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<br /> caidem�utian or aQrer ukin�a(�ny p�rt d th�PmpeAy.ar fur conveyanus ia 8su oi cu�xia�uutian.a�e h�eby wi�wi and
<br /> �I�de p.id a l.andes.
<br /> [n �he event of a taW Wcln� oi the F'ropoAy. tho �hall be�pplied to the sum� �ecurod by this 6ecu�ity
<br /> Imuurt�ent,whetha or nW�hen due.with any oxcxes to Barrower. In 1he event of�p�utial Wcin�of ihe Pteperty in
<br /> which the fdr mir�et v�lue of the Pmperty immodi�tely bafom tho t�kia�ia equal to or Qreater th�n!tw unant of the sum�
<br /> �ccu�r.d by this Savrity Inatrument immediately befcm the tWcing,unles.o Bomower and Lender othcrwfce e�nro in wdtin�,
<br /> the Rumq r,ecurcd by thia Security Irwaument:hal1 be ieduced by the aaKwn�of U�e procood�multipUed by ihe folbwing
<br /> fraciie►n: (e+)the laat emonnt of the sums securod immediucly bcforo the taking.divided by(b)thc fair madeet value af the
<br /> Property immediately befo�e the taking. My balu�co�hall be �wid to Botrower. In the event of a pertid tnlcing of the
<br /> Property ir�which the falr nwrket value of thc Property immediately befarc�he taking ia less than the amcwrtt of the sum�
<br /> s�cw�ed immediately beforc the t�faig, unless Bo�rower and Lender dherwise a�ee in wriling or unless applicablc law
<br /> otherwisa pmvldes,the p�s slull be applied to�he sums cecurod by this Secudty Inswmenl whether or not the sums are
<br /> �hen due.
<br /> If the Property is abandoned by Borrower.ar if.after natice by Lendec ro Borrower that the condemnor offecs to make
<br /> an award or settle e claim for damageg,Bormwer fails to�+espond to Lender within 30 days after the date the notice is given,
<br /> Lender is authorizal to collect and apply the procads,at itx option.efther a�estoration or tepair of the Nroperty or to the
<br /> wms secured by thia Security Instrumen�whether or not then due.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower othernlse agree in wdting,nny npplkotion of praceedg to principal aball not extend or
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly payments refemed ta in{wragraphs 1 and 2 or chnnge the amount of such paymenta.
<br /> lI. Borrower Not Releasedi �rbearana By l.endtr Not w Walver. Extension of the time for payment or
<br /> moditiaation of amortizalion of lhe sums secured by this Secudty lnslrumenl granted by Lender lo any succeasor in interest
<br /> of aorrower ahall nat operate ta releace�he linbiflty of!ha or�ginal Borrower or Borrower�successors in interest.l.enckr
<br /> - .� ahall not be requirod to cumn�ence praceedings against any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or
<br /> +a�. otherwise modify amortization of the sums secured by�his Security l�strument by reuson of any demand made by the original
<br /> ��' f'� Borrower or Borrower's successors in interes�. Any forbear.uice by Leider in exercising eny right ar remedy shall not be A
<br /> .. ;,f�, waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right or remedy.
<br /> �*.; ...h l2. Successors And Assigns Bound;Joint and Several I.iabiUty;Ca�signere. The covenunis nnd agrcemenis af this
<br /> Secu�ity Inatrumen�shall bind and beneflt thc surcessors and agsigns oi Lender und Borrower,aubject to the {mavisiana of
<br /> .� ,,� pA�rngraph 17.Bormwer!s covenants and agreemen4s shafl be jc�int und yeveral. Any Borrower wha casigns �his Security
<br /> rn
<br /> lnstrument but does not execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mongage,grant and convey that
<br /> Bonawert interest in the Propeny under the termg of this Security Instrumern;(b)is not persanally abligatNd to puy the sums
<br /> ��f�'��' secured b Ihi4 Securit Instniment;:uid lc)a rees ihat Lendar und an other Borrower ma a e to exlend,modif forbear
<br /> ,;;;�;;, � Y Y S Y Y 8re Y�
<br /> �_ . or make any aacommodations with regsud ta the terms of ihis Security lnslniment ar ihe Note withaut that Bmrawer§
<br /> �i;,';" .. cansent • .
<br /> �5 � 13. I.opn Char�es. If ihe loan secured by ihis Security Instrurnent is subject to� law whlch sots muximum loan
<br /> ,.,�,•;.,.:.,
<br /> ,. ,.,,.. „ ,t, churges.and thAt law is finaUy interpreted so thut the interest or o�her Icwn chnrges coliected or ro be coiiec[ed in coonec�ion
<br /> . :• ' �i;;�'.,:; with the laan exceed the permiued limits,than: (u►uny such lo:ui ch�rge shall be reduced by the umount necessary ro reduce
<br /> �'• '��,�y� the chsuge to the permitted limit;and(b)any wumx already rollected imm Bamnwer which exceeded permitted limits will be
<br /> �� :•��`:�;- �'•. refunded to Borrower. Lender may choase to muke�his refund by reduc ing the principul owed under the Note or by moking a
<br /> *�„�Fa1',��j ::' direct puyment to Bornawer. If u refund reducc�prim:ipul,�he reducUon will be tmntcd�+u puniul prepuyment without any
<br /> ,� prepayment churge under the Notc.
<br /> .:�t�`�"�'.':�•�~�'�'�'� 14. Notices. Any naicr to 3orrower proviJed 1'or in Ihiw Security Inurumenl .hull i+r givrn by dellvering it or by
<br /> ,•,;-•�;, � ���• .�;.• :; mailing it by fint cluss muil unlchx upplicuhlr law rcyuimti u.e�N'anather m��h�Kl.Thr nutice xhull Ik dirccted to the P�npehy
<br /> :;:':'�, ... Addm+x or uny n�l�r udJre,. Hum�wer dc.i�tnute+by nnticc�o l.rnder. Any n��ticr�u l.cndrr.hall Fx given by fint clas�
<br /> �u. ..,,..n�rn3.,r� muil lu Lender+udJrr++tiwted hrmin�►r uny oihrr uddn�.l.�ixtrr�k+ignutc,hy notire���Hurn�wrr. Any nutice pruvideJ fur
<br /> in Ihiti Securily InNrumrnl .hull I+r dcrmed to hnvr i+��n Ei���n tu linrr��wer ur lxnJrr wlkn givrn u. pruvided in thiw
<br /> .�..,�,..�.�. •:w�,. purogruph.
<br /> ' !".' "'�°""' ' ' IS. GoveroipR I.�w; tieverublllly. Thi. Seeurit� Im�rununt tiFwll Ix gcwrrnrd hy Icdead luw unJ thc luw of the
<br /> ,;,,� �^� ' .. . juriuiiction in which the Pn�peny i.Icxiacd. In the ev�m�hat any pn�vi,ion�K rliiu,�ut'thi�tircuriry In.�rument or thr Nate
<br /> ix=;, -' ' conFliclti with applicnble law,wnc��mllirt xhull n��t uftecl u�her provi.i�nx uf ihi,ti�ruriiy In.lrumem i�r the N.xe which cnn
<br /> � '; 7'�r.• x- l�e given effect wUhout the contlicting pn►visiun. 7'i��hi. end dk proviriun�al ihi.S��.uriry In.trument und Ihe Note ure
<br /> �,e.� �a..tr�.,•.; ... :�. declored ta be•everuble.
<br /> " =,�:-��._ _- � . 16. Borrower's Copy. Biirrower�hall Ix given onr cunli�muJ r��py af�hc N�►tc and ul'Ihi.S�tiuriiy Ins�rument.
<br /> : 17. 7�ansferof lhe Property ar�Reneficiul Interc�l in R��rruwer. If aU or any pan of�hc Pn►pcny ix nny intcrest in
<br /> ;� .,,�-: � it i.sold or irunsferrcJ lar if u tnnrfirial in�crc,� in B�►rruwcr i..uld ur Irni.l'rrr�d onJ Rurn►wcr ir nut •r namrnl persanl
<br /> ` :�� without Lender's prior written comcnl.LrnJcr nun,nl it,��ption,rcyuirc inunrdiolr pa}•nunt in full of ull wrnti securcd by
<br /> �:�-`' . °'� this Securiry Inslrument. Hawevrr,ihiti uption nhull nut tx�xerriud hy l.�nikr if rx�rciu i.pmhibi�ed by federul luw us of
<br /> r`� ' � '� �he date of�hi.Sccurity Inztrumrnt.
<br /> '•�
<br /> "`' If l.ender exercises thi,uption,LcnJer.hull�iv�l3urcower�wtic� ul'uceel�ra�iun. Thc nati�e�hul)pmvide u[+eric�d of
<br /> . �, . ,_.� not lesx than�day,from�hc dute the notirc i.dclivcnd ur m�iiled wi�hin��hKh Bnm►��er mu.�pay all�wn.�ccured by this
<br /> , � • �„- Security Instrumem. lf Borr�,w•er tuil. to puy the+r .umti priar la �hc rxpirutiun ul'Ihi, �xriixl. Lender may invuke any �.�,
<br /> , ;! remedies pemiitted by this Srcurity Intitrument H i�hnut furthrr n��tirr ur drmaixl�.n Hurru��rr. `s "
<br /> k� • • �`. 18. Borrower's RiRht to Relnstate. If BuRUwrr mrrl. rrnuin runJiliim+, Num►wrr.hall huvr thr riFhl �o havc - �
<br /> enforcemeot of this Secunty Inwtrument di.cuminucd:d.�n}•time pri��r ia thr c:�rlier uf: Ia�S J:�y+lur wch uther�xri�xl a. �'-
<br /> �, . Sfnglr Fwmly•-Fannie Nae'Freddk�1�c 1\IFIIRSI 1\ti'1 NI�1k\1'- l mwnn l'a«nant, 9N0 qHi¢r�u)n�ti��;���� -
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