.:i';`i!� �.,, .;;yC:Si:
<br /> 1'
<br /> ' ' '• - . ' `i'.'S
<br /> �,�� . ..r, b,�•r !��,,,r. ' ,'i�.'�vw1
<br /> � . +i ��'' ' ,a:r�r�ti
<br /> '�" ^_. ��. � ,
<br /> ' -- --�.��.
<br /> • BoROw�r may oun woh � d�lwlt �nd ninrqt�� u pror{d�d b p�nOroWh 18� bY eaudnp th� aa�an a proowdin0 W M
<br /> ' � 's • �ni�Nd wNh�ruWip that�fn I.�n�Mr's pood hNh d�twmkwtlon�Pnoludn faidpin o11h� BoRaw�►'�Int�nst In th�Rroprty a
<br /> - othv nnt«W Nnp�kntwN ol tM Y�n an�Ud by thls 8�outNy M�trumw�t or L�ndw's s�auNy Nrt�ntt. Baroww sIW dw b�b
<br /> dM�uR M 8arowr�dudn0 th�lo�n�ppYatlon proo�a�Y�v�rwbrWy hlu a k�uraU�Iniom�tbn a shtwmnts to Lwidw(a
<br /> NM�d to provkN Und�r wNh Ny m�trYl tnlomwUon) tn aonn�atlon wMh th•lo�n wid�nad t+Y th�Nob� Inoludnp�but na
<br /> �'�.� Imibd to� np�a�Ifatlon� aonc�n�inp Bo1�ow�r's ooaup�nay o1 th� Prop«ty �� � p�Ndpd raW�nrs�. If Ihls S�arfly
<br /> � . . -.aMN•.-6 Insin�nNnt la on� IwtM�old. Barow�► �IW eomply wNh V th� provislona of ih� Nu�. fl Barow�r�aquku fM Utl�to ih� �
<br /> Propaty,th�IMwhold�nd th�be tllte sh�N not merps unMas Und�r�preu to the merqe►In wdlh9.
<br /> '�`'`'"..�;" '�� -'': 7.Protaatlon o? L,�nd�r't Riphh In ih� Prop�rR�►.It earowa tWs to pwtorm the aovm�nU and agNrtiw�U
<br /> s�,��;�:a=
<br /> ,,•.y,'�;;.• oonWn�d b thl�S�ou�Uy Inatmmen� or then is � IsQd Proc�sdinY th�t m�y slp8fk�ntly all�ot Lea4�r's rlphU in ih�Prop�ty
<br /> • _..__�._.-----�L:. (�uch a�proaNdinp in b�nWuptcy,prob�t��fa condamMtlon w lorlaitun or W entorce law4 or rcpulaUona).thcn Lender may
<br /> .� `� ' �� do�nd p�y b►what�w b o�assyr to prot�ot th�wlu�oi ih� Ropwty�nd lender's ripht�in the Prop�rty. Lend�r's aaUon�
<br /> � , , �a in eoud. P+�YfnO
<br /> • mry Inolud� p�yin0 any suma f�a�nd by • q�n whidi h�s plairy ovK this 3ecuriry Inehument. �ppauNip
<br /> �.:'. _ �F'�: � n�ton�bN�domys' 1w�nd en'1�k� tm 1M Properry to mak��ep�ks. Akhouph l�nda► m�y t� �otlon untNr t1Ys p�nyapb t;;�
<br /> `.�{�4;r'..•:(�'` � '••'�t!'_ .3a
<br /> •��•1t�'��ai���x ]. l.�nd�r do�s not hars to do sa. y
<br /> ��P�,.y�.�t::'k:;��_ ' : "
<br /> ►�.���. ,,� , My cmounb eYsburs�d�6y Lender under pw�yr�ph 7 sh�l 6ecans�ddilloru�l debt ot 9onowa sewred by thia 3eairity
<br /> :y_. . . • Ins�wrNn� UMaas BartowK and I.md�r�qro�ta other tem�a of p�ymaN, thqes �unount� Nu�N bsiu inte►at kan the d�U of `� '
<br /> disburswmnt�t th�Not�rats�nd eh�1 b�pay�bW,wlth i�l�t,upon notlae irom Lendx W Bortower requsatlnp{wymenL
<br /> bW
<br /> ��:,�;„�a-.r�� 8. �Aoft�� Iniu►�nC�. It Undu requind morlpa�a inwrano��s � condidan o1 m�king tha Iwn s�wed by lhls
<br />" '.:jr � � , � gsuwfry In�bummt,Barow�► �A�N pq ih�prwniums roquk�d to tr�lnt�in th�mortp�ps Ineuruiae in dl�oi.If.fa�ny rwon�th�
<br /> ��' �' matp�Y�In�un�no�oov�ay� nquk�d by l�nd�r Np�a w c��s to 6�In Nleol� 8ortowa�haY PpY�4 P►���to
<br />�: ,`u�" ' obtaN aov�rap� wBstmti�tly puNdrnt to th�mortp�p�inwnnc�pr�vlouNy b�Ifaal. �t a aost�ubsl�ntl�ly�quNalenl to th�
<br />� - . � oott to Bortowr ol th� mottp�p�Insumnw prwlowly In Mbat. tom �n �n�t� marlp�pe ineuar �pprowd by Laid�r. II
<br /> �ub�qntMNy�quNN�nl mortp�y�Inwnna oown�a not�vW�bN,8ortow�►�h�N p�y to l�ndu Mah monlh a wm pwl to
<br /> � � - . on♦hvNRh o1 th�Y�Y�9�Y� hwrana� p�nlum b�hp p�ld by Baroww wh�n th�In�unnas cown�s hpad a eMO�d to
<br /> � b�h MNof. L�wiM u�pt, uu�nd nlNn IhM�p�yn�U ��� bu rN«v� N INu a1 maAy�p�In�uru�os. Los�nawv�
<br /> . p�ynlMUs m�y no lonpK 6� aquk�d,d ih� optlon of l�neNr.N moitp�p�Insunnae cor�p�(in d�s�mounl md lo►th�pNiod
<br /> Ihat l�nd�t nq�YrM) provld�d by �n In�unr �pprovM by l�ndw �p�N b�aome��v�bl��nd M obWnsd. Borrow�r �h�N p�y '�"•. ..
<br /> i'' ? Ih�prwnfum� nquk�d to m�MiUh mat�y� Msunnu In �Mct,w lo provW� �be� ra�nro�untA 1he nqulramsnt la moRWOe
<br /> l ` Nwrmos�nd�In�coad�no�wNh�ny wdp�n�prMnNnt bMwMn Borrow�r�nd le�dsr a�ppNaMa law.
<br /> i , 8. III�p�CtlOn.L�ndK a it��p�nt nwy m�k�rMSOnRbN�ndlss upon and I�ep�oHone of tha Prop�rty, Lendw th�B pNe
<br /> � Baroww noUa tl ih�dm�01 a pbr to�n in�p�ctlan�p�oMyhq rMton�bl�c+we�for the ImpeaUon,
<br /> �., .,
<br /> 10. Cand�mn�tlon.Th� proc«d� oi eny�wud or cWm la d�m�ye�,direot a conaequentUJ. in eonneodon wflh any ....-� �..,.
<br /> condKnndlon a oth�r tddnp ol any p�rt of th� Properry. a fa conv�yanas N Yw ol condNnn�dan, �us b�nby�ssipnsd and
<br /> 't �h�l b�pdd to L�ndr.
<br /> In ih� �vart of � tofal Wcinp of the Prope�ty, ihe proceeds ahaM be �ppiled to the aume aecurad by ihls 3acurity
<br /> Inatrum�nt,whNha a not thm due,wrih�ny exuss pdd b 8ortowar. In th4 event o}a pertlal faking of the Propety In whlah
<br /> — � - iha falr rnaiicai valw oi ihe i0opesry�un�idy bcfara!hs laking is equsl te or Qrsttler 1Mn!he esmount ol the �u�me Raaursd �.
<br /> :i:;";'��' by this S�owity Insbumwd imnedi�tely h�lore the uking, udeas Bonowe► and Lender otherwlae pree In writing, the sume . 'ft`,,�.f��..
<br /> i `f� • seeurod by this 3ecudly Mst�ment ah�Y 6e reduoad by the omouM ot ths proaeeda mulliplled by the folbwing haation, (a)the �
<br /> ' toW amamt of the aums seewed Ynma�etely belore the takinp, dlvidod by (b)the I�h matket vaWe ot the Propetty knmsdi�tNy '+�:, .;'.
<br /> i �;. �;t•
<br /> i S bafon tha Wdnp.My b�nco�Aal be poid to Borrower. M th�ewnt ol a paAi�l taWng o1 the PropeAy in whbh the tek merlcet �•��r��%'l�
<br /> + • ,�:.,;q;��' valw of 1he Prop�rty immediatdy btlore ths takkip la less�han the�mount of the sume secured Immedi�tey betore th�t�kinp. •;:`.,`".i`.�
<br /> ' - ,, unless Bortower �nd Lender otheiwlse �proe In w�itin9 a unlea� applksble I�w otherwMe prqvidea, the proce�ds �hwN ba , ',. , �.
<br /> � ��;f.
<br /> .k ',�,.. �pplbd to ihe aume a�cured by thle Securfry Instrummt whelha or not the auma�re then due. „
<br /> �' If tha Proparty Is abu�doned by Bortower.or if,arier noUce by Lender to Bomowet that thn condemnor oHero to make an �'���:
<br /> �, ;;�. �wud a sepla a claim for dunagea, 8ortower f�lls lo respond to Lend�x wflhln 30 daya�iter the date the nodae la 9hren, j�• _`j T'• i
<br /> `�.r,, �)� � Lendw Is �uthorlied to coNed and appy the proceeda, et ita opllon. either ta �storatlon or r�pefr of the Propary a to tha �' : ;. ,?�;�
<br /> �� i..���.''�.:�• � sums eecix�d by this Security Insirume�t,wh�iher or not then due. i . ..�,...
<br /> 'I �"`: '� �` Unlesa Lendw and Bortower othervvise a ee k► wriUny, eny applbaUon ot roceeds to rin el shall not extend or � ''
<br /> �;;': 9► P P GP I '•'��;'y.',:'��`i
<br /> I ,_'y;.:: �: , ,:� postpono the due date o1 the mornhly paymenLs re(erred to h paragropha 1 and 2 a change ihe amaunt of auah paymente. ,
<br /> ;, • , 'y �� , ,: ,.., 11. 8orrowar Not Aeleaeed; Forbearance By Londer NoR a Walver.Extenalon oi the dme tor peyment or �"'"
<br /> ' � '.��'J modHiaUon of amortiz�ilon of the eums aecured by thia 3ewrity Inetrument grnnted by Lender to any suacessor In bte►eat of � h •
<br /> �,•.�� . ...`. ;
<br /> i , . � Borrower shall not operate to releaee tha Ilabllily ot the original Borrower or 8arower's succeasare In Intereat. Lender sheA not '��%'
<br /> .'.r�; be �equked to commence proceadings �gainst any suceessa In Interest or reluse to exlend time(or payment or othervvlae �
<br /> I � � modiy amortixaUon ot the eun�e aecured by this 3ecuriry inat�ument by reason of any demwnd made by lha oiipinel Borrowvr w '
<br /> �• ' ', 8arower'a euccesaora in Interest. My forbeoranco by Lender M exercieing �ny dght or rtmedy ehell not be a waMw of or I •
<br /> (•:':•: p►eclude the exerclae o1 any dpht or remedy. � � � ,
<br /> ►;�• �� � �,�;' 12. Succouors a�d Asdpns Bound; Joint and Several Ua6ility: Co-sl�nor�. Tha wvenants and
<br /> ., agreemants of thls Seeurity Inswment shoA bind and beneRt the successors and asslgns of Lender and Borrower,eub�eot to the � :� '��
<br /> '� provialons of peragraph 17. 8onowar's covenanis and ayreements shell be �oint and severol. My Bomower whu co•slyns this � ' "�,;��,;
<br /> � Sew Inatrummt but does not execute the Note: (a)la co-si in this Secu Inetrumenl on to mort a e rnnt and conv '`'�
<br /> t ' . rNY 9n 9 �y �Y 9 9 �9 � �i: � �,•,:,, ;;.
<br /> � ` � th�t Bonowe►'s intereat in the Property undQr the terms OI 1M16 SBCUlII� NIBINf118fl1; (b) Is not perao�ally obNpated ta pey the '�,a� , , i "�
<br /> ��; , sums secured by tMs 9ecurity Inatrument: and (a)egrees that Lender and any other Bortower mny agree to e�lund, modity. „ •
<br /> ' . forbe�r or makQ any accam�wdatbns wqh reperd to the terrns ol this Security Inetrument a the Nole wHhoul that Borroww's
<br /> !�.; ` 1i '� :. consent. ;
<br /> `• " ' 13. L.oan Charges. It ihe loen secured by ihis Securily Inalrument Is sub�ect to a I�w whlch aets meximum loan
<br /> � t, �4:�.' . . � .
<br /> r charpea, and thel law Is flnaly Interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected a ta be collected in connecllon
<br /> �'''' • wNh the loan exceed the permmed NmNa,Ihen: (a) any such loan cherge shep be reduoed by the emount necesaory to reduce
<br /> i the cher9e to the pwmitted Nmit; �nd(b) ony sums already coltected hom 8onower whloh wcceeded pertnMted Ilmlts wYl be
<br /> • i ; ' I retunded to Bortower. Lender may choose to mako thie �elund by reduGng the p�(naipal owed under the Note or by mekkig a
<br /> + I direot payment to Bortower. II a rdund raduaaa pdndpal, th� reductfon wfN be Iro�ted �s • peAIN prepayment wqhout ony
<br /> � � pnpayment charpe under the Note.
<br /> . � 14. Notie�s. My noUce to Bonower provided lor in this 8eauity Instrument shaN be yNon by detivwing N or by malYng ft
<br /> ,� � by ikst cl�aa m�N unl�as�pp9abN law requkei uae of anoihw mWhod. The noUce aheY be directad to tha Property Addraee
<br /> or�ny olher addnaa Bor►ower dealqndea by ��otke to L�nder. Any notfee to Lende► ehaN be gfven by Arat clate m�Y to
<br /> . /�J��� JY_� J ;��. �� L� �JL�� I��J� J�������� Y.. ��J�� 1� vv���ivn�, ryw���v��ww��.Ll�� /���w,1�1�
<br /> ra�wn a�w�oaa a�wiirr wsn��i��� vi��w �w�roa �v��rw uvoy�s�aa � ..�uw •v . � r.......... _
<br /> y
<br /> 1'- 1. '� ^ ^ 3acurily InaWment aheW be deaned to have been given to Borrowe�or Lendw when gNen ea provided In thls pnregraph.
<br /> 1b. Oovaminp Law; Sava�abllity. Thls Securly Inswment shell be yovemed by fedaal law and the law ot the
<br /> ��. �u�ladiaUon M wh�h the PropeAy ie located. M Ihe eve�t llut any provlsion ar cleuse of this Secu►ly Instrument or Ihe Note
<br /> " �� ��;� �; conNoto wNh appAcable I�w. �uch wnfNW aholl not aHect other provislana ot thls Securlty Inebvment or the Note which can be
<br /> .�,,.•. .
<br /> � � ,.;.�, pivan elfect wllhout th�contUctin�provlabn. To thla end tlw proviabns o1 ihla Securlty InsWment and the Note are declArod to �
<br /> � - � be savenbte.
<br /> 4 '� � . `1��'�}1�° 18. 80ROM10t's Capy. Bortower shall be given one conlormed copy of ihe Nole and ollhls 3ecudty Instrument. • � .
<br /> �.,
<br /> � �'Lr�.. ;
<br /> .Y.�•
<br /> '� �,.(
<br /> � � � . R1318.LMO p/C3) Paqe 3 of 5 �i��
<br /> f��
<br /> ' � ! .
<br /> I 93 7�S lM
<br /> . �
<br />