<br /> , . .r+1�
<br /> M:i-_
<br /> .C�� l.. `n � � •Rr.[►!
<br /> g3• io��
<br /> periods that t,ender rr,quines. The insurance cerrier providing the inRUranc�e�h�ll be ciw�en by Bormwer riuhJat�o Lender�
<br /> + approval which:iull not ba unrcasonably wlthheld. if Borrower fiils ta maintAin cvveragc describMi whov�r,I.ende�mwy, w
<br /> L.enderk aption,oMein coverage to protect Lender's rights in the Prapeny in acconlonce with parugraph 7.
<br /> All insuranca polieies and r�enewals shall be acceptable to Lender aod ahall inelude u+�undorcl mottguge clause. l.ender
<br /> . shall have the dght to hold tha policies end renewuls. If l,ender mquires, Barrower shall promptly give�o Lender .�'rccciplx
<br /> of paid premiums and rcnewal notices. In the event of loss,Burrower shall�ive prompt notke to the insurance�orricr rnd
<br /> Lender. Lender may meke prn�f of loxa if not made pmmptly by Horrower.
<br /> Unless Lender And Borrower othcrwise agrcc in�vt�lting,lnsurunce procceds shall bc nppNed tu rccmrntinn or repair ai
<br /> the Property dumaged,if the restomtlon or repal�is ecanamically feasible and Lenderk�:ecurity iw not les�ened. If the
<br /> restoration or repair is not economically feagible or Lende,��s securiry would be lessened,the insuronce proceeds shall be
<br /> applied to the suma secured by this Security Instniment..wirether or not then due. wi�h any excecs paid to 8ocrowor. If
<br /> Borrower abandons the Property.or does not answee within.30 days a naice from Lendcr thut the inaurance cnrrier h�
<br /> offered to settle a claim,then Lender muy collect the insumnce proceeds. I.ender muy ure the proceeds to mpair or restore
<br /> the Property or to pay sums secured by Ihis Security Insdument�whether or not then due. The 30-day period will begin when
<br /> the notice is given.
<br /> Unless Lender t►nd Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any applica�ian of praceeds to principnl shull �ot extend or
<br /> portpone tha due date of the monthly paymen�s refo�red ta in parag�aphx I and 2 or chunge the amount of�he paymanG�. If
<br /> under paragrnph 21 the Property is acquired by Lender, Bnrmwer'ti righl ta uny Inaurunce policies und prnceedx rexulting
<br /> from damagc to the Property prior to the acquisition stuill pass to Lcnder ro�he cxlem of Ihe sum�secured by this Secu�ty ?i�,
<br /> Inatrument immedlately prior to the acquisition.
<br /> 6. Occupancy, PreservAtion, Maintenance And Prot�ction of the Properly; Borrower's L�an ApplkANon;
<br /> l.easeholde. Borrowor shall accupy,establish,and use the Property as Borrower's prfncipul residence within sixty dnys uftcr
<br /> the execulion of this Securi�y lnsirumant and shall continue ta,occupy the RupeAy us Borrower's principul resldence for at
<br /> ;+�•` least one year after t�e dute of accupancy, unless l.ender otherwise agrees in wrlting. which cunxem shall not t�e
<br /> t4�;'
<br /> ,, unreaSOnably withhald,or unless eatenuuting circumstunces exiat which ure beyond Borrower+control. Borrower tihall na
<br /> '��;'''' destroy.damnge or impair the Praperty,allaw the Property to deteriorate,or commit waxte on Ihe Property. Borrower shs�ll
<br /> .,,,.>;
<br /> :1`.,`��, ` ', y be in default lf any forieiture action ar prceeeding,whether civil or criminal,ig begun tbat in Lender:s good fuith judgmeni
<br /> could result in fort'eiture af ihe Propeny or otherwise materinlly impnir ihe lien crented by ihis Security Instrument or
<br /> ;?�,'��.S Lender's security intercst. Borrawer muy cure such a defoult m�d rein�ute,as provided in paragroph I S,by cuusing the uction
<br /> k�`�,`� or proceeding to be dismissed wllh u ruling thut,in Lendert ga�,ci fai�h determinotion,precludex forFeiwre of the Borrow�rk
<br /> `��'�' interest in the Roperty or other materiAl impairnient of the licm created by this Security Insirument or Lenders secu�ity
<br /> � interest. Borrower shall also be in defuull if Borrower, dunng the loan Application process, guve materially fal.�e or
<br /> ',� � �' `^�� inaccurnte infortna�ion ar xtatemen44 to Lender(or foiled ta provi:le Lender wilh any materinl infarmation)in cannectian with
<br /> ,s.;.
<br /> ��=� �� �� the In�nan evidenced by th@ Note, including, but not limit0d to. r�presentatbnc canceming Barrower's c�ccupAncy of the
<br /> Property as a Qrfnolpnl.residence. IP thi�Security Inswment is an a leasehold.Horrower sholl comply wi�h�11 the Qrovisionc
<br /> �% �� ,;.t��,E-. of the leaee. If Borrower acquires fee title to�he 1'ropeny,the Ic�ehold and thc fee tidc shnll nat merge unl�ss Lender ugrces
<br /> .�:' ,..:. d�.�' �y��py�.?� ,
<br /> ;�.:.:u53.i�r`" to the merger in writing.
<br /> �f'��,%''� " `� � ""`a�` 7. Protectbn M l.ender's Ri hts in the Pro rt U' Barn►wcr fuils �o rform �h� crnennntx und u reements
<br /> � ,;. ,...,�.;;, !R Pe Y Pe R
<br /> ��' ,��P�;31',�.`i+'j1R '�` contuined in thix Security Inurument, or �hem i,u Icgal pnxeeding thm muy signifirunlly affect Lenderi righ�s in the
<br /> `"�!�at'r'� �`�`�.•'-5'
<br /> .��,� Fi;�s�� NI PmpertY lsuch as u proceeding in bunkniptcy,probate,for cond�nnatinn or fcxfeilur�or to enforce luwx or regulutions►,�hen
<br /> '�._�•..,� � Lender may do und puy for whutever i,necc»ury�o prnte�:�tl�vulue of�he Piroperly und l.enderti rights in the Property.
<br /> ';; �?:�;'•.`¢'�f:�•_�. Lender�uctiom may include puying uny xum.xecureJ by u lien w•hirh hu�priority over thix Security Instrumem,up�uring
<br /> �'•�+�=�+��°;�. in coun.puying reurc�nablc unomeyx'fee.and cnlering on Ihe Propeny to mnke repuin. Althnugh Lcnder muy tuke ucti�n
<br /> ;;�+�"�..T.'•-:'.� under thix purugraph 7.Lendet dix+no1 htwc�o do.u. ."�.�
<br /> Any amounla disiw�ed by l.enJer under thi+paru�!ruph 7�hull I+ecomc uJditionul Jchl of 8om�wer xecured by Ibix
<br /> .:-�. •..• Security In,trumem. Unlc+�Hc►m►wcr und L.end�r a�rer�o c�U�er�rm�+ol'puymen6lhc.c mn��um+shull brur intcretil frrnn thc
<br /> �'���� date of dixbur.+emem •r11ha Nolc;rute uixl�hull ixt � uMc, wi�h intrrest,u m niNice fram Lender to Bi�rrower r� ucxtin
<br /> .,�,.c,i ; P�Y Ix '4 B
<br /> ' ,:.: � �''r'..-X�.'� puymcM.
<br /> �,�; °s�• "�'"'= 8. MortRwge In.wrance. IF Lrndcr rcquireJ morl�:a�e imurunrc ur u rondition��f muking the Inun.erurcd by this
<br /> ��� ,�',• "``."'r"' �''" '"' �" Securit Inxlrumem. Bormwcr shull u �hc runiumti rr uirod to muinwin ihr murt�a � insumncr in effcc�. If, for an
<br /> � � Y PY P ' 4 bR' Y
<br /> p F";"�..r reuwn, lhe moAgage inr:uruace cover.�Fr reyuireJ by l.en�r I;�p�es or ceu�e� to (x in �ffect, Bormwer +hull puy Ihe
<br /> i+�. . . •
<br /> �„•. �.�:��:�.' r prcmiums �eyuin:d to obtuin caveruge �ubs�umiully eyui�•nlc��l �o the monguge insumnce prcviously in effrcl, u� u cou
<br /> ys,. t.;_;41r},:_�.�; . _:,, substontially eyuivolem to Iha cotit lo Borrowrr ot'�Ix m��n��a�•r inwruncc pmviau�ly in cl'fec�.From un altcmu�e mung•rge
<br /> r :y.�;;;;,, ," in�urer upproved by Lcndcr. If suh,tcmlially cyuivalcnl marlgag.inwrunrc cuvcrag�i.nat u�•ailablc,Borr��wcr�hull pay to
<br /> ..,.'_'� :� • �,.: Lender cuch month u aum cyuul 1�►on�-iw�lt'th��f Ihr ycarl��mortgag�in,urunrr prcmium I�inF puiJ hy Burrowcr when the
<br /> �`••�. � `t's;.. insurance wvcrage IupMd i�r ccvud tu tx�in cl'Icct. Lcndrr will v:rcpi,u,r und rerrin thetir puyments n�u luti,reservc in li�u
<br /> '���. ' • ..�4'�'+�A..:t' ` of mongAge inr:umnce. L�nx r.�,rrvr puyment.may no lang�r tx rcyuirrd.ut Ihe���ti�m of l.endcr. il'monEagc in,urunce
<br /> �'. coveroge(in th�umnum and lor�hu�xriixl Uwt Lrndrr rcyuiro.l pruviJcJ t►y un insumr uppruvcd hy LenJcr aguin t+rrome,
<br /> + ,'..y, ., uvuiluble and is obluined.Born►wrr�hull pay Ihc prcmiumti r�WuirrJ 10 maintain nwrlguEr in�uranre in e(fccl,or to proviJe u
<br /> . ., • ', loss reserve,until the reyuiremant ti�r mi�nEuge in.urunre enJ< in arcanlanrr wilh uny wriuen ug�emeni lxluren B�xmw•er
<br /> �' :i�. . �. r,-:".,.':: und Lender or upplirablc law. Y
<br /> . ,.,�;
<br /> .�� 9. Inspection. Lendcr or il.r ugcnt may makr rca�un�hlc rnlric.up�m and imExctionti iif thr F'n��ny. Lendcr.hull
<br /> ._ � •ri:•�, ,--.:.,:�� 1 .
<br /> , �I'�.,���'� give Borrower natice ut�hc:tinu ut'ar pri��r ro un in,�krti<m.pecifying rca.unahlr ruu,e tiir�he in.�xr�i��n. ,:'�
<br /> : ''';`.'`:';. '' ' .}�..;: 10. Condemnutinn. The pnxeed.of any uaard e�r claim f�tt dum:�geti.Jirec�i�r conuyuential.in comurtion wi�h uny
<br /> l� •.: j':,::.'''•. . " -
<br /> Singlc�•amdy••Mnaole�trc�t'nddte lfac f Vlb'I►RN INti'1'Rl'�1H\T••Vndnmi Cu�cnann 9�9U ip�i�r+n/n1�,���•.i
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