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<br /> �« �Y... �93- ��J�R� .0 �6e wmenu oow a bere.nn .n+cua oa uw a Ky� .na d� �e�aa
<br /> �.�•�.�;�+- -� �' • �ppuMnrooM��ed Ratww now or hen�� •p�et of Ih�proper�ty. Al!r�placYnMa�aal�aa�bail�la b oovw�
<br /> `� ,..�.. . „•°,.' bp this S�ourlry IuMrumeol.All of 16�fon�oin i��efemd w in tbf.8�curity In�tnimmt a th�'Property.•
<br /> �:^-^ ,:°: � B o R t�w e t C a v a�t t n d u�t B a r t+o w x i��w►Ibll y Mi�ed ot tb��e baeb r c.aov�yed �od!w tb�d�bt to�t�nt�od
<br /> '"'",;;';,;�.
<br /> .��� „ .. _. cauwy tM �od t6�t 16a PropeRy i�uaatcwnbaed���coept for sawmbr�+�ca ot raco r d. B o r d�w u wanana w d
<br /> �T• .' :� _,-., . ; w i l l d�f'e n d r e�y t h s t l t b W t b e Pcv�oRy�dl clums�nl d�nnaJ� rub jdcl to ra y aocaabriocaa of rowraf.
<br /> � 'r-"$ • °n :.' � '[tim S�cuanr W�rntu�rt'combip�ualform oovamnu for wt�on�we�nd ooa-udfana ooveo�opi w1t6 limit�d
<br /> '�;�.,;>•`;;. �'�h�, v�ri�iao�by juri.oEctioo w�on,�tia,a R unitorm.ecuriqr inaeumeot covmin�ral propertY•
<br /> ;,' '.i' . � :: � '.. U�+u+o�w Covenet+'�a.Bat�o�wot�od LaKter oovauat and�oe a foQow�c
<br /> � . . l.P1�yaha�t o[Prisdpd aad W�e+'at3 Pf�p��ao�+�and Late Chu'Qes.Bomower �h.11 Pro�Y PRy�due
<br /> ' tbe priacip�of ad iaten�t oa�ha debt evtdeaaed by Wa Nota�ad aaY P�P�Ya�ent and l�te ch�c�a due uadet the Note.
<br /> 2.�uude�pr Tt�xa and Iasucoace.3ubject W�pplicable I�w or to�writtea waivar by�Lendar.Borrowor�11 p�p
<br />�.-�� 1 - to I.axler aa tb�e day mootblypwyoaaate ar�duo undar the Note. unti!tbe Nate is p�Id ia fuU� a eum('Fuad�' for: (y
<br />�..�',,;�' . � . puta md�h�w�hich may�tt�in Drior�ty ovar t61e Sxurity Lostniment�a a liea oo t6o Fropertp: )Y�Y
<br />�;�r'�.�}." . •�• �old pyo�ent+ar��f teat�on t6e Pnoperty.if�ay:fc)Yearly tw7ard or P*aPeKI' P�
<br /> �� �.; a�r«�r
<br /> ` flood iaauauce p n m iwm��f wy;(e)Yar1Y moct�a�e inaur�ace proa�ums�if aay;�nd(fl any�unup�y�ble by
<br />� ',�.'� "' , � . ;�.;, .. w l�eaider. in�ccordinoe with tbe prov�eioae o f Pua�P h 8� l n Ueu o f t l rop�yanent o f mortynYo i a a u r r u j o e p r e m ium�.
<br /> �'}'��� ` � `' Thae ikar ru�a c�llad•Becrow Iteme."Leader auy.at aoy time,wRxt and Iald Fuads in m am�unt aot to e�cceed tbe
<br /> °p'1 ��': r�,.:, .' .
<br /> � � ... .„" m�imum�mt s lader for a federally �datcd mort�e Iwn m�y requiro for Borrow�er'�e�ow�vcount u o d e r t b e
<br />�,�. ,•.� � ,, _:;�:,_ �:�;,� fe�da�l Re�l �ate 3eteleweae Proceduna Acc of 1974 a amaided from time a 1ime. 12 U.S.C. � Z601 er seq.
<br /> � . � , . �. (RFSPA ).unla��aoiher law tbat�pp4ea to the Funds cete�lc�ccr+imount. If�o.Leader na .at�n time.c o U e c t a i d .. . � ._,,.
<br /> : y ny
<br /> , . •:;'�' hdd Ftinds ia an�mount not W eaceed the lesaer�mcwnt Ixadcr may estirorte We�mount of Puads due on t6e buie of � �"�
<br /> . � � ���,�` cw�n�t dap�aad�bk atjnm�w of e�pa�diwros of future&crow Iten�or otherwlsa in�coord�aoe wlt6�pplicable
<br /> .. . v '. �.�;�� : �
<br /> 't • `�:�'�.'i �. 'ihe flmda�II be held in an Lostitution whose deposite ue iasured by a fadernl agency, iastn�aaeaWity�or mtity .�:.5�";
<br /> �. . •+,:'; (includio�Leader,jf L�endar ie cuch ao iastitution)or in wy Federsd Homa I.00n Bank. l.ender chafl�pply the Fund�W
<br /> ' ` ��;�,,, '� '.�:'.l p�y the 6accow I�eme. Lmdm mRy not cbnr�e Borrower far holdiag And applyiag 16e Funda. �anwlly wlyzin� the "�;,r ; s
<br /> : .•�,,,-.`, , ., eacrow ioccouat, or verifyin�the Escrow Itea�s� odeae I.eader p�ye aorrowar ioterest oa 16e Funds �nd�pplicable I�w ;�.,,
<br /> � '' ��� � pnrmip Irender W mdce �tuch a chuga However. l.ender awy requiro Horrower to psy a oae•time chirQe for �n
<br /> .:....,�.,..
<br /> � .. : ..,tit mdepeadeat mAl aWe Wt teportin�service used by Lsader in conaectwa with t6is loan.ualesa�pplic�ble law providae
<br /> ' ,.,�, otheiwlsa Uakse�a�eemeat is made or applicable lawrequin�s iaterest to be d.l�eader abAll aot 6e requited wpsy
<br /> ' � ..
<br /> , ,� . �.'.;::, Horn+we�r anq mtarat or�y�an tha Funds.Bornower aad l.eader aoay a�rea�wrltiog. however►th�t inteirat e6a11 be
<br /> -- . ...� �ao Ihe Ftmde.Leadet eltalfgive to Borrower.wlthout charge,an aantwl�cccwatiag af tlro Fuade.ehowin�etediq aod
<br /> - .���:'.'',` Ss,l3�e Ft�end !hs�w�.+c+ee f!+�r which each debit to We Funds wae mide.1'he Funde aro pledged��dditlond �,�.
<br /> �• �ecorlty for 1d1 Aums�oewtd b thia Security Inetrumeat. .
<br /> � ' If tbe Funde hEld b Leadar excaed the amouat� rmitted to ba held b � lic�ble law,Leadar e6�11�ccount W t�t'�'='��
<br /> '� Y PB Y PP ;,r,6,:,�;
<br /> .•�•;�:•�• Bormwer foc tAa axcsae Funde in ncccndancx wlth We reyuircmeate of Applicable law. lf tha uuouat of the Fwide held by • � ,,,.
<br /> • Leader u�ny time ir not�uf�Rcknt topay the F.scmw Items when due,ixnder nuy so notify Borrowar in writin �aad.in ' ,
<br /> wch ca�e Borrower eh�ll p�y to Imder the amouat aa�sauy w moke up the deficieacy. Borrower�hall �up the �;:. :�.t3;.�: � '
<br /> daRcieacy in ao mnm than twelve monthlY pwYmeate�At Lender's sole discretioa. • .
<br /> '. • Upc�u p�yment in ibll of dl�ume secured by tliie Security Inatrumeat. l.ender shall prompUy refuad w Borrower �. . ,�t ,.
<br /> �ny Funds 6dd by Leader. If. uadBrp���sph 21, Lender shall acquire or sell the Property,,l.eader� Priot to the •
<br /> � ' �equisition or We of Iha Pr�operty,shall apply�ny Funda 6eIJ by l.ender xt �he time of acqui�iuon or ale a a crodit � . ��
<br /> � . a�ainst the ame recured by tLte Security Inetruaaeat. �
<br /> ��. � . 3. A ot P�ymmb. UWew spplicable law proviJes oWerwiso, all paymeats r�eceived by[.eader uader
<br /> . p�n�rap6e and 2 e6�l1 bo �pplied: first. w mY P�MY�t clwrges due uader �he Note;eecond. W�mouau payabk a�,.�
<br /> �h
<br /> .�'�; under pangaph 2;third.to interest due;fouAh�w principxl due:aad I�t,to wny Ipte c6argea due under the Note. � .`
<br /> � . ' 4. Char�es� Liene. Borcower shallpay dl t�xe�, aasessmente� ciwrges�fiaa and impositions attdbutable to the +,�
<br /> '. ., �� prnperty w6ich mRy atqin prloriry.over thfa Security Instn�a�nt. and leasehold paymeats or �rouad rents, if�ny. k .
<br /> . Borrowa s6�lY pwy theaa obli �tiona m the maaaer provided ia para�rnph 2,or if not paid in that maaner.Borrower a6a11 �
<br /> ' � pay them ao time duecdy to�a person owed peyment. Borrower s6all promptly fum�ah to Leader dl notica of amounts �
<br /> • ' w be paid uader ILie p�rs�ph. If Borrowar mwke�tha�s prymente directly. Horrower ahall promptly fl�rnieh W LRader _ ;.,:
<br /> . recnipls evideocing t6e paymenta. ,•:: �`,;",'
<br /> ,.� Borto�wer�h+�!!prompdy dischar�e any lien which has priority over this Securiry Instrumeat ualess Borrower. (a) �.:' •. �r �c�
<br /> ��r. �� ..�.!.
<br /> . ' ��roes in writin�to the paymeat of the obligation secured by We liea ia a manner acceptable to Leader; (b)contesta ia ' '''�ti'::;;,�, .,,
<br /> • Qood faith tha l�ea by, or defeads agaiast enforeement of the lien ia, legal praceetlinQs which in t6e Leader's opinian -'`'1�'`��'• ;,'`
<br /> ,..,�_,.'..�.,.t. h,.
<br /> • ' openta W preve�t•the taforceaneot of the lien; or(c) cecures from the holder of Ihe lien�a a�rceeonaut wuiefactory to �;,.;;;;�'.:�,,•�r� �
<br /> •• I,eader eut►o�d�aadn�the lien w thia Security Inetrument.If I.ender drtermiaes U�at Aoy{wrt of We Pmperty is subject to a ;�f'w
<br /> liea wWch may adaia priority over this Security Inetrument, Lender may give Borrower o aotka ideatifyin� the lien. • ':'.:r`;,
<br /> . Bortower e1W1 saliefy tha lien or t�lce one or more of the actions set forth above withia 10 daYs of the QiviaQ of notiae. .� r�•;,i;":�":
<br /> °� , " S.ttazard ur propert�Imsuran��e. Borrower ahall keep the improvements aow existmg or bereaRer erocted oa th6 '. � �;"
<br /> � .. .I Properry u�urod���inet taea by fire. 6aaude includad wiWin Ihc term 'eatCndad covenge" aad �y other huarda. • ` ��
<br /> Fo.m 9oZt �f80/p.p.�o/el � .
<br /> r � .• '
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