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<br /> ����IRiO�.�f Qf(h�111My OMk�Ii1Y011�MIlf�M Y�KMI��O/1�0�Op111y.�1AI�K��
<br /> � { dw 1o�nwr�twdai r�da�otar pdor w�a i�qatioa�ecit�ln��bla cnu�tor�bn in�peotsao.
<br /> ��' � . :-��^ "-" . ,�`,,�'. 1�,C�wnlbw. 1b prooMd�of�ay�wud ot a m or d��a�dierct arco�aq t 1.1� In _�oawd{aei w;ib�
<br /> � ;r- y',����-� �ry► ooed�eNloe a alVr of�oy pA o/16�Propmty.or tar 000vey�aa io liau ol�4eaa�W �n bwreby
<br /> i Fi:�f�'. ` �������id b�.
<br /> __ ��_�� Un�e wm�o�,wW W�ie� ot th�Propa�y��proo.�ds �11 b� •ppij«I a We n�sacund by�bie Sacur�y
<br /> �""�_ �.� � .-• 1�m�et, w6�r a oot Ih�a dw wIW any exce�a p�id a Bomowor. Ua tbu evoat ot a p�rti�l t�kia�of U��In
<br /> `�'^,:` �`c�.�;��� wld�tb fair m�kat wlue ot 16s�'repe�ty Immedi�tely beioro 16e t�kiao baq u�) W or�nuer Ib�n tba�IaR o ths
<br /> �;�., , ���-:'•i''•,:� �um��w e�d b y t h i�5 e c u r i t y I n q i u r n a nt imiuediatel y beforo 16e Wcin ,uola�Borrowar�od Leadac atbarwiini► ra in
<br /> �ib wm�Ncurod by thi�Secudty lostruaimt duU be rod�by We amwu�t of�be�mult�l�l�ei�y We
<br /> .�'' �x.„ ,-�,, :•'''.`• fiactioo:(�)t6e wtd�mouot of 16e ams�ecurad immediately hefon t6e wkWa�dfv by(b)tlws fair m�ricd
<br /> ,_.
<br /> �.; . � , v�lw of Ih� p�p�y immedG�tely bfom t6e talcfa .Any b�l�ace dull bo pId w Bonowor.ln�bs avoataf R p�NW hidnj
<br /> of tb�in -whlc6 the fair m�ricet wlue ot�PrnpeAy immedi�tely beforo�he hk�`i�feM tdim Ihe amount ot�he
<br /> .'.� a . • am��w�ad momdiaWy befon�he Nkin �uolaa Bornowor aod Lender ot6onvl�e �acee ia wrltiu�a ualer applicsbb
<br /> +,�t . • ��s�prcvlde�,the p�oceeds�hall�applied W t6e wm�secund by 161p 3aowiqr InWvnamt wh�fber ar not Ihe
<br /> � d
<br /> , . ; If the Pmpaty i�s6�odcmed by Borrower�or i f.�ft e r a w ice by L e a d ar w B otmwa t b�t t b e c a W l e m n o r o ffen w
<br /> �`':' � " ' ' : '�, ` mdce m awaid or�ettle a cWm for dams�a� Boimw�er fsila to d a t�eudm wUbia 30 dAyA,�Rar U�e daee�hs noHoe
<br /> ,...; �..';" �'.`�: •� '� it�i v o o.l.eioder it wthorized w oollect�ad�pply the proceeds.u t�aptton.eitber w re�s�x+ttlan or rep�i�c of t6e Prnpecty
<br /> ,.,..>' .. : a�o tbe�Mcurod by tbL Security Tmuummt.whether or not than dua.
<br /> 3 . . Uder Loodx and Borro�var ot6erwlse a�rae in writln�.�nY�PPltauton of pnoaoal�tn pt�inaip�i�14 not eatcad or
<br /> , � � ��.;~+ postpoue�6e dne dde of the m4adily pr mcuts referr�od to ia pua rapbe 1 urd 2 or cbaaga 1Ga�uaaunt of cuc6 paytneau.
<br /> ° 1L Ba�r�o�Not Itdea�ed; �orbearau�ce B� l.mder�ot a Wwlver. ExWnxiun oF the timo for p�ya�ent or �,
<br /> :� . modfficalioo of amoA�x�tiau of the auo�aecuied by tbie S�cucit�r ineuument�c�qted by L�auudar w aay auccsewr in int�aeat
<br /> �' ' of Bore+ovrer�q not ope�te to roleaee We G�bilit�r.of�he ori�uu! Bonowar a Bonrower'a swxesao�s ln ioteraet.I..euder 9 9
<br /> ,. � " .. �hall oot 6o nqairod to� mxedin�a+�unst�ug�ucoaaor in inosnest or rel�sa w extead time for p� me�t or ;j�'
<br /> p �u
<br /> :„ , • . ahawlse modify�mioidswlan oP Uia am�secured by 46�s Securnty Iastn�mant by re�soa of wy demu��by the ,,�x+';%�,,`i
<br /> ����'. +�! aiYioal Horrow�e:a Aormowrr'a succeason in lnoerest.Any forbe�a�nce by Lead�r in oxa�tein,�any d�ht ot ranedy�Il �:;;;'.•:•
<br /> ;i•i.� . �;r'� aot be�wuiver of a poclude t6e acerciae of�n d�6t or nomed�r._ � �� ,.� ,r
<br /> ,; �"°� lA.S�cces�ocs Iu�d�Bow�di J��d�veml l.iab�7iq�;Co�igaert. Tha w�eo.nts�1 of '�}�
<br /> , .., . 1hL Secudty Iastruaxat slNll md �nd baiefit We �ccessors �utd �svi�na oP,C,ender �nd Bortowar. ��� •�.
<br /> , . ;� ' , provfeiaa ofp 17.Bornowar'�covaunfa aad a roemeats s6dl 6e,{�rint aad eeveral. Any Borrow� oaelgos '.�
<br /> .. � Win Secwih►1��but doa not execute the Note:�a)ia casigainp�hie 3acurity lastrumeat ail to taortQa�e,�ant �r ..
<br /> .�,,�. • ' ':�,'. �od oonvey IE�t Baaower'�inwat ia tba Property uadar the terme of t6ie Sacur3ty In�huwari;�b)is aat Pe�soa�uY •
<br /> • '� ;:� obligslsd��Y t6e ,�ums�ecund bv�hii Security Inat�t:sad{c)a�a tlut Ieadcr�ad any W6et Borrvwer mry '
<br /> �,� , • � '�;":,• :� �g�e so extend� modif�� fabear or make�oy sccommodatioas with�ud w Ihe oarma of this Security ln�trumeut ar the
<br /> , �. . `,,��;;,,,�;.:• `' ;;�, Note w�w���' conseat.
<br /> � ;:�;.. .,;,.�°,-`�,��r'•`�� �f We loan secwed Dy tdia Serur6ty]iustrument is su6ject to a law which sels mnaimum lan
<br /> ...at, :. !. .,:..•,.,... .
<br /> . ` •,�?� . ...• . char�es. �od t6wt Irw ie fin�lly inta�poetad so Nat Wa iatarese or otGer Io�n char�a coUected or W 6e collectad in
<br /> , � .,.�'.S� oonnectian wfth the lum exceed t6o permitted limite. Wm� (a)any suo6 lo�n chiuQo ahdt be reduced by I�he amount
<br /> .. neoeaary w roduoe tbe c6�r�e W thep�uad limir�ad(b)�ay suma�Iready�coltacted fmm Borrowar which excaedod .,h.�a
<br /> � . permitted limib wiU bo�ofimded W Borrawier.Lendor m�y chaot�a to m�ke thla rofimd by raducin� Ihe p�io�sipl owed ' �
<br /> uoder�b Naoe ar by mdcinj a dinct pyment w Bor�avar.IP�rofi�ad roduaea principd. We r�eductiaa wUl bs�n a .
<br /> �: , putidprep�yme�t without�ny PrcP�yu�oat char�e uadar the Nutu.
<br /> 11,Notlop. Aoy nolieo p�Bon�warpro vidad for in tWe Socudty Instrumeat�bd16e glveo by del�verin�it or by �'�=`., �'.:
<br /> a • m�ilina it by first claa m�il unlen app(iable law requirot uee of anot6or raethod.The nohce ah�tl be dirocted w the
<br /> �,' �. . propaty Add�or�ny at6er iddross Bonrowor dariQaAtw by notice w Leadea Any ootice w l�ender s6�11 be�ivan by
<br /> + ' Rrat cl�aa�11 to Lender's tld�+ote rtated deroia or any oNter�ddnass Lendor dasi�natea by aotica W Botrower.My noHcx `•
<br /> f e � • provided for in tLir Security Ineln�maut�IwU t�e d�amed W 6avu baen Qivea to Borrower or Leader wha��vea�p[ovided �,�:f,�
<br /> �; ':�,.�`;:";......,
<br /> ' 1 m� I�ierainp l.�w;Se�erabillq. Thfe Secudty Id�rumout afiall be govemod by federal 4w�ad the I�w of the i
<br /> �un�dlction in wf�ioh d�e Ptnpetty ie laated. W tbe event that�ny pmvieion or clouse of thie Secutity Io�trument ar the +
<br /> ote cooHicp withappIloabla lww,suab�cont�iat s6a11�not affiut utBer proviaions of 16ie Security lasttumont or t6e Nate ,
<br /> , - -_. wLIcL caa�.i Qivca�ffeet wit2tcut!he caaflEetfaQ p�»vieion,To t!t9s end tho provieions of thie�ecuritp la�trument�ud tba l : .��:."•
<br /> • lVote�re declued to be�avanble. •:'. ��"�X
<br /> , . � 1i.Bon+�wer'a Cop�. 8orrower e6Atl ba g��ven one cooformed copy of the Note and of t6is Security ILtmmea� `�
<br /> ,, 17. Tran�far oP We ltoperl�or a B�ae!'�ciol Inta�st ia Borrower. Ii all or any part of tUe 1'�opo�ty a any y '' �
<br /> ' ��l;:r;r:;:; interat in it i�sold or traoefer�ed(a if a beaef�cial interest in Borrowar is sold or traasfemed �nd BortovNer is not� � �
<br /> '^ �• natunl peison)without 1.eader'i prior wriuea conseat.Lxnder may,u ite option.require immediato paymeat in full of alf �- . ;, y
<br /> '�:�,. eum��ecurod by lhis Securiry Iavtrumeat.However�this option sha11 not ba exercised by Leader if eaercise is prohibioed �• ,.,:�
<br /> `.' . � ` by fedad la►w�s of t6e date of lhis 5ecurity Inswmcat. � . "•+;,::
<br /> ' _,. ' , : t, ::�:'�...
<br /> _°'C`�' s . If Lender rate�cixs t6is optioa,l.ender shaall give Borrower eotice of acceleratioa.The aotice s6d1 provida a period
<br /> ::, '� � ,''',�:�.. •':''��;:•�`• of not len smo 30 dsys from the date tbe uotioe is delrvered or mailad wilhin which 8orrower must pay dl sums eecured '
<br /> :.i I
<br /> �,;f, Form 00Z! 8180/p��o/6) ,
<br /> . . ..,
<br /> ;`•.r!• �: � � � wrce�s sm��n.Mc.a.aow.rN suoa n-soo-»�•77111 f011M MW t�ilt 9AAt , .
<br /> ` ;' '1
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