l. '}�
<br /> 1��
<br /> v�.
<br /> i. �i �.r,.._ �`t','•. ,. '!z�,i
<br /> � , � . . '
<br /> i . .
<br /> - ` �,'�•h�'�:�'^;; , TOGETHEIi WITH r th�Improv�n�nu aaw or IMrwAw �noqd oo!h�popMty. �nd �I�uNnrnb, �tw�a�, and
<br /> .�..�� ,. , � fxlr» now or h�ftw�put ol tM propwty.N npl�o�nMnt��nd�ddMlon��IW Mso b� aov�nd by 1hM S�awNy In�bwnMu.
<br /> '� �u a un lonpor�O Is n�«nd eo In u�t e.ouritr b�wm«+1 as th.•Prop�ly.•
<br /> BaRRGW�R COVENANTS �hn 8arrowK M IawlWy s��A d th�.�u�• hw�r oarv�y�d�nd hu aw dpM a ynM �nd
<br /> ,• �. oawy Ih� Prop�rty and 1hN tM Rop�Ay 1� unM�b�nd. �xapt for mawnbr�a�ol noord. 8onowK w�nnl��nd wl�
<br /> . �,... . . yNnd pm�rMy th�tltl�lo th� P►oP�M�p�inst�M aWms and dansnd�. wbJ�ol to my �noum6rana�ol noad.
<br /> ..��" :�. F'�, rHl8 sBCURmr �NgrnuINENr owf,ah.. unirortn oov.n.nu la e.uond ua .ee ean�unlfonn oov.n.M. wNl, rmN.d t�
<br /> 4�.. „ v�riWom by Jwis6nUon to aonslNut��unNam aawi�r hstn�n�nt aorwinp rol prapwty. W
<br /> • �=� .�
<br /> ' •a'.'. � �. •i+� UI�IFORM COVENANTS. BortowR�nd L�nd�r cov�nant�nd aprN at lollows:
<br /> __ ���;,'•.;t�� .;�,.:�. 1.P�y m�nt M P�inolpd and Int�n�ti Pnp�m�nt u�d Lab CharyNs.eo.rowK �ha prompuy p.y whm �
<br /> _- .. . - dw lh�prtndpd of�nd Int�nst on tlu d�W widwtc�d by fh�Nol� �nd anY Pr�WY�1�nd Ws ah�tpp du�undv th�Not�.
<br /> V 2. Funds for T�s au�d Insuranc�.subHac a.ppYaibN �.w or to w wrm.n ww.r ny�.na.r.6oaowu sn.w p.y �
<br /> ' !` to Undu on th�dry montl►ly p�yr�ts w dw undK th�Not�,uml th�Not�b pNd In tW,�uen ('Fun d s'!tor. (y y M r q►
<br /> ;�'.�.,.' ". ' .`;'
<br /> �. taxM rnd usamNnb wAloh m�y �In prlorby orw lhu S�oudly Inst�um�nt as �p�n on th� Rrop�rty; (b)Ye�► IMSehold
<br /> ,, . ; o WYnwib or pround�ts on th�Prapwty,H any: (o)y�uly hwrd or propary inwnna pnmtuna: (�Ye+alY wood intunnc� �
<br /> � prrNum�.H�nY.(�)Y�Y mortpp�Insu�cs prwrwms. q any;md(I) any aums pry�bN by Bonoww to landK{n�oordrice
<br /> ' �''' wUh th�provl�lons of parayniph B, b N�u of 1ht pay�na�t oi mortppe Insur�nrx pradums, Thae iterna wre caAed 'Eaaow s� �
<br />��.... . ; � Itma.• Lender na�y. �t�ny ttms. caM�ct�nd hold Funda in �n �nount not to acNd th��rMxN��um�mount a bnder fot A
<br />''�=t::: c c%:� '"•�' tedNawy tetated moAqaye lan m�y nqulre fcx BoROwer's eacrow aaount und�r ths t�deral Re�l Eatate Selltement Proeedures
<br />�4'?. • ±i;:SF rj':;;�'�s',:iSc�n.,Sf,S��'`�'���:t� Ad of 1974 as amended f�om tlme to Ume,12 U.9.C.�2801 et n�q.('RFSPA'), unbss �notMr Uw that app0es to th� Funda
<br /> { t `t'ti r'�� s�eq a less�►�moun� fl eo,Lende►may.at any Ume,colsci�nd hold Funda h �n �mouM not to axcaed the tesse►unount.
<br /> s.,�'Lt� ,;,�;;i a.��t`;if��'.:,�`\:•�1..`ti;:.,;� t�ndK nay atir►�te ihe wnount of Funda dua an tha bwsls o1 airnnt d�U and rason�bl�atim�tes of axpanc9tw�s of lutur�
<br /> �`, . r,.�� Eurow Ibms or othwwbe in�ena►d�nce wHh �ppHcabk I�w.
<br /> � '. Th�Funds shaM b�hNd In�n IntdtWon whos�d�po�lcs ua Inwnd by�bd�nl�pmay,Inaorum�nhAty. a�nd1Y (Inotudinp
<br /> i , � Lwidw.fl L�nd�►b woh�n Instpution) a in �ny F�derxl Hom�Lan Bu�k. L�ndw sMY �pply th�Funds to p�y th�E�arow
<br /> • _ . ,, ,: It�ns. Und�r m�y not olwp Barow�r lor AoHAnp�nd �ylnp Ih�Funds. �nnudy�n�l►rskip th�aorow�000uot.w r�Hyfnp
<br /> tM Esaow Il�, unNu L�nd�r prys BarcwK Mr�t an Ih� Pundf �nd �ppYoN�M law pamq� Lwid� to rtak� woh a
<br /> olyrw. Howw�r� L�nd�r m�y rpuln Baroww to pnr • on�tWM ahs�p�fa �n Ind�pmdaM nd Ntab tax npalk�p swlo� .Y..:;;,�,. ••,
<br /> ut�d by L�ndr In oonn�allon wNh thl� b�n. unlh� �pp�o�bN Yw providN otM�vWw. Un1M� �n �pr�nrnt It nwid� a
<br /> i. . �ppYoabN Mw nquNN Int�rat to b�p�W,l�ndir�hd nol b�rpulnd to pq Bortow�r�ny Nl�rat a Mminp� on th�Funds.
<br /> I . 8artowK�nd L�nd�► mry �prM In wiNkiO, hOw�w►�Ihat Nt�t �hW M W�d on th�Fund�. Undw �haM pk� W 8or►ow�r� I
<br /> wNhoul olwq�, m�nnwl �aoounik�o of th� fund�. �howYiy ar�dN��nd d�bM� to Ih�Fund�u+d Ih� papos�lor whbA Moh • ,.�.
<br /> d�bM lo IM Fund�w��nwdr. Th� Funda u�piMprd�s�ddillon�l�wuiNy la�II�um���cund by Ih�8�ourily Imlrummt i .
<br /> If IM Rund�hMd by L�nd�r ata�d thr �mounts p�rmitl�d lo M hdd by�ppYabl�law,L�nd�r sMA�aaount l0 8orrowK _ . "
<br /> fa Ih�aaa�Fund�In�aaord�nw wHh Ih� ��quk�nrnts of�ppYa�bl� ww. II th�anount ol ih�Fund�hMd by L�ndw a!�ny �� : ;:
<br /> IMn�b not ruMld�nl to p�y Ih�Eacrow 11wns wh�n due. L�ndK nwy so no1Hy Bortoww h wrMN�a�nd.N woh c��� 8ortow�►
<br /> . NW p�y to L�nd�r tM�mount n�aNSary to m�k�up tfw dMoMnay, 6aroww �h�M m�k�up th�dMbbnoy In no mon th�n
<br /> � tw�hr�monthy p�ymmU��t l�nd�r'��ol�dlscMlon.
<br /> Upon p�ynwnt In fuN ot aN wm�s�cund by thh S�anity InstmmenL L�nd�r�hdl promptly nlund to Bortower ony Funda w�•.�•••
<br /> = r---- ts.9d by L=nd�t. 8�'uncl�r para�h 2t.ttndcr sha8 eequirt ot eeN Ihe RopMy. Len�r.p�to�h..cqulaMlon a sab ot lhe �.-.;. . -
<br /> Propatty, shU�pply�ny Funds hNd by Lmdu�t th�W�t oi�oqublUon a� u�a�dit�Qaln�t th�sutns s�axad by thls ��,� ., .
<br /> .F, -
<br /> Swurity Instrum�nt. F .
<br /> 3. AppllOd1011 Of PayR��llb. Unloas �pplicable I�w provides othe�wlee. �1 paymenri recdved by lendar unde► i ��
<br /> ptr�taphs 1 �nd 2 shW b�appY�d: first,to�ny propsyment charges due under ihe Nole;�econd,to�mounts pty�W�under ..
<br /> � pu�graph 2:thkd,to Intereat due;tawth,to pdncipal due;�nd I�at, to any Ide chupea due under the Note. i�•, .S�'�.;,;
<br /> 4. Chi►�s; Uens. Ba►owar ahaq pay aA tax�a, assessmenle, chagee, Mes md ImposltMns atp4butebte to the � .,
<br /> ( ' Prtqerly which m�y athin pdarily ov�thia Security Instn�ment,and leasohold p�yments or ground renta,H eny. Borrowe►sh�ll F� ".'G'; •
<br /> t p�y.thlse obNp�dons In the mwnner provided In perapraph 2, a ii not pald In th�t mnner.Bortower ahall pay them on time (•:�
<br /> i: �, tWectty to ths pxaon owed payment. Borrower�heY prampUy fumlah to lender�N notlees of amounte to be paid under Ihls '<�:��
<br /> ' 1 . • pra�al�h. If 8ortower mANts iheae paymente direeily. Borrowe► ahal promptly (uminh to LendQr receipts evWendnp lhe ;,. ,' .,:.,;
<br /> y.,. . :._:...,;� p�yl{tRnts. � . „.
<br /> .�,.� .
<br /> t ''�� 6mmwe►ehaN promptly discherye any 8en which hpa priorfly over Ihls 3ecurtty IneUUment unle�a Banower: (a) agrees in E� � �t
<br /> �� wdtlng lo lhe p�yma�t of the a6YgaYon aeeured by Iho Ilen In � mnner scceptable to Lender: ro) contesta In good hith the '
<br /> a
<br /> � Nen bry,or del�nds a�fnst�nfo�eement oi the AQn M. leyal proceedngs which M tho Lendar's opinbn aperate to prevent the �
<br /> ' � entoram�nt o1 ths Nen;or (o) eecures hom the holdar of the Aen an agraement saGsiactory to Lender su6ordYiatlnp the Ilen to •
<br /> +. . �� tNe 8ecurity Instrument.II Lmder deNmnines th�t any pan oi the Properry Is aubJect to o lien w hlch may attaln prlorily orer ihis
<br /> S�curiRy Inswment, Lender mAy 9h►e Bortower e notice Identitylny ihe 11�.Borrower slwM satlsy thQ Ilen or taka on�or mora ol j
<br /> thi aGkns act toAh ebove witfiin 10 dnys of the gNinp ot notice. '� .• {=�
<br /> ' 9. H�zard or Proporty Inaurpnco. Bortower sh�ll keep the Nnprovements now exisihy or haeaRer ereetad on the
<br /> � . , Prc�4rty Insured�p�Met loae by flre, haxarda Inctuded wilhin the terrn'extended coverage'and any other hazarda, Inctud(ng ;ir��.,,F�
<br /> , ; Ilocds or Iloodiny,tor which Lender requires inaurance. This insuranee ahaN be mek�tehed h the amounts and for the periods � �c; ..•.r�
<br /> that,Under requkes. The Inau►ance canier providing the Insu�nce ahall be chosen by Borrower eubject to LendK'a�pprovel .; �;
<br /> � wNah �hap not be unreasonaby wlthheld. It 8ortower teila to mdnteln coverege described above, Landa may,at Lander's ' � "'��-�'
<br /> apllon,obtdn oov�rage to protect Lender'a rights In Ihe Properry In eecotdance w8h pangraph 7. '�•�
<br /> �- ' • All insurance pollclea and ronewals ahell be aceeptable to Lende� and shall include a atandard mortyaqe eiwse. Lender �',•i. _
<br /> ,,. • ahall h�ve the ripht to hold Ihe polides and renewals. N Lender requfree. 8ortower sh�ll promptly give to Lender all receipis ol � ,
<br /> � pald premiuma end renewal neUces. In the event o1 bsa.Bonower ahall qNa prompt nodce w the Inaurance aniar and Lander. �
<br /> Lendv m�y m�ke proof of loss H not made promptly by Banower.
<br /> � Unkaa Lender and Bortowe� othe�wise egree in wNting, insurence proaeeda shdl be appNed to restoratlon or rep�ir o1 the
<br /> � �� � Propedy dam�yed. H Ihe reatoratbn or repah is economically feasible and Lender's securNy la not lesaened. H ihe reatoraGon or
<br /> repair la not economlealy te�aible a Lender's eecurity would be lessened.the Insunnce proceeda shaU be applled to the aums
<br /> �� : aeourod by ihle SecurHy Inetrument,whelher or not Ihen due. wNh any excesa p�id ta Barower. If Borrower aba�dons the
<br /> . Rrp�rry, or doea not mawer wqhtn 30 deys a noUce fram Lender that the Insuranee urtier has ottered to serile e c4im, then
<br /> � � , Lendw nwy coNect ihe inaurance proceeds. Lender may uae Ihe proceads to repair or restora tho Properly or to p�y sums
<br /> ` e�cund by this Sacurily Inatrument,whether or not then due. The 30•day perlod wW beqln wh�n the notke la yhren.
<br /> � Unkse L�ndN and Borrower othwwlee agree h writing. eny appllcatlon ol praceeda to principN sh�A not extend or
<br /> : �, po�tpone th� due date of Ihe monlhly payment� relerred to in panprephs 1 and 2 or chanpe the amount ot the paymenis. 11
<br /> ; � und�r puayraph 21 ths Propeity Is�cqulred by Lender. Borrowa's dght to eny Ineunnce policlea�nd proceeds resuMlnq hom
<br /> , d�m�p� to th� Property prbr ta tM �aqulsltlon sh�ll pesa to Londar lo tha exlont of th�sums by Ihls Socudty InsWm�nt
<br /> . ' , Man�iNy prlor to iha�cqulslUon.
<br /> — ' ------ - - - .. . .... ....- - - - -. ... -•--••-_ -. •..- ^----y_ �,-----••--'- �---
<br /> �sr-------- o. vccup�nar. rr�svrvanon, mautt�nance anu rrvi�ciwn v� uw rrv�rv�ay. ow.�.+�• r w.•�
<br /> , Applla�tlon; L�asoholds.Bortower ahaN oocupy, eaWbUsh, and uae the Property as Bon-ower's prinGpal realdence wRhfn
<br /> � s6Ay d�ys �Rer ths �xecutbn of this Security Inswment and ahW continue to oocupy the Property aa Bor►owe�'s prindpal
<br /> � , � . , roeldence for�t Is�at one year�fler ihe date ot occupency, unless Lender otherwhe apreea In wrfling, which conaent shall not
<br /> M unreaison�bly wfthheld, a unleas extenueting ckcumstences exist whkh are beyond Bormwer'e conUol. Barrower ahall not
<br /> '* d�sbo,dama or tlw Ro allow the Pro
<br /> � �' ' y ge hnpak peity, perty to deteHorate,or cammll waste on the Propeity. Bortower shall Ge M
<br /> � �"�". � . •����� �� ddault B any to►feiture aotlan or proceeding, whether clvU or aNninal,is begun thet in Lender's good faith judgment eould reault
<br /> };� ,. ,,,,,,;;,,,;,,
<br /> � ��,. , .., ,:,;:;`5,:.;�,: ;;,�;n`� N to�l�ilu►e M the PrapeAy a otherwlse materleNy M�palr the den created by lhia Security Inaln�menl ar Lender's security iMerest.
<br /> ; 1 �,,;,. . . .. ;
<br /> . r,� �;, ;,..;,.�: .��,_. , ,�.,�,
<br /> �� i :,:� ;t,,,-'�.•`�';:,''i,� /
<br /> �.� . �'1 ���i.fi�, ����� -_: ��i\ NO
<br /> r i,�, �.,� F1316.UY10 (CN3) vaqe?ot S •
<br /> �` ' ;:�t''.4
<br /> i�.
<br /> .'�;�:r� �
<br /> •
<br /> • 931JS.LM �
<br />