<br /> %�''� *• � •��.
<br /> y
<br /> ,` ..._.. .
<br /> 93� i�2 �
<br /> 17.Trwter ot tb�PropMy or��Inte�art In Son+owK.1f�II or�ny'an of 1ho Pcapaty or:ny intarst in it
<br /> I�cold ar tnuuPened(ar ii a beneficid irqere�t n Borrower h wld ar trwufextad�nd Bor�ower ie not�natural�wlthont
<br /> I.ender'� prior written oomaq. L,e�der m�y. �t iu option. ul�e inunOdi�te p►ytnem in full o!�II s�uns �ea� by d�
<br /> Seoudty In�Uumau. Howevor.this aptinn dia11 not be acerclsd�y l.ender if o�orclro b p�'dtibited by federd I�w u ot tbe d�te
<br /> �of thit Scxurity initrumcnt. •
<br /> , if l.ender exercicea this optlon.L.ender sfwll Qive Bomower ndice oP a.�celen�lon.Tho nodoe�hall provWe�period of�at .
<br /> les.g Itw�3U dwya from tho date tha rnotiae is deliverod or ms�Ued wllhfn which Bonawer muq poy dl sums�ecurod by Ihf�
<br /> �Socudty lnsuumeat. li&►rrower fdl�to pry tl�wma prior to tlu expinUion oi thi�periad. Lander u�y lnvoke my neatedla
<br /> �rr���i�te.1 b�y this Sn�u�ity In,tnunc+tit witlwul furthcr twticc o`detztutid an Snrrowcr.
<br /> 18. Borwwer'� RIQW to RdnNatc. IP Barrowu moeto ar�ain c�onditianc. Bonuwer slwll havo �he d�h� to havo
<br /> �• enforament of this Sacu�ity lnarument discominuod At aqY,dat�prior to the earlier of: (s�) S dAys(or cuch other periad r�
<br /> applicAt+le Iww m�y spocify far reinstatement)beforo �ult�af,�Propetty pursuant ta any power af afale contAit�od in this
<br /> Secudty Inslrument;or(b)entry of a judgment enfarcin�11ug,Secudty Instrument.Thase conditlonc am that Borrower.(a)p�y�
<br /> Lende��II sums which then would 6a duo under this Secudty tnswment.aid�he Noto as If no accelerntion had accumad: (b)
<br /> cur�es uny deiwult af any wher rnvenancs or agroemrnts;(c) poys dl expenses incumed in enforcing thic Secudry Incuvment.
<br /> II iix:ludiug, but not limited tu.reasanable attornc�u' fccs:w�_(dl takes wch actian ns Lender may rcasonably r+cqulre to assuro
<br /> �hat tl�Ikn of this S�xurlty I�suument, Lcnder s ri ia,t��Pri�peRy wnd Borrower's abligetion to pay the euma sxurod by
<br /> xu
<br /> ihin Seruriry G�suument �hall mntinue unchang . Upoa�•relrtS�aeemcnt by Homower, this Secud�y Instrument and the
<br /> oblig�tians sau�+ed hercby shull�main faU��• �Eftxtive as if na.racek�,iqa.hod accurnd. However. this ripht w rcin�uuo sl�Il
<br /> not�pply in tho casc of accelerution under parag►u�h.17. '
<br /> 19.SWe ot Natei ChAn�o o!I.opn Servicer. 'fhs Natp c���a.p�r►i1��l�uerest in tho Note(together with this Socu�ty
<br /> Instrument)mwy be sold one or morc times without priar,nWic�to,Bo�mcnYO�', A zala may result in a change in the entity(known
<br /> � � as the"Loan Servfcer")lhat colla��g monlhlY PaYments�dt�utldet ihT NoSA et�d.this Security Instrument.There alr�o may be one
<br /> �:��:' �,s.;�,.,;.'"'�r: . or mare changes oi che Loan Servicer unreJeted.ta.a sate�of,ti�l+Nc�tp•li'•IhCte b�s�lumge uf 11�lawn Servicer. Borrawer wfll be
<br /> f��,r���, given wrhten notke of the change in urrn�dux,�e with parqgrupl��lA abave at�d tpplicable luw. The notice will stata the nwne and
<br /> ,;;:.;.;,;,,._; �R;.. address af the new Laan Servicer unJ the�ddtnse ta.whkh,pay»�aau ctK�ulA.be nwde. The notice wIQ also contein any other
<br /> ;;� �.•.,:; ':��-.y.'.'.K infornwtion rcqaired by applicnblc IAw.
<br /> ,.:: :,•::., •, .:.:.�.n .�
<br /> 4='.�'...�i�,�:T,;� � 20.H�ardous SubstAnces. Bormwer shill i nW,cause at•pRrtnit�tl� ptesence. use. disposal, storage, or nele�se of any
<br /> Cil
<br /> � �� ��- ,° �,��� H;itaadaus Subswnces on or in the Propeny. Bormwer xlWal�nal d0. nor.allaw anyone else to do, anytl�ing affecting Ihe
<br /> L"�''�}'''�•`'�'fi'���� �Y��� P�oprm�that is in violation af any Environmental l.aw. Tlur prae�eding iwp,tiept�shall not a ply to t6e presence, use.or
<br /> .�
<br /> �'�'., ;",�;. .' •�`'��, storage an the Pmperty af sn�all quantiti�s of Haznrd�us Substances thu�a�ge�rally recogni to be appropriate to nornwl
<br /> + �•��`, �'��.;�fw � residenti�l use�an�l to maintenance oP tUe Propeny.
<br /> �;i� ' j :.•,�-;�•"•�;�,��w:;j,;� BoROwer shall promptly glve Lender wriucn noticc oP•�ny invcstigy,�pn,,claim,demand.lewsuit oratheraction by any
<br /> �,;;: ° . gavernmental or resulatory agency or prfvate party invnlvin�th�.Ehopiecty and any Hazardous Substance ar Envi►onmenta!I.uw
<br /> Q... � ••i".��,
<br /> r:�. . ,,. i• oi which Borrower hes uctuul knowledge.If Borrower IearnS..nr is nMifled by uny governmental or reguletary Authority, tlw►t
<br /> ,;�. ` �.�_�° uny rernoval or other remediation af any Hozard�ws Substan�.�cr atfhcting,th�Praparty is�ec�es!�aiy.Borrower shall prompdy talte
<br /> .. , ali neeessuy remeciis�i uctions ina,�cotaiance wi�h�Envim�tal�i.aN•.
<br /> � , � � . . As used in Ihis puragraph �0, "Hazurduus�Suhct:uxes" ttro tl�c+�c subst�defined a+ tozic or haza�daus substances by
<br /> �`,•,.��;• � : , Em•iranrnenwl Law and the following substarKC+: ga.�oline, kemsene, oltier flammable or toaic petroleum products, toxic
<br /> •�:4� ; ' � pesticides and herbirides,volAtile�olvents,materiuls�contafningasbex�os ar fam�aldehyde,and rndioactive materials. As used in
<br /> ;'�;u ";.;,.� this pnragruph 20. "Envimnmenisil LAw" mcans federal lnw��lawt of the juriscliction where the PrnpeRy is locuted thet
<br /> ; ' � ,:; ,`�,...,�
<br /> ,�,. . : r�,:;r;.,.,,�•
<br /> �,�°4 .,.;:;�,:�..,:;;n;;�; relare to healih, sufety or cnvironmental pmtection.
<br /> ',� . ••�� t�''+'�-"`;;�;•:" � NON-UNIFORM COVF.NANTS.HoROWer und Lctxler funhcr covenunt und uge+ee As fallows:
<br /> � ' � . ' 21.Acceleration;Remedies. l,ender shall give m►dce to Barrower prlor tu acceleration tollawing Borrower's bre�ch
<br /> �� ; uP Any covenenl or a�reement in tbis Secu�ity Instrumrnt tiiat nM prior to acceleration under paragrnph 17 unl�s
<br /> •' 'I�, �' appNcable Iww provtdex otherwise). The notice shall specii'y: la)the default: lb) tiie action required to cure the detault;
<br /> ,_.
<br /> , (c)a date. not les�than 30 days from the date Ihe nutice iti given to Bor�ow•er.by w•hich Ihe defuult must be cured;t�ad ,
<br /> �'" ' (d)that f�ilure to cure the dePault on nr ixi'i�re the d�te specifled in the nndce mpy result in acceleration of the sums
<br /> �� •�-�'��t!",;�, . secured by this Security Instrument aod ra�le of the Praperl,v. The notice shell further inform Borrox�er of'the rlght lo
<br /> •,� �,' • ' ' ` reinstnte after accrleratiun and thc �i�ht to brin� u cnurt actlun to u�.se�t the non-existence of a defaull or any otlier
<br /> ' defense of Burrower to arcelenotiun and sale. IP the drYauN is not rur�l nn or I�fore tBe date gpecificd in the notice,
<br /> i'•;, .'�� . "�,�;�i�1;,; .; :; l.ender. at Ils aption. may� rcyuirc imm�diutc payment in fuU nf all zums secu�ed bp thls Sccurlty Instrumenl wlthout
<br /> a...�'' � ..;' t':'.•:.';., .. ' turther demand and muy In�•oke thc paNCr�►P sulc and am•M�icr rem�di�w permilted b} appNcaMe lax. I,ender shall be �"��
<br /> ' � ' ' '� ��� entitled to collect all expen+e+incurred in punuinR Ihc remedi�-ti pmvided In thls pa�a�ruph 21.includip�.but not limited .,r,��
<br /> � - . �;'�`'.:���''`.:'.� to,reu.�nable eltorne�•s'Pi�and costs of tidc c�•idcnce.
<br /> �� '".:;���;;.; ' . . ,''�
<br /> If Ihr p�H•er of sule is imoked, Trustee xhull record u r�dicc oP defuult in cach cnunty� in K•hkh any part of the
<br /> �, ' ' ' Praperty is lirat��d and,hatl mall copic�nf+uch noticc in the maniMr pn�+crlhMl By uppllcahle laa to Bnrrower and to
<br /> `:�• ' ' ` the other penonx prescribed bv applicaBle la�c. APtcr thc tin�e rcyuin�l b}•upplics�hle law•.Trust�ti sha0 Rive puWic notice
<br /> , ^ :,::;?;�• . of salc to the penons and in thc manner pre+rribed b� uppUra�Mc law. Trurt��, a�lthont demand on &►rruwer,shall sell
<br /> • • "'�•�:"'��� ' the Property at public uuctiun lo thc hiuhetit bldder at the timE and place und under the terms d�.wiRnated in the nalke oP
<br /> � •.'�,'.,;;;��'}` ralc in one ur mnre purcek aod In um�ardcr Truxtir detrrminc�. '1'nist�r ma� pu�tpnne wlc uf all or any purcel oP the
<br /> �... � :���t!;!; .� Property b��pub8r announcement ut the tim� and plucc of um• previou�ly xhedulyd�ule. l.rnder or its dcslgnee mo�
<br /> � �, ,,;�': ; . . purrlwse tiie Property at um�sale.
<br /> ;,� • ;,�;:;'„ ::
<br /> f�! ; ��:�: ,�,;' '�1
<br /> ( ,i; . �: � `�'�.'I'' Form 3028 �IYO
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