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<br /> (N �a�ow�tia lt.NM.d.ExNndon a a�.tlms�or wrm�nt a moaMcauon a�nortlratlo�a uu wrtn�cw�d oy aqs
<br /> DMd d Trwt�nl�d b!r L�ncfK�o an1►s�oca�sor In Int�mt ol8anow�r�hW�wl op�raM to rNNM,in�ny m�nnM.th�li�btlly
<br /> a th�odplml earowrr and Bortoww'i woas�on In InM�t I.�fw thiY nw b�nquk�d a camnwno�ProoMd�nW p�InM
<br /> sueh�a nw..a.xeN�d anw ta p�ymmt a ol�wl�modty amoraunon a aN wm�.�ound b�►a�ls o..d a T�we
<br /> � by�a�aa�of�rsy dcmands msde by the orlpinal Borrower and BoROwere ruiccss�ors In Inbrat
<br /> < (b) L�ndM'��rs,Wlthout dNotlnp 1M Il�blllty of any dMr p�non Il�bl�tor th�p�ym�nt af�ny ob1lp�Non INnin
<br /> �: mMitlo�Nd.�nd wlfhou!�INCtlnp th�IIMt or oh��ol thit Dad of Tnut uPon�Ponlon ol th�Prop�rty not 1Mn w MtMMofor�
<br /> ►plMt�d q Ncurfty Ior tMlull�mount ot ql unpald oblip�tlan�,L�id�r ma�,hom tlme b tlm��nd witKout notlo�Ql n{Ma�tp
<br /> p�non w IIabN,(il)�xWid tA�m�turily a a111r any of Uf�IKm�ol�ny wCh Obllpdbns.(lll)pranl MItN Ntdutp�noM,(h►)rMMM
<br /> or nconw�r�a oauw b b�r�Md a n�onwrid at my arn�u�mwr'�op�bn�ny pual,Porqon a�11 d th�P�op�h.
<br /> (h nic�a rN�an�r otlNr a�ddlMond Mawity�o►my oe��wban f�Nn nNnMornd.a(v1)m�k�oompo�iuoM a oN�
<br /> a�� a►anp�n�nd wftl�drb�on In nlallon tbnto.
<br /> (o? �oibMano��L�nda NN�wMwr.Anr lo�r�nc�by l.Md�r 1��x�ralalnp�ny rlpht a nnNdy h�nwidK.a
<br /> oth�rwiw Ntordb O�t appllaMbt�law,shdl nol b�� w�lwr ol w pnalud� th���Nals�M any wah dphf a r«n�dy.TM
<br /> proour�nf ol Inwnna�tM p�ymsnt ol hxN or o�►INn�a aMrpM by L�nd�r�II not b��w�lwr ol L�ndw'�riOht b
<br /> �ca1�M Ih�maturNy d tl�Ind�M�dn�a wound by thl�D«d ol Tru�l
<br /> (d) tuoo�a��d bM��w�i�1 Md MwMal L�bM1�C�pYar.Tb aov�nb�nd�prNm�nb M►Mn con-
<br /> hln�d�II Wnd,�nd t1N riphb tNtwndM�II Inur�to.tM rMp�otiv�wcc�a�and uWpns o1 L�nd�r�nd Trwta.All
<br /> � cownana�nd pr�nb of Trustor shall b��olnt u�d wv�►al.Th�aptlon�and hwdln��of qN puapr�phi of thl�OMd of
<br /> °;ti;,,�r:,�:- _ ' --....A; Tna!u�lor conwnUnw only�nd u�not to b�w�d to IntKprM Or d�flrN tM provlWon�h�reol.
<br /> �,,,�,, :: .,;�,4 K;,. ..�•�: (�) IIp�MM la NoMoN.TM WAIM Mr�by rpwst Ih�t a copy o1�ny�otic�of dNw�t h�reund�►and�coPY of�ny noUc�
<br /> � �� � r of W�hN�und�r b�maN�d to Nch pa►y to thls O»d of Trwt�t th�Rddn�a�t forth abov�in th�m�nrnr praodbed by
<br /> �,,t,.._ , '•
<br /> ,,u.•..,., ,�,,j;;� appUCabls law.Exc�pt tor my otMr notic�required unds►appllc�bl�I�w to b�piv�n In anotMr mann�►.�ny nodce provid�d
<br /> �. '~ �"'' ' �"' , fa In thia O�sd o1 Trua ah�ll fss Ivsn b m�llin �uch notice b csrti(Isd mdl eddrssfed to ths oth�r p�Ale��t ths addnss�et
<br /> �,>': ,,.•.:" 0 Y q Y �
<br /> . .,�`$+�,,�^��'�'i'� � bMh abova M nofN� provid�d tor In tM�Ds�d ot Truit ahell be elt�ctiw upon mallinp In th�mann�►doslpnaUd MrNn.II
<br /> 5;:..'�"' , ,,,;...,�;�.��� r
<br /> . . �- ��� .�•.� .� � Trwtw u more than on�p�►wn,noqce tsnt to the address set lorth�bov�shNl bs notice to all wch panons.
<br /> �:�-;..-,a�...'::;'s;;,;�. .�, (Q N�cYoe.L�nd�r may make o�cauN to ba mads reasonabte enMes upon�nd tmp�adon�of tM Propsrly.provid�d
<br /> .� �,,' ,.,:,; , i . . th�t I.end�r thall qiv�Trwtor noUc�pria to any wch Insp�ctlon apecllylna nfaon�bl�auu fMnfor rNaWd b I.�rKbr'a
<br /> . • .�� �� <�.,�., . tnt�t In th�Prop�Ay.
<br /> .° . ��. -
<br /> � '�<'�� (�) R�oonvwana.Upon poyment ot atl eums�eaured by thit Oeed of Truef,Lendsr shall requast Trustee to rsconwy tbs
<br /> +� , . ..�`�':;{�7?��l��s�6?`�., Properqt and sh�ll�urtendK thle Oe�d ot Trust and all notes evidenalnp indebtodn�a secured by thl�D�ed af Tnut to TnutN.
<br /> :�;:..�, .' :��l;��c;':;a-
<br /> �;r+ .. ���. .: Truatee�h�U reconw�r tM Properyr without wananty and wlthout ch�►ye to th�perwn a pertons Npoly MidtNd Ihar�{o.
<br /> ,;�•r":.'°. ...�;: Truda�hall pay NI cosb of recoradon.N any.
<br /> ' • � (h) P�nonu Prq�My;S�curfqr A�n�n»�4 Aa addltional securlty for the payment ol the Note,T�usta hereby yrants
<br /> �'� ��•• '�� � � , Lender under the Ni►braaf�Unibrm Commerclal Code a aecurity Interest In Nl lixturee,equipmenf,end oMier personal property
<br /> �� ```�'"' • used In conneotion with tho real esfate w improvements Ixated thereon,and not otherwlae declared or doemed ro be A part oi
<br /> :�"+ ' • the real ssmte�ecured h�reby.This Inshument ehall be conatrued as a 3ecuriq Apreement under sald Cods.and the lsnder
<br /> ��� ' ehell have ell tAe rl�htt and remedlea of a eecu►ed party under sald Code in addidon to the rights and remediet created unM►
<br /> t'�'� � ' ,. ' " ' and acco►ded the Lendor purswM to this Qeed o(Trua�provided that Lender's rlphts and remedles under thls peragraph ehall
<br /> � be oumuladve with,and in no wAy a IlmltaGon on,Lendor'a riphts and remedles under any olher aecurUy aqreement slpned by
<br /> , .{�S�,�r�. Bonower or Trustor.
<br /> ���;; •� �;;,;,�.��, (i) Ll�n��nd Encurnbqnq�.Truator here�y werrants and repreaents that there Is no defeult under the provlsione o}any
<br /> � '. :,�r��A��'1,'� �pa�e,deed of hw�t.I�aae or purchaee contraQct describing y or eny pert o1�er�P(coller c1►vsl ,'�'Uens'exi tln�as of the
<br /> ' � '� a reement conedtudn a Iien or encumbrance e alnst all or an part ot tha Pro y p
<br /> . ��, ' '� dato of thls Deed oi Truat,end that any and all exiapnp Llena remaln unmodified except as diacloaed to Lender In Truator's
<br /> ', 3'"�•`•' ' w�itfen dlaeloaure of Ilena end encumbrances provided for herein.Truslor ahall rimely peAorm all o}Truetor's obNyetbna,
<br /> �►• . coveneMa,repreae�qtiomand warranqea under any and ell exfsitlnq and fulu�e Uens,ehall promptiy to�rard to Le�der coples
<br /> , � � of ell nodces of default sent in connection with any and ell exlsling a future Liens,and ehall not wflhout Lender's prior writlen
<br /> � consent In any manaer modly the provfaions of or ellow any future advences under any exleUnp a future Llnn�
<br /> � ,, � ! . � x< p) AppQc�tlon olPaym�nb.Unleas otherwlae required by law,suma pald to Lender hereunder,includlnp wiUiout IlmitaUOn
<br /> � peyments o1 princlpal and Interest,insurence proceeds,condemnatlon proceeds and reMa and prollts,ahaN be applied by
<br /> _ , _ : . -, - . Lender 10 Me emounts due and owing Irom Trustor end Borrower in such order as Lender in Its aole dlacreUon deems desirabte. •
<br /> � (k) Sw�rabqM�r If eny provlslon of thls Deed o1 Trust conllicta with eppllceble law ar la declered invalfd or othe►wl�e
<br /> ••{..`�,� unenforceable,euch co��lct or I�vplidity shall not aHect the other provlsona of this Deed o1 Truat or the Note which can be
<br /> '�. ' ,�':`��`��`�'" �iven eflect without the contliCtinfl provision,and to thls end the provialons ol thlo Deed of Truat and the Note ere declared to be
<br /> _ '�"�ii'��` severabte.
<br /> f� • "" ,. � . (q Tirms.The terms"Trustor"end"Borrower"ehall Include both aingula�and ptural,and when the Tru�tor and 8orrowar
<br /> are the aeme peraoMe), those terms as uaed in thia Deed ol Trust shall be Interchenyeable. �',-1
<br /> �_� . °�� (m)Gor�rNnO I.�w.Thls Oeed of Truet ahell be govemed by the lewa of Yw SWta ot Nebraako. � �°�
<br /> �°;' Truator hes�xacu�d thl�Deed ot Trust as of the date written above. �. - ,,�,/
<br /> :t�• • f � r �� ,!,�_•
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