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<br /> by�i.s.au+t�►L�o�.u so�to�r�fl.w p�y t�....u�prio�b W.�cpir.aoo at I�t �alo.
<br /> +Ny tMmdia P+rmlKed b�y dd�S�nritr Iawumeot wlthow IWrtiw aodca at dim�d cr 8amwrrr.
<br /> ;k is.Bano�r'�Wydt a Reia�b,.tf&xro�uwr mea�wrtata�oaditlaa.Ba+iow�t�Wtl titw�tl»ri�c a hw
<br /> ::', rfaoam�t ot tWr S�cwity In�tmment,dipoat►tiltped�t�ny tim� w th�«uliu ofe(�S dayr(at ad�dYe prio�r
<br /> W
<br /> , , y i p u c�6 1 e 1�v v m�S'�p e c i f a r�i a M a t o m o a t?b e±fs►ne Mle a�dr �u 1 y p u n a r o t to�s y po�w�r ot�oaot�ed ia lhit
<br /> security rn�or��entry or.jN��n�aR.�ar�s thi.s.c�ty ln.aum�or.71w..o o a d i t i o�s.p d�t H a e�s c.
<br /> �''.. � P�r I�eoder dl wws wbicti t6m would�be dua tinder thi� Sewrlty 1aMntm�at aod dM Nof�M if w�ooeie��tla��
<br /> , S., . . ;�" oxumed:(b)cu�anY def�Wt,of my M��bq cavoa�aa or a,Qroaaeatr. (o�p�y� �11 eotpen�a iocwrod i��fwcLy tYi�
<br /> . -�,� ; �:-.�,�. , Sec�rlty r.�n��eat, iac�udLV but pat�pi`aaa W..t�eaco.bb.uoroey.� fee.►.rra cn hioe..we6 .d{ao w Laodx m.�y
<br /> r �. �T re�.o�.blr�+eqwim ro,�ns t�c�ba lioa o�wiq sacuritp rnm,�meat� L�ada•• d�a ia me rioyeicy wa sonoVw�r.
<br /> • :''��� obliy�ia b 11Lse aun��ecu�vd b�tbfe Sec�q�Ia�vment clull oontiaue unclua�ed.Upao neio�kaoeat by Bon�nwer�
<br /> , ��c�, -:.,: tp1u�i��S,�e�wuit(y�t y �t�ad t6e abLy�dane pecunmd hRtAbe cbdt�em�io fuUy�ffacbva a if ao aco�la�das md a+e+�ted.
<br /> ..R�• 7�;17" -�R{t�l'Y��i�1W/ti�ht tn reia�te d�lt aot ly�ia tbq c�wo of�ooelm�tian ttoderp�a�p�17.
<br /> �' I!.Stb o[No�C6aa�e oP Lo�u�u� ..'1 be Note or a inteveit- fn bet Note(�yat�er wlth tlds Seatrlty
<br /> '^°��'� W prirx aotice w o�rrower A s�le mRy ranit is�chao�e in the aotlty
<br /> � ,;...;,.b':.f�.� Io�tnuneot) m��r bo w aoe ar moro tjmer witbaut ' aad th�L 3avrity Indruweot. 71ie[�e
<br /> .�:-:;,.,:,.,.�';..^;.•, (Imoara a�tL� �.�om Servtoer)W�t coll�ma�tbly,PaYmeats due�mda the Note
<br /> �.��:,:;:,'.' i: d�o may 6e oue ot mora c6�o�es of tha Lo�wn,Serviaar unml�ted w a aile of�Note.IP there is a ch�o�e of tbe Lo�n
<br /> , . , Se�vlceq Hoaower wUl be�voa wriuon aMiae af Rba ah�aQe in accord�oce wIW pua�raph 14 above md�pplic�ble I�w.
<br /> , � �- ,�,..;';,. �.��;� .: '11re aodoe wW sme tha n�ne�ad�utdrosa oP Wa amv L,ow Sorvicer�od t6e addc�a w whieh pymeota�bouW be mda
<br /> . . . �".'�'!:�:�::;.;';4`� •'1Le aoNoewW ala coa�pny other infAm�wNpa,toquired by appiiaable Isw.
<br /> � m�wN
<br /> { �. �:•- '_ �:��`,�'"°��'`:yr , Z0.Ha�udous Sutil�na�. Batrowar sh�U�aot cau�e or permit t6e pnaenca.we�di�poa�l. or releue of
<br /> `- �»;::`,�> ' wy H�a�dow Subaancas oa or in the P �p�ty,Bomowar�II uot do. nor�llow myme d�e W do,�n ��'ocl��
<br /> ', � ��.:�:•>..:.,• . �` " the Prope�ty dwt b fn viol�oa of�ny Ha�rL+nameapl Lw.The preoedla�two�eateaca sWU not apply to tlia pro�oace�
<br /> , r:,,�:,t,�fi.: ° uoe o s 0 4 �� Y�� �PPT�
<br /> ;• ,:.�,�� ;_`'.;:,, . r tora�e on 1he Prnperty f smsll wmtitiee of Hazardau Su6�pace�tbat u+e nll w be
<br /> v,:iw:
<br /> 4''. .:.'`'' ''. . �14;;;LS`•'!; , to aorn�al raideatW ures aad to maiu�cewritta���oP m iavecti Y � �
<br /> �r:`;.• .r 3,�,` Borr+nwer�ull��� �on�cl�lm,demAad.l�wwlt or other�ction b �
<br /> k: , .� �"��•;;''r�t�"�``;:; wy QovemmeAW or A�eacy or p dv a t ep�y u�vo lv W�t h e Propaty w�d aay H�a r d o u� Subst�n�ce or Bavfcon- .
<br /> �, � $i• .,'i�;i�;i�.�a� •
<br /> ',l t��'?'�":,.h,..",� - m e a p i l L�w o t w b i c h B o r ro w e r b A e a c t�w l k nowled�-e.If Bormwer lear�.or is aotified b y ao y�wem�ueaW or re�uluory . �•�;'�
<br /> :� �,;:; : .�� � �uthority.tWt m removd ar other remediation of aay Haardoua Substanoe�'ectio�the Prq�eriy io aecac�ry.Bonowar •�
<br /> , ��:;-�;f•,��,$/'• . ' � ��Aro�Y�dl necoea�ry tero�dial Actioaa in accordanca vv�th Baviroaaamt+d IIaw.
<br /> ,• ' ��;;,••�,",!y,t Ar wed ia this p�r�grnph 20� Ha�srdoue Subst�acea'u�e those ab�t�noe+r de�'iaod as twcic or b�rdcus�ubatmce�
<br /> (' . .�. �lti::.::��.i.l ,-•.
<br /> -:�r;;��,',. ..> .-by BavLnnmeatal Law�ad tGe followiag aubslaacea: gasoline� kerosena�ather l�mmabye or toxic pdrolaum praduc��
<br /> �� a�ic pesNcjdea aad herbioidea�VOI�t1I8 SOIVCIIti�m�tcr�ala coaainin�a.�bestoe or fora�ldeb7de.�ad ruliaictive uutaisle.
<br /> � ���'��.� .� :.;,, .;r�,. � /►s usad in tlua poragt�pb 20,'Eavlmamcntal Lw'mauis feden!Ixwa nud 1�►vw af tLe jun:dicpoa whero t6e P�opaty b
<br /> _-- i'.' , �. 1.;-;;;;�.r,..• �, beWed liyt nlue tv.iiait6�saiety or eavironmeai+d piateciiva.
<br /> � � ' Nou.Ut�otut Covei+nt�ra.Rorrower And I�er�der fuN►er eove�uat and��roe a fdlows:
<br /> , � '� : . Z1.Acceleration;Ranedies. Ixnder ehall�Ive aotice a Borrowa'prlor to acodaatiou to�ow�Rorrowv'.
<br /> ' � brerch of a�q cotenant or ag�nent in this Security Inswvrne�t Ibut not pr�ior to koda�tion wdee par�raph 17
<br /> ,: u,o{e s s 4 wpro v t d e s M l�r w�L 4 e 1.The notice shell s p e c i f y:U tbe del�wit,N)���to pme tbe
<br /> . . d e f a o l� c)�dw t e,not less tlwa 30 do n s frum the data the aotice b���ea to Rarowa,b�w6ic6 We defiWt must b e
<br /> '., " curedj sad(dl tlut failura to cure the defaWt on or beforo the date apecified ia the n o t i a m��r a p u l t i n t o o d a�t i o o
<br /> 'R:• ., of the a�ns�ecuned by tWs Security Insbwnent nnd s+�le ot Ihe Peoperq.77�e aotfoe�IWI Wrthr iotana Borrower
<br /> �n
<br /> , o f f h e r i j t u t o r i i n c f a t e a�a c c d e r a t i o n n n d t h e r i a h t t o 6 r i�a a o u r t a c t l o a t o a s o e�i tl�e nos�ac�ta�oe o��
<br /> dehWt ar aay Mher ddenu of Borrower to wcceleratian nnd sWe.11'!6e ddaWt it aot au+ed aa or befare 16e date
<br /> �. � ' s�fied in the notia Leeder at its option may require immediate pr�ment in fWl ot�II aos�ecuned b tt�6
<br /> �rI�hvment w�thout fucther demnnd And may invoke the power�f rale�nd�ny WI��+anedies pa'mi�b
<br /> j'� applk�ble I�w. I,ender ehull be entitled to callect WI expenses incun+ed ia pw�uing tbe e��dks prorWed ia�
<br /> "� ° �Pp ob Zl.indudinQ but not limited to•�rasonable ottoeneyr'fas�nd casb ot title e�idence.
<br /> � �If fbe power ot sn�e is in�oked�Tn�sta shull record�aotioe ot defxWt in ench oom�ty in wbich w�paet ot the
<br /> is bcated nnd sball mail copie4 0[such notice ia lhe au�nna�presc�ibed by�� I�►to Bor�ower aod �
<br /> � . °. �other persor�s pr�ribed by appltcable law. Aitec the W ae r e q u i n d b�y a�p�i c a b�w�T n�e e�1 1 p�e
<br /> _ , , �u o t i c e o t s w l e t o t h e p e�s o n s and in the rnaaner p n s c ribed by a p p l i c a6le law. Truslee.witbout deoaod oa � .�
<br /> � she!!se11 the�at puN�c auctinn to the highr.st bi dder at 1he tLne and plree aid under t 6 e tams
<br /> ' . • desi�n�hd in t!�aotice oP sale n one or more parc��and in any or d e r'6'n�stee d e t e�m i n e a� T n t s t a may poetpoW d
<br /> �or.��.� paroel of Ihe ProP�y h9 P�blic a�uaunc�nent at the time and place of anY P►e�busy se��ed �-
<br /> ` ak.Laida'or�ts desiRnee may purctw.ge the Pra�y nt any sala • h
<br /> U n reoeipt of payment of tde�rice bid rustee shull delirer to the pu�rhacer Tn�ee*�iad ooa�eyia�tUe
<br /> � property�T6e recitals in the Trustce s deed s�wll be prima iacie evidence of tfie�trWl� er'�'fbe sfataneot�made �
<br /> . . tha�ein.Tru4tee tFmll aPply lhe proc�cds of the sale in the followia�order:(a)to sll casts w�.idtpC�s o[aercfciu� `
<br /> � �• . � � ., ;.
<br /> , .
<br /> � . :.; Fonn 302e 9l90 Ipay�b o16! '
<br /> ; � �. � �ANIfE11ftYlRMl.INC.,1T.C1O110.MMN]0711�00•7Y7-79�IIiOMAMO•fdiE4ltht .
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