknowledp�d,Tru�tor h�reby Irrevxsbly yrenb,transfero, conveye and aaNpns to Tru�tw,IN
<br /> TRUST,WITH POWER OF SALE,fo►th�b�nNlt pnd wcu►Iq ol I.�ndor,undv�nd wbjeot to the t�rms and condidons h�rein�lt�r wt
<br /> -= toAh,M1e f�AI pr4�lerly.deeGf!lled ee foll?we'
<br /> � Lot Four (4), Block Ninety Nine (99), in Railcoad Ac�dition to th@ City
<br /> of (irand Island� Hall County� Nebraeka
<br /> Topether wllh all buildinys,Improvements,1lxtures,streeta,elleys,pasae�eways,easemenis,riphts,privllepes and appuAe-
<br /> �n, nances located thereon or fn anywlee pertaining thereto,and the rents,isauea and profits,reverslons end remelndQra thereof,and . ;,
<br /> � such peraonpl propeAy that is attached to the Improvementa so as to constitute a 1lxture,Includlnp,but not lirnited to,heatlnp end ,
<br /> �. coolin�equlpmen�end toyether with the homeatead or maritel Intereats,II a�y,which fntereata are hereby released end walved;ell ; '�
<br /> ��p+ , ' of which,includinp replacements and additlons thereto,Is hereby declared to be a pah of ihe�eal eeWte seCU�ed by tlti IIBn Ot thle ;,,..A
<br /> y�: • . Daod of T►uet and all of Me forepoln�beiny referred to herein as the"PropeAy". rt�,'
<br /> �'��_ ;�• � -� ��1
<br /> :.,r • ' � � � Thie Deed ol7rust ahall aecure(a)the payment o1 the principal sum snd Intereat evidenced by a promlasory note a oredit �
<br /> ,; �
<br /> �; : '�,�,. . a�reement deted sQ*tioobor 70th iQ9=� ,hevinp e maturly dete of Septe�ber 20th 1998 �
<br /> r
<br /> .. �.,•� . • �_
<br /> ' � �'�`�f'• � . in the oripinel principal amount ot 3 40,000.�0 ,and eny and all modlllcatlona, extenelons end�enewals
<br /> • thereof or thereto and any and all luture advancea and readvences to Borrower(or any of them If more then one)hereunder G
<br /> r��: � : punuant to one or more promiseory notee or credit agreements(hereln called"Note");(b)the peyment of other suma advanced by
<br /> Lende►to proleCt the eeCUrily ol the Note;(c)the peAormence ol all covenants end egreements ol Truator aet f�rth hereln;and(d)all r' •'-
<br /> present and lutura indebtednees and obNgatlons ol Borrower(or any ot them It more than one)lo Lender whether direct,IndireCt, ', '
<br /> '�. absolute or conUngent and whether arising by note,guaranry,overdratt or otherwise.The Note,thfs Deed of Truat end any and all
<br /> �, other dxuents thet secure the Note or otherwlae executed fn connectlon therewith,Including without Iimltetbn yuarante68,6ocuAry
<br /> aproements and assipnments of leasea and renta,ahall be referred to herein es Ihe"Loen Inatrumenta". j :�:'
<br /> • � Trustor covenanta end egrees with Lender as lollowa; •
<br /> ;� Y: �,,.:; . 1, paym�nt of Ind�bbdn�s�.All indebtedneas secured hereby shall be paid when due. .
<br /> '. . 2. TNI�.Truato�IS the owner of the Property,has the rlght and authorNy to convey the Property,and warrants that the Nen
<br /> ;.��� . ' , created hereby ie a 11rst and prlor Ilen on the Property,except for Ilena and encumbrances aet torth by Trustor In wrfting and '
<br /> ' • • * delivered to Lender before exeCUtlOn of this Deed ol Trust,end the axecutbn and delivery ol this peed ol Trust does not vlolate any � �
<br /> ! � � ' contract or other obHpatlon to whlch Truator Is sub�ect. �
<br /> t .';. � � 3. TaxN,/1nn�m�nit.To pay before delfnquency all taxea,special assessments and all other charyes apalnet the Property ',,�""
<br /> now or hereafter Ievied.
<br /> �''� 4. Insw�nea.To keep Ihe Property Insured agalnst damage by fire,hazards included withfn the term"extended coverege",and
<br /> � '° �� � „ euch other hazarde ee Lender may requlre,ln amounts and wlth companlee accepteble to Lender,�emin�Lenderaa an addltlonel
<br /> ', � ' named i�eured,wlth loss payable to the Lender.In case ot loss under such pollciea,the Lender Is authorized to ad�us�collect end
<br /> . . � compromise,ell clalme thereunder and shell have the optfon of applyfng all or part o1 the Insurance proceede(I)to any Indebtednees
<br /> ' socured hereby end fn such order ea Lender mey determine,(ii)to the Trustor to b5 used for the repalr or reatoralion ol the Property
<br /> •• � � or(III)lor any othe�purpoae or ob�ect eatlefactory to lender wlthout aHecting tha Ifen of thia Deed ol Truat tor the lull amount eecured
<br /> •• hereby before auch payment ever took plece.Any appllcetlon of proceeda to Indabtedneas�hell not extend or postpone tho dua
<br /> data of any paymente under the Note,or cure any delault thereunder or hereunder.
<br /> 5. E�crow.Upon written demend bY Lender,Trustor ahell pey to Lender,In auch manner as Lender mefr deslonate,suHlclent
<br /> ,�.. • sum�to enable Lender to pey es thoy become due one or more ot IhA following:(i)ell texes,aeseasmenla and other charyes agalnst
<br /> � � ' . the Property,(II)lhe premiuma on the property Inaurance requlred hereunder,and(Ifl)the premlums on eny mortpape inauranCQ
<br /> ' requked by Lender.
<br /> . 8. M�Inbnane�,R��ks and Compllanc�wMh Law�.Trustor ahall keep the Property fn pood condidon and repelr;shell
<br /> � ;.; � . promptly repelr,or replace any Improvement which may be dameged or destroyed; ahell not commit or permit any waste or
<br /> ���- ��; •r: . .,. � deterloratlon ot the Property;ahall not remove,demollah or aubatantlelly alter any of the Improvements on the Property;shell not
<br /> � : i ;° '% `"' � commlf,suHer or permit eny act to be done In or upon the Property In vlotetion of any Igw,ordlnance,or reguletlon;and ehall pay and
<br /> � ,: {�.-,:?:',;�:, ,:.�
<br /> ti�.• �� �� ;�t�,;'„�,,;:•„•,���',�, promptly dlecharqe at Trustor's cost and expense ell Nena,encumbrancea and charges levled.Impoaed w aeeeased epainst the
<br /> r, ;',�,:.,!r,•'"'' `• Properly or any pe►t thereol.
<br /> ��i '���*'�±,����� ��';''+r�,• 7. EmiMnt Oomain.Lender ie hereb asei ned all com naetion,awards,dama as and other a menLS or relief hereinafler
<br /> p i;�`.:::.:. Y 9 Pe 9 P Y (
<br /> �' ( �� '?!���°�•'��;;;:i•�'`�;�; , � "Proceeds")in conneotlon wNh condemnation or other tekinp of Me Prope�rly or paA thereof,or for conveyance in Ileu ot condemne-
<br /> '�' �`��'1i`� don.Lender ehall be entitled et Ita optlon to commence,appear In and prosecute In ite own name any ectlon or proceedfnge,end
<br /> ` � . �.��'•��;.'' �hell elso bo entllled to meke any compromfse or setllement In connection wUh such tekMp or damepe.l�the evant any portlon of
<br /> �; � .
<br /> � � . . .. N�C�I671NaupkuhvrNp�RW 10�6�
<br /> � O I�N NMbn�l�MY M tM��rre�Trun�ndlnn�q�AttacUUen.UroWn.X�br�W �
<br /> t I
<br />