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<br /> or �tecad an�he ,�nd dl auemen�ti�� �
<br /> '�QOB'�B� Wi�1 vI Ih�ImpnYemenu no�v I�a�lta� p�p�'�Y
<br /> nd Axtww�ow ar FiwMfter a p�t ot the p�opatY. All npl�otmenti�nd�dditla�a�h�ll da M covard by Ibi�8�cu�ity
<br /> Wpew►wa� All of Ua�on�ala�b nte�red to in�hl�Security Imwmen�w Ihe"Pm�erty."
<br /> BARROW�R COVENAIVT3 tiwt Barowor i�IawNlly sei�ed af Iho e�Wo heneby convoyed�nd h�the d�ht to Qnnt
<br /> �nd convey thepropo�ty u�d IhRt�he Property is unencumbcrod,axc¢pt for ancumbr�t�ce�ot rocord. Bomawer wurwtu�ad
<br /> w1U defend�enen!(y the Iltle K+the FlapenY+�dast dl cltlnu�nd denwKi�.wbJect w�ny encumbr�nct�at record.
<br /> THiS SEClJR1Y'Y WSTRiJMENT combines unUortn covetwtt� fa notionol u�o nnd nun-unif4rm covenanqc wi�h
<br /> Iimitd vari�doru by juri�dlcdon w comtltute a unifonn�ecudty imwmcnt wvuin�re�l property.
<br /> UNIFORM COVBNAM'3. Botmwer and Lender covenant and ayreo as follow�:
<br /> 1. �yoieat ot PrindpN aad laters�ts Prep�►ment�ad I.ate Cba�a. Barower eh�ll promptlY paY when duo�he
<br /> ���of and iatereat on the debt evldenced by the NcNe and any p�epayment and lue charges duo under the Note.
<br /> I�ud�tor 11�:n aad Iduraooe. Subjxt W applicable law or to a written wxiver by Lender.Borrowa eitwll pAy to
<br /> Leq�kr on t1�e d�y rtwnthlY p�yments arc due under the Note.uatil tha Nae is paid in full.a sum("Punda")for.(a)YearlY
<br /> taxea and assessments whtch may auain priodty over tbia Secutity Inswmant as a Nen on the Prope�ty;(b)yearly lersel►old
<br /> payrnent�or grouad�eat� oa the Property. if any; (c)Yearly hazaM or property insurance promiums: (d) yeArly tload
<br /> insurar�ce pre�lwns, if any;(e)yearly mortgage insurance pnmiums, if any; and(�eny sums payable by Bo�rower to
<br /> Lender.in acco�dance witfi the provisions of pazagrepb 8, in Ueu of the payment of mongago insumnce premiums. These
<br /> itema are called"Fscrow ltems." l.ender may,at any tjme.coUect and hold Pbnds in ar�amount not to exceed the miuclmum
<br /> aawunt a lender for a federally related mortgage loaA may requjre for Borrowers escrow account under the federal [teal
<br /> Fatate SeWement Procedures Act of 1974 es amended from time ta Wne, 12 U.S.C.$2601 et seq.("RESPA").unless anWher
<br /> law that applies to the FUnda sets a lesser amoun� If so,l.ender may,at any dma,cdlect and hold Funds in an amount not to
<br /> exceed the lessec amount. Lender may estimate the amount of FunJsi due on ihe basis of current dam and n�onaMe
<br /> „'� esdrnates of expenditures af future Escrow Uems or othenvise i�accordance with applicable law.
<br /> � The Funds shall be held in an insd�ution whase deposits aze insured by a federal agency,insaumentaliry,or entity
<br /> ��. � (including l.ender.lf Lender is such an insdtudon)or in any Fedecal Home Loun Bank. l.ender ahall apply the Funds to pay
<br /> �' t!►e Escrow Items. I.ender may not charge Borrower for holding and applying the Fund.4,annually analyxing the escrow
<br /> �`�'.��:' '��`"' account, or vedfying the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays Borrawer interest on the�nds and applicable law pormits
<br /> ' ' + �t'��,i` l.ender w make such a charge. However,Lender may require Borrower ta pay a one-dme churge far an independent real
<br /> , _��:. ' estate tau repordng service used by L.ender in cannecdon with this loan,unlesa appliceble law provides athervvire. Unless nn
<br /> ,� 5���,<` agr+ecement ls made or applicable law requires intereat to be paid,Lender sha11 not bc required to pay Botrower any interest or
<br /> g+e
<br /> �. � eamings on the Funds. Borrower and I.endcr may agree in wdting,however,lhat incerest shsill be paid on the Funds. Lender
<br /> � ° 4z�;�r.• shall give to Borrower.without charge.an annual accounting of the Funds,showing credits and debits to the Funds and ihe
<br /> � ;; .�5�''�"' pu�wse for w6kh each debit to the Flinds was made. The Funds are pledged a.g additional secu�ity for all sums secured by
<br /> this Security Instrument.
<br /> � ~ �' , ,;�,�,��"�F;>:��:, :''� ]f the �nds hefd by l.ender exceed the amounts permitted to be held by applicable law, l.end@r shall account to
<br /> � .Y�� �r',�;'',;;�}� '' `� '� rr Borrower for the excess Funds in nccardance with the requirements of applicable law. If the amount af the Funds held by
<br /> �l• : ` � . "I�'��;..��;,:;�;;�;;;��
<br /> �� ,;.;.: .�,.�.,�,.;•;.. � Lender at any dme is nat sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due. I.ender muy so notify Borrower in wriung,and,in
<br /> t� �r'� - - such case Borrower shall to Lender the amount neces ta make u the deficienc Borrower shnll make u the
<br /> .��,,,;�.. ,..� �.''�:`'-;' ` PaY �5' P Y� P
<br /> � ;�,�;�,;,;.�. . . deficiency in no more than twclve monthly payments,at Ixnder's sole discretion.
<br /> �, :.-,.;:.. ,,.,. .�_ Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security InstrumeM,Lender shali promptly nefund to Borrower any
<br /> -- .' �� Fvnds held by L.ender. If, under paragraph 21,I.ender shail ucquire cx+ell the Property,Lender,prior to the acquisition or
<br /> �k • � sale of the Property,shall apply any Fundc held by[.ender ut the time of acquisilion or ss�lle as a credit against the sums
<br /> .._.::-}:... J ::. secw�ed by this Security Inswmen�.
<br /> i ti����• ��^'��•• 3. ApplkaUon of Payments. Unless applicuble law provides utherwise, all payments received by Lender under r::,
<br /> �,� :_, parngraphs 1 und 2 shall be upplied:first,to any prcpAyment churgey due under the Note;�econd,to amounts pnyable under
<br /> ;,� paragraph 2;third.to interest due;founh,to principal due;and last,to ony late charges due undcr the Note.
<br /> �, •�*.�-�:. ,':� 4. Cbiuges; Lieas. Borrower shull puy all tsues, a,se+smen�s, charges, fines und imposidons uuributeble to the
<br /> �f � :.' � Ptoperty whirh mny uttain priority over this Security Ins�rument,ond leukhold paymcnls or ground rents,if uny. Borrower
<br /> ' �hnll pay U�ese obligations in the mnnner provided in parogroph 2,or if not paid in that munner,Borrower shall pay them nn
<br /> ;`���. '''-'. ' �"'' time direcQy to the person owed p�yment. Borrower shull promptly fumi,h to Lender ull notices of pmounts to be p�id under
<br /> f,:� „ � • , this pazagruph. If Borrower makes these payments direcUy,Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing �
<br /> �:.. ���.:,::�__ the VIIYment�.
<br /> ;..:.;�_._.
<br /> —��-� ,.•�s.:• Bomower shall promptly dischnrge uny lien which has priority over this Securiiy insuument unies+SuROwer:(a)u��e+
<br /> � �•��'�%' . in writing lo the payment of the obligation xerured by ttic lien in A munner acceplable to Lender,(bl contests in good faith 1he
<br /> `�' � , lien by,ar defends against enforcement of the lien in, legal praceedings which in the Lender'.s apinion operate to prevent�he
<br /> `"�1•�"` ' ,"`�,;. � enforcement of the lien;or(c)secure�from the holder of the lien un agreement sutisfuctory to Lender subordinuting the lien
<br /> '�' ,��;� . � to this Secudty Instrumenf. If l.ender determines [huc uny part of the Propeny i,�ubject to A lien which mny attaln priority
<br /> •� � ,, over this Security lnsuumenl,Lender muy give Borcower a notice identifying the lien. Borrower shsill satisfy the lien or�nke
<br /> �` . � one or more of the actions set fonh�bove wittiin 10 duys of the giving of nwice. �-+
<br /> � •���•:�� 5. Hazord or Property lasurance. Borrower shall keep the improvemenlx now•eaisting or hercafler crected on 1he
<br /> • ,.,. . •. .r s�:
<br /> ,'�; .,. . . Property insumd against loss by fire,hazards included within the term"extendrd rovcragc"und uny other hazards,includinF
<br /> . �,
<br /> . �� ftoods or flooding, for which Lender�+equines insurunce. This insurunce shull be muintained in the amounts nnd for the
<br /> � � � .
<br /> Form J02B 9NY fpuRt 2 oj6/�agrs 1 -
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