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<br /> a. 11mrd or P�npaiy loiunnoe. Bortowe� �II kap the improvaneiMTnow exi�tin� or�� an We
<br /> Pi+apetty inwuod�intt lau by flre� hsza�ds included within�fic term'eawKied rnvon�e" o�d�ny ather Iward�.Includir�
<br /> Aadr or fioodin4, for which I.ender�equirea inw�anao. Thi�inwnnoo�hall bo mdEurinad in tha�nxwnta md ta tbe paiod�
<br /> tfwt I.ender roquira. The f�ur�nce corrfer provldin��he in,wru�ce rhall t�o ciw�en by Born�wer wbjact to LRmde�'�wpprov�l
<br /> which�ll not be unrcawnabty wllhheld. If Br►rmwer fifls tn maiMs�in covesrayc desc�ibod �bove, i�ender may.Mt L.ender'�
<br /> aplion.obuin oovera�c ta protxt I.ender's�i�ht�in the Property in rccordAnce wi�h puaQnph 7.
<br /> All irowrance policies�nd Knewals �11 be acaptAbla to l.cnder u�d chall includo a ssand�rd mort�age clquu. Lender
<br /> durll iwve the ri�ht w Iwld 1ht palkies w�d renewAls. If Lender requirea,Borrower riwll pramptly�ive to LerWer�It receiptr of
<br /> paid premium��nd n�wal notice�.ln U�c ovenl of locr.8orrower slull�fvo pn�p�t naice w the inw�:e avrfer ud L,ender.
<br /> Leoder may mrkc proai of locs if rat m�de pramptly by Bortower.
<br /> UNesn Lender and Borrower otherwiso a�roe in writiny{.insu�noe procads shall be�pplied to oalorwion or rep�ir of the
<br /> Property dun�ged.if tho rcatoretion or�ir is eoonomically feasible a�d L.ender's secudty is not lixccned.If�he rcstorotion or
<br /> rcpair i9 rat oconamically isnsibla or Lender's cecurlty would be lessenod. 1hc insu�nce procoods ehall be appliod to the suau
<br /> secured by Wis Secudty InsUumeot. whether w not then due, with any excesx p�d ta BoROwer. If Borrower abwidon9 the
<br /> PropeNy, or das not anbwer within 30 days a notice from Lender Uwt�he insurance carr�er has offercd to settk a cl�lm,thrn
<br /> Lender may cullecl the insuanoe proceeda. L.ender mey use the procro�s to repair or rcstore the Propeny or to pay wu�
<br /> - � '~ �ecured by this Secur�ry Instn�rrie�t.ahether or not Ihen duc.The 30-day perfod will begin when the ootia ls given.
<br /> U�dc�s Lcnder and Borrower oihanvlse agrce in writing, any applicution of pnxeeda to p�incipal ehall not eztend or
<br /> postpone t6e due date of the monthly payment�refcrrod to in paragraphs t w�d 2 or clwnge the amount of tbe paymetus. If
<br /> � �` under pangraph 21 the Property is acquirad by L.ender,Borrower's dglu to ony i�urance policiec and procxeda rcsulling fmm
<br /> " " 'MJ,`�':,?�,'.��;:�� denwge to thc Property Prior to the acquisition:Iwll pASS w Lende�W tho oxlent oF tho suma securod by 1hk Secu�ity I�trument
<br /> ��ty
<br /> ���'-°`}'°�� immediacely prior to tho xquisition.
<br /> � l�r3�:'��
<br /> � �^•' ... 6.Oecupurcy,Preservwtion.M�intennnce and Pr�tectlon o�the PropertY;Borrower's l.oan Applkatloq;l.erseholdr.
<br /> � �:��{,.r=�,h...,.:,�;� r� Bomawer shall occupy.atablish.and use the Property as Borrower's principal residenoe wlthin siary days after tlre exautioa of
<br /> • • this Securiry Insuument end shall continue to occupy the Properly as Borrower's principal residence for nt least one year after
<br /> "h`� ° ^ the date of occuparK.y.unless I.ender otherwise agrces in writing. which consent shall not be unreasonably wilhheld.or unless
<br /> .:.;,;.•.; ,: .
<br /> ,•'� °~ ' ' - extenuating circumstances eaist which are beyond Borrower's rnntrol. Borrower shall not dptroy, d�ge or impnir the
<br /> ,.`;. :. '. �.,,,,.'•
<br /> . , Property, allow Ihe Property to deteriarate, or commit waste on the Property. Borrower shull be in default if any fodeiturc ,:
<br /> , action or procceding. whether civil or criminal,is begun that in [.ender's gaad faith judgment could result in focYeitur+e of the '�;�
<br /> ''� , . .." , Property or otherwise materially impair the lien created by this Security Instrumeot ar L.ender's security interest. Borrower may
<br /> cure such a default and reiaswtc,us pravided in paragrnph 18,by causing the actian or praceeding to be dismissod with a ruling
<br /> ' ! .,�� ;..�...,� -�, that, in L.endrr's good faith deteamnauon, preciudes torleiture ot the Borrower's inter�est i� Ihe Prupeny or other mnterlal
<br /> �..�'°`'�'`:;:;;;�"::�.. impairmeM of the lien created by this Secu�3ly Instrument or l.ender's security interest. Borrower shul! also bc in default if
<br /> �. -r� .,.
<br /> • Bonowar.during the 1�►an appliratian pracesx,guve mAterially fnise ar inxcumte iniartnntion or s�ntements to L.ender(or failed
<br /> :������'°"�-""" � to provide Lender with any muterial informutionl in connection with�he loun evidenced by the Note,including,but not limited
<br /> " , :�4���`"�'� � "'''.' ���'� to.representationx conceming Burrower's occupu�x:y of the Property u..a princi}�al residence. IP�his Security Instrument is on a
<br /> "�7;'�•.•�;t..-.., • .' leasehold, Borcower sholl comply with all the provisions of the lense. if Bc+rrower acquires fee tide ta the Property, the
<br /> �(' t,`t��`�_: �•% � leasehold and the fee tidc shull not mergc unless I.crnler ugrces W thc merger in wmling.
<br /> �r '��-�'�hA��.� � 7.Piratection oP Lender's Rlghts In the Properly.If&�rrower fails ti�periotm the covenants and agreemen4v contained in
<br /> � ' � • thia Security lnstniment,or there is u legal pr�xeeding thut muy significantly affect Lender's righ�w in the Property �such as a
<br /> proceeding in bankruptcy, probate, fii�condemnution or forfeiturc or to enforce IaW w or regulutiuns), then I.ender rtwy do and .
<br /> - puy for whatever is neceswry to prot��t tha value M'the Property and Lender's righ�s in the Property, l.ender's uctioas may ��;
<br /> � ,, "'� , include A in An sumti securtd b u lien which ha� riorit over thic Securit Ins�rumem, � arin in coun, in '�'
<br /> . '� ;': '. P Y 6 Y • Y P Y Y PPe B paY 8 ��'�'
<br /> ` . ,.
<br /> ;/:. ' � tl��,` reasonable auorneys' fees und entering an the Property to make repuiM. AhhauFh l.ender muy tuke nctinn under thic p�ragraph '�
<br /> ''••1,';
<br /> � . :'r�� _• 7.l,ender does not huve tu dn u►. 1.^,�.
<br /> � • f Any umounts di�hursal by Lrndcr under this parugr•rph 7 ,hull herame aJditionul drM ��I' &xrawer secured by this f:•r'
<br /> �?� ' • `' - Sccurity Instrumcnt. �nlc+,[iurruwc� uuJ l.cndrr ugrec w��thrr trrnn ��I poymcnt, thcu•rmounts,hall txur imcrest from�he n �
<br /> �, ,
<br /> �:,;i• date oi'disbursement ut thc Nntc rute unJ shull he puys�hlc, with interc�t. up�m naticc from Lcndcr �o Bc►nuwer reyucating
<br /> 'ti,. ,.,�� paymenl. � -:.
<br /> •, ° � • 8.MortgAge Insuruncc.It'I.cnJcr rcyuired mortga�r in,ur�nrc•r.•r rcii�Jition ul'making thc loan sccurcJ by thi�Sccurity i: '
<br /> :��'�; � � ' � Inslrumcnt, &�rn�wer shall puy the premium� requir��J ro muintuin Uic m��ngagc inwrunrr in efl'c�t. If, li►r ony rration, !he ��
<br /> ' . ° mortgage in,urance rovrrugc RyuireJ hy l.ender lapsr.or rra+c+t��hc in.ffect.Norr��wcr tihall pay the pnmiums reyuireJ to j;;.,��
<br /> t �' ' ��� �•�S`"'� abtain cavcra e substantiull e uivalent to Ihr mnn a�e inrur�nce n�i�w.l in rfl'�r�,ut a ra.�.uh,tun�i;�U � ui�alen� tn ihe k•
<br /> ,1� t .�.. . ........:..•. 8 Y 4 8'b P . . y• �. .4 • . r,'.,:
<br /> ._ rcixl to &�rmwcr of thc murtgage insurance pr�viau�ly in cl'1'ect. frum an alirrna�c mun�agc in,urcr upprovccl h� l,eixle�. If
<br /> „�' ` substontially equivalen�rnungagr in,uranrc rovcragc i.nut uvailahlc.Barmarr +hall po�� tu l.rnd�r rarh mimth a�urn equal to
<br /> ��� ' � one•twelfth af the y�arly nxmg•rge in�urunce prrmitun ixing paiJ hc H�.rrowrr wh�n thc insuran��cuverage lup.ed or ceakd to ;
<br /> � ;: � ba in effect.Lcnder will accept,u�e unJ retain thesc pv��ments as a los� rexervr in licu of monga�te insurancr. l.a,� reserve i,
<br /> �.?� � • ;;�:,�� Rorm 302� 9190 �
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