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- s"�:rt <br /> � .. . .< •,�u <br /> �. '�r, . ' - /l <br /> - �r��� <br /> , �� '93- so��.�2 <br /> � TOdS'MFJt WITN�Il lhe improvamnu now or haeKRer eroctad on the PrapoRY.and dl asmnaw�appurtpu�roa.�pd <br /> (ixWra now or beraRcr a prrt aP 1he property. Aii replaoemcnt� uid ddltiau du�ll ala bo oov�red by Ibis �wu�y <br /> la�Wment.Ali ottho�orcgoin�(�roternd to in 1hi�3ecurity ta�troment u the•P�+opertY.• <br /> 80RROWBR COVBNANI'3 Hut Borrower I�IRwlldly iei�ed of the aN�te haroby amveyad md ha+the d�ht w tra�t�d <br /> convry �he Praperty ud tiW tha PropenY i�unmcumbered.exoept for encumbnuna oP r000rd. Botrnwer w�rrrM�aad will <br /> defpr!�enenlly�he Iltla to thc Property�dnst dl cl�ims and dcnonds�wbJat ta eny encumbr+u�oe+oP roeocd. <br /> � 'l�113 SHCURITY INS7'RUMBNT oombina uniform oovaumt�ior�wtlonal use and noa-unifortn oovetMnts with liu�ited <br /> v�r�tioro�by jurhAinlon ta cot�titute a wiform iecurity in�wment ooverin�n�l pmperty. <br /> UNIFURM COV6NANT5. Borrower and l.cnder covcnant and a�m tts fe��mvn. <br /> 1. P�ymeal ot Prlacipd �ad IMererti �Y�at �od i.�te Ch�a. Barrower stull P�PUY WY wAa� due d�e <br /> principal of and intenat on the debt evkiawod by the Nota nnd anY P�Yment qnd IAtc chnr�es due undar the Note, <br /> 2.Fwda tor T�xer aad Insurana. Subject to Applicable law or to a writtan wriver by Lender. Borrower alwll pay to <br /> L.ender on Ihe day monthly paymetit4 aro due under tha Note.until the Note is pAid in full.a sum("Funds")for:(�)ye.arly tanes <br /> •nd�nrnts which may attain pdority over this Securiry Insttuma�t as a lien on the Prope�ty;tb)YearlY Icaschold paymaits <br /> or graund rcnt+�an tiic Pn�perly.if any; (c)Ycarly hazard ar prop�rty insurance premiums:(d)Ycady�nod insumnoe pnaniva�s, <br /> if any; le)yc�rly rtwngage inwrance premiums.if any:and(�any sums payable by Horrov►�r to I.e••1er, in aocoidanca with <br /> the provlsions of pa�grnph 8,in lieu of�ha payment of martgage insuranoc premiuma.Thece itgm;ore adlod'�w Iteais." <br /> l.ender may,at my lime. collect and hold Funds in an anwunt nat to eaceed the maxima�•.mount A lender for e fede�lly <br /> relatod mangwge Icwn may roquirc far Borrower's escrow acoount un�ler�he fedcral Reul Fa.ate Setticment Procedurzs Act of <br /> 1974 as amencled Prom dmc to time, 12 U.S.C. Soction 2601 �seq. ("RESPA"),unless arwther law that applias W thc Fuads <br /> `� sets u lesser arnount. If�. l.arwkr may, at any time, collcct and hold Funds in un amount not to excerd zhe lesser amount. <br /> � - - - ?ji�; �J"��C�: Lcnder may estimatc thc anaunt of Funds due on thc basis af currcnt data wd re�u�wble es�iuwtes of eapendituret of futare <br /> ��� `� F.scrow pems or othenvise in xcordaoce wi�h applicable law. <br /> ` " �:�.a!���"''ti `' The Funcis shdl tie held in an i�titutian whose deposits ore insured by a federnl agency. inatNmentaliry. or entity � , <br /> �'°�'-'':' '"�"��` (including Lender, ii I.ender ia such an i�tiwtion)or in any Fodernl Home Loan Bank.Lender shell apply the Funda to pay the :'�' <br /> �,.. ,., <br /> . '�.'�,�'-���=_, Escrow Items. Lender may not clwrge Borrawer for holding wid epplying the Funds.annually aaulyzing the escrow aocount,or <br /> - ..4;�,�, •• �` •�' varifying the Escmw Items,unless l.ender pays Bormwer interest on the Funds and applica6le law permits Lender to make such <br /> �`�'L`'��� a chuge. However. l.ender muy rcquire Barrower to pay a one-time charge for an independent real estale tax rcponing senice <br /> .�O'.:'°�. .,.. �... <br /> , ;��:,;.• , used by l.ender in connection wi�h this laun, unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unless an agreement is m�d e or <br /> � �tiN���'�"���"``� epplicable law reyuircs interest ta be paid. l.emier shall oot be required to puy Borrower eny interest o�eamjngs bn the Fends. <br /> ' :.v�:,• � .'�' Borrower s�nd l.endcr may ugree in writing, hawever.that interest shall be paid on the Funds. l.ender shell give to Borrower. <br /> ..j4n:' : I., ��•��(f..� <br /> '.�..:,��; wilhout charge. un annuul ucrnuming oi the Funds, showing credits and debils to the Funds and the purpose far which eaeh <br /> ;.�+r••.�n�•,::•�,-"-; debit ta the Funds wac mmte.'�fie Funds w�e piedged as a►idi�innui acxv�ity f.x ail sams ucurcd by ih3s Secufsiy Irs.ssnsmtnt. <br /> ' , � , � • If the Funds held by l.cnd�r exceed the umoums permiued to be held by applirable law, I.ender ahall uccaunt to Qorrower <br /> ' ,. ' ., for the exce�� Funds in actiordance wi�h�hr rcyuirements of applicuble luw.If the amount of the Funds held by l,ender at any <br /> ;:,: : l �, ' time i�not�cuff icient ta puy the Exn►w• Itum+.when due.Lendcr may so nntiiy&iROwer in w�iting. such case Borrower <br /> ;�a;:�,: � . shall pay ta Lende��he amount nerctisary to muke up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up�he deficiency in no mote than <br /> �}���.: , , twelve mcmthly payments,at Lender's uik:diticrelion. <br /> � �,, i `r,,.,.a;:`� Upon paymenl in fuU �if all wmr securcd hy Ihir: Security In�trument, l.ender �hull prompdy rePond to Borrawer any <br /> �' , • Funds held by Ixnder. If, mxler parugruph?I,LenJrr tihull ucyuire o�sell thc Property,Lender,prior ta Ihe ucyuisition or sale <br /> ,; .•. ' af the Pmperty.chall apply uny Fu�xis tiald hy Lunde�at thv timr of ucqui�i�Km or wle as u credit agains�the sums se.cured by - <br /> .;., <br /> �►•�.�, ...�'' this Security In�uurncnt. <br /> ,`�.�' ; .` „ 3.Appllcallan of PoymentK.Unlcti�applirablc luw•pr�ividc.othcrwi.c.ull paymenls r�eceived hy I.ender under paragruphs <br /> <<: 1 and �shall tx;uppli�Yl: tirnt, tii uny pmpaymrm rhs�rgc.dur under�he Na�c: �crond,tu amounts pnyable under paragraph 2; <br /> .,/, .. '�'.�;.1= .' � F., <br /> thitd, to intcrc,t duc;ti�unh.U�prinripal dur:anJ lati�,tu any I•rte rhurgc�duc under thc Note. <br /> } �; ��'`''� � 4.CIwrR�t A.Icnx. &�rruwrr shull pay ull luxe.. •r�.c..ment..rhurge�.linc�anJ imp��sitionx ut�ribwuble to the Property <br /> •};�f�1,��� _ which n�ay atwin priori�y over thi� Srcurit�• In+irwn�nt, and Iraxhold payment,��r grounJ rentti, if uny. BoROwer shall pay <br /> s,�;,: �• <br /> -••x••• • �� - • �: �� tl�ek ubligutiunti in thc manncr pra��ideJ is�par�graph 3.��r if nnt paid in tha�munner. It��rn�wcr shull pay them on time directly <br /> .t.;;+,. . .r.'fi.,' ,�* � ''�' to thc penun c�w•�Yf Mynun�. H�►rma•cr.h:dl pmmptly 1'umi.h�a l.rnd�r all m►�ire.�il' t�e puiJ under thix paragraph. <br /> ,ar, .,�. • <br /> ±� �;;:;',,,4,t .. It'&�rc��wrr muke./hr.e paymrnt.Jirectly.t3��rru��er.hall pr�,mptly fumi,h ia l.�nder rcceipt,evidencing ihe paymm�ts. .. <br /> ',y�*,`';,. �,�,�:� • ' ,, . R�,m,wrr,hul I pmmptly Ji.�harge uny lirn w•hirb ha.priurity u�•cr�hi,Sccurity In.trunxnt unlc»&�rruwer:lul agree+in �.' . <br /> ;`�. ,:.�:°: • •,;;;;,:,..•. wri�in�to thc p•rynn��1 ai Ihc uhli�u�iun K cur�til by thc licn in a manner urr�ptuMe a,LenJcr:Ibl rontc.ts in g�xxi faith Ihe lien <br /> ,S . ';';.,��:�'` by, or drl'ct�1� •r�uin,1 rnli�rremcm ul'ihr Ncn in. Irgal pr�xr�ding� «•hich in Ihr l.cnJrr', opinion uperate to prevcnt the <br /> ,�,�_��;k.;:.�;f`•' �'•.. <br /> •1':'�.". �;'�i�' : enfiirrrnknl��I'�hr licn:nr Ic1�crurc. 1'mm Ihr h��lder al'th�lirn an ugrcc�ncm,ati.fur�ury tu Ixnder.ul�►rdinatin@ the lien to ; * <br /> .,{i:'•5;, •. <br /> ,�, �.,-yL.;. , thi.Sc�vri��• In,vunknt. If I.�nder Jctrm� any pan ol'tl�r Pru�xrt�•i,.uhjrrl Iu•r licn N•hich may altuin priority uvcr .�_ <br /> ; .s.�i'.° ` , this Sccurity Inatrunknt. l.endcr m�y Ei�•c B��rro�+rr a n���irr id�ntif�ing�hr lirn. &irruwcr shull suti+f�•Ihc licn ar take�inc or <br /> �r�� '• ; ,, '�,.h:.. . more oilhc�tion. �t li�nh ulx�vc w•ithin 10 Ja�+uf thc gi�in�!al nulirc. t�� <br /> : .� •,s�; •r: <br /> i J. .,r i;; Fo►m 30YB 9180 '� <br /> �,� ��.;�� � P.151E 2 0l 8 1a, <br /> •� +.1�1�,!'�;- ,�SC <br /> ���' <. <br /> �� f�;'., . . .,,` .��� . �,� <br /> `�K� tiY� 1 ' '� ,' .-- -�--- . -� --._ . . . , ..-.-y.�=:r,i��f.?.'�°.��` y�ri�A'k•v���,.s�-±".`.`L:t°'I:"'T+!un - .. . i. <br /> { 1. Eti� ���. '. .. ����1 � J�., .. I ,.�� . .-� . <br /> . '�� ���•.� <br /> ..',.' pr: . . . �-�i�;'� � � . �. <br /> ... � �: -� � � <br /> i... �, p c . . . � _..t..�-.'J} -—' y 11.' <br /> . , ,,. � <br /> . . <br /> �� '—"_--r-- . . . _._.... 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