.3.: 'F?.`�.� e :h
<br /> tiev! ..
<br /> •M. .!�yi�t+M,+��b�►'6-,-r"-, �- , ' .'�,. IFI
<br /> � . • *"'�_�e�sz`•"
<br /> .�� � Q � ; ,`°.? '�n�'a.�.•lY�1.J;"�1�4aa c .--,7. ,� `. . .. t .
<br /> �Y `' . .. .�.Jr.�,r � �
<br /> ^� .,S �� 4�M���
<br /> _ _'...��Y���
<br /> . • 17.T��nd�► d th� Prap�ry► ar • B�n�tlol�l Int�n�t In Bonowir. n u a .mr pa�t a th.P►op�ty a
<br /> � `���, , . � . �ny Int�nst b Y la w�d or tn�nstand(a M�bmMbW intw�at tn Bortoww N soW ar hrnslrr�d�nd Borraw�t I�not �n�twN
<br /> ����
<br /> 1 �,,,x'.":.,..' P th�8 q��j m��ntsl ov�NM,ttYa OpU011�shY 1101 b�'•t R�rob�d by rL�rlfl�►If�7�Kdw q plOhbfhd bY hdwd NWS M d tIM
<br /> , � dY�oi IhN B�aWNy W1ldlum�nb
<br /> 4 M Undw �aiNS thN oP�� L�ndK rhaM piv�Barowa notlo�01 aad�ratlon. Th�notia�h�N P►wkN a pulod of not
<br /> .. �+' Ms than 30 d�y4 iram th� diq�tM notiw b dMivr�d a nwWd wNhtn whbh Borrow� must P�Y�11 wm� s�aind by Ihla
<br /> i .,�/.•'.'}� 8�urlly Inatiummt,.H 8o�►owK MYa to p�y thM� aum�Wlor to tha apintlon o1 thN pwiad. Lmdiw m�y tnvok�my nm�dln
<br /> •�.::'.•- -.., ,;'� PMtr�fq�d by thl�8�ourMy In�tnxrMrq wNhtwt AutMr noNc� a dr�rnd on BortowR.
<br /> � _ _-".;!�= '-•;� 18. Bonow��'s RIpM to R�IndM�. 11 6arow�► mMs aKUln oondiUom, BorrowK ah� lu�rv ths dyht to hav
<br /> �Y .;�� - ,, a �nlorc�nMnt ot thb S�awNy Inspummt di�aontlnu�d at sny 1Nm prior to Ih� w�.► or. �.1 a d�y �w sucn o��r pawa.�
<br /> ,�:: �ppYai�M t�w roW�P�oNy'ra Ain•t�tMn�nry Mfon sd�o!tM Ro�wtY P�wnt to�ny poww a�aM oont�Yad In Ihls 8�airlty ••
<br /> ,...�.: � ° ° h M�trunwnt; a(b) w�W oi� 1�0�t wdotdny 1h1�S�aur�h Impwn�nl, Thow aondMlon� an thd Bartow� l�l O�ri l�nd�r Y
<br /> �: :.. ' swn�whbh thr�wouW b�4ua uniM►ihfs S�w�lf/InsWnMf�t �nd th�Not��� M no�rstian Mad ooam'�d� (b)auns Y►y
<br /> .+�., :�i�` . .., . ��",�.'1 d11WR M ally olbll�oOYMplt11 01 IIOIM�INBt�� la)WY+ � �P�� inamd In �nlordnp thN S�ourMy IndtumwN, Yidudn��bYl
<br />�x�.t�rs!� ' 1101 NI�IIO l0�tMf011R1�N�110111��NM: �Ild(d)1/kN�YCh�OUOfl ��LNIINf MMY fM{OII�bI� fpY{I�10��Wf!11Y1 lIM YMI 0�
<br /> ww..: " � � a�. s.ow�y M•aum�m, t..nd..'� dYhu {n Iho P.opwry and Bortowr�s oab.uon to �.y m. wm. s.our.d ay i�s e.ou�w�►?�
<br /> 'yR. ' �:` .
<br /> s � M.wnwn� .�w oon�hu. unon�r.o.d• u�on r.�n.uu«Mn� c� BanowK. Ihl� S�oudly M�Wm�nl �d th� oawp.uons ..our.a
<br /> •� h,r.ey�w nm�N,A�Iyr.�1w�n M no aooM«.uon n.d ooawnd. F+owwr,u�l.�Iph��o nlnq.t�.hM not.pphr fn U.a..
<br /> �,.-
<br />.• ,. ' � . ol�oeNlydion undw P��Ph 17.
<br /> y.., � �r , ^' 1�� 8d� d Nol�; Ch�� of Lwn 8�rvla�r. TM Not� a • • pWd IM�! In Ih� Not� A�hM wilh IhN
<br /> � `�,• . B�cwNy In�punw�q n1�y b��Wd on�a mon Wn��wHhoul pria notfc�to Borcow�r.A�n�y nsuN In�clw�g�b Ih��►INy
<br /> .. (Nnown��Ih�•lo�n 8�vk�r')ih�q QaMet�monihlY WfRnmb dw undw th�Not�md Ihls B�wrNy Nnpum�nt. TMn�Mo m�r
<br /> - b� on� a mar� chM►yes of th� Lwn SMVka unrel�t�d to � eN� ol th� Not�. If Ih�Is a aA+�np� of Ih� Lan 8rrvbr.
<br /> � 6otrawK wN b�9Nm wrfllpn notla o1 th�chsnp�in�ocordana with parapnph 14 abov�md ap�liabl�I�w. TM notla wi�
<br /> � .. �Lt�tM n��nd�ddre�� M lh�new lwn S�vicw�nd thr�ddnss!o whkh p�ym�nt� shoutd b�m�d�. Th�notlo�w�M�bo
<br /> ,� . oo�Wn my othr Nbmq�Uon nqukad by�pppeabt�ww,
<br /> u .. • 20. H�doYS Su6it�tlC�f. Bortown �hW not cauw a pKmN th�pns�. u��. dhpowl, stonp�. a nl�rs�of
<br /> any F1�dous Sub�Umaes on or in Ih� Proputy. Bortow�r sh�Y not do, nor �Ibw anyon� M��to do. anylhinp aQeolhp Ihe .... •..u
<br /> ' Propeiiy th�t b in vbadon of�ny Envkonm�nW l.�w. The prac�dYiy two unt�nc�s ihap not y►py to the prp�nce,use. a .,. � .
<br /> , storay�on ths Property oi smaY qwntfGes of H�zardaua Subawroas tMat w�en�raMY►�copniad to b� �pproWWa to namd
<br /> .�.:� • . mldeniW uss�nd to m�fntenana of the PropMf►.
<br /> � ...�;,� .. 8ortower sMiY promPiN �fv� La»dw wdtte� noGce o1 any investi�tbn. cWm� dertwb. Uwauq a oth�► �ctbn by any .
<br /> a
<br /> qov�nmmW a repulatory ayenay or WN�t�Wi1Y invoMin�the Properly �nd�ny Hazardous Subehna a Envkonment�l l.�w oi :�;,,,.,.
<br /> • whieh Bor►owa luro �alud knowledpe. N Oorrawer leama. os is notMed by�ny povanmenUl a requlatory wthorily. Ih�t�ny .
<br /> �.=� ---,-- --- - nmov�i oe oUter remadlail�n af any li�trdaus Subslance et[ettln4 Pr!�My Is n�cwwry. 8ortoww shaY P►omPtN Wta W
<br /> ' .:,. .. mcaea�ry�enbdwl aaliane In�000rdance wNh Envkonmenul Law.
<br /> � �•!` As used b thb perapmph 20, 'Hwrdoua Subat�nces' ere those aubstances deRned o todo w h�zudous substanca by �.;•„�,r,"
<br /> } �"��'� EnvkonmenW law and Ihe tobw{ng subatances: paaoMne, kerosena, other ilammable or ta�la petroleum produate, todc "
<br /> t;".
<br /> ,,r,,,� pestlddes and herWddes.vol�tUe aoNenta,mate�is contekdny�sbestos ar formaldehyde, and radioacHvo rtwteriala. As used M
<br /> ,�,, p�rapaph 20. 'Enviroomental law• means ledwd I�ws�nd I�wa of tM Jurlsdiodon whon the Propedy la bplad th�t�te to ..n, �,....
<br /> r� , hMNh.eafoty a�rnkunmenta protacilon. ,• �..
<br /> � `����� � NON•UNIFORM COVENANTB.Bonower and Lender turther covenant and egree as lollowr. • •e*
<br /> ',. � ,,,��� 21. Accalaration; Ranedies. Londer shall ylve nMice to Bor�owK prior to aaaol�ration !�.�., � =�� .,`„
<br /> Iu ' ' followi�� Borrowor's breach of any covonant o� agreement 1n thia Socurity InstrumeM (but not '�•� -
<br /> ';i�.�'.� pHor to accelor�tion und�r para��aph 17 u�leas appUoable law providos otharwiso). Tho notico � � :�;�;'_
<br /> �.� r�'� �hall epocHy: (a) tha dNwit; (b) the action raquired to cure the dofault; (c► s d�to� not lasa than r � `'"'
<br /> ,. , ',�...r;c
<br /> 30 days from tho dato tFN notlaa ts givon to Borrowor. by which the dot�ult mud bo curad; and � y�:
<br /> �.;,.. , , .
<br /> i�',,..� ; (d) thrt fallure to oura the default on or beforo tho dade apeciflod In ih� notico ma�y result in i. . �
<br /> �'; � �ccelerallon of tha su�ns socurod by thla Soourity Instrum4nt and aaa of tho Proporty. Tho notico � 4•�,'.'°
<br /> � � . ehall furth�r lefwm Borrower of the right to roinstato attor aecol�ration And th� rl�ht to brin� a { ' ;� ,
<br /> ; ''�.� cou�t action to asea�t the non-exlstenae of a defAUlt o► any othar d�fons� of Ba►owor to � �'�
<br /> acceleration and �alw. It th� dehult Is not cu�ad on or beioro tho dato apocHiod In tho notioo. t �..•
<br /> ��,:;:. L,ondar at Hs optio�n m�y raquira immedlate ppyment in full of all �ums wcurad by this Socu�ily ; �
<br /> � ' :;;± � � I Instrumont without furtha� demand and m�y Invoko tha power of s�lo �nd any otlwr remodios ; ..
<br /> � s, � permHted by appll�¢abl� law. I.onde� shall be antkled to collect all oxponeos Incurred in pursuing
<br /> '� � ,. � , � ihe remadl�s provtdod In thls parapraph 21, Including, but not Iimitod to, r�a4onaW� attanoys' '
<br /> ii '�` � taea And costs of tiflo avidence. '
<br /> .�... .
<br /> :;:',,.'' ; I If th� power of sala Is Invoked, Truetee shall record a notico of dafault in oach county in
<br /> '�'� � � �'� wMch any pa�t of thv Propeity is located and 4ha11 mail copies of such notico in tiw manne� �
<br /> � � • � � . prescribad by applicabla law to Borrowa�And to the other porsons proscribad by appNcable law.
<br /> ' ' Aftor th� tim4 required by appltaable law, Trustoe shall givo qublia notica of aalo to tho per�ons
<br /> wd In tlw monn�r pr�scribed by appUo�ble law.Truatea� without damand on Borrowe�, sfiall �oll
<br /> ' : thr Prt�My at public auction to the highe9t bidder at tho timo and pleco and under tho torms
<br /> �� � . d�signated in tho notlaa of sple In one or more parcols and in any ordar Tru�tee determinos.
<br /> , TrustN may poatpono sala of all or any parcel of the P�oporty by public announcomont at tho
<br /> . tim� and pl�c� of a�ny proviously 9ahedulod ada. Land�r or ifs d�sipnH may purchsoo th�
<br /> � Prop�rty at�ny sal�.
<br /> Upon recoipt of payment af the priae btd� Trustee ,rhall dotivo� to iho purchasor Trustao's
<br /> ___ .. _. _ a�..�t.,..ya.in� �ti. a.��oe�y_ Tho raeitala in tha Tru�tea's do�d shall bo prima faei� ovtdonco of
<br /> �{ ^ thr truth of th� statwnonts made thert�in. T�ustoo �h�ll apply tha proc��ds of th� �ale in tho
<br /> � ;�tollowin� ordor: (a) to all coats and exponses of axorciaing th� powar of salo. and tfw �alv.
<br /> IncludNtq th� paym�nt of tho Truatoo's faaa actually Incurnd. not to oxca�d threa
<br /> t 96 of th�prfncipal amount of tho
<br /> �` nob at tM tim� of th� doclaratlor� af doi�ult. and roaaonablo attan�y'� tN� as parmittad by law;
<br /> :! ;�},,;.., �� ' i (b) to all aums socurod by thla Socurity Instrument; and (c) any oxcws b tM porson or po►sons
<br /> • � I��aliy entltl�d to it.
<br /> '� ;� ..
<br /> ° � _� �.��._ „�
<br /> '? � F1�18.LMli (9A3) Paqe�of 5 ���J�
<br /> r' � .
<br /> �,
<br /> • ,
<br /> , 9J1J5 lM �
<br /> �
<br />