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<br /> , . :�'�'"' :..` .
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<br /> j. 93w �oi7llfl`1
<br /> �� �pplicsble law may�pocify far relnst�tementl befoto�wle of Iho Propc�tY Purruont to uoy puwer�f rale conlafned in�hir
<br /> Socurlty lnsttuntent;or(b)cn�oi w Jud ment enforein��hi�5ocurfty Inswment. Thoce conditfons are thu Borr+nwer. (A)
<br /> � � p�y� Lender dl wms whleh then waul� be due under �hfr Socurity lnurument end the Hote w� if no accolention h�d
<br /> , uccumod;(b)cures�oy deiiutt af�ay aher enveruna or��roemenu;lc)ppyr nll expence�incumed in enfexein��his Secu�ity
<br /> Inswmenl. includin�. but not qmitod eo. rcanonwble wttamcyr' fan;wxl(d) lekes such uctfan� Lendcr moy rcaroneBly
<br /> � rogulrc w�ssiva Uwt�ho flen of thi�Secudty In�wment,l.ende�'s rightx in the Praperty und Borrowerk nbligatlon ta pay ihc
<br /> eume s�ured by thi+� Securfty Inctrument +�hAll continue unclwngod. Upon rcinsutement by 8arrower. Ihis Socurfry
<br /> Inruument and tf�e obliguions Reewned hercby sliafl rcmain fully effoctive ax if iro aecelerution had accurred. However.lhis
<br /> � r�ht w relacuw shall�wl apply fn Ihe case ot'accelerallon under puagroph 17•
<br /> , 1!. Sde d[Vole;Cha�qe ot l.a�n&rvlar. The Noic or a partiwl Interest in Uie Note ltogclhcr wilh this Secudty
<br /> � Insuument) nuy be�old one or more limes wfthout pdor notice�o Borrower. A sule mAy result ia u change in ttk entity
<br /> (Ic�wwn�s tho"Lonn Servicer")11�t collocts monthly pnymenta due under the Note and this Sccu�ily lnsuvment. There also
<br /> mAy 6e one or rtwn changes of�he I.o�n Servlcer unrclated to a�wlo of the Nde. If there is a change of tha l.own Servicer,
<br /> Borrower wil4be given written nodce nf the change in accordance with pzu�agraph la abc►ve and applicabla luw. The notice
<br /> wlll swte�he+nwne and address of�he new Loan Servicer and the address to which p�yments should be mada. 'Ibo natke will
<br /> Also cont�in any oUter inforntialfan required by Applicablc law.
<br /> ?A. Hanu+dous Subrt�nca. Borrower shall not cnuse or permit the presence,uce,disposal,stamge,a�rclsase oP any
<br /> Hezardous Substa�nces on or in the Pmperty. Borrower shall not da. nor allow any�na else ta do.unything affecdng�he
<br /> Property�hat is in violadon of uny Envlronmental Law. The preceding two se�tences shall not apply ta tha presence,use,or
<br /> storaga oa dte Property of smell qwndties of liazardaus Subctanoes that are generally recognized to be appropriel�to nortnal
<br /> rosidenti�l uses and to maintenance of the Propecry.
<br /> � � Bortawa sball promptly give Lender written notioe of any investigadon.claim,demand,Iawsuit or ottrer action by any
<br /> ' ��G.;�+ govenunental or regulawry agency or privatc p�ty involving the Property and any Hezardous Substance or F.nvimnmental
<br /> �. ; Law of which Botrower has actual knowledge. If Botrower leams. or is notitied by any govemmental or regulatory
<br /> ':u�� � ` �'• sulhority,that eny removal or other remediation ot'any Hazardaus Substance affectin$the Property ls necessary.Bmrower
<br /> ''`�`�'`j3� •��'��'• �`•`w��•� :� shall promptly take all necessary remedial actions in uccordance with Environmental l.ew.
<br /> "� ._'
<br /> P,. r
<br /> 7���,4�-;�'.�� Y'"•.:t�;1i l" .:�t' n
<br /> •.,y,,.y,.. ��;<<.,`�� As used in this pamgraph 20, Hazardous Substnnces"ure those substances defined as roxic or hezurdous substances by
<br /> -!.�,�•� �� �1���. �nvimnmental Law and the following substanccs: gasoline. keroscne.o�her tlammable or taxic petroleum products.toxic
<br /> i;I.;:ti 3�. !i`•�S r%'!� �"_�''f�`:.;ly'.
<br /> .-:..,.,� � �t,,;,. . pesticldes smd herbicldes, volatile solvents,materials containing asbcstos ar fomtaldehyde, nnd radioactive materiuls. As
<br /> `' �,edN;�,,•, used in thls paragraph 20,"Enviranmental Lew"mcans federal laws and Iaws of the jurisdictian wher�e�he Property is located
<br /> "J .•,r'''.•' � a��y��;�,�, that relate to health,safery or environmCntal protection.
<br /> `.•., ':;-J� :,�i�i��•;'�I:<<.b NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowcr und Lender further covenant und agree as fallows:
<br /> ; ���.�' "� ' . �+r:F��tiy� 21. Accekradoni Remediea. I.ender ehall give notice to Borrowcr prior to acceleradon followias Borrower's
<br /> ,,},.r�. '�,�����!•� bn�ch otany oovennnt or s�greement In this Security Instrumept(but not prior to accelerAtion under pnrs�graph 17
<br /> �i'' '� ', uakss a�pllcoble lo�provides otherw6se). The notice shWl specily: (a1 the defaultS lb)the nclion required to cure the
<br /> ,.,:r .. .,�:.�� . , detAWtt lc)a ds�te,not kss thaa 30�ys i'rom tho dwte!he noiia is givea iu Surrowet�;by �hich the deisuit musi be
<br /> � '�• ' cur+ed;+wd(�)tlwt tpllure to cure the defAUlt on or before the dwte specifled In ihe nodce mny result in�ealera8on ot
<br /> ; . .�,�`;,,..`.�•: ; the surtu sc�cured by tht4 3ecurity Instrument wnd sale ot the Property. Ttie notice shall fiurther Inform Borrower ot
<br /> Y � <��';.; , `•• , the rlghl to relnstpte�iter wccekration and tlie right to bring A court octbn to�ssert Ihe non�existence ot o de(ault or
<br /> � ,:�;••..••.�;�-� �, ony ather detense ot Borrower to�eceleration and�le. 1�lbe detAUlt Is not cured on or before the date specifled In
<br /> .:
<br /> a" `�`' the�Mia.l.ender at tts optbn m�y require immedipte poyment in full ot nll sum��secured by thia Security I�trument
<br /> :�_,,,,�� ;+,, ,;y`� without furtber demand and mqy invoke tl�e power ot s�le pnd noy other remedlea permitted by ppplk�ble law
<br /> .o,�;;.: .: ;,.:.. �,,,' l.ender�hs�ll be enUUed to colkct All expenses Incun�ed in pursuing Ihe remedkw provided In thir prrARr�ph 21.
<br /> ...�, • • ••. includin�twl not Ilmiled to,reasonable Attorneys'frerc wnd cusls of UtM evldena�e.
<br /> ...,,,..,, ...,. �..��.:.: If Ihe power oi sWe iei Invoked,7Yustee sholl record�notice uf defoult in each county In whkh nny pwrt ot Ihe
<br /> �••�� Property is lacated and shall m�ll coptes of such notice In the mAnner prevcdbed by applkable low lo Borrower and to
<br /> �::5� h � • the ottcer percoas prescribed by appllcAble Ipw ARer the time required by wpplkable Iww,7Yugtee shall�ive publtc
<br /> ' '�' �R:.'•;.:.•--. �. notice otsale to the persons and in the manner prescribed by AppllcAble Inw. 7rustee�without demwnd on Borrower. !�•
<br /> �: � . -. ��,�,.a •,�:��; shall sell the Pr+operty ot public Auclion to the highest bWder nt the Iime and p1ACe nnd under the terms d�lgnoted In
<br /> �• : the notta otsale in onc or morc pprcels and in any order 7Yustee delermines. 71�uslee mt+y poslpone sale of WI or any
<br /> � %� � � parael ot the Prnperty by publir wnnouncement at the time and plwce of s�ny previously scheduled swle. Lender or its
<br /> � , � deetgnee mAy purch�se the Property at any sale.
<br /> �„`�.: . . .,-� Upon receipt of payment of the price bW.7lrustee sNall deliver to the purchaser'lbustee's deed conveying the
<br /> '��;.-r'° �`"'��'.' property. The recitals In the 7rustee's deed shell be prima facie evtdence ot the truth of the statements mwdr Ihe�ei�i. t
<br /> �'�����`�� 7tustee eha�U Apply the proceeda of the xale In the following order. tal to ap cosls w�d expenses otexerctsing the power
<br /> ,� .�,:,:,:,,.,�tz. .,
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