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<br /> SI.L.
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<br /> � • �
<br /> 93'�� �,oAO�s
<br /> insurana� proa��ds ahail b� appli�d in aaao�lana� vi�6 �h�
<br /> t�sais o! 8sotion 5.6 0! th� Pinanainq 11qsNn�Mc.
<br /> 3.4 �ond��nation and Othe�,,�. '�tttstor h�r�by
<br /> assiQns to Hen�liviary, as �ecurity �o� th� B�ourad
<br /> Obliqations, ali aowp�n�ation, avaxbs, d�unaq�s and oth�r
<br /> a�ounts psysbis to Trustor in connsation W�th eny conda�nation
<br /> or otlsar te�cinq ot ali or any psrt o! th� �opwrty !�r publl.a
<br /> or ��mi-pubiia uso (inaluding, but n�ot li.mitad to, the
<br /> proas� o! any ��ttl�Qnt, ragardlas� o! wh�thor or not
<br /> aond�amation or othor taking procseedinq�s are instituted i�
<br /> connaation thorewitla). All �uch proaa�dar shall b� appliad in
<br /> ths same way as insuranaQ proaoa��s, as sat lorth in
<br /> Ssation 5.6 0� the Finanaing 1►graem�nt.
<br /> , � 3.5 �axes and =moositions. ]1s �ot lorth in
<br /> , 8�otion S.lZ o! tha Finanaing llqreem�ent, Trustar ahall pay os
<br /> „ ��,;;a•.;r,r;:, oauQO to bo paid all Taxos lmpostd'tapo� 3t.
<br /> l�!`.•?�'�• �1�'o!a.��
<br /> :; . ��,�- ..•.� .�,.=.=,s 3.6 ntilitias. Trustor sha11 proa�ptly pay or anua�a
<br /> ' � to be paid all gaa, eieatriaity, wr�ter, se�rar and other
<br /> •.�.,::-.,
<br /> z�r,s:.�, ,'.,.,....'
<br /> �-��: � ��;�-��� utility ohargea which are inaurred !or tha banalit o! thv
<br /> �r� •a
<br /> � opo y or
<br /> ,.,. : , ,�..;
<br /> ;.,.
<br /> �: � �,,,"4�'� 3.7 y��. Trustor sha11 not causa, inaur, su!!er
<br /> � �� or permit to exiat or beaoms QlP�ati.ve any Lien, onawabra�nae
<br /> - � � � " or charqe upon all or any part oP �he 8roperty or any intereat
<br /> ; �� ::,';�r� „ � . "" thorein, other than Psrmitted Lfqns. Trustor shall pay and
<br /> -- gromptly dleel�$_rga� �t ��r.y�,�os�� �0�4 �$� at�d a�cpenaa, ��i
<br /> � � ' Liens, encumbrnnaea and charqes� upcn all or any part o! tha
<br /> ; •. Property or any intereat therai:n, othor than PQrmittad Lfens.
<br /> ��. � � 3.8 Sale or Lease of irnoBertv. Exaopt aa otherwisa
<br /> � � expressly provided in the Finanoing Acprec�m�at and exaept for ��•
<br /> �� '� subleases o! portiona of �he Improv�m�nts by Trustor, in "�
<br /> �; ;��� � acaordance with its past businea� practioes, to other Persons -�_
<br /> �� � � �� in the busiaess of oparating broadaaQt statiors or asllular
<br /> ,�: . radia-tQlephone systems, Truatmr sY►all not soll, 1Qass or ;;:i
<br /> . , otherwise tranafer all or any pax� of the Property or any
<br /> � � int�rest therein without thae prior written consent of •:�
<br /> �� � � Benefiaiary (whiah aonsenti may b� withh�ld in its sol• and v=
<br /> ! ' absolute discretion) .
<br /> �. . .... �..
<br /> . . ,
<br /> 3.9 Defensc� af Ac �Qna. Tru�to�r, at no aost or �.�
<br /> � � ,. expense to Beneficiary or Trus�tee, sl�all appear ir► and defend � `�
<br /> . .;, any action or proceeding purpo�inc,� to aPfeat the seaurity of t °:
<br /> , thie Deed of Trust, all or any part o� the Prcperty, or the i •.
<br /> �. interests, riqhte, powera or duties oP BenePiaiary or Trustee �. :=
<br /> , � hereunder. If BenePiciary or Trtnstee QlQats to beaome a party
<br /> to such aation or proceeding, or fs mad�a a party thereto,
<br /> � � � � Trustor shall indemnify, dafenc3 and hold Trustee and
<br /> � � » Beneficiary harmless from all liability, damaqe, aoat and
<br /> .
<br /> l�:S ' � S
<br /> , ,
<br /> ;�; ;
<br /> ; ;• �!
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