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<br /> pyra�ts m�y ao lan�er ba roquirod.u tha op�it�n,Qt I.�cR��f��qptt e insunnoo coverq�e(in tha�rt�ount����perbd
<br /> tAw I.omier roquloa)W'uvided by aa ic�umr app�ptrAd.byt��.ray�•�beooma rvdl�ble and ii ab�ined.Borrawa��1!�qy
<br /> tbo pnemiwns roquirod to m�iot�n mort�o i�r�uK�o tn,e0f'qat;ot w provide�lap naetve.nntil tha roqpiKmait for a4o�tp�e
<br /> inwnutoe endb in Aocond�nce with any wdtlAn.�greanitM�b01W�A�rrower iud l,ender or�pplic�bte I�w.
<br /> !. losp�on.I.endor or its p�ent.mY,y�nw�4e tqtsot�ltq en�rler upon and in�poction�of tho Property. I.aider�hpl)�ive
<br /> Bom►wei natice w Ihe time of or priat u►an�itlsppotip�.sp4c�f}►�t►8 Rawn�blo caub fix tF�incpe�.yion.
<br /> 10. Condanoatlop• 77�e praceads of•�ny.,aw�rd m,ei�(m for dwiu�es. diroct or a►neoquonti�l,in oannoction with aay
<br /> oo�demnwlan or oUwr trWn�of any pwt of.�hA Prnp�wty�or��Ctt eomeyAnoe in Iicu of raademruitloa�w'q hareby aui�ned aad
<br /> �bdl be p�id w I.ender.
<br /> In the event oi a tou!taking of�ho Prqpqrty.ltra Pmvvodt�shpll ba appiied W ttie sum�saurod by thia Sea�rity InWVment,
<br /> whdhe� or not them duu, wfth any exass pq,id t4 BaRnw�r�.ln•ttK+event of a perti�l taking of tha Ptoppty in whlch the fiiir
<br /> rtwrket valuc oPtho Property imn►odi�taly bc�funs tha takina•is,e�pl�ta or g�eater than tho em�unt of the wms sxurod by thl�
<br /> Securiry Iastrum�e�t lmrnedialely befaro tt�p takU�g,unlass&trr�nvror and l.ende�atherwise agrce in writing.the sanw�aa�red by
<br /> thia Security Inst�uroent shall be rnduood by�the+wti►cwnt.of•tll�.pcaceeds multiplied by tbo following fractiom (a) tho tWal•
<br /> amount of the wrru�se�ured immediacly bcf�m tl�a Wking�diNlded by(b)the f�ir mark,et volue of tha Property immadiataty
<br /> befo�the taking. Any balwre ahuJl ba paid ta Bortnavs�. In thA,�eat of a partial taking of'Ii� Proparty in whiah the fair
<br /> market value of tho Property inunodiwaly:befara thp u►kin$is�I�ss thi�n,tfie�nount of tho wrps securod immadiately befo�+c the
<br /> taking,unless Borrower w�d Lender otherwis�e agree in wriiin8 or,unlass Applicable law ahervviso provida,tho.prn�eeda shall
<br /> t-,, be applied w the suma sccu�od by this Secu�ity Inscnim�nt�whMhe�•o��nM U►e sums are then due.
<br /> .x:^� -_ If tfie Property is obandoned by Borrower,or lf.afler notia�bK•Leader to Borrower dwt t6e rnndcmoor offars w malce aa
<br /> '"� award or sectle a claim for dunages,Bornnwer falls to respand.tp�Le�Mer within 30 dnys aft�er ths dsts the notice is given,
<br /> - , lxnder is wthotized to callect and apply tho pmc�eods,at it�ap�ipn,,ehher to reswratian or rcpair of tha P�operty or w tho cuam�
<br /> ��,J ;; r �xured by this Sacurity Instrument, whelher or nat than dua. '
<br /> �,, Unless Lender and Borrc►wer otheiwise agrae jn Wrlting, si�y �rpplication of.procoeda to pdncipal shall �ot extend.or.
<br /> � r;,r. rr^�; ::-.�, poslpone the due date of the m�nthly payment�rafom�to in p8mgmphs 1 and 2 or chunge the emount of auch payments.
<br /> � �:�'r�'":'•='� ' 11. Borrower Not Rele�sed; Forbeat�nae B I.endar Natp�W�ivtrr.Bxtenslon of the time for
<br /> ��-,�< r ,�„ Y payment o�modifipuian
<br /> . « - `::�- �;�: '��, of amoKizuion of the sums securod b thic Socurit Instrnm�nt,
<br /> ��,�,�..�., y y gra�ttad by Lender to any auccessar in interest of Borrowor shall
<br /> Y"�`•: �t�.�" '^�;-�r'�c�:;�:: not operate to releese the liobility of�he o�igitwl Borrower or BnrrnN�s'�successors in interest. Lendor shall nat ba rcx�ui�ed to
<br /> ;►.,xt:�;�.J ::r-�s���:1�
<br /> �,;, '� , �. rnmmena p r a e e d ings ag a i�t g t any suocessor in in ta r a s t or ns f uso ta,ez t�n s i t ime for peymen t or o t henv ise m o d i f y amo r t iaa don
<br /> �_��d. ��s+t�,����.� of th� sums cecui+ed by this Secu�3ry Instn�ment.,by raasan of an�i•damand made by the original Borrower or Borrower's
<br /> ' success�rs in intercst. Any forbeara�ce by Lender in ezercising sn�t•r�ght•ar nemecly shull not be a waiver of or preclude the
<br /> '`. . _ s�;;;,'=� eaercise of arry�ight or remedy.
<br /> :;' . ' � . .:.��.R 12. SuccesFOrs aod AssiQns Boundt J��1nt and Savc�l�Lla6iiityt Co-signers. The rnvenants and agreements of this
<br /> �f;,t�;;�'', ;�,•.,.�;,,: �` •:� Security Ingtroment shull bind ond benefit tha suocesso�and�ssfgns af Lender and BoROwer, subjact to the pravisions of
<br /> •i�%',!;• ,�,•• '_ � e paragraph 17. Barrower's rnvenants and ugrcements st�a11 �be juin� and several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Secudry
<br /> ' �"F'°'' instrumem but dors not execute the Nnt�: (n) ic co-si nio rhir.Securit Instrument anl to mort e, rant and came that
<br /> '�4�,�; . 9 S Y Y SA8 8 Y
<br /> ���:;;�'' Borrower's interest in thc Propeny under thc+tarn►s�f thiF 3ecurily lnstrumenr, (b)is not personally obligated to pay 1he sums
<br /> � ��`�� . � •• secured by this Security Instrument: und Icl agt�s 1ha1 Lendar und uny ather Boirower may agroe to exlend,modify,forbear or
<br /> ;, a�f�; �• . ° muke uny accammoJaiions with rcgurd to thn terms of this Securi�y Inxtrumem or the Note without thal Borrower's consent.
<br /> �:"�+�' '` ".' 13. I.nan Clwrgea. If the In�n secured by thi�Srcurity(nstrumern iti subject to a law which sets mnximum loan charges,
<br /> � r,
<br /> ; � ' _ � •�: and�hat law is finully interprcted �o thut thr. inten�t or other loan chnrges collected or to t►e coll�cted in connectian with the
<br /> ,,;,. loan exceed the permiaed limi�,,[txn:lal uny�u��li loun cburgo shall be rrJureJ by the umount necessary to reduee the eharge
<br /> .'1�+�'�:: . to the permitted limit: and Ih)any swns alrrxly cullcxt�d fn�rn Burrciwer which excc�ecic�l permiu��d limits will be refunded to ,
<br /> �'�' :�•���•o�" `-� Botrower. C.ender may chix►+e �n nwkc thla nfund b�� rcdurinp the principal nwed under the Note o�by making a direct
<br /> �'� ^ , payment to Borcuwer. If u refund roduaw principul. Uir. reclu�hinn will be �neated us n p�uti�l prepaymeM withow any
<br /> ' ' _ _, ,_. ' pr+epayment charge under the Ncuc.
<br /> •� r ° . 14. Notkes. Any nntirr to&�rruwer pmrid.�l ti►r in Uds�Sorurity Imtrumcm�h•rll bc given by delivering i1 nr by mailing
<br /> `o ' it t►y first clurc m:�il unlc..appl icuhlr I��v rcyuirc.uK uf nonther m�hhal. The mnire.hall t+�dirc�ted to the Propeny Address
<br /> ,h • .�! ur uny i�ther adJre+. Borrower Jc+igi�tc+ hy nrni�x w Lcndcr. any nuticc tu I.endcr ,hull lx given by firs� class nu�il to .fn`
<br /> �• ' l.ender's uddre+� �tat��l hercin ur am•othcr adJro.. Lrndrr J�7ril�ns�r.by notir�w Ii�►rn�wer. Any notice pmvidai for in this K
<br /> ' Security In,trumcnl shull tx:Jecnx.til w hare txrn gi��c:n tu qum►a�r nr Lender when gi�-en a.pruvided in thia parugroph.
<br /> • ° ° . � IS. Guvernfns l.aw•; Sever�bNity. Thla Scruri�y Inatnimcn� .hull he gu�•cm�x! hy 1'eJcrvl lu�v anJ �he law of the
<br /> � • ,."�y� Jurisdirti�M in which�he Propeny i.Iocat��J. In the e��cnt Uiat ao}��rnviyiun ur rlauu uf thi� Seeurity Imtrument or the Note
<br /> k K .. '<;,t:;..,.
<br /> �'�';� con0icts with upplirablc law..ud�runtlir��hull na�u11i�c�ntlu�r pmvi�iom uf thi.5ccurity Ins�rumcnt ar thc N��tc which can t�e
<br /> ,.+r:t:..
<br /> ,!� given eftect H�ilhau�thr ronflwting pruvi.iim, Tc�thir end d�i:pm�•i�iuos uf thi�Scrurity In.trument anJ the Note urc declwrcd
<br /> �,i. c•• " to be�e�•ers�blc.
<br /> i �` ���`'': 16. Borrower'b Cop�.Bnrrawrr.hall Ix givcn uik runfnmx�l c��py uf thr Note an�l of thix Security Inurument.
<br /> ��`t, ,t,.�'..���,, , , ,,:
<br /> :�,� .,. + ;. . Fam 30Z8 8190 .
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