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<br /> � � .
<br /> /��t t�tI
<br /> �. I�oiriiy aooir«nooiiiy��rcr wl�iol��Nq�ln.twn�o..'Iti.�•�1•u w•�e li iii� ,.a
<br /> 1�t6�,��hk�iM[I aa��w�y�Wib�ld�Ir fa at��fitM�i�l Wui� oou'�yr droriMa aboN�.
<br /> ,r` .._�: L�wirr Mp.d 1�dr'�apioa�a�bUiL�oavany�b prawot i�ad�r•��ijW ia1Mr h�qN�q►r�ooa[drw wM�w�n�i
<br /> --- 9.
<br /> All �au�o�policJM�nd ernswds�116��oo�phbb oo L�tat,�od���� �,r��
<br /> �' .. � �,� . Ia.drr i.0 hvr�s a boW�M poticiM.ad na�wl�. tr laneer nqyl�w. P°�b dM IM�r�a
<br /> � aq�oeiyo�ot pid�wm�aid ra�wv ootka.l,a�Ibe wea�t ot IoM.Hanawor�dWl dw podpt
<br /> ,yt . _ti: : i eaniar�W i�o d�r.t�d e r oay m R bp�o t o t l a a i t n o t m�d apI b y 9onpwer.
<br /> . �' 0�l�ender ied Bor�o�wet aberwiee�roe in wn�Iti�.I�e�f pnooee.d��6a11 be app�tied�o n�or�do�ar npair
<br /> ' ' .���..c��• y, ot t6�pra�pMty . it Ih�tataestian a rop�ir i�econooil Nuibl��nd LndeP�aecwlt}�is�ot{�a.ll l!M
<br /> : ���� �1a���a��:�,� ,w�anados«npir�aa eoaaomtc�ly fe�dEis oc l�d��•�q wo�d be la�e�d.t�� ��
<br /> 1�".�w.��'•'�'r b fl�aae�aea�eed by thia Soauiq wbrttbar a aot thea dua�,wtth a�'eaca�s W Borroww. U
<br /> �.•.`.��"';f o�rot ab�ed�1M I�opertY,ae doa aoe��w{�t 3Q d�yt a ao�f�s L�d�1�wt Ihs ��
<br /> ;::r:,., .� , ofieoed W seMU�eLwi�.a�ao L�d�mar co�a�tbs i�naroae pr�o�eds.1•��y���b�p�*�
<br /> �s Anope�ty a io paY w��e�d by�e Sa�alty�04������ -`��Y P� �
<br /> „! .t�".;°. . . V " 1 Y M s t Y tiOtiCb i+1�v�. .
<br /> ' �+,��� r} ' " Unkw I�a�d��d a�a� ia w�.�a��cwo�of p�o�d�to p�pal�11 nd�cteod a
<br /> .�"` �,1= `�n°•?'r!:';�iy•�'���'���. po�lpooe 11�das d�s ot t�a�ll P�Y���ta ie.psti 1 md 2 a�ao�e t6�aaauot af Ib pay�seeq.U
<br /> ,: , ��,.�. , ., �:..�,:
<br /> :��. . ._;.. ;;.,_.. � usder 21�f1a Prapat�ie�cqu�rod by Lxnder,Buero�ver e ti�6t to�ay imurmce policlM ad
<br />, � .-. _ ��:, '€ � r�ty,s�ropaty prwY�o tho�aquteidon�heU��a p�L.eodcr w tbe eutaot of dse amr�ecwad by tbb 5�cudty
<br /> � :� ���
<br /> � �,,:.:,, ;�;��, I�u�t,awme,di�ce! pnor w t�e�uleidaa.
<br /> "' } . ' i. pcp�{p4acty Pre��tioa� Maiate�w�ce Aod A�otectiou of tbe Proeat73 Borrowe�'a I.oan Applic�tioni
<br /> � t.`' .`' ,.'. Lea�ebol8�.BocrowYr th�ll axupy�establish► +�uud uae the Pmpc�ty aa Ba�rowec�principd reddawe wltbin ak dsyi
<br /> ;...: • • ..
<br /> °:�:;:;; .. 'r;�-'�. - � aRa tba wuatic�a o�thin Securih►instrumeat and sbell condnue to occu�y t!a P a Borrower a}niocipal ras da�ca
<br /> � �.. w
<br /> �'�„ . ;,�• . fcs�t la�st ooe�ar nftar the dtte of axap�acy.unles�I.eader othenviae A�rees w�t�np�� w6icl�coaseat ah�ll aot be
<br /> �.,,' � ' pr�apoau�61Y w►t3held,flr unlaa a�cteauatin circum�taace�exiet w6ich are beyo�nd Borrower�ccotrol.Borrnw�er�H not
<br /> 'lY" �� ,d�,y�, or imp�ir tbe Propert�r� d�ow the Property w detecionua, or commit w�ato oa�be Pnnpaty.Bartaw�ar
<br /> � .''.��1�' , ebeq�e am de ifary forfeiture Actwa or proceeding.whether civil or cria�io�l. i�bcgwi th�t in Lender's�ood fiith
<br /> w
<br /> ;.'..;;, , � , result ia Posfaiture of the Proparty or otherwice mwterially impair tbeg liea cre�ted by Wi� SesuritY
<br /> � � •,. .� � �oaor�t or Ire�der'�seaudty iaterest.Borrowet�y awe sucb�default wsd reioatate��s pc+ovidad in p�n�aph 18.by
<br /> . �. ,'... .; �',. wi�h s mlin tha� ia l..ender'� uod t�itb determiasNon pr+ecluda
<br /> :.:��� � qu�eir�tLe�atico a proceediaQ W be disatiased g � �
<br /> ..��, �:;<:.;�.�: � . .
<br /> a, �,�,•. 6ocisiaue of eha Borrowcr� interect in Wa Proparty or othar mwteripl i raneat of Ihe UeA created by th��Sxwity
<br /> �:.�,:. ��.. . ::,:1�;:;�,-�: -. Iseorument a Leeder'�aocurify iniusra�i.Bunowu�it�3s�ba ia dafauli if�orraurs,dusia�i�e ksa�pgli���
<br /> `�:� a�,��;. . �,, �av�e m�oari�lly Wse or ia�ccwato iafora�atioa or ct�tementa w Lander(or failed to pmvids Lmckr witb aay m�tarid
<br /> �,'`��� ��.,,,:. . .. iufa�m�tiaa)ip camectiao wit6lhe laia evida�ced by t6e Note.iacludia�� 6ut not limita!W. rapro�anqtions concaninn�
<br /> • :` . � , �, i ��•��l t�he�y viu�'olwrof t6e lease If Borrowe►�uirer fee ude w 16e Property. t6s lacehdd iiod�tL�i fee�i�t]e
<br /> , ; , , �� � �omply wntb MI pro •
<br /> ' � �haU aot m�u�e unlea La�der�groa to tha mer�er in writin�.�
<br /> �� �h
<br /> .. � 7. Prottction of Lender's W�ht� in the Property. if Borrower fail�w pedorm t6e cov��od �r�e�ts
<br /> coataiaed in this Security laatrutncnt. or tbero is a leQd proceedin� that a�y s�l�nificantly Rff'ect La�der't ri�hts in We
<br /> + , t p�p�y sucb�a�ooe�din�in budcruMcy.Probate. for coademnadoa or forfature or to eafo�oe lavin ar rc�ulatioas)�
<br /> ;` tfim �any do wd p�y for whatev�i� aecessary to protect ths vdum of Ua Propmty �od I.aoder'�ri�6t�in tLe
<br /> '�. . ' p�cpaty. laidet's �ctioa aay include p�yiaQ �ny am+ �ocurad by a liao wWch 6ac priarity ovar t!� Security �'•
<br /> ; in�quweut�appeann�in oourt�p�Yin��+sonsble�ttomeyo'feea and entuiv�aa tbe Prope�ty w m�lce�qits.Nthou�h ,�
<br /> :��� ' .. , l.end�r may take wtia�uoder thispra�np6 7.Lender doa aot b�ve to do w. . `�-
<br /> My uaounts disbu�sod by Lender undcr this para�rsph 7 shall ba;ome�dditiaW debt of Borrowu tecurod by thi�
<br /> 'C',' geprrity Inutruma�t.Unlea Borrower and l�der�groe to other terms of payment�the�e amoima sh�U beu interat from ��
<br /> � the date o[diebu�sainw�t�t the Note nuo md slwll be p�yable. wiU� intereat. upon notice fiom I.ender to Bonowv
<br /> t. �
<br /> ( '" ' ��8�.��Ins�u�nce. lf I.ender roquired mortQage ineurance�s a oaWitioo of mWcin�tl�e Ww eecurod by thi� ,
<br /> �,:,
<br /> - Securiry In�va�eat.Borrower ahafl pay che premiums reqmred to rtwinuin �s wu.tga�e insuraaca in effect. If. for�ny �'
<br /> •', : re��oo,tbe mort�n�e insunnce coverage required by l.ender lapses or cewses to be in effact� Borro�wer dull py t6e
<br /> :' '• , preosiums required w obtain coveage sul�stantially equivaleat to the aartgAge iasur�acx pnoviously ia effect�at a oost , ..
<br /> t:� eubshoGdly equivalent to ths cost ro Bomower of the rooAgage insuranco prewously in effect. from w dtemate moA�a�o
<br /> �. ".�;'� � iaeu�+er ippeoved by Lendur. lf cubsantiallyegu�ivalent moRgage insunaea covenye ie aot�vail�ble.Bouower c6d1p�y �•
<br /> �a,: % f�t,':�.�•�� �. � W I.eada�pch awnt6 a sum equal w one-twelfth of tha yearly mortyay�iasur+nce pr�emium 6eia�paid by Borrower wh�en f �
<br /> •� the iw�uaace coversge lapsa!or c�seJ to 6e in effect.I.ender will accept,use nnd tr.tain theco p�ymeuts+u a la�raee�ve
<br /> � � in Hw of mortgage iasuranca. Losr�eserve paymants may no lan�er be nquired. at t6e option of La�der. if mortya�a
<br /> .i ,'• �'•;Y?r'`�' ..� iaw�anos coveraga(ia tha�mount�nd for the period that l.ender requir�)providad by aa insurer�ppmved by lRader �
<br /> • . ; �. �in becomea avaitxble and ie obtained. Borrower shpll paiy �he pre�ruums required to maiahia mmt�a�e ineur�nca in
<br /> :: ,. ' ' �_.,,.�• e��xt.or w provide s loss reserve, unti! �he requirement far moR�a�e insurance ends ia accordance�►nth aoy wriqeo
<br /> .:;c�, 1 :,� ' , ., . �reenoent batwaea Borrower and l.ender or appliwhle law. iaM ao2e s/eo twp.s of 61
<br /> � �- �11111(Ip1�LYfTbAt,INt.iT.CIOYD.MN N90Y IIJ00•�Y74LIt1�ORIA MG1�M[4l6A1 -
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